Whites do have a role in stopping racism

I've never claimed to be a racist but this thread really isnt about me.

Would you agree that you are a racist? Do you agree that the black race is morally superior to the white race?
Yes I agree the Black race is morally superior to the white race. Blacks taught the white race civilization on two occasions. Blacks never attempted to enslave whites nor hold them back in any manner like whites did and still do.

According to your history no. But according to history that is generally accepted, blacks sold their brothers into slavery.

I'm curious, do you have any evidence to the contrary?
Even if that was true whites sold their brothers into slavery as well. Thats where we get the term "slave" in the first place. Whites selling other whites.

Actually the Hebrew slaves were detained by Egyptians for some 500 years.

Or are you a Jew hating Holocaust denier as well?
Egyptians were black slave owners, but that is supposedly okay.
Would you agree that you are a racist? Do you agree that the black race is morally superior to the white race?
Yes I agree the Black race is morally superior to the white race. Blacks taught the white race civilization on two occasions. Blacks never attempted to enslave whites nor hold them back in any manner like whites did and still do.

According to your history no. But according to history that is generally accepted, blacks sold their brothers into slavery.

I'm curious, do you have any evidence to the contrary?
Even if that was true whites sold their brothers into slavery as well. Thats where we get the term "slave" in the first place. Whites selling other whites.

Actually the Hebrew slaves were detained by Egyptians for some 500 years.

Or are you a Jew hating Holocaust denier as well?
Egyptians were black slave owners, but that is supposedly okay.
They were both Black so its ok just like when whites enslaved each other.
Not everyone who causes people injury or harm tries to rationalize it. Most just try to keep it secret.

However, slavery was institutionalized and legal. Therefore, hiding it was a big problem.

So who took the better approach? Was it Martin Luther King or Malcolm X?

One thought whitey was the devil as where the other knew that the real Devil wanted blacks to hate whitey.
I like Malcolm's approach better.

It's similar to the Tea Party's "Get your hands off my MEDICAID!" rhetoric.

You liked that, didn't you?

You folk pretend to like MLK, but you do only do so because his approach was docile in comparison, and you still gunned him down in cold blood for it.

BTW, you wouldn't be suggesting that Brother Minister Malcolm X was wrong for treating a group of people who acted like demons on earth as they should be treated, would you?
Who gunned him down? Who is "you"?
Yes I agree the Black race is morally superior to the white race. Blacks taught the white race civilization on two occasions. Blacks never attempted to enslave whites nor hold them back in any manner like whites did and still do.

According to your history no. But according to history that is generally accepted, blacks sold their brothers into slavery.

I'm curious, do you have any evidence to the contrary?
Even if that was true whites sold their brothers into slavery as well. Thats where we get the term "slave" in the first place. Whites selling other whites.

Actually the Hebrew slaves were detained by Egyptians for some 500 years.

Or are you a Jew hating Holocaust denier as well?
Egyptians were black slave owners, but that is supposedly okay.
They were both Black so its ok just like when whites enslaved each other.
Total bullshit, all slavery is and was wrong.
According to your history no. But according to history that is generally accepted, blacks sold their brothers into slavery.

I'm curious, do you have any evidence to the contrary?
Even if that was true whites sold their brothers into slavery as well. Thats where we get the term "slave" in the first place. Whites selling other whites.

Actually the Hebrew slaves were detained by Egyptians for some 500 years.

Or are you a Jew hating Holocaust denier as well?
Egyptians were black slave owners, but that is supposedly okay.
They were both Black so its ok just like when whites enslaved each other.
Total bullshit, all slavery is and was wrong.
True but there are rankings and white created chattel slavery was the worst in the history of the planet.
The truth or non-truth of your remarks does not concern me because I'm not one of the ones that is outraged when a black man kills a white woman and it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

My thinking is; if we're going to be outraged then we should be outraged because a woman was murdered, not just because a white guy murdered a black woman or even that a black guy murdered a white woman.
Of course it concerns you. There was a reason you deflected instead of addressing the point. White people like you are allergic to truth.

