Whites do have a role in stopping racism

Of course they didn't kill for the same reasons. Jesus. The point is that a black woman was murdered in cold blood in each case and yet the entire internet and Hollywood are in an uproar over the white murderer. Two black women are murdered and one is just as dead as the other but for some reason, racism seems to be the more heinous motive.

Apparently the means justify the end.
That may be the point to you which is probably why you are confused. Give you an example. Most white people die at the hands of other white people. Thats a given and true of every other race. A white guy kills a white woman and no one bats an eye. Now when a Black guy kills a white woman there is outrage and panic. Political careers are elevated or ended over the topic of being tough on crime because those people need to be controlled. Well its the same to us except we dont control the system so we cant send cops to crack heads in your neighborhood.

I shoulda figgered you'd find a way to make this about black victimhood.
I shoulda figured you would deflect because the truth bothers you.
If we don’t care about white guys raping white women and we don’t mind you raping black women guess who I will avoid? The sistas
Not sure I understand what thats supposed to mean.
You said “the white guy kills the white girl and no one bats an eye. So stay away from the white women. Lol jk
Whites do have a role in stopping racism.

Anne Hathaway calls out white privilege in passionate post about 'unspeakable' murder of Nia Wilson
Erin Donnelly,Yahoo Lifestyle 7 hours ago

Anne Hathaway is using her platform for a powerful cause.

Outraged by the fatal stabbing of 18-year-old Nia Wilson by a white man, the Oscar-winning actress dedicated an Instagram post to honoring the young black woman. Wilson and her sister, who survived the attack, were stabbed at the BART MacArthur Station in Oakland, Calif., on July 22.

But Hathaway’s post was more than a passive tribute to Wilson — it was a call to arms and condemnation of those who hide behind their “white privilege” and fail to take action in the face of violence and racism.

Describing Wilson’s murder as “unspeakable,” the Ocean’s 8 star acknowledged her own privilege while calling for white people to step up.


Anne Hathaway paid tribute to the late Nia Wilson on social media. (Photo: Theo Wargo/FilmMagic)
“White people — including me, including you — must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS,” she wrote. “White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence. Given those givens, we must ask our (white) selves — how ‘decent’ are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?”

She ended the message with the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, as well as #AntiRacist, #NoExcuse,
#SayHerName, and #EarnTheRightToSayHerName.

Hathaway shut off the comments for the post, but that hasn’t stopped fans from responding. Many are now praising her as an ally.

Of course, Hathaway’s passionate plea received a fair share of critics. One troll called her a “self-hating white bitch who constantly does the most to get the acceptance and approval of black people online… so f***ing pathetic and cringey.”

“Saying white people will never feel fear like black people is wrong,” another critic commented under one of Hathaway’s older posts. “There’s thousands of white girls in the world who are too scared to leave their homes after they’ve been abused, raped, and trafficked by men. There’s many white girls who have been murdered by men. Like I get it you’re privileged as hell and think every white woman is the same as you but that’s now how it works. Racism is disgusting and white supremacy needs to die but some of the stuff you said is just wrong.”

Hathaway’s not the only celebrity to speak out for Wilson. Amber Tamblyn also posted about her murder this week, though some accused her of shaming white women.

Anne Hathaway calls out white privilege in passionate post about 'unspeakable' murder of Nia Wilson

The only way you’ll get them to listen is if you un elect them. You need to go door to door and help people get absentee ballots or show up in November every 2 years.

You say poor and middle class whites screwed up by voting trump well they have white privilege. That privilege comes with voting. Don’t expect any politician to care about a group that doesn’t vote.

Rick Snyder poisoned flint and got re elected. Unacceptable

Is that why you democrats have declared war on the middle class and work so hard to drive middle America into poverty? :dunno:
Yea it’s us! This is what I love about struggling middle class republicans they (fox) have you convinced it’s us fing you in the A

Yeah, I mean your message is pure... :lol:

Trevor Noah Asks Ocasio-Cortez: 'How Do You Pay for All These Ideas?'

It is true young people are a lot more open to voting for socialized medicine for all
What point are you trying to make ?
He's not trying to make a point. He is deflecting with some type of false equivalence.

It is a false UNequivalence. Two black women murdered, one by a white guy and the other by a black guy. The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.
Nope its a false equivalence. Your are assuming facts not in evidence as well. Youre assuming both killed for the same reasons.

