White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

Yup and laugh that there’s a good probability you will be in jail this week lol
I'm referring to you whites actually discussing strategy to act like little bitches in your own country and you respond back with fantasy bullshit. That doesn't bother me. When you want to talk about real shit, like how funny it is all you are cowards in your own land then let me know cuck boy. 😂
I could care less who calls me racist. There is nothing wrong with learning from your mistakes.

Several years ago I got a new phone, it might have been an iPhone. In any case I was at the building department to fill out some forms and a black lady with her young son sat next to me on the bench. The child was fascinated with the video game I was playing so when they called my name, I handed my phone to the kid so he could play the game while I tended to the clerk at the counter. I figured it's the first chance he ever had at messing with a smart phone. After I got done the clerk called her name, she and her son stood up. She gave me a dirty look and told the child "Give dat man his phone back" as I passed them going back to my seat.

No more. Screw them. You can't be nice to them because they are not nice to begin with. If it was a white mother, I'm sure she would have thanked me profusely and smiled, perhaps introduce herself.

White people don't belong with black people plain and simple.

You handed your phone to some stranger's kid without asking if it were ok that you do so? Fuck dude I am as white as snow and I would have given you a dirty look also.

She was not the problem, you were and still are.
Not a trick question at all. You criticize Black people the same way you criticize everyone else.

Be consistent. If you would not ask a white person walking in your neighborhood if they are lost, do not do it to a black person. If you would not ask a white person why they are in your building, do not ask a black person either. If you would ask a white person this, then ask a black person the same.

This is not really rocket science here
If some white dude was walking around my neighborhood looking lost, I would ask him "are you lost" and try to help.

That's pretty much what I've been doing.

I would not hold back on anyone else. I would not avoid certain words or phrases to tongue lash anyone else.

I have to use kid gloves when talking to an asshole negro?

And this is why our country is doing down the toilet, we no longer base our actions on what we feel is right, but always as some sort of reaction to the actions of someone else.
no fuck you.

You know good and fucking well that no matter what we do, one way or another, there is no right way to behave.

This is what critical theory is. It is criticism no matter what. It is meant to erode western society

And Negroes have become experts at it, because their white liberal masters have beaten it into them.

You are the fucking problem.
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normal people would see it as an act of kindness

You're the problem

You always ask the parents first, do not just hand some strangers kid something without asking.

Do you have kids?

Handing a kid some candy is also an act of kindness but I would have been pissed if some stranger had done so without asking first.
You know good and fucking well that no matter what we do, one way or another, there is no right way to behave.

Correct, so then the only logical answer it to live your life how you think you should, stop basing it on what others do.

If you think it is wrong to judge an entire race by the actions of one person, then do not do it, even if they do.
You just can't win today.

Woman Branded 'Racist' for Asking Black Man if He Was Lost Divides Internet​

If the white chick would have just ignored the brother who was lost, she would be a racist for other reasons.

This was a "no win situation". Probably would have been better off just going home herself and locking the door.
I'm referring to you whites actually discussing strategy to act like little bitches in your own country and you respond back with fantasy bullshit. That doesn't bother me. When you want to talk about real shit, like how funny it is all you are cowards in your own land then let me know cuck boy. 😂
I’m from the hood Been to all black jails they all lose there balls when locked up
If she tried to help him she is racist, if she didn't try to help him she is racist. LOL
Correct, so then the only logical answer it to live your life how you think you should, stop basing it on what others do
You mean, like giving your phone to a kid to play with for a few minutes while you're waiting.?

It never fails. In your mind, white people are always wrong, Black people do no wrong.
You mean, like giving your phone to a kid to play with for a few minutes while you're waiting.?

It never fails. In your mind, white people are always wrong, Black people do no wrong.

If a black person had done it they would be wrong also, this seems to be the difference between us.

Why in the world to you think it is ok to hand something to some strangers kid without asking first? That is just rude and wrong. I would not even do it with the kid of someone I knew if I had not asked to do do before.

A simple "do you mind if I let him play with this while I am at the counter" would have been the correct thing to do, no matter the skin color of anyone involved.
Of course your white trash ass has been to jail and you think revealing that speaks more of you. Obviously your earlier comment was nothing more than projection. What an absolute idiot you are. 😄
You will learn like they all have lol
Has she ever asked a white man if he was lost?

If I encountered someone walking around in my neighborhood whom I didn't recognize, and they appeared lost or at least looking for something, I wouldn't hesitate to ask if they needed help or directions. Everything this woman did seems quite reasonable to me. Today however, you're likely better off just ignoring them if you're white and they are a person of color.
Can't hurt their feelings if you don't talk to them.
Actually, you can.

Some years ago, two young gentlemen beat up a Caucasian man.


Because the Caucasian had opened the door for them to enter a store first.

Someone in a forum explained that maybe the two young gentleman felt that the Caucasian was treating them like women.

Sadly, it is always wiser to keep your distance from certain folks, (And do not look at them, either.)

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