White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide

post after post--you do not [cannot ] refute my facts = you full of shit

impressive evidence you have there

Does your straw man let you wear his letter jacket?
your evidence just never stops coming, does it??

Could you repeat that?
blacks commit hate crimes/murder/rape/etc at much higher rates
plain and simple
When young black males beat little old white ladies to death, murder whites for the crime of being white, slaughter each other in huge numbers, then cynically claim it's "RACIST" to notice all the evils they have perpetrated, there is something wrong with the concept of "racism" as it's being used right now.

When blacks slaughter each other, that is minimized. When
Racism is defined as institutionalized form of bigotry. Well, aren't "hate crimes" basically a new form of racism to target whites? Doesn't this just sanction anti white sentiments and hence new form of hate crime and is itself contradictory? NO?
You know why Asians and increasingly, Hispanics, have been and are becoming so successful in this country? We take responsibility for our lives. I'm still waiting for the day a larger portion of blacks do the same in this country instead of sitting around finger pointing and waiting for someone else to do it for them. You and that woman are perfect examples of what I'm criticizing.

We've done that since we came to America.

If that were true we wouldn't be having this conversation

It is true and we are having this conversation because you are ignorant. You believe a load of white conservative crap Asian. Your own people struggle with racism, whites use you as puppets. Some of you are direct beneficiaries of reparations and wealthy asians were granted favor from the government via the F1 visa process.

July 12, 2018
Income Inequality in the U.S. Is Rising Most Rapidly Among Asians
Asians displace blacks as the most economically divided group in the U.S.

Income inequality, a measure of the economic gap between the rich and poor, has risen steadily in the United States since the 1970s. More recently, the issue burst into public consciousness with the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011 and subsequent calls for a $15 minimum wage. An important part of the story of rising income inequality is that experiences within America’s racial and ethnic communities vary strikingly from one group to the other.

Today, income inequality in the U.S. is greatest among Asians. From 1970 to 2016, the gap in the standard of living between Asians near the top and the bottom of the income ladder nearly doubled, and the distribution of income among Asians transformed from being one of the most equal to being the most unequal among America’s major racial and ethnic groups.

In this process, Asians displaced blacks as the most economically divided racial or ethnic group in the U.S., according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data. While Asians overall rank as the highest earning racial and ethnic group in the U.S., it is not a status shared by all Asians: From 1970 to 2016, the gains in income for lower-income Asians trailed well behind the gains for their counterparts in other groups.

Income Inequality in the U.S. Is Rising Most Rapidly Among Asians
When young black males beat little old white ladies to death, murder whites for the crime of being white, slaughter each other in huge numbers, then cynically claim it's "RACIST" to notice all the evils they have perpetrated, there is something wrong with the concept of "racism" as it's being used right now.

When blacks slaughter each other, that is minimized. When
Racism is defined as institutionalized form of bigotry. Well, aren't "hate crimes" basically a new form of racism to target whites? Doesn't this just sanction anti white sentiments and hence new form of hate crime and is itself contradictory? NO?

Blacks are the group targeted for the large majority of hate crimes every year according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports. 90 percent of whites are killed by another white.
Black rage is pretty much embedded in American culture, but it's been overwhelmed by the massive influx of hispanics. The ghettos have become barrios, rendering black rage into black frustration.
White rage, I am like shaking my head side to side, WHAT? Um riots, from a Watts in 68' till 2014 in Ferguson. Aint no whites doin' that SHIT. Blacks having melt down temper tantrums. So many blacks are rageaholics now a days. Whites 100 years ago used to burn down BLACK or ASIAN neighborhoods, true. Plenty of examples of that. That was inexcusable. But blacks destroying their own neighborhoods? What was the point of that? Blacks are their own worst enemies now. Black males under 35 are more likely to die from violence perpetrated by other blacks than anything else. White rage seems the least things Blacks need worry about NOW.