Of course they didn't kill for the same reasons. Jesus. The point is that a black woman was murdered in cold blood in each case and yet the entire internet and Hollywood are in an uproar over the white murderer. Two black women are murdered and one is just as dead as the other but for some reason, racism seems to be the more heinous motive.

Apparently the means justify the end.

Drop the white victimhood one time. You whites go on and on about black on black crime while you ignore any and all white on white crime. You whites do this all the time. A white man kills a white woman, whites like you say nothing. A black man kills a white woman then you need more guns and you need more police, you need to enact stand your ground laws, stop and frisk and then you start talking about how blacks are increasing attacks on whites. So stop crying.

I don't say anything in either case. My problem is not so much that the black guy murdered, my problem is that both guys murdered but the white murderer is getting all the attention because they think it was racially motivated and somehow this makes his murder worse even though the result of both murders are the same: A dead black woman.
He's not trying to make a point. He is deflecting with some type of false equivalence.

It is a false UNequivalence. Two black women murdered, one by a white guy and the other by a black guy. The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.
Nope its a false equivalence. Your are assuming facts not in evidence as well. Youre assuming both killed for the same reasons.

Of course they didn't kill for the same reasons. Jesus. The point is that a black woman was murdered in cold blood in each case and yet the entire internet and Hollywood are in an uproar over the white murderer. Two black women are murdered and one is just as dead as the other but for some reason, racism seems to be the more heinous motive.

Apparently the means justify the end.

Drop the white victimhood one time. You whites go on and on about black on black crime while you ignore any and all white on white crime. You whites do this all the time. A white man kills a white woman, whites like you say nothing. A black man kills a white woman then you need more guns and you need more police, you need to enact stand your ground laws, stop and frisk and then you start talking about how blacks are increasing attacks on whites. So stop crying.

I don't say anything in either case. My problem is not so much that the black guy murdered, my problem is that both guys murdered but the white murderer is getting all the attention because they think it was racially motivated and somehow this makes his murder worse even though the result of both murders are the same: A dead black woman.
Don’t you want to know what’s making so many Americans crazy? It’s evidence
Let me ask you a question: What does white privilege have to do with this murder?
What does white privilege mean to you? I ask because we need to get the meaning established and because white people seem to have a difficult time accepting the definition unless they are aware of it.

I thought you guys already established that.
We have. I just want to know what it means to you?

What difference does it make what white privilege means to me if you guys are just going to continue flogging us with your version anyway?
It makes a huge difference. Why would I waste my time talking to you about something we cant even define and agree upon?

I don't buy that for a second. I think you have a very clear idea in your mind what white privilege is. I don't think you are at all interested in what white privilege means to me, I think you're just probing to see if I acknowledge it.
It is a false UNequivalence. Two black women murdered, one by a white guy and the other by a black guy. The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.
Nope its a false equivalence. Your are assuming facts not in evidence as well. Youre assuming both killed for the same reasons.

Of course they didn't kill for the same reasons. Jesus. The point is that a black woman was murdered in cold blood in each case and yet the entire internet and Hollywood are in an uproar over the white murderer. Two black women are murdered and one is just as dead as the other but for some reason, racism seems to be the more heinous motive.

Apparently the means justify the end.
That may be the point to you which is probably why you are confused. Give you an example. Most white people die at the hands of other white people. Thats a given and true of every other race. A white guy kills a white woman and no one bats an eye. Now when a Black guy kills a white woman there is outrage and panic. Political careers are elevated or ended over the topic of being tough on crime because those people need to be controlled. Well its the same to us except we dont control the system so we cant send cops to crack heads in your neighborhood.

I shoulda figgered you'd find a way to make this about black victimhood.
I shoulda figured you would deflect because the truth bothers you.

The truth or non-truth of your remarks does not concern me because I'm not one of the ones that is outraged when a black man kills a white woman and it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

My thinking is; if we're going to be outraged then we should be outraged because a woman was murdered, not just because a white guy murdered a black woman or even that a black guy murdered a white woman.
Nope its a false equivalence. Your are assuming facts not in evidence as well. Youre assuming both killed for the same reasons.

Of course they didn't kill for the same reasons. Jesus. The point is that a black woman was murdered in cold blood in each case and yet the entire internet and Hollywood are in an uproar over the white murderer. Two black women are murdered and one is just as dead as the other but for some reason, racism seems to be the more heinous motive.

