White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

She's a well spoken and powerful speaker Marc, but what rings through is not necessarily a racist divide as much as a class division.

Not to diminish racism , it exists, it's just the root of it is classism

Maybe one needs to live some level of gentrification , or realize subjugation doesn't care so much about what color you may be, or what country you hail from, as much as it does control

I believe those controlling factions are all around us , they thrive on our hatred of each other, shootings, immigration...etc. The more we loose our civility, the more they can subjugate us all, while we whine about partisan politics, crime stats, etc etc

This social condition is purposley engineerd ....
It has more to do with inequality under Capitalism.

Socialism is about equality and equal protection of the law.

I agree Dan,

Assume, for the sake of debate, one lives in a corrupt system controlled by the small minority at the top

The means to stay there would be all about creating divisions, discontent and diversions among the masses.

We see this happening subvertly or overtly around this rock, depening on the system any given county resides in.

The examples socio-economic failure at the expense of the majority are rather evident

Single black man shot by police.........


Over 100 blacks killed by other blacks in a single weekend....

Not to diminish racism , it exists, it's just the root of it is classism

No sparky it's not. Wealthy blacks face the same thing as poor blacks.


I'll tell you what IM2, i exist in whitopia w/bluecololar rednecks lookin' like a bad episode of green acres

Show up with a fistful of Ben Franklin's , and you'll quickly find just how privy you can be

Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

I wonder how long it is going to take her to figure out the government is facilitator of everything she discussed as a problem.
Bless her precious little heart, I bet she still thinks the government can fix her problems.
I can't speak for the 275 million other white Americans, but for me personally, I only have "white rage" when somebody accuses me of shit I did not do...like being racist.
Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

She's a well spoken and powerful speaker Marc, but what rings through is not necessarily a racist divide as much as a class division.

Not to diminish racism , it exists, it's just the root of it is classism

Maybe one needs to live some level of gentrification , or realize subjugation doesn't care so much about what color you may be, or what country you hail from, as much as it does control

I believe those controlling factions are all around us , they thrive on our hatred of each other, shootings, immigration...etc. The more we loose our civility, the more they can subjugate us all, while we whine about partisan politics, crime stats, etc etc

This social condition is purposley engineerd ....
It has more to do with inequality under Capitalism.

Socialism is about equality and equal protection of the law.

I agree Dan,

Assume, for the sake of debate, one lives in a corrupt system controlled by the small minority at the top

The means to stay there would be all about creating divisions, discontent and diversions among the masses.

We see this happening subvertly or overtly around this rock, depening on the system any given county resides in.

The examples socio-economic failure at the expense of the majority are rather evident


equal protection of the law is in our Constitutions and a part of due process.
Excellent presentation on the subtle white rage that perpetuates systematic racism and bigotry in the United States to this day...

Any and all feedback, on what the speaker presented in her presentation, is welcomed.

I wonder how long it is going to take her to figure out the government is facilitator of everything she discussed as a problem.
Bless her precious little heart, I bet she still thinks the government can fix her problems.

lol. only the right wing pleads, so specially. why do we need alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that the right wing refuses to pay Real Times of War Tax Rates for.
Just more victim mentality. Why can they admit half of their race is just fucked up?
You make it seem like history has nothing to do with it.

Slavery and black codes are today's results.

The Irish, Jews, Asian seem to be flourishing just fine from what their ancestors went through. I wonder what the difference is?
there are still people alive who went through segregation and black codes.
Just more victim mentality. Why can they admit half of their race is just fucked up?
You make it seem like history has nothing to do with it.

Slavery and black codes are today's results.

The Irish, Jews, Asian seem to be flourishing just fine from what their ancestors went through. I wonder what the difference is?
You did take geography right? And American history?

Irish? Not black / of African descent
Jewish? Not black / of African descent
Asian? Not black / of African descent

Starting to get the picutre or were you just pretending to not be able to discern the difference, a difference which in fact made people of African descent, free or slave it made no difference, the legally designated subclass of people that it was "okay" to treat like shit.

"In March of 1857, [U.S. Supreme Court] Chief Justice Roger Taney issued his majority opinion in the case of Scott v. Sanford. The case concerned the legal condition of Dred Scott, who had been held as a slave in Missouri before traveling with his owner to Wisconsin and then returning to Missouri. Because slavery was outlawed in the Northwest Territory, Scott claimed that his time in Wisconsin had effectuated his legal emancipation: having been free, he could no longer be held as a slave. When he filed his case in the Missouri courts in 1846, he was on good legal footing. Decades of legal precedent suggested that erstwhile slaves conveyed to the Northwest Territories by their owners would be held to be legally free.

For Chief Justice Taney and the six other justices who concurred with his decision to deny Scott’s petition, the principal issue at stake was the question of whether Dred Scott had any right to sue in the first place. The chief justice’s opinion defined the right to seek redress in federal court as the sole prerogative of “citizens” of the United States. He argued that the framers of the Constitution never intended that the “class of persons . . . whose ancestors were Negroes of the African race, and imported into this country, and sold and held as slaves” could “become entitled to all the rights and privileges and immunities” guaranteed to citizens of the United States.

And for Taney, who was an early exemplar of the school of thought that would come to be known as constitutional originalism, the question of the founders’ intentions in writing the Constitution could be boiled down to the question of how they would have thought about the role of black people in politics and in public. Would the founders have exempted members of the “African race” from the “special laws” that regulated their behavior? Would they have allowed them to travel from state to state “without pass or passport,” and “go where they please at every hour of the day or night without molestation?” Would they have allowed them to “hold meetings upon public affairs and to keep and carry arms wherever they went?”

Of course not, he answered. Reasoning backwards from the fact that African Americans had no political rights, Taney concluded they had no rights at all. On the contrary, he argued, they were “of an inferior order and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.”

No rights which the white man was bound to respect: ten of the most notorious words in the history of the United States."
uh huh......and over 1/2 million notorious white men died essentially reversing Taney's ruling shortly after

IF BLACKS were 1% as concerned at their own sins and shortcomings as they were about supposed racism, maybe they would be better off. Unreal STATS on crime, poverty, unemployment, welfare, dropping out of school, gangs, no father, abortion, unwed mothers etc etc etc. LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR you racist losers.
imagine being black and living your only life, a very short one for them on avg in poverty, dependant on liberalism, who abuses and uses you. You cannot make this stuff up! SO MANY examples of blacks, esp in the Con Party coming out of poverty and being successful. Hell, even half black Barack became POTUS. No excuses now libs. But go ahead keep wasting your life on invented racism in your little heads while dropping out of school and having babies.

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