Whites do riot. You keep telling yourself the same lie because that's what you need to believe. But the truth is:

"In the United States, a white person is almost six times more likely to be killed by another white person than he or she is to be killed by a black person. Yet, while the media obsesses about black on black violence we rarely if ever hear any mention of the problem of white on white violence. In fact, in 2011 (the most recent year available) according to FBI homicide data there were more instances of white homicides committed against white victims than there were black on black murders."

" according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics for the period from 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-homicides were committed by white offenders, and a majority of gang-homicide victims (56.5 percent) were white."

Why is There no Discussion of White on White Violence?

"Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed."

Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests — Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice

The same dumb shit repeated by the same white people. It's Saturday night. Fuck this.
When young black males beat little old white ladies to death, murder whites for the crime of being white, slaughter each other in huge numbers, then cynically claim it's "RACIST" to notice all the evils they have perpetrated, there is something wrong with the concept of "racism" as it's being used right now.

When blacks slaughter each other, that is minimized. When
Racism is defined as institutionalized form of bigotry. Well, aren't "hate crimes" basically a new form of racism to target whites? Doesn't this just sanction anti white sentiments and hence new form of hate crime and is itself contradictory? NO?

Blacks are the group targeted for the large majority of hate crimes every year according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports. 90 percent of whites are killed by another white.
I have to make myself watch videos people like you post. And despite your conclusion, that isn't true. White Racism isn't systemic anymore. Actually, blaming whites for black failures is the new expectable systemic racism.
White rage, I am like shaking my head side to side, WHAT? Um riots, from a Watts in 68' till 2014 in Ferguson. Aint no whites doin' that SHIT. Blacks having melt down temper tantrums. So many blacks are rageaholics now a days. Whites 100 years ago used to burn down BLACK or ASIAN neighborhoods, true. Plenty of examples of that. That was inexcusable. But blacks destroying their own neighborhoods? What was the point of that? Blacks are their own worst enemies now. Black males under 35 are more likely to die from violence perpetrated by other blacks than anything else. White rage seems the least things Blacks need worry about NOW.

Whites do riot. You keep telling yourself the same lie because that's what you need to believe. But the truth is:

"In the United States, a white person is almost six times more likely to be killed by another white person than he or she is to be killed by a black person. Yet, while the media obsesses about black on black violence we rarely if ever hear any mention of the problem of white on white violence. In fact, in 2011 (the most recent year available) according to FBI homicide data there were more instances of white homicides committed against white victims than there were black on black murders."

" according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics for the period from 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-homicides were committed by white offenders, and a majority of gang-homicide victims (56.5 percent) were white."

Why is There no Discussion of White on White Violence?

"Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed."

Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests — Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice

The same dumb shit repeated by the same white people. It's Saturday night. Fuck this.
Whites DID bad stuff. Burned down black orphanages, Asian exclusionary laws . Yep, we DID some bad things. We are so much better now. Blacks? Um Like the ones that say, are killing each other NOW outside of race? And speaking of outside of race, HUTUS and the TUTIS. And the Black slavers that bought and sold their brothers Black slavers. Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali? Muslims were big slavers, and still are. Don't want to adopt the identity of the slavers? So much for THAT.
Whites did riot, they obliterated small black townships 100 years ago. That generation is dead and gone. NOW? Blacks attack ALL whites, Asians or any other non negro NOW and in the present tense. For what? How is that going to offset past crimes?
So far, she's full of shit. Black people in 1999 and today can walk down the streets in NYC without getting gunned down by police. More blacks get gunned down by fellow blacks than police.

Because the Ferguson riots made black people look bad, should the news media NOT reported on it?

Not just more, a lot more Blacks are gunned down by Black hoodlums, than by Police.

And more whites are killed by police than blacks are.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

More whining from people who make a living convincing black people they are victims. The solution lies with black people themselves, stop whining about what people will not do for them and do it themselves.

Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

Who gives a shit? Academics are PC idiots. Emasculated losers ready to blame everyone but their manufactured victims. You seem to be one of those victims. The joke is on you.

Not. So tell me, what is your opinion of Thomas Sowell?

Thomas Sowell does not PRETEND to be a judge of White Rage or anything racist... He's merely laying out the plan to END racial disparity -- both economically and in justice... But YOU don't like him, because if he succeeds you lose your hobby shouting at white people to shut up.. :113:

Now if the angry RACE professor succeeds in INCITING racial divides, you win -- aint that right?? And that''s really her job isn't it? To STOKE racial tension and PREVENT any kind of rationale counter to white racist attitudes. And THAT'S why -- Marc and you think she's so great....
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

More whining from people who make a living convincing black people they are victims. The solution lies with black people themselves, stop whining about what people will not do for them and do it themselves.

Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

Gee as many times as you tell whites to shut up they never do. Maybe you should take some of the monopoly money you have and buy a clue. It ain't gonna happen. Suck it up.

I don't expect you to shut up. What I do know is that if you were sitting in a room with some blacks in it you would shut up. I have sat in rooms surrounded by whites and have said what I do here. And I have been confronted by whites that did not like it. Needless to say they didn't like what happened then either. And I really have to laugh at you. You exemplify stupid.

Aren't you HERE to rage? You certainly are not interested in any kind of rational attempt to win justice or improve the black quality of life in this gawd awful country run by raging white people...
you don't accept facts ...I know they hurt--that's natural...but be a man
it's OBVIOUS/plain as day = you are hurt by the facts I posted
Did you even watch the video? The professor explains how a series of government policies, acts & procedures deprived African Americans of access to a quality education, starting back before the Brown vs Board of Education decision in 1954. Actually she goes back further than that particular era but goes into detail about the government's responses to any gain obtained on behalf of African Americans. That's the "white rage" she's talking about - the indignation, retaliation and back stabbing done to counter any gains made by black people and are accomplished through government laws, policies, etc.that dispproportionately negatively impact African Americans and do so by design.

She also talks about how some of the universities didn't want to comply with the Brown decision but still wanted the money that the government was handing out in their bid to obtain an educated populace to counter the Soviet's advance with Sputnik (the Soviets weren't supposed to get a satallite up before the U.S).

This is a VERY informative video full of documented historical truth, yet your only response is to repost the same worn out "stats" without an iota of context or any explanation of what they represent because they do not mean what you keep claiming they do. The video mentions that many African Americans in the state of Virginia had their schools shut down for 5 years by the school board because they didn't want to have black kids attending school with their white children. Do your stats factor in things like this? No they don't which is why they are not a factual representation of the truth of the matter. Do your stats factor in things like all of the black people who were proven to have been falsely accused of a myriad of crimes? Again, no they don't therefore they are not a factual representation of the truth.

More importantly your repeated and continued posting of these stats which you're attempting to use to cast aspersions on an entire race of people reveals you to be one of those people who needs to put down others in order to feel better about themself.

You can't even explain what you post, yet you expect others to accept it at face value. All of the African American posters know better than that and even though you're trying to hurt us or our feelings I guess, your tactic is ineffective simply because it does not apply to me and I'm fairly sure none of the guys here either. I can't say with certainly because I've never run a background check on any of them but from what I know of them, YOU are the low man on the totem pole - educationally, intellectually and criminally.

Unfortunately, I never got that far.. When you OPEN with the topic of White Rage and immediately start re-adjudicating the Diallo killing, I'm not expecting any kind of coherent academic discussion... So it's hard to wade thru the "re-mix" of injustices to find any PRESCRIPTION for IMPROVING the quality of life and justice for Black America..

