White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide

If you can't discuss the impact of past and current law and policy you can't discuss a solution. I have stated several solutions but you don't want to discuss them or you dismiss them. Your idea of a solution is whites dictate what we do and we agree to do it.

Your solutions are always backwards-looking.. You're looking to turn around the slave ships and restore the Kingdoms of Africa..

I can't buy into solutions that have a 300 year litany of abuses.. I totally UNDERSTAND that history, but it helps not ONE PERSON to try and mediate or remedy the past that far back...

I'm not sure you have a clear grasp of the present. Neither does this professor at Emory.. Because your job is to make sure that whites feel pain for that 300 year tragedy.. You're not offering ANYTHING that actually improves the situation for the LIVING...

We have a real clear grasp of the present. You don't. Your job is to make sure black remain in pain. The first thing that benefits the living is for whites to create a comprehensive strategy to eradicate white racism. I've said that before. My solutions are all about the future. For example reparations will eventually erase the wealth gap and provide jobs and increasing numbers of black businesses in the future. It is impossible to go backwards, time does not reverse itself. Your comment in that vein show just how ignorant you really are.
If you can't discuss the impact of past and current law and policy you can't discuss a solution. I have stated several solutions but you don't want to discuss them or you dismiss them. Your idea of a solution is whites dictate what we do and we agree to do it.

Your solutions are always backwards-looking.. You're looking to turn around the slave ships and restore the Kingdoms of Africa..

I can't buy into solutions that have a 300 year litany of abuses.. I totally UNDERSTAND that history, but it helps not ONE PERSON to try and mediate or remedy the past that far back...

I'm not sure you have a clear grasp of the present. Neither does this professor at Emory.. Because your job is to make sure that whites feel pain for that 300 year tragedy.. You're not offering ANYTHING that actually improves the situation for the LIVING...
IQ2 hates white people. This includes White people living today who had nothing to do with slavery. This is obviously illogical and ignorant.

He also fails to appreciate or even recognize the role many whites played in ending slavery. Including those who gave up their lives.

Gee as many times as you tell whites to shut up they never do. Maybe you should take some of the monopoly money you have and buy a clue. It ain't gonna happen. Suck it up.

I don't expect you to shut up. What I do know is that if you were sitting in a room with some blacks in it you would shut up. I have sat in rooms surrounded by whites and have said what I do here. And I have been confronted by whites that did not like it. Needless to say they didn't like what happened then either. And I really have to laugh at you. You exemplify stupid.

Aren't you HERE to rage? You certainly are not interested in any kind of rational attempt to win justice or improve the black quality of life in this gawd awful country run by raging white people...

You are the one who cannot hold a rational discussion. Look at your post. Those are not the words of a rational person. Justice will not be achieved based only on how whites want it done. Just learn that.

Justice is justice. It's man-made and fallible.. It's not a black or white problem. We all want less crime and better justice. There's not a black justice or white justice. When the law is abused, every citizen should be appalled.

Just read how the police in Wisconsin shook down a 9 yr old white boy for the crime of shoveling his grandmother's driveway.. SHEER STUPIDITY.. But the cops justified it by lecturing the kid that "SOME PEOPLE" have been casing out the elderly in order to prey on them.. Now that would have been an ENTIRE IM2/MarcATL thread filled with RAGE if the kid had been black.. But since he was white -- no one posted it..

I know WRONG when I see it. I don't depend on you to lecture me into seeing it...

You apparently don't and spare me the colorblind lie.

Colorblind is a goal.. SHOULD BE a goal.,. Not a taunt the way you hurl it...
Your job is to make sure black remain in pain. The first thing that benefits the living is for whites to create a comprehensive strategy to eradicate white racism.

White racists are easy to spot. Told you that before.. They are ones slinging the stereotypes and getting all their news and evidence from stupid things that black people do..

Don't know where you think I'm working to "make sure black remain in pain"... I'm actually WAY ahead of the "First Step" program recently passed in Congress. Worked with my party in the 80s to do that and more.. It's just that neither of the Brand Name parties had it as a priority....

Criminal justice reform should have been an ongoing thing for the past 30 years.. Only my party has given it highest priority. Same with giving Black parents an escape for failing schools. Same for eliminating prosecutorial abuses in charges and using snitches.

Same for fighting for making LOCAL govts more in tune with the needs of the working poor.. So a person doesn't have to wait around a courtroom all day and miss work to straighten out a faulty warrant...

Faulty warrants are what Ferguson was known for.. Avg of 3 warrants per household and 1.5 arrests per household per year.. MOST of those warrants completely bogus or questionable to begin with.. Less faulty warrants means less bad encounters with the cops who can only READ the shitty paperwork and act on it..

I'll get MUCH more done in my lifetime working for justice than you will sitting here and accusing me of working "to make sure Blacks remain in pain".....
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. get informed
If you can't discuss the impact of past and current law and policy you can't discuss a solution. I have stated several solutions but you don't want to discuss them or you dismiss them. Your idea of a solution is whites dictate what we do and we agree to do it.

Your solutions are always backwards-looking.. You're looking to turn around the slave ships and restore the Kingdoms of Africa..

I can't buy into solutions that have a 300 year litany of abuses.. I totally UNDERSTAND that history, but it helps not ONE PERSON to try and mediate or remedy the past that far back...

I'm not sure you have a clear grasp of the present. Neither does this professor at Emory.. Because your job is to make sure that whites feel pain for that 300 year tragedy.. You're not offering ANYTHING that actually improves the situation for the LIVING...

