White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide

blacks commit hate crimes:
TWICE the rate
murder 4 times
rape 2 times
etc etc
plain and simple

YOU commit SPAM at 10 times the rate of your fellow racists here.
1. facts and the truth hurt you, I know
2. instead of refuting my facts/numbers--you insult and call names
all of this equals you are full of shit/wrong/etc

You have also posted THAT about 1000000000 times too. Any new thoughts on why you enjoy being a racist so much?
blacks commit hate crimes:
TWICE the rate
murder 4 times
rape 2 times
etc etc
plain and simple

YOU commit SPAM at 10 times the rate of your fellow racists here.
facts are not racist......

But people who think they know what is fact and what is not certainly can be racist.
blacks commit hate crimes:
TWICE the rate
murder 4 times
rape 2 times
etc etc
plain and simple

YOU commit SPAM at 10 times the rate of your fellow racists here.
1. facts and the truth hurt you, I know
2. instead of refuting my facts/numbers--you insult and call names
all of this equals you are full of shit/wrong/etc

You have also posted THAT about 1000000000 times too. Any new thoughts on why you enjoy being a racist so much?
blacks commit hate crimes:
TWICE the rate
murder 4 times
rape 2 times
etc etc
plain and simple

YOU commit SPAM at 10 times the rate of your fellow racists here.
facts are not racist......

But people who think they know what is fact and what is not certainly can be racist.
we get it ---if you post facts you are a racist --great logic
When young black males beat little old white ladies to death, murder whites for the crime of being white, slaughter each other in huge numbers, then cynically claim it's "RACIST" to notice all the evils they have perpetrated, there is something wrong with the concept of "racism" as it's being used right now.
All whites are racist. Blacks are all victims. Like the Hutus and the Tutsis. Err, maybe not. Like the Black tribes and the Arab Muslims that that colluded with the Europeans to round up fellow Africans to sell for profit to slavers? Racism. Its only something whites do? It's in the eye of the beholder. Maybe it's not even there, who can say. Perhaps it's completely subjective?
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you don't accept facts ...I know they hurt--that's natural...but be a man
it's OBVIOUS/plain as day = you are hurt by the facts I posted
Did you even watch the video? The professor explains how a series of government policies, acts & procedures deprived African Americans of access to a quality education, starting back before the Brown vs Board of Education decision in 1954. Actually she goes back further than that particular era but goes into detail about the government's responses to any gain obtained on behalf of African Americans. That's the "white rage" she's talking about - the indignation, retaliation and back stabbing done to counter any gains made by black people and are accomplished through government laws, policies, etc.that dispproportionately negatively impact African Americans and do so by design.

She also talks about how some of the universities didn't want to comply with the Brown decision but still wanted the money that the government was handing out in their bid to obtain an educated populace to counter the Soviet's advance with Sputnik (the Soviets weren't supposed to get a satallite up before the U.S).

This is a VERY informative video full of documented historical truth, yet your only response is to repost the same worn out "stats" without an iota of context or any explanation of what they represent because they do not mean what you keep claiming they do. The video mentions that many African Americans in the state of Virginia had their schools shut down for 5 years by the school board because they didn't want to have black kids attending school with their white children. Do your stats factor in things like this? No they don't which is why they are not a factual representation of the truth of the matter. Do your stats factor in things like all of the black people who were proven to have been falsely accused of a myriad of crimes? Again, no they don't therefore they are not a factual representation of the truth.

More importantly your repeated and continued posting of these stats which you're attempting to use to cast aspersions on an entire race of people reveals you to be one of those people who needs to put down others in order to feel better about themself.

You can't even explain what you post, yet you expect others to accept it at face value. All of the African American posters know better than that and even though you're trying to hurt us or our feelings I guess, your tactic is ineffective simply because it does not apply to me and I'm fairly sure none of the guys here either. I can't say with certainly because I've never run a background check on any of them but from what I know of them, YOU are the low man on the totem pole - educationally, intellectually and criminally.
I am sorry, I stopped watching the vid, It sort of became another anti white rant I have heard ad nauseum. I am tired of anti white racism veiled as a intellectual adventure into fantasy "fighting racism" . Black predilection to violence is the engine here and it isn't a made up conceit, the high black on black death rate is real. So white fear of actual black predilection to violence, self murder, is understandable. Did I miss something?
blacks commit hate crimes:
TWICE the rate
murder 4 times
rape 2 times
etc etc
plain and simple

YOU commit SPAM at 10 times the rate of your fellow racists here.
1. facts and the truth hurt you, I know
2. instead of refuting my facts/numbers--you insult and call names
all of this equals you are full of shit/wrong/etc

You have also posted THAT about 1000000000 times too. Any new thoughts on why you enjoy being a racist so much?
blacks commit hate crimes:
TWICE the rate
murder 4 times
rape 2 times
etc etc
plain and simple

YOU commit SPAM at 10 times the rate of your fellow racists here.
facts are not racist......