That's what RATIONAL people want to talk about... Others are just filled with too much rage to be productive or useful in fixing anything...
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

Marc, There is no subtle white rage. In fact, this is the first time today that I have even considered race.
99% of your racism rage would disappear if you would just quit bringing up day, after day, after day...
you don't accept facts ...I know they hurt--that's natural...but be a man
it's OBVIOUS/plain as day = you are hurt by the facts I posted
Did you even watch the video? The professor explains how a series of government policies, acts & procedures deprived African Americans of access to a quality education, starting back before the Brown vs Board of Education decision in 1954. Actually she goes back further than that particular era but goes into detail about the government's responses to any gain obtained on behalf of African Americans. That's the "white rage" she's talking about - the indignation, retaliation and back stabbing done to counter any gains made by black people and are accomplished through government laws, policies, etc.that dispproportionately negatively impact African Americans and do so by design.

She also talks about how some of the universities didn't want to comply with the Brown decision but still wanted the money that the government was handing out in their bid to obtain an educated populace to counter the Soviet's advance with Sputnik (the Soviets weren't supposed to get a satallite up before the U.S).

This is a VERY informative video full of documented historical truth, yet your only response is to repost the same worn out "stats" without an iota of context or any explanation of what they represent because they do not mean what you keep claiming they do. The video mentions that many African Americans in the state of Virginia had their schools shut down for 5 years by the school board because they didn't want to have black kids attending school with their white children. Do your stats factor in things like this? No they don't which is why they are not a factual representation of the truth of the matter. Do your stats factor in things like all of the black people who were proven to have been falsely accused of a myriad of crimes? Again, no they don't therefore they are not a factual representation of the truth.

More importantly your repeated and continued posting of these stats which you're attempting to use to cast aspersions on an entire race of people reveals you to be one of those people who needs to put down others in order to feel better about themself.

You can't even explain what you post, yet you expect others to accept it at face value. All of the African American posters know better than that and even though you're trying to hurt us or our feelings I guess, your tactic is ineffective simply because it does not apply to me and I'm fairly sure none of the guys here either. I can't say with certainly because I've never run a background check on any of them but from what I know of them, YOU are the low man on the totem pole - educationally, intellectually and criminally.
....I've said it before--racism/slavery/discrimination/etc was terrible/horrible and could've affected blacks' education --but the blacks were far behind the whites long before slavery/etc--long before the whites came into contact with the blacks = so how do we know how much it affected the blacks?
Harmonica, you don't have to know with specificity the impact these things had, all you have to know is that they occured and common sense dictates that the affected parties were adversely harmed including possibly being behind academically among other things.

Also what about the fact that poor people, whites included couldn't afford to send their children to private (all white) schools because the public schools were shut down. That's just nastiness when a person is so intent to hurt a particular person or group of people that they don't care who else gets caught in the fallout. That should tell you something about them.

And I know you're aware of all of this because you & I have discussed it in the past and you've acknowledged it yourself so I don't understand why you keep insisting on posting those skewed statistics. What specifically are you trying to accomplish?
you don't accept facts ...I know they hurt--that's natural...but be a man
it's OBVIOUS/plain as day = you are hurt by the facts I posted
Did you even watch the video? The professor explains how a series of government policies, acts & procedures deprived African Americans of access to a quality education, starting back before the Brown vs Board of Education decision in 1954. Actually she goes back further than that particular era but goes into detail about the government's responses to any gain obtained on behalf of African Americans. That's the "white rage" she's talking about - the indignation, retaliation and back stabbing done to counter any gains made by black people and are accomplished through government laws, policies, etc.that dispproportionately negatively impact African Americans and do so by design.

She also talks about how some of the universities didn't want to comply with the Brown decision but still wanted the money that the government was handing out in their bid to obtain an educated populace to counter the Soviet's advance with Sputnik (the Soviets weren't supposed to get a satallite up before the U.S).