We have a real clear grasp of the present. You don't. Your job is to make sure black remain in pain. The first thing that benefits the living is for whites to create a comprehensive strategy to eradicate white racism. I've said that before. My solutions are all about the future. For example reparations will eventually erase the wealth gap and provide jobs and increasing numbers of black businesses in the future. It is impossible to go backwards, time does not reverse itself. Your comment in that vein show just how ignorant you really are.

Reparations my ass! Why where black people better in the 40’s? Hard working, respectful, bought property, went to college. Answer racist Democrats started handing out free crumbs as long as the father wasn’t in the house and broke up families and black women became angry, bitter, ignorant and spawned the same. If the truth hurts oh well it is what it is. White people produce black people destroy.

Oh.....not all, not all but most.
More bullshit. Im2 speaks about blacks as if you all have the same thoughts. I am not biased. If a white man were to say the same thing it would still look like a threat.
Like I said, you will justify these ridiculous beliefs due to your bias against blacks, and you did.
Reparations my ass! Why where black people better in the 40’s? Hard working, respectful, bought property, went to college. Answer racist Democrats started handing out free crumbs as long as the father wasn’t in the house and broke up families and black women became angry, bitter, ignorant and spawned the same. If the truth hurts oh well it is what it is. White people produce black people destroy.

Oh.....not all, not all but most.
And yet, and still, blacks were more oppressed and hated by whites, in general, despite being at their best, as you just outlined. So if at their best they were hated and oppressed, what does it say about now, when according to you, we're not at our best?
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

Damn, and here I thought it was crime, whining and free stuff that people were pissed about.
Reparations my ass! Why where black people better in the 40’s? Hard working, respectful, bought property, went to college. Answer racist Democrats started handing out free crumbs as long as the father wasn’t in the house and broke up families and black women became angry, bitter, ignorant and spawned the same. If the truth hurts oh well it is what it is. White people produce black people destroy.

Oh.....not all, not all but most.
And yet, and still, blacks were more oppressed and hated by whites, in general, despite being at their best, as you just outlined. So if at their best they were hated and oppressed, what does it say about now, when according to you, we're not at our best?

**Now I spent the time to lay this out for you so I hope you have the common courtesy to read it and you can take it from here you either want to believe or not. The liberal democrats are who you should be after. God Bless

Correct it’s not racism that the democrat plantation feeds you it comes from within, so WE can’t fix the problem you have to fix the problem. Also there’s very few people today who’s ancestors had slaves most are like me 3rd generation European who don’t “owe” nobody shit.

Or get it from the white Democrats who had a ancestor enslaved and has you enslaved now, so they get you vote. They have you conditioned to think we’re the problem. They killed blacks when they started welfare and abortion that white democrats began to keep the black population down. Margaret Sanger (D) started Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton is on record admiring her.

“Now, I have to tell you that it was a great privilege when I was told that I would receive this award. I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision ... And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.” - Hillary Clinton.

Margret Sanger was a racist, Godless piece of shit. Notice all Planned Parenthoods are in black communities? Hillary wrote her college thesis on this woman. The a bust of her in every planned parenthood.

Yet the liberals take down our Southern Hero statues and call it racist.
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Fake news posts an anecdote and now this woman is supposed to validate his psychosis. But if we post 50 blacks that say different, they don't count.

I'm not a guy and what I posted is the truth....
believe what you will....feed your psychosis

Sure brother. You are the one with psychosis.

Gentrification kinda kills your opinion my man.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

An hour? LOL!!!

What did she say that is not the same old shit?
Fake news posts an anecdote and now this woman is supposed to validate his psychosis. But if we post 50 blacks that say different, they don't count.

I'm not a guy and what I posted is the truth....
believe what you will....feed your psychosis

Sure brother. You are the one with psychosis.

Gentrification kinda kills your opinion my man.
I already told you, I'm not a guy...
What part of "I'm not a guy", do you not understand? :eusa_think:

OMG :eusa_doh:Duhhh...my bad

I done did toldz youz, I ain't no bro, yo
Fake news posts an anecdote and now this woman is supposed to validate his psychosis. But if we post 50 blacks that say different, they don't count.

I'm not a guy and what I posted is the truth....
believe what you will....feed your psychosis

Sure brother. You are the one with psychosis.

Gentrification kinda kills your opinion my man.
I already told you, I'm not a guy...
What part of "I'm not a guy", do you not understand? :eusa_think:

OMG :eusa_doh:Duhhh...my bad

I done did toldz youz, I ain't no bro, yo

I don't understand what you said in that last sentence dude.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. get informed

why should we take right wingers seriously?

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'
Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

She's a well spoken and powerful speaker Marc, but what rings through is not necessarily a racist divide as much as a class division.

Not to diminish racism , it exists, it's just the root of it is classism

Maybe one needs to live some level of gentrification , or realize subjugation doesn't care so much about what color you may be, or what country you hail from, as much as it does control

I believe those controlling factions are all around us , they thrive on our hatred of each other, shootings, immigration...etc. The more we loose our civility, the more they can subjugate us all, while we whine about partisan politics, crime stats, etc etc

This social condition is purposley engineerd ....
Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

She's a well spoken and powerful speaker Marc, but what rings through is not necessarily a racist divide as much as a class division.

Not to diminish racism , it exists, it's just the root of it is classism

Maybe one needs to live some level of gentrification , or realize subjugation doesn't care so much about what color you may be, or what country you hail from, as much as it does control

I believe those controlling factions are all around us , they thrive on our hatred of each other, shootings, immigration...etc. The more we loose our civility, the more they can subjugate us all, while we whine about partisan politics, crime stats, etc etc

This social condition is purposley engineerd ....
It has more to do with inequality under Capitalism.

Socialism is about equality and equal protection of the law.


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