That would make sense however reality dictates that there is more outrage because we know one thing for damn certain. The Black/white guy didnt kill the Black/white woman because he was a racist.

First of all, I find it particularly interesting that you capitalize the word "black" but not "white". This reveals much about your feelings about whites and that you are hopelessly biased. Secondly, the last remark is somewhat confusing. If I'm reading it correctly, you're saying that neither the black man nor the white man killed because he was racist. Well, I know the black didn't, obviously, but the white guy may have.
My point was not that there was a lack of an uproar over the black murderer, my point was that if there is to be an uproar, it should be because a woman was murdered, not because a white guy did it.

In order to be truly objective and logical about these murders, we need to be outraged at both cases or don't be outraged at all.

"White people like you are allergic to truth."

That's much better, thanks.

My bad. Let me clear it up. If a Black guy kills a Black woman we know he didnt do it because he is a racist. Typically when a white guy kills a white woman we know he didnt do it because he is a racist unless she is involved with a Black cause or prefers Black men.


Who told you that you get to decide for everyone else how outrage should be ranked?

Who told you outrage is ranked at all? If we rank outrage, does this mean we rank tragedy as well? Is the one black woman's murder more tragic than the other? What do you think their families say about it? Does Samantha Stewart's family say "At least she wasn't murdered by a white racist"? Is Stewart less dead than Wilson?

People have their own opinions. Human natures dictates that a murder done by an outsider galvanizes the community in a way that is different than a murder done by an insider. Give you an example. Black people know that Black criminals are going to kill each other and in the process take a few innocents with them. While we are outraged about it in our communities we understand the cause. We work to change these people. Now when you have a white criminal killing Black people its an entirely different thing. We live with the daily probability that a white cop will shoot us for moving too fast to get our registration or license even when instructed to. Or maybe we "fit the description" and made the mistake of having our phone in our hands.Or maybe its just some radicalized white boy stopping by the local church and killing Black people who are praying. We only understand that their hate is irrational, based on race and unpredictable. This cranks the level of concern to a whole new level because now instead of catching a stray bullet meant for a Black criminal we are being hunted by whites that can appear from anywhere at any moment.

More blacks are killed by other blacks so one wonders why this does not galvanize the black community.
I quoted something you completely missed prior to making your complaint about me not capitalizing white but always capitalizing Black.

I said that I found it interesting, it was not a complaint. It's interesting because you and IM2 have this delusion that blacks can't be racist.

After being called a racist mere days after joining this forum I've come to expect that sort of thing from people like you. So it's neither a surprise or a bother to me in any way because I know where that shit comes from.

and what?

Why state the obvious?

i told me. When someone breaks my window I am outraged. When a white racist breaks my window my outrage is going to be exponentially higher in rank.

So you're not pissed that someone broke your window, you're pissed that he's white?

Black community is already galvanized and working on the issue. No we dont give progress reports to Black people because its none of your business and you have your own white on white crime problem to deal with.

What's taking so long?
The only thing that will stop the eternal whining of black people about who done dem wrong is a nice race war, to the death.

And do you really think white racists can win one of those? Because you would be venturing into a realm that you are probably not going to be prepared for. You talk like this because you are overconfident that whites can just wipe us out. But if it as to come to this, you are up against this kind of thinking:

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
You are the one who seems to be anti white and all for a race war. Why would it be white racists involved? Is a white person defending themselves racist just for being white?
Even if that was true whites sold their brothers into slavery as well. Thats where we get the term "slave" in the first place. Whites selling other whites.

Actually the Hebrew slaves were detained by Egyptians for some 500 years.

Or are you a Jew hating Holocaust denier as well?
Egyptians were black slave owners, but that is supposedly okay.
They were both Black so its ok just like when whites enslaved each other.
Total bullshit, all slavery is and was wrong.
True but there are rankings and white created chattel slavery was the worst in the history of the planet.
Whether one was worse than the other you really don't know for sure, it is just your speculation, I guess not wanting to think a black person would be cruel to another black person. I seriously doubt the Egyptian slave owners were kind to their slaves.
Of course it concerns you. There was a reason you deflected instead of addressing the point. White people like you are allergic to truth.