This is a VERY informative video full of documented historical truth, yet your only response is to repost the same worn out "stats" without an iota of context or any explanation of what they represent because they do not mean what you keep claiming they do. The video mentions that many African Americans in the state of Virginia had their schools shut down for 5 years by the school board because they didn't want to have black kids attending school with their white children. Do your stats factor in things like this? No they don't which is why they are not a factual representation of the truth of the matter. Do your stats factor in things like all of the black people who were proven to have been falsely accused of a myriad of crimes? Again, no they don't therefore they are not a factual representation of the truth.

More importantly your repeated and continued posting of these stats which you're attempting to use to cast aspersions on an entire race of people reveals you to be one of those people who needs to put down others in order to feel better about themself.

You can't even explain what you post, yet you expect others to accept it at face value. All of the African American posters know better than that and even though you're trying to hurt us or our feelings I guess, your tactic is ineffective simply because it does not apply to me and I'm fairly sure none of the guys here either. I can't say with certainly because I've never run a background check on any of them but from what I know of them, YOU are the low man on the totem pole - educationally, intellectually and criminally.
....I've said it before--racism/slavery/discrimination/etc was terrible/horrible and could've affected blacks' education --but the blacks were far behind the whites long before slavery/etc--long before the whites came into contact with the blacks = so how do we know how much it affected the blacks?
Harmonica, you don't have to know with specificity the impact these things had, all you have to know is that they occured and common sense dictates that the affected parties were adversely harmed including possibly being behind academically among other things.

Also what about the fact that poor people, whites included couldn't afford to send their children to private (all white) schools because the public schools were shut down. That's just nastiness when a person is so intent to hurt a particular person or group of people that they don't care who else gets caught in the fallout. That should tell you something about them.

And I know you're aware of all of this because you & I have discussed it in the past and you've acknowledged it yourself so I don't understand why you keep insisting on posting those skewed statistics. What specifically are you trying to accomplish?

Your post will go right over his pointed, little empty head. Not enough "etc, etc, etc's", not enough "hahahaha's", and definately not poorly punctuated enough.
you don't accept facts ...I know they hurt--that's natural...but be a man
it's OBVIOUS/plain as day = you are hurt by the facts I posted
Did you even watch the video? The professor explains how a series of government policies, acts & procedures deprived African Americans of access to a quality education, starting back before the Brown vs Board of Education decision in 1954. Actually she goes back further than that particular era but goes into detail about the government's responses to any gain obtained on behalf of African Americans. That's the "white rage" she's talking about - the indignation, retaliation and back stabbing done to counter any gains made by black people and are accomplished through government laws, policies, etc.that dispproportionately negatively impact African Americans and do so by design.

She also talks about how some of the universities didn't want to comply with the Brown decision but still wanted the money that the government was handing out in their bid to obtain an educated populace to counter the Soviet's advance with Sputnik (the Soviets weren't supposed to get a satallite up before the U.S).

This is a VERY informative video full of documented historical truth, yet your only response is to repost the same worn out "stats" without an iota of context or any explanation of what they represent because they do not mean what you keep claiming they do. The video mentions that many African Americans in the state of Virginia had their schools shut down for 5 years by the school board because they didn't want to have black kids attending school with their white children. Do your stats factor in things like this? No they don't which is why they are not a factual representation of the truth of the matter. Do your stats factor in things like all of the black people who were proven to have been falsely accused of a myriad of crimes? Again, no they don't therefore they are not a factual representation of the truth.

More importantly your repeated and continued posting of these stats which you're attempting to use to cast aspersions on an entire race of people reveals you to be one of those people who needs to put down others in order to feel better about themself.

You can't even explain what you post, yet you expect others to accept it at face value. All of the African American posters know better than that and even though you're trying to hurt us or our feelings I guess, your tactic is ineffective simply because it does not apply to me and I'm fairly sure none of the guys here either. I can't say with certainly because I've never run a background check on any of them but from what I know of them, YOU are the low man on the totem pole - educationally, intellectually and criminally.
....I've said it before--racism/slavery/discrimination/etc was terrible/horrible and could've affected blacks' education --but the blacks were far behind the whites long before slavery/etc--long before the whites came into contact with the blacks = so how do we know how much it affected the blacks?
Harmonica, you don't have to know with specificity the impact these things had, all you have to know is that they occured and common sense dictates that the affected parties were adversely harmed including possibly being behind academically among other things.

