Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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(full article online)

Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, and here he is quoted in 1995 as saying that he intends to drive the Israelis into the sea.

The entire Oslo process was a sham from the beginning. This isn't the only such Arabic Arafat quote during the Oslo "peace" process indicating that he regarded it as a stage towards the destruction of Israel, in line with the 1974 Phased Plan.

Yet gullible Westerners are so enamoured at seeing a terrorist mouthing words of peace that they don't 'even consider that perhaps he might not be telling the truth.


(full article online)

Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, and here he is quoted in 1995 as saying that he intends to drive the Israelis into the sea.

The entire Oslo process was a sham from the beginning. This isn't the only such Arabic Arafat quote during the Oslo "peace" process indicating that he regarded it as a stage towards the destruction of Israel, in line with the 1974 Phased Plan.

Yet gullible Westerners are so enamoured at seeing a terrorist mouthing words of peace that they don't 'even consider that perhaps he might not be telling the truth.

Did Arafat tell him that before he got AIDS?
While the Israeli military waited too long, there were retaliatory air strikes aimed at the islamic terrorists who were back to the balloon gee-had.

The IDF struck targets in the Gaza Strip late Monday night and into Tuesday morning after 10 fires were sparked by incendiary balloons launched into Israel from the Hamas-run coastal enclave, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit has confirmed.

IDF fighter jets had struck a weapons production site in Khan Younis, a terrorist tunnel in Jabaliya and a rocket-launching platform in the Shejaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, which was located in a civilian area near a school, it said.
While the Israeli military waited too long, there were retaliatory air strikes aimed at the islamic terrorists who were back to the balloon gee-had.

The IDF struck targets in the Gaza Strip late Monday night and into Tuesday morning after 10 fires were sparked by incendiary balloons launched into Israel from the Hamas-run coastal enclave, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit has confirmed.

IDF fighter jets had struck a weapons production site in Khan Younis, a terrorist tunnel in Jabaliya and a rocket-launching platform in the Shejaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, which was located in a civilian area near a school, it said.
IDF fighter jets V balloons!

Now that is funny.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: The Shift in the View the Europeans Hold.
※→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: Once the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) made the determination that the Arab Palestinians were the victims - that was the seminal moment in the conflict. That was was not just a paradigm shift in perspective, but an avalanche, which demonstrated the scope and nature of the ICC's lack of professional ethics and moral compass.

While the Israeli military waited too long, there were retaliatory air strikes aimed at the islamic terrorists who were back to the balloon gee-had.

The IDF struck targets in the Gaza Strip late Monday night and into Tuesday morning after 10 fires were sparked by incendiary balloons launched into Israel from the Hamas-run coastal enclave, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit has confirmed.

IDF fighter jets had struck a weapons production site in Khan Younis, a terrorist tunnel in Jabaliya and a rocket-launching platform in the Shejaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, which was located in a civilian area near a school, it said.

When the ICC picks up the banner for the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and begins the prosecutorial process against the Israeli, does the Court itself becomes a criminal party?
UN Security Council Resolution 1373 • Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts said:
2. Decides also that all States shall:
(a) Refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including by suppressing recruitment of members of terrorist groups and eliminating the supply of weapons to terrorists;​
They also require each EU country to:
criminalise preparatory acts as offences linked to terrorist activities - examples include public provocation to commit a terrorist offence, recruitment and training for terrorism and theft, extortion or forgery with the aim of committing terrorist offences;

criminalise inciting or aiding or abetting, as well as attempting to commit certain types of offences;


And it is a matter of perception. Even if the Court can defend its actions by accepting the complaint from a terrorist organization, how does that shape the court appearance?


Now I'm sure that the legal eagles can come up with all sorts of reasoning as to how the ICC can support the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) activities.
Palestinian Media Watch said:
PA official to Jafra News:
  • The Pre-Trial Chamber was requested to determine the scope of jurisdiction merely for show to “protect the ICC’s public image”
  • The ICC prosecutor deceived the international community when she initiated a sham pre-trial request, supposedly to determine if the ICC has jurisdiction over the “situation in Palestine.” In fact the “decision is a foregone conclusion,” and she has already decided to initiate an investigation
  • The PA committee working with the ICC prosecutor has Hamas and PFLP members
Times of Israel said:

Hamas lauds ICC jurisdiction ruling: ‘Use all means to stop Zionist crimes’​

By TOI STAFF 6 February 2021​
Palestinian Media Watch said:
Both HAMAS and the PFLP are on the EU List of Terrorist Organizations.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: The Shift in the View the Europeans Hold.
※→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: Once the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) made the determination that the Arab Palestinians were the victims - that was the seminal moment in the conflict. That was was not just a paradigm shift in perspective, but an avalanche, which demonstrated the scope and nature of the ICC's lack of professional ethics and moral compass.