But people who think they know what is fact and what is not certainly can be racist.
we get it ---if you post facts you are a racist --great logic

Does your straw man buy you dinner first?
post after post--you do not [cannot ] refute my facts = you full of shit
you don't accept facts ...I know they hurt--that's natural...but be a man
it's OBVIOUS/plain as day = you are hurt by the facts I posted
Did you even watch the video? The professor explains how a series of government policies, acts & procedures deprived African Americans of access to a quality education, starting back before the Brown vs Board of Education decision in 1954. Actually she goes back further than that particular era but goes into detail about the government's responses to any gain obtained on behalf of African Americans. That's the "white rage" she's talking about - the indignation, retaliation and back stabbing done to counter any gains made by black people and are accomplished through government laws, policies, etc.that dispproportionately negatively impact African Americans and do so by design.

She also talks about how some of the universities didn't want to comply with the Brown decision but still wanted the money that the government was handing out in their bid to obtain an educated populace to counter the Soviet's advance with Sputnik (the Soviets weren't supposed to get a satallite up before the U.S).

This is a VERY informative video full of documented historical truth, yet your only response is to repost the same worn out "stats" without an iota of context or any explanation of what they represent because they do not mean what you keep claiming they do. The video mentions that many African Americans in the state of Virginia had their schools shut down for 5 years by the school board because they didn't want to have black kids attending school with their white children. Do your stats factor in things like this? No they don't which is why they are not a factual representation of the truth of the matter. Do your stats factor in things like all of the black people who were proven to have been falsely accused of a myriad of crimes? Again, no they don't therefore they are not a factual representation of the truth.

More importantly your repeated and continued posting of these stats which you're attempting to use to cast aspersions on an entire race of people reveals you to be one of those people who needs to put down others in order to feel better about themself.

You can't even explain what you post, yet you expect others to accept it at face value. All of the African American posters know better than that and even though you're trying to hurt us or our feelings I guess, your tactic is ineffective simply because it does not apply to me and I'm fairly sure none of the guys here either. I can't say with certainly because I've never run a background check on any of them but from what I know of them, YOU are the low man on the totem pole - educationally, intellectually and criminally.
....I've said it before--racism/slavery/discrimination/etc was terrible/horrible and could've affected blacks' education --but the blacks were far behind the whites long before slavery/etc--long before the whites came into contact with the blacks = so how do we know how much it affected the blacks?
YOU commit SPAM at 10 times the rate of your fellow racists here.
1. facts and the truth hurt you, I know
2. instead of refuting my facts/numbers--you insult and call names
all of this equals you are full of shit/wrong/etc

You have also posted THAT about 1000000000 times too. Any new thoughts on why you enjoy being a racist so much?
YOU commit SPAM at 10 times the rate of your fellow racists here.
facts are not racist......

But people who think they know what is fact and what is not certainly can be racist.
we get it ---if you post facts you are a racist --great logic

Does your straw man buy you dinner first?
post after post--you do not [cannot ] refute my facts = you full of shit

1. facts and the truth hurt you, I know
2. instead of refuting my facts/numbers--you insult and call names
all of this equals you are full of shit/wrong/etc

You have also posted THAT about 1000000000 times too. Any new thoughts on why you enjoy being a racist so much?
facts are not racist......

But people who think they know what is fact and what is not certainly can be racist.
we get it ---if you post facts you are a racist --great logic

Does your straw man buy you dinner first?
post after post--you do not [cannot ] refute my facts = you full of shit

impressive evidence you have there
IM2, I'd be on you like a Tasmanian Devil you fucktard. I'm the last cracker you ever wanna fuck with, dumbass.

I've beat the ever-loving shit out of niggas twice my size, what'r you gonna do? Get slammed? Punches rained down on your shit? Yeah, Fuck You! Fucking racist punk!

Bitch I'll take your wind and fuck you up in a heartbeat, you ignorant sumbitch!

1 nice drive through your solar plexus and the rest is beating your retarded ass.

I ain't the one.

Marion, you would do none of that.

And that's all I'm going to say.
When young black males beat little old white ladies to death, murder whites for the crime of being white, slaughter each other in huge numbers, then cynically claim it's "RACIST" to notice all the evils they have perpetrated, there is something wrong with the concept of "racism" as it's being used right now.

So you choose to ignore the truth that whites have done all those things to us and more for going on 243 years.
we get it ---if you post facts you are a racist --great logic

Does your straw man buy you dinner first?
post after post--you do not [cannot ] refute my facts = you full of shit

impressive evidence you have there

Does your straw man let you wear his letter jacket?
your evidence just never stops coming, does it??
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

it is about economics under our form of capitalism.

it is why equality and equal protection of the law is important.

we would not have the problems we do, if Labor could merely apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

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