Also what about the fact that poor people, whites included couldn't afford to send their children to private (all white) schools because the public schools were shut down. That's just nastiness when a person is so intent to hurt a particular person or group of people that they don't care who else gets caught in the fallout. That should tell you something about them.

And I know you're aware of all of this because you & I have discussed it in the past and you've acknowledged it yourself so I don't understand why you keep insisting on posting those skewed statistics. What specifically are you trying to accomplish?
....plain and simple = the blacks were far behind the whites BEFORE slavery etc ..so it can't be proven that ONLY because of slavery/etc the blacks are behind
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

More whining from people who make a living convincing black people they are victims. The solution lies with black people themselves, stop whining about what people will not do for them and do it themselves.

Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

Who gives a shit? Academics are PC idiots. Emasculated losers ready to blame everyone but their manufactured victims. You seem to be one of those victims. The joke is on you.

Not. So tell me, what is your opinion of Thomas Sowell?

Thomas Sowell does not PRETEND to be a judge of White Rage or anything racist... He's merely laying out the plan to END racial disparity -- both economically and in justice... But YOU don't like him, because if he succeeds you lose your hobby shouting at white people to shut up.. :113:

Now if the angry RACE professor succeeds in INCITING racial divides, you win -- aint that right?? And that''s really her job isn't it? To STOKE racial tension and PREVENT any kind of rationale counter to white racist attitudes. And THAT'S why -- Marc and you think she's so great....

You seem to be fine with Sowell thinking he's the judge of the black race. Just as long as he doesn't criticize whites. Sowell is an idiot. And if this does not incite the racial divide that has existed from the beginning of this country:

“More dangerous than these highly publicized episodes over the years are innumerable organized and unprovoked physical attacks on whites by young black gangs in shopping malls, on beaches, and in other public places all across the country today. While some of these attacks make it into the media as isolated incidents, the nationwide pattern of organized black-on-white attacks by thugs remains invisible in the mainstream media, with the notable exception of Bill O’Reilly on the Fox News Channel.”

Early Skirmishes in a Race War, Thomas Sowell, National Review, October 24, 2013

Nothing does.

She speaks the truth. A politically incorrect one people like you can't face. I've fought city halls. I know she is right.
Last edited:
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

Marc, There is no subtle white rage. In fact, this is the first time today that I have even considered race.
99% of your racism rage would disappear if you would just quit bringing up day, after day, after day...

Please stop telling us this lie.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

More whining from people who make a living convincing black people they are victims. The solution lies with black people themselves, stop whining about what people will not do for them and do it themselves.

Shut up. I'm tired of people who have never lived one second black saying this shit.

"Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University.[2] Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.

Anderson earned bachelor's and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively.[4][2] She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995.[5][2] She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005"

What credentials and research do you have to support your opinion? That you're white and since you've never faced racism it doesn't exist?

Gee as many times as you tell whites to shut up they never do. Maybe you should take some of the monopoly money you have and buy a clue. It ain't gonna happen. Suck it up.

I don't expect you to shut up. What I do know is that if you were sitting in a room with some blacks in it you would shut up. I have sat in rooms surrounded by whites and have said what I do here. And I have been confronted by whites that did not like it. Needless to say they didn't like what happened then either. And I really have to laugh at you. You exemplify stupid.

Aren't you HERE to rage? You certainly are not interested in any kind of rational attempt to win justice or improve the black quality of life in this gawd awful country run by raging white people...

You are the one who cannot hold a rational discussion. Look at your post. Those are not the words of a rational person. Justice will not be achieved based only on how whites want it done. Just learn that.

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