White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide

Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

More whining from people who make a living convincing black people they are victims. The solution lies with black people themselves, stop whining about what people will not do for them and do it themselves.

Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

I'm white. I've faced racism. As one of the few white kids at a mostly black school on martin luther king blvd, even the black teacher got in on the act.

Or are you talking about that special kind of racism where you don't get a loan and blame it on white people?

You have not faced racism. You faced an angry reaction to racism.

You have no idea what I have faced and it is another thing to add to your list of very stupid things to say.

I do know what you faced because you claim to have faced racism while ignoring and impact of what white racism does to black people.
More whining from people who make a living convincing black people they are victims. The solution lies with black people themselves, stop whining about what people will not do for them and do it themselves.

Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

I'm white. I've faced racism. As one of the few white kids at a mostly black school on martin luther king blvd, even the black teacher got in on the act.

Or are you talking about that special kind of racism where you don't get a loan and blame it on white people?

You have not faced racism. You faced an angry reaction to racism.
You have no idea what I have faced and it is another thing to add to your list of very stupid things to say.

I do know what you faced because you claim to have faced racism while ignoring and impact of what white racism does to black people.
You are truly too stupid to bother with.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

More whining from people who make a living convincing black people they are victims. The solution lies with black people themselves, stop whining about what people will not do for them and do it themselves.

Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

Gee as many times as you tell whites to shut up they never do. Maybe you should take some of the monopoly money you have and buy a clue. It ain't gonna happen. Suck it up.

I don't expect you to shut up. What I do know is that if you were sitting in a room with some blacks in it you would shut up. I have sat in rooms surrounded by whites and have said what I do here. And I have been confronted by whites that did not like it. Needless to say they didn't like what happened then either. And I really have to laugh at you. You exemplify stupid.

No I would not shut up because I am NOT a nice person and I don't make nice. The one thing I have learned after a lifetime of being forced to deal with blacks. They squeal like pigs when stuck. Just like pigs, OWWWEEEEEE. SOUIIIEEE< SOUIEEEE. It's comical to see. Whites should resurrect the entertainment.

You would sit there quiet as a church mouse. And you haven't stuck anybody. There are things I can say about whites with your attributes and screaming, but I won't. You don't want to die as part of the entertainment. So don't suggest such things.
Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

I'm white. I've faced racism. As one of the few white kids at a mostly black school on martin luther king blvd, even the black teacher got in on the act.

Or are you talking about that special kind of racism where you don't get a loan and blame it on white people?

You have not faced racism. You faced an angry reaction to racism.
You have no idea what I have faced and it is another thing to add to your list of very stupid things to say.

I do know what you faced because you claim to have faced racism while ignoring and impact of what white racism does to black people.
You are truly too stupid to bother with.

You just can't face the truth. It's a common occurrence here.
Skinny ass white girl who won't shut up

Skinny ass white boy who won't shut up

Skinny ass old white man who won't shut up

Notice that the coward black describes the old guy as "HUGE".

Shut up whitey doesn't have the same meaning that it did.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

More whining from people who make a living convincing black people they are victims. The solution lies with black people themselves, stop whining about what people will not do for them and do it themselves.

Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

Who gives a shit? Academics are PC idiots. Emasculated losers ready to blame everyone but their manufactured victims. You seem to be one of those victims. The joke is on you.

Not. So tell me, what is your opinion of Thomas Sowell?

I loved his work on "Tears Of Jihad".

But he's an academic.
I'm white. I've faced racism. As one of the few white kids at a mostly black school on martin luther king blvd, even the black teacher got in on the act.

Or are you talking about that special kind of racism where you don't get a loan and blame it on white people?

You have not faced racism. You faced an angry reaction to racism.
You have no idea what I have faced and it is another thing to add to your list of very stupid things to say.

I do know what you faced because you claim to have faced racism while ignoring and impact of what white racism does to black people.
You are truly too stupid to bother with.

You just can't face the truth. It's a common occurrence here.
With you, I bet it is.:04:
Skinny ass white girl who won't shut up

Skinny ass white boy who won't shut up

Skinny ass old white man who won't shut up

Notice that the coward black describes the old guy as "HUGE".

Shut up whitey doesn't have the same meaning that it did.

Shut up whitey has the same meaning it always has had.
You have not faced racism. You faced an angry reaction to racism.
You have no idea what I have faced and it is another thing to add to your list of very stupid things to say.

I do know what you faced because you claim to have faced racism while ignoring and impact of what white racism does to black people.
You are truly too stupid to bother with.

You just can't face the truth. It's a common occurrence here.
With you, I bet it is.:04:

You are an example of someone who can't deal with the truth.
Skinny ass white girl who won't shut up

Skinny ass white boy who won't shut up

Skinny ass old white man who won't shut up

Notice that the coward black describes the old guy as "HUGE".

Shut up whitey doesn't have the same meaning that it did.

Shut up whitey has the same meaning it always has had.