That would make sense however reality dictates that there is more outrage because we know one thing for damn certain. The Black/white guy didnt kill the Black/white woman because he was a racist.

First of all, I find it particularly interesting that you capitalize the word "black" but not "white". This reveals much about your feelings about whites and that you are hopelessly biased. Secondly, the last remark is somewhat confusing. If I'm reading it correctly, you're saying that neither the black man nor the white man killed because he was racist. Well, I know the black didn't, obviously, but the white guy may have.
My point was not that there was a lack of an uproar over the black murderer, my point was that if there is to be an uproar, it should be because a woman was murdered, not because a white guy did it.

In order to be truly objective and logical about these murders, we need to be outraged at both cases or don't be outraged at all.

"White people like you are allergic to truth."

That's much better, thanks.

My bad. Let me clear it up. If a Black guy kills a Black woman we know he didnt do it because he is a racist. Typically when a white guy kills a white woman we know he didnt do it because he is a racist unless she is involved with a Black cause or prefers Black men.


Who told you that you get to decide for everyone else how outrage should be ranked?

Who told you outrage is ranked at all? If we rank outrage, does this mean we rank tragedy as well? Is the one black woman's murder more tragic than the other? What do you think their families say about it? Does Samantha Stewart's family say "At least she wasn't murdered by a white racist"? Is Stewart less dead than Wilson?

People have their own opinions. Human natures dictates that a murder done by an outsider galvanizes the community in a way that is different than a murder done by an insider. Give you an example. Black people know that Black criminals are going to kill each other and in the process take a few innocents with them. While we are outraged about it in our communities we understand the cause. We work to change these people. Now when you have a white criminal killing Black people its an entirely different thing. We live with the daily probability that a white cop will shoot us for moving too fast to get our registration or license even when instructed to. Or maybe we "fit the description" and made the mistake of having our phone in our hands.Or maybe its just some radicalized white boy stopping by the local church and killing Black people who are praying. We only understand that their hate is irrational, based on race and unpredictable. This cranks the level of concern to a whole new level because now instead of catching a stray bullet meant for a Black criminal we are being hunted by whites that can appear from anywhere at any moment.

More blacks are killed by other blacks so one wonders why this does not galvanize the black community.
I quoted something you completely missed prior to making your complaint about me not capitalizing white but always capitalizing Black.

I said that I found it interesting, it was not a complaint. It's interesting because you and IM2 have this delusion that blacks can't be racist.

After being called a racist mere days after joining this forum I've come to expect that sort of thing from people like you. So it's neither a surprise or a bother to me in any way because I know where that shit comes from.

and what?

Why state the obvious?

i told me. When someone breaks my window I am outraged. When a white racist breaks my window my outrage is going to be exponentially higher in rank.

So you're not pissed that someone broke your window, you're pissed that he's white?

Black community is already galvanized and working on the issue. No we dont give progress reports to Black people because its none of your business and you have your own white on white crime problem to deal with.

What's taking so long?
It was a complaint or whine those are the only two options. Please show me where I have ever said Blacks cant be racist? Looks like your issue with reading comprehension is rearing its ugly head again.

Because I wanted to?

I'm more pissed if a white person does it.

Whats taking so long for you guys to stop raping dogs and live stock? Whats taking so long for you guys to stop you opoid, meth and crack use?
Actually the Hebrew slaves were detained by Egyptians for some 500 years.