Apparently the means justify the end.
That may be the point to you which is probably why you are confused. Give you an example. Most white people die at the hands of other white people. Thats a given and true of every other race. A white guy kills a white woman and no one bats an eye. Now when a Black guy kills a white woman there is outrage and panic. Political careers are elevated or ended over the topic of being tough on crime because those people need to be controlled. Well its the same to us except we dont control the system so we cant send cops to crack heads in your neighborhood.

I shoulda figgered you'd find a way to make this about black victimhood.
I shoulda figured you would deflect because the truth bothers you.

The truth or non-truth of your remarks does not concern me because I'm not one of the ones that is outraged when a black man kills a white woman and it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

My thinking is; if we're going to be outraged then we should be outraged because a woman was murdered, not just because a white guy murdered a black woman or even that a black guy murdered a white woman.
Of course it concerns you. There was a reason you deflected instead of addressing the point. White people like you are allergic to truth.

That would make sense however reality dictates that there is more outrage because we know one thing for damn certain. The Black/white guy didnt kill the Black/white woman because he was a racist.
What does white privilege mean to you? I ask because we need to get the meaning established and because white people seem to have a difficult time accepting the definition unless they are aware of it.

I thought you guys already established that.
We have. I just want to know what it means to you?

What difference does it make what white privilege means to me if you guys are just going to continue flogging us with your version anyway?
It makes a huge difference. Why would I waste my time talking to you about something we cant even define and agree upon?

I don't buy that for a second. I think you have a very clear idea in your mind what white privilege is. I don't think you are at all interested in what white privilege means to me, I think you're just probing to see if I acknowledge it.
I think youre having trouble with reading comprehension. I do have a very clear idea in my mind what white privilege is. I definitely want to know your definition. We can all tell because I asked you as a prerequisite to us discussing your question.

"What does white privilege mean to you? I ask because we need to get the meaning established and because white people seem to have a difficult time accepting the definition unless they are aware of it."
I was already responding to MarcATL's post,
but, scrapped it when I came across....
It is a false UNequivalence. Two black women murdered, one by a white guy and the other by a black guy. The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.

Well, the white guy murdered because of hate. The black guy murdered because of no hate... its pretty obvious.

Chances are in reality both these guys are very mentally sick

Nope its a false equivalence. Your are assuming facts not in evidence as well. Youre assuming both killed for the same reasons.
...the very essence of what I wanted to
express in my last post, to MarcALT,...
but, chose not to....I will now

Do you know what troubles me,
not what motivates someone to kill....
what troubles me is, the capacity to kill...so easily, senselessly

What troubles me is that,
black lives only seem to matter,
if someone white is involved.

What troubles me is that, everyone murdered since,
up until, the next senseless murder that stirs the masses,
are and will be, nothing more than, a body in a grave....
Who knows her name, who knows his name?
Who will know her name, who will know his name?

What troubles me is that,
the white race is blamed for every ill,
accused of hiding behind white privilege,
to avoid confronting everything that isn't right,
and expected to fix everything that is wrong

What troubles me is that, sanctioned killing
is a woman's right to choose, regardless of whether it's wrong,
because to choose, is her privilege, which she is entitled to

What troubles me is,
we call what is wrong, right
and what is right, wrong,
yet, people can't figure out why shit is fucked up

What troubles me is,
people are not held accountable for their actions
nor, allowed the consequences of their choices

What troubles me is that,
there are those who do not realize what is unfolding,
and those who choose to remain distracted, by what isn't,
because that do not want to believe, what is.

Evil is not only alive and well, it is flourishing.
Satan is gearing up for the battle, Jesus already won
The devil is a liar...Jesus, come quickly
I don't know why white Republicans think they are better than everyone else.

Appalachia proves otherwise.

No wonder the entire world laughs at them.
He's not trying to make a point. He is deflecting with some type of false equivalence.

It is a false UNequivalence. Two black women murdered, one by a white guy and the other by a black guy. The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.
Nope its a false equivalence. Your are assuming facts not in evidence as well. Youre assuming both killed for the same reasons.

Of course they didn't kill for the same reasons. Jesus. The point is that a black woman was murdered in cold blood in each case and yet the entire internet and Hollywood are in an uproar over the white murderer. Two black women are murdered and one is just as dead as the other but for some reason, racism seems to be the more heinous motive.

Apparently the means justify the end.

