Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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(Time to put an end to the PA, bus the Arabs back to Arabia, and finally have peace on the Jewish
Homeland. I can dream )

Some interesting Islamic terrorist news. The pay scale for becoming a staff killer for the Pally Death Cult can be multiple times more profitable than becoming a professional.

“In 2018, the budget of the Palestinian Ministry of Health, which is responsible for the health of 5 million inhabitants, stood at $530 million USD ($111.6 USD per capita per year), while the budget paying beneficiaries of terrorists, which serves 12,200 incarcerated and released prisoners, and 37,500 family members of “martyrs” and wounded terrorists, which constitute a minuscule part of the population, stands at $370 million USD ($8,820 USD per capita per year).”

In other words, the PA budget allocates nearly 80 times more per capita for terrorism than for health.

As far as teachers go, things don’t get much better.

“In comparison to the world average, the income level of a Palestinian terrorist serving 30 years in prison and above is ranked the 18th in the world. He/she earns 4 times the average Palestinian salary and 8 times the average Palestinian minimum wage,” according to the report.

Thus, it continues, “The PA’s policy makes it 5 times more profitable to become a convicted terrorist than a teacher.”
The 19-year-old won a scholarship to study communications in Turkey, secured all the necessary travel documents and even paid $500 to skip the long lines at the Rafah crossing with Egypt.

But when she arrived at the border on Sept. 21 she was turned back — not by Israel or Egypt, which have imposed a 14-year blockade on the Gaza Strip — but because of a male guardianship law enacted by the Islamic militant group Hamas, which rules the territory.

uman Rights Watch, a New York-based group that is deeply critical of the blockade, called on Hamas to lift its restrictions.

“Hamas’s authorities should lift the travel ban on Afaf al-Najar and the Supreme Judicial Council should withdraw its notice so that women in Gaza can travel without discriminatory restrictions,” it said.

After being turned back at the border, al-Najar appealed to a number of local human rights groups but said they appeared reluctant to assist her, fearing reprisal from Hamas. Eventually, she filed a petition against the ban.

(full article online)


The Pally islamists were huffing and puffing, as usual.​

Hamas Celebrates 20th Anniversary Of Its First Rocket Launch:​

However, the incompetent Islamic terrorists have killed boatloads of Pallys.

I suppose ''Allahu akbar'' is in order.

As explained below, an analysis of the best information currently available indicates that about 91 Palestinians were probably killed by off-course Palestinian rockets.
The flow of welfare to the Pally terrorists has been a primary reason for the continued existence of the various gee-had groups operating in the Islamic terrorist occupied territories.

A United Kingdom-based charity that is a designated terrorist organization in the United States will cease fundraising for Palestinians after its donation income has taken a hit, according to its 2020 annual report and accounts, published by the U.K.’s Charity Commission.

According to Interpal’s independent auditors, the charity’s bank account was closed last year, and it has been unable to open a new one in light of its U.S. designation as a terrorist organization due to its links to Hamas.
The notion of purging Hamas from the territory they occupy doesn’t address the underlying problem of Islamic ideology. Let's leave aside HAMAS's continuing gee-had attacks aimed at Israeli citizens, their stated determination to destroy Israel and slaughter every Jew therein, their use of tunnel building to attack Israel, their use of human shields intended to be used as propaganda material when Israel retaliates to attacks and their repeated violations of previously agreed-upon cease-fire periods.

leaving aside the above, there is still Fatah which is intent on breeding new generations of sociopathic children.

If the international community truly wants to aid Gaza residents, purging Hamas’s influence and completely restructuring UNRWA would be far more effective than money or concrete.


Oh, no!!!! A settler colonialist system which denies the "indigenous ARAB Palestinians" (Wink, wink to Arabs being the key word) written by a Christian Arab who was born in the USA to a Palestinian parent and an American one.

What does he think in general? Any good thought about Israel? NO. Does he like Jews? Probably not.

Bisharat is a commentator on the Middle East and the legal and human rights aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and his written commentaries have been published in U.S. and international media. He was an critic of Israel's conduct during its 2006 war with Lebanon, and has been a defender of the right of return of Palestinian refugees who were expelled or fled from their homes in 1948 during the creation of the State of Israel.

