Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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She is free as a bird

For how long? She has been arrested several times.

Jarrar has long been a target of the Israeli occupation due to her outspoken nature and political activism.

She has spent much of the last six years in and out of Israeli prisons, including between July 2017 and February 2019 in administrative detention, an Israeli policy that allows the imprisonment of Palestinians indefinitely, on “secret information,” without presenting them with formal charges or allowing them to stand trial.

In 2015, she was sentenced to 15 months over the same charge – “membership in an illegal organization”.

Israel outlaws more than 400 organizations, including all Palestinian political parties – including the ruling Fatah party and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) – as “terrorist groups”.

Why Is Israel Afraid of Khalida Jarrar?​

For how long? She has been arrested several times.

Why Is Israel Afraid of Khalida Jarrar?​

Free Palestinians from their toxic idea that Israel and the rest of the Mandate for Palestine belongs to Muslims, and only Muslims.

Then......all like her will be free from the garbage they have learned about their superiority and need to own the whole planet.

Help them work on that.
Just one more in the long line of Islamic terrorist misfits who have stolen from the international welfare system to fund their personal bank accounts.

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In an article in the daily Al-Ayyam, Ashraf Al-'Ajrami, a former minister of prisoners affairs in the Palestinian Authority (PA), warned that the West Bank is in complete chaos, manifested in violent clan and tribal conflicts that are threatening public security. This situation, he said, results from the failure of all the Palestinian institutions – the education system, the executive and judicial bodies, the political parties and even civil society organizations – which have not managed to build a national civil infrastructure divorced from clan and tribal loyalties.

Al-'Ajrami added that the public confidence in the PA institutions is eroding, and that the PA is losing its ability to govern, because the public relies more and more on local and tribal frameworks to protect it and handle its affairs. He stated that the discourse of resistance, which glorifies weapons, only intensifies the phenomenon of citizens taking the law into their own hands and using their weapons to settle personal and local scores. If Palestinian society slides into complete anarchy, he warned, international elements will stop supporting the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, out of fear that it will turn into a failed and corrupt country. He urged the Palestinians to embrace values of proper government and the rule of law and thus restore their image as "a civilized and educated nation that can play an active role in the culture of the world."

It should be noted that the weakness of the rule of law in the PA is an issue often discussed in the Palestinian media, with many writers claiming that it is a symptom of deeper problems in Palestinian society that can threaten the future of the Palestinian national cause. [1]

(full article online)

enior executives include Intisar Abu Amara, head of Abbas’ bureau, senior Fatah and PLO officials and former PA officials, including Tayeb ‘Abd al-Rahim, who was the head of the presidency, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the Mufti of Jerusalem, and Ahmad Atzaaf, the head of the radio and television authority.

However, despite the many investments, the project failed to launch, even though a cornerstone was laid and a festive ceremony was held to unveil the project.

Human rights groups and social activists claim that the funds have disappeared and found their way into the pockets of PA officials. Social networks are also on fire and some are demanding the establishment of a commission of inquiry.

One Fatah source in Ramallah said in a phone call with TPS that “all the efforts of the Israeli government to strengthen the Palestinian Authority will not stand the test of reality as long as the corruption cases in the PA keep on coming one after the another.”

Just this week, TPS reported that PA law enforcement officials have recently begun investigating corruption cases involving Walid Assaf, who until recently was head of the Palestinian National Committee for Combating Settlements and served as a minister. Assaf served in his position for a number of years and a month ago he was surprisingly replaced by Mu’id Shaaban.

(full article online)

After decades of international welfare money being stolen for personal gain by the Pally Islamic terrorists and portions being used for the Islamic gee-had, it’s inconceivable why the international community stills throw money at the Pally welfare enclaves.

The European Union has not done enough to ensure that its funding to the Palestinian Authority does not support incitement to violence and human rights violations, a study published on Tuesday argued.

“Despite existing anti-terrorism regulations, the EU has not addressed funding by the Palestinian Authority to families of convicted terrorists as well as the persistent issue of incitement to hatred and widespread antisemitism in Palestinian textbooks,” wrote researchers Tommaso Virgili and Paul Stott, who previously authored a report on hidden Muslim Brotherhood networks in Europe.
Palestinian media quote Israel's Kan network saying that an Israeli bus driver was injured on Tuesday evening when a Molotov cocktail was thrown at her near the village of Al-Tur in Jerusalem.

There are an average of three such Molotov cocktail attacks every day in Israel, but since most of them do not result in serious injury, no one seems to care.

Even though they are firebombs.

According to the Shin Bet, there were 124 firebombs in October, 94 in November and 107 in December.

Also in December were 11 pipe bombs, 6 cases of small arms fire, 2 car rammings and 5 stabbings.

Palestinians try to kill Jews every single day. Just because Israel has gotten better at minimizing casualties doesn't mean that the terrorists aren't still trying.

This morning, Israel demolished two homes in Sheikh Jarrah that had been illegally built in the 1990s - to build a special needs school and kindergarten for Arab residents.

People started publishing a photo from the scene, showing a forlorn schoolbag and books.

A photo was found of Arab Jerusalem activist Muhammad Abu al-Hames - with the props.

You can see him with the schoolbag,a bulletin board and bags of other materials.

Here's a closeup of the bulletin board in the debris that you can see matches what al-Hames has in pristine, clean condition.

(h/t Abu Ali Express)

UPDATE: More of the bulletin board. Note how it was cleaner with al-Hames then when it was in the rubble, so he didn't "save" it.

At some point, the explicit calls for incitement and killing as practiced by the islamic terrorist syndicates must have a downside.

Hamas co-founder Hassan Yousef will be charged in the coming days in an Israeli military court for incitement to terror and supporting a terror group, Israel Police said in a statement on Sunday.

Yousef, a senior figure in Hamas’s West Bank division, is seen as a relative moderate in the terror group’s apparatus. Since helping found the Hamas terror movement in the 1980s, Yousef has been arrested numerous times and spent years in Israeli prisons, much of it in administrative detention.
Golly. Maybe we'll return to those moments in time when the two angry islamic terrorist franchises were slamming away at each other with kidnapping, torture and murder.

Encouragement for terrorist attacks: Senior Hamas figures and the