Drop the white victimhood one time. You whites go on and on about black on black crime while you ignore any and all white on white crime. You whites do this all the time. A white man kills a white woman, whites like you say nothing. A black man kills a white woman then you need more guns and you need more police, you need to enact stand your ground laws, stop and frisk and then you start talking about how blacks are increasing attacks on whites. So stop crying.

I don't say anything in either case. My problem is not so much that the black guy murdered, my problem is that both guys murdered but the white murderer is getting all the attention because they think it was racially motivated and somehow this makes his murder worse even though the result of both murders are the same: A dead black woman.

Your problem is that you continue trying to maw whites victims. We are now on page 45 of a thread that was supposed to be discussing how and in what way do whites see as the manner in which they can step forwards and assume their role in ending the problem of racism. Less than 1 percent of the responses by whites here do that. All you whites want to do lecture us like you guys have made it like you tell us you have and we all know that's a lie. then you want cry and play victim. We as blacks have heard, seen and felt your overreaction to black on black crime, while you totaly ignore white on white crime to the existent that you guys don't even call I that. So I think your complaints about his matter that really has nothing to do with the OP and as usual, ignores how whites have done these things and even worse. Which is why racism is such an outrage.
Nope its a false equivalence. Your are assuming facts not in evidence as well. Youre assuming both killed for the same reasons.

Of course they didn't kill for the same reasons. Jesus. The point is that a black woman was murdered in cold blood in each case and yet the entire internet and Hollywood are in an uproar over the white murderer. Two black women are murdered and one is just as dead as the other but for some reason, racism seems to be the more heinous motive.

Apparently the means justify the end.
That may be the point to you which is probably why you are confused. Give you an example. Most white people die at the hands of other white people. Thats a given and true of every other race. A white guy kills a white woman and no one bats an eye. Now when a Black guy kills a white woman there is outrage and panic. Political careers are elevated or ended over the topic of being tough on crime because those people need to be controlled. Well its the same to us except we dont control the system so we cant send cops to crack heads in your neighborhood.

I shoulda figgered you'd find a way to make this about black victimhood.
I shoulda figured you would deflect because the truth bothers you.

The truth or non-truth of your remarks does not concern me because I'm not one of the ones that is outraged when a black man kills a white woman and it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

My thinking is; if we're going to be outraged then we should be outraged because a woman was murdered, not just because a white guy murdered a black woman or even that a black guy murdered a white woman.

And my thinking is that we should be concerned about whites committing crimes on whites instead of ignoring the higher numbers of white on white crime and the basically equal percentage of whites killing whites.
I am so sick of the bullshit trolling by IM2 and his fellow negro assholes...its time to put them on iggie. Enough already.
He puts out the thread bait..and everyone gobbles it up. Well....not me anymore. Like the piles of shit they are, I plan to step over it and keep moseying on.

I am so sick of the bullshit trolling by IM2 and his fellow negro assholes...its time to put them on iggie. Enough already.
He puts out the thread bait..and everyone gobbles it up. Well....not me anymore. Like the piles of shit they are, I plan to step over it and keep moseying on.

Go back to sleep Gracie. No one was talking to you.
You can't be that dense. How is it white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?
Where did I say that it is a white privilege for white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman ?
White privilege had nothing to do with this murder. It's just yet another asinine remark from yet another clueless celebrity based on no logic whatsoever.
What murder are you referring to ?
Well, the white guy murdered because of hate. The black guy murdered because of no hate... its pretty obvious.

Chances are in reality both these guys are very mentally sick. So yeah... lets start blaming everyone else.
The fk you smoking ?
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One can only assume you are conversing with one of the two resident black racists. Don't waste your time they are too stupid. Life is better with them on ignore. The air is fresher, the sky is a vibrant blue. The best part is, you don't have to read make believe black racist fairy tails.
Bitch.....it's like fighting ZOMBIES with you white racists on USMB.....anytime you smack one down.....another one pops up

I don't know why white Republicans think they are better than everyone else.

Appalachia proves otherwise.

No wonder the entire world laughs at them.
All politicians think they are better than everyone else.
I am so sick of the bullshit trolling by IM2 and his fellow negro assholes...its time to put them on iggie. Enough already.
He puts out the thread bait..and everyone gobbles it up. Well....not me anymore. Like the piles of shit they are, I plan to step over it and keep moseying on.

I have put all of our resident black racists ( im2, Paul eisen and ascelp or what ever he calls himself) on ignore. They are to ignorant to have a discussion.

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