When the ICC picks up the banner for the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and begins the prosecutorial process against the Israeli, does the Court itself becomes a criminal party?


And it is a matter of perception. Even if the Court can defend its actions by accepting the complaint from a terrorist organization, how does that shape the court appearance?


Now I'm sure that the legal eagles can come up with all sorts of reasoning as to how the ICC can support the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) activities.
Both HAMAS and the PFLP are on the EU List of Terrorist Organizations.

But the UN, the ICC, and most countries in the world do not.
The IAF has thus far flown limited retaliatory strikes in response to the gee-had attacks. This may prompt them to take more active measures.

Incendiary balloons were launched from the Gaza Strip on Tuesday hours after the IDF struck targets in the Gaza Strip late Monday night and into Tuesday morning after 10 fires were sparked by incendiary balloons launched into Israel from the Hamas-run coastal enclave.
I think that westerners often fail to understand that islamist ideology is little different from that promoted by the Taliban vs. that promoted by Hamas. Islamic terrorists in suits vs. Islamic terrorists in Afghan turbans. It's still the same Medieval politico-religious ideology that has changed little from what it was 1,400 years ago.

If Congress determines that NGOs are no longer independent of the PA, or that US-provided NGO funding will be shunted into the PA treasury, it could compel the administration to suspend all US aid to the West Bank and Gaza.

The PA’s recent Law-by-Decree No. 7/2021 is the latest in more than two decades of PA actions aimed at eroding the independence of civil society. The decree requires that NGO work plans “conform” with those of the PA. It authorizes Palestinian officials to transfer NGO funds to the PA treasury with virtually no transparency. It also imposes new fees on NGOs, effectively compelling donors to NGOs to subsidize the PA. If US aid is caught up in that scheme, it would violate US laws prohibiting economic assistance to the PA.

Congress can be expected to examine the PA’s control of NGOs as part of its oversight of US aid.

This study summarizes the PA’s gradual nationalization of Palestinian civil society organizations. It recommends that Congress review which US funds have ended up in the PA treasury, examine whether NGOs are independent of the PA, and determine whether US economic aid is precluded by Law-by-Decree No. 7/2021 or other PA laws and regulations.

(full article online)

If Congress determines that NGOs are no longer independent of the PA, or that US-provided NGO funding will be shunted into the PA treasury, it could compel the administration to suspend all US aid to the West Bank and Gaza.

The PA’s recent Law-by-Decree No. 7/2021 is the latest in more than two decades of PA actions aimed at eroding the independence of civil society. The decree requires that NGO work plans “conform” with those of the PA. It authorizes Palestinian officials to transfer NGO funds to the PA treasury with virtually no transparency. It also imposes new fees on NGOs, effectively compelling donors to NGOs to subsidize the PA. If US aid is caught up in that scheme, it would violate US laws prohibiting economic assistance to the PA.

Congress can be expected to examine the PA’s control of NGOs as part of its oversight of US aid.

This study summarizes the PA’s gradual nationalization of Palestinian civil society organizations. It recommends that Congress review which US funds have ended up in the PA treasury, examine whether NGOs are independent of the PA, and determine whether US economic aid is precluded by Law-by-Decree No. 7/2021 or other PA laws and regulations.

(full article online)

Do what they do with Israel. Ignore the law, hand over the cash.
More balloon gee-had by the islamic terrorists. I'm not clear why the IAF is not bringing in some retaliatory strikes.

Incendiary balloons were launched from the Gaza Strip on Tuesday hours after the IDF struck targets in the Gaza Strip late Monday night and into Tuesday morning after 10 fires were sparked by incendiary balloons launched into Israel from the Hamas-run coastal enclave.
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