Yeah it means "please beat my black ass into pudding."
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

Not really, y’all just need to lighten the fuck up and get over it already.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

You know why Asians and increasingly, Hispanics, have been and are becoming so successful in this country? We take responsibility for our lives. I'm still waiting for the day a larger portion of blacks do the same in this country instead of sitting around finger pointing and waiting for someone else to do it for them. You and that woman are perfect examples of what I'm criticizing.
I have the libtard on ignore, but my question is, where was the outrage when the police were getting shot by a BLM assassin, while the blacks of BLM ran in the other direction?

Good question.

On a related note, where was the outrage when this unarmed white man was shot to death by a police officer while begging for his life?

Just as wrong.....who said it wasn't just as wrong?

I'm asking about the lack of media attention on what is a clear cut case of a cop abusing his authority to commit outright murder. I thought this sort of thing only happened to black people?

Except the media covered it. That's what you get for only watching Fox News.

google "Michael Brown" on cnn.com, get 24 pages 10 links per page

"daniel shaver" on cnn?

8 links.

I saw it several times. I used it as an example in threads here. And when I did so those like you paid no attention and showed no outrage. You guys did the same shit you always do, personally attack my calling me all kinds of names. This is a prime example of what I have been saying. So stop lying to yourselves about us, stop thinking you get to lecture us and stop ignoring what happens in your community.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

You know why Asians and increasingly, Hispanics, have been and are becoming so successful in this country? We take responsibility for our lives. I'm still waiting for the day a larger portion of blacks do the same in this country instead of sitting around finger pointing and waiting for someone else to do it for them. You and that woman are perfect examples of what I'm criticizing.

We've done that since we came to America. You'd still be a coolie if not for MLk, Malcolm and other blacks. We don't finger point and in the last couple of years Asians have filed more racial discrimination suits than anyone else. And whats worse is Asians are trying to end affirmative action which is a policy that has allowed Asians to enter HWCU's. It didn't matter how high an Asians SAT score was, they were excluded from the same universities we were until blacks stood up and fought for the civil rights you Asians wouldn't fight for.

So I'd say we took and continue to take our fair share of responsibility for our lives and yours too Asian.
Skinny ass white girl who won't shut up

Skinny ass white boy who won't shut up

Skinny ass old white man who won't shut up

Notice that the coward black describes the old guy as "HUGE".

Shut up whitey doesn't have the same meaning that it did.

Shut up whitey has the same meaning it always has had.

Yeah it means "please beat my black ass into pudding."

That's never what it meant to me. And you're making me laugh. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Cause I am a grown man. You aren't. So all this shit you're talking is comical. Maybe you take your lounge act to a comedy club. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You know why Asians and increasingly, Hispanics, have been and are becoming so successful in this country? We take responsibility for our lives. I'm still waiting for the day a larger portion of blacks do the same in this country instead of sitting around finger pointing and waiting for someone else to do it for them. You and that woman are perfect examples of what I'm criticizing.

We've done that since we came to America.

If that were true we wouldn't be having this conversation
White rage, I am like shaking my head side to side, WHAT? Um riots, from a Watts in 68' till 2014 in Ferguson. Aint no whites doin' that SHIT. Blacks having melt down temper tantrums. So many blacks are rageaholics now a days. Whites 100 years ago used to burn down BLACK or ASIAN neighborhoods, true. Plenty of examples of that. That was inexcusable. But blacks destroying their own neighborhoods? What was the point of that? Blacks are their own worst enemies now. Black males under 35 are more likely to die from violence perpetrated by other blacks than anything else. White rage seems the least things Blacks need worry about NOW.
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Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

You know why Asians and increasingly, Hispanics, have been and are becoming so successful in this country? We take responsibility for our lives. I'm still waiting for the day a larger portion of blacks do the same in this country instead of sitting around finger pointing and waiting for someone else to do it for them. You and that woman are perfect examples of what I'm criticizing.

We've done that since we came to America. You'd still be a coolie if not for MLk, Malcolm and other blacks. We don't finger point and in the last couple of years Asians have filed more racial discrimination suits than anyone else. And whats worse is Asians are trying to end affirmative action which is a policy that has allowed Asians to enter HWCU's. It didn't matter how high an Asians SAT score was, they were excluded from the same universities we were until blacks stood up and fought for the civil rights you Asians wouldn't fight for.

So I'd say we took and continue to take our fair share of responsibility for our lives and yours too Asian.

And this turd always gets his panties in a bunch every time it is pointed out what a racist he is. Can anyone read this crap and not see that this turd is just as racist as the stupid white racists with whom he shares this ass-crack of a forum and with whom he shares a rotten, fetid, hateful heart full of hate brain full of ignorance?

Here's a quick rule of thumb: Anyone who (endlessly) posts sentences including the words "you _______ (fill in the blank with any 'race')" is a filthy fucking racist no matter what they may demur to the contrary.
blacks commit hate crimes:
TWICE the rate
murder 4 times
rape 2 times
etc etc
plain and simple
da evil white man is everywhere
theirs no escape
we're coming for ya
ban women from votin.jpeg


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