Or are you a Jew hating Holocaust denier as well?
Egyptians were black slave owners, but that is supposedly okay.
They were both Black so its ok just like when whites enslaved each other.
Total bullshit, all slavery is and was wrong.
True but there are rankings and white created chattel slavery was the worst in the history of the planet.
Whether one was worse than the other you really don't know for sure, it is just your speculation, I guess not wanting to think a black person would be cruel to another black person. I seriously doubt the Egyptian slave owners were kind to their slaves.
I know for sure. I'd much rather be thought of as a human with a service contract to work off than thought of on the same level as cattle.
I don't buy that for a second. I think you have a very clear idea in your mind what white privilege is. I don't think you are at all interested in what white privilege means to me, I think you're just probing to see if I acknowledge it.
I think youre having trouble with reading comprehension. I do have a very clear idea in my mind what white privilege is. I definitely want to know your definition. We can all tell because I asked you as a prerequisite to us discussing your question.

"What does white privilege mean to you? I ask because we need to get the meaning established and because white people seem to have a difficult time accepting the definition unless they are aware of it."

My views about white privilege are irrelevant because I'm not the one who brought it up, Hathaway did. I'm asking why it was even brought up at all. The real question is: What does white privilege mean to Hathaway and why does she feel it's relevant here?
If your views on white privilege were irrelevant to me then I wouldnt have asked.

It may or may not be relevant to you personally but it's not relevant to the discussion.

I dont care who brought it up. You asked me a question about it.

You asked me a question first: "Who said it was white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?

To which I replied: "What does white privilege have to do with this murder?"

How would I know what white privilege means to this lady? I didnt know she existed until I saw the thread

It was a rhetorical question. I certainly don't expect you to know that.

I disagree. I wont discuss your question until you explain your understanding of what white privilege is. If you dont explain your question will not be discussed.

So now you expect an answer to your question and won't give your answer until you get it.

Thats because you asked the following question first...

"How is it white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?"

I then asked....

Who said it was white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?

To which you replied:

"What does white privilege have to do with this murder?"

Do you always get confused this easily?[/quote]

Do you? I told you already Hathaway's the one who brought it up. Both of these questions ask basically the same thing: What does white privilege have to do with any of it?

From my recollection thats the smartest thing you have posted.

Says the guy who gloated over my answering a question I never answered.
I think youre having trouble with reading comprehension. I do have a very clear idea in my mind what white privilege is. I definitely want to know your definition. We can all tell because I asked you as a prerequisite to us discussing your question.

"What does white privilege mean to you? I ask because we need to get the meaning established and because white people seem to have a difficult time accepting the definition unless they are aware of it."

My views about white privilege are irrelevant because I'm not the one who brought it up, Hathaway did. I'm asking why it was even brought up at all. The real question is: What does white privilege mean to Hathaway and why does she feel it's relevant here?
If your views on white privilege were irrelevant to me then I wouldnt have asked.

It may or may not be relevant to you personally but it's not relevant to the discussion.

I dont care who brought it up. You asked me a question about it.

You asked me a question first: "Who said it was white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?

To which I replied: "What does white privilege have to do with this murder?"

How would I know what white privilege means to this lady? I didnt know she existed until I saw the thread

It was a rhetorical question. I certainly don't expect you to know that.

I disagree. I wont discuss your question until you explain your understanding of what white privilege is. If you dont explain your question will not be discussed.

So now you expect an answer to your question and won't give your answer until you get it.

Thats because you asked the following question first...

"How is it white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?"

I then asked....

Who said it was white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?

To which you replied:

"What does white privilege have to do with this murder?"

Do you always get confused this easily?

Do you? I told you already Hathaway's the one who brought it up. Both of these questions ask basically the same thing: What does white privilege have to do with any of it?

From my recollection thats the smartest thing you have posted.

Says the guy who gloated over my answering a question I never answered.[/QUOTE]

Correct Your question will not be answered until you tell me what white privilege means to you.