Bisharat supports the possibility a one-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and is working on a book addressing the legal aspects of that solution. He supports a boycott of Israel, arguing in a 2007 editorial published by the San Francisco Chronicle that a boycott was "both necessary and justified" by Israel's continued occupation of Palestinian Territories.

Bisharat has argued in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times that Israel's actions in the 2008–2009 Israel–Palestine conflict over Gaza constitute war crimes.[3][4]

Basically, any Arab has the right of return to Arabia.

Any Jew has the right of return to Ancient Canaan, Judea, Palestine, Israel
Golly, gee. We’re told so often by Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailers that
this is not a religious conflict™ when strangely, the Islamic terrorists invoke Islamic sharia.

Mahmoud Habbash, Advisor To Palestinian Authority President Abbas: Shari'a Law Overrides Any International Treaty Or Legislation; Colonial Powers Plotted To Keep Arabs Backward, Fragmented
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Demarcation Line
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The IMEU "20 questions and answers" is essentially just a good attempt at misinformation.


Conflict does NOT imply "parity" of any sort. Conflict (in the case of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict) is the engagement of opposing forces. The is Conflict specifically explained in the ICRC reference: "How is the Term "Armed Conflict" as defined in International Humanitarian Law (IHL)?"

The entire idea behind the question about who Palestinians are, it a backhanded attempt at trickery. Notice that it says " indigenous Arab people of Palestine and their descendants." Everyone is a descendant from somewhere. This language is taken from the Consolidated Eligibility and Registration Instruction (CERI). It is not law. It is not a binding convention. It is the manual that is designed for the perpetual generation of Palestinian Refugees; alla the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

I could go on, but I've read the entire 20 points, and they are all flawed and intentionally misleading the audience - and draw on the emotions of the pro-Palestinian movements.


Most Respectfully,
Oh, my. Those poor, oppressed Pallys™ in the besieged Gaza Strip™ were still having electrical supply problems in 2020. That bottomless pit of endless pleading for “we can’t because we’re helpless” is rather odd in view of luxury malls and Islamo-mansions.

Providing the population of the Gaza Strip with a 24/7 power supply requires about 600 megawatts of electricity. Yet the Gaza Strip receives only 180 megawatts — 120 directly from Israel via 10 power lines, and 60 generated by Gaza’s power plant with Qatari-funded fuel provided by Israel. As a result, residents usually receive power in eight-hour rotations: eight hours on and eight hours off. In summer, the power can go off for up to 12 hours.

A matter of priorities, perhaps?

Palestinian Authority paid terrorists over $150 million in 2020

The amount makes up 3.25% of the PA’s budget for last year, and is about NIS 5m. ($1.5m.) less than last year.

The Palestinian Authority paid more than NIS 512 million ($157m.) in salaries to incarcerated or released terrorists in 2020, Palestinian Media Watch reported Monday.

The amount constituted 3.25% of the PA’s budget for last year, it said in a report. The PA paid about NIS 517m. to incarcerated or released terrorists in 2019, it said.

The total amount paid to incarcerated or released terrorists in 2020 was more than NIS 512m. because those who had previously been employed by the PA continue receiving their salaries while in prison, according to PA budgetary regulations.

The PA also has a “martyr’s fund” for the families of those killed while committing or attempting acts of terrorism. It includes monthly salaries, free education, insurance, medical care and more.
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Residents of the city of Tayibe, a Palestinian city in Israel, protest against an Israeli order to close businesses along a stretch of Route 444 on the pretext that they lack permits, 29 October. The busy road is near the fairly new Jewish settlement of Tzur Yitzhak, which has expanded rapidly on land belonging to Tayibe residents, who have great difficulty securing building permits under Israel’s system of apartheid.

Heather Sharona Weiss ActiveStills
It really is time to end the existence of an agency that has a history of Islamic terrorist incitement. Pally “refugees” is a slogan that has no meaningful relevance and to expect the international community to offer welfare for an endlessly expanding population of people who want a welfare entitlement is ridiculous

The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees has failed to fulfill demands for reform—and may soon face the consequences.

Eliminating antisemitism, incitement, and links to terrorism might sound like obvious conditions for a U.N. agency whose slogan is “Peace Starts Here.” But it’s far from clear whether these are conditions—especially as applied to UNRWA’s educational programs—the organization will be able to fulfill.
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