White privilege

Whites invented and created the Western world. It was great while it lasted. For some Talmudic reason, those obtained control of academia, media, governments, etc., created a false narrative (which they are famous for if you do your research) to persecute Whitey. It is a very clever and real genocide. The Planet of Apes is coming and Israel is giggling about it.
You can blame it on the Jews who scorn the Talmud.
Because most trumpsters hate israel and Jews?
Fucking moron.
Just haaaaaaaad to bring up your orange obsession :lol:


^ US Embassy, Jerusalem


^ Passover Celebration, Burj Khalifa UAE

All thanks to Trump
Where's mah free crack pipe?
If I don’t give you one, I’m obviously racist.

I’d I do give you one, you are far more likely to become addicted and fall into poverty or remain in poverty. Th, I’d be helping to get you or keep you down. Fucking racist!

Plus, if I give you a free crack pipe, you’re considerably more likely to die sooner. God damn filthy racist!

EDIT: But surely, I must either grant you free access to a crack pipe or deny it to you! Therefore, it follows that I “must be” racist.
Idiots like old demented President Brandon are absolutely eliminating any meaning in the term “racist.”
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Whoosh, right over your head.
Whoosh, right up you ass.

Fuckin partisan hack. You've become worse than Jake the Fake.

Fuckin sock.

Anti-Semitic pieces of shit are aligned WITH YOU. I don't care if you acknowledge it or not. Trump did more to empower the Jewish community and establish peace for Israel than an anyone since Carter.

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I didn't bring him up, rube.

I'm done trying to dumb things down for you cavemen.


Well there you go. You were dumbing stuff down for Oddball? No wonder no one knew what the fuck you were talking about.

You deeply misread the situation, Oddball is way smarter than you. If you're talking kiddy language to him, wow, you must have seriously convinced him you're a total rube

Well there you go. You were dumbing stuff down for Oddball? No wonder no one knew what the fuck you were talking about.

You deeply misread the situation, Oddball is way smarter than you. If you're talking kiddy language to him, wow, you must have seriously convinced him you're a total rube
Was already convinced of that.....He's a vapid intellectual 98-lb weakling, who fancies himself an oracle.
Black Folk have to think about being Black all the time because they live in a country where Blacks have been (and oftentimes still are) regarded as inferior and dangerous.
If the blacks don't like it here they can move to a different country.
White privilege is a myth.

Just correcting a silly public sentiment.

MFing sun is prejudice for sure, white sees far more skin cancer. Beyond that it's all BS and idiots.

Here's some prejudice for you. How is it when blacks assault whites the crime involves names, but when a white assaults a black it's a white assaults black?

The shooter should be hung from a rope. The victim was heavily disfigured. Fuck capital punishment, break out a rope, they're cheap, reusable and work every time.

Privilege is the product of social class and not race.

Anybody who thinks Willow and Jaden Smith are anything but utterly privileged little brats are too brainwashed to be bothered with.
Am a white person, & don't get it, am not ashamed nor do I have any reason to be, can not figure out all this baby crying over my color. We have to ban books now & take over teaching so our feelings don't get hurt. Please explain it.

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