Hathaway never said what you said. If she did please provide the quote. This is what you said.
"How is it white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?"
Egyptians were black slave owners, but that is supposedly okay.
They were both Black so its ok just like when whites enslaved each other.
Total bullshit, all slavery is and was wrong.
True but there are rankings and white created chattel slavery was the worst in the history of the planet.
Whether one was worse than the other you really don't know for sure, it is just your speculation, I guess not wanting to think a black person would be cruel to another black person. I seriously doubt the Egyptian slave owners were kind to their slaves.
I know for sure. I'd much rather be thought of as a human with a service contract to work off than thought of on the same level as cattle.
Not all Egyptian slaves were indentured servants.
They were both Black so its ok just like when whites enslaved each other.
Total bullshit, all slavery is and was wrong.
True but there are rankings and white created chattel slavery was the worst in the history of the planet.
Whether one was worse than the other you really don't know for sure, it is just your speculation, I guess not wanting to think a black person would be cruel to another black person. I seriously doubt the Egyptian slave owners were kind to their slaves.
I know for sure. I'd much rather be thought of as a human with a service contract to work off than thought of on the same level as cattle.
Not all Egyptian slaves were indentured servants.
Show me the ones that were thought of as non humans.
Total bullshit, all slavery is and was wrong.
True but there are rankings and white created chattel slavery was the worst in the history of the planet.
Whether one was worse than the other you really don't know for sure, it is just your speculation, I guess not wanting to think a black person would be cruel to another black person. I seriously doubt the Egyptian slave owners were kind to their slaves.
I know for sure. I'd much rather be thought of as a human with a service contract to work off than thought of on the same level as cattle.
Not all Egyptian slaves were indentured servants.
Show me the ones that were thought of as non humans.
How do you know they were thought of as human? Just because their owners were black does not mean they weren't treated horribly.
Whites do have a role in stopping racism.

Anne Hathaway calls out white privilege in passionate post about 'unspeakable' murder of Nia Wilson
Erin Donnelly,Yahoo Lifestyle 7 hours ago
Privileged white folk that live in gated rich communities FAR FAR away from blacks as possible, like Miss Hathaway speak out against "White privilege". Feel the burn of irony setting in? I am a honky and blacks hate our whitey collective guts. But, that is my opinion, and I should know, I live with blacks. And I feel their pain AND their hate. Unlike Ms Hathaway, that does neither. Just another Hollywood phony.
True but there are rankings and white created chattel slavery was the worst in the history of the planet.
Whether one was worse than the other you really don't know for sure, it is just your speculation, I guess not wanting to think a black person would be cruel to another black person. I seriously doubt the Egyptian slave owners were kind to their slaves.
I know for sure. I'd much rather be thought of as a human with a service contract to work off than thought of on the same level as cattle.
Not all Egyptian slaves were indentured servants.
Show me the ones that were thought of as non humans.
How do you know they were thought of as human? Just because their owners were black does not mean they weren't treated horribly.
How do you know they were thought of as non human? This is an important point you should be able to prove if you want to say chattel slavery created by whites was not worse than traditional slavery.
Whites do have a role in stopping racism.

Anne Hathaway calls out white privilege in passionate post about 'unspeakable' murder of Nia Wilson
Erin Donnelly,Yahoo Lifestyle 7 hours ago
Privileged white folk that live in gated rich communities FAR FAR away from blacks as possible, like Miss Hathaway speak out against "White privilege". Feel the burn of irony setting in? I am a honky and blacks hate our whitey collective guts. But, that is my opinion, and I should know, I live with blacks. And I feel their pain AND their hate. Unlike Ms Hathaway, that does neither. Just another Hollywood phony.
I wonder how many black on white crimes (not vice verse) have happened since Obama started trashing the cops publicly???

Well thanks to Bathhouse Barry the murder rate is skyrocketing. https://nypost.com/2017/09/26/all-that-kneeling-ignores-the-real-cause-of-soaring-black-homicides/
Wow. Ever since say, black mayors like Wellington Web came into office, law enforcement seems to get a little less proactive and a whole lot more REACTIVE. It doesn't work. Nope. I think NY mayor Giuliani clinched it with the "Broken Windows' policy. Attack the problem at it's bare roots, don't just ignore it until it gets out of control, be proactive.But we want to be ALL political and not address real issues because it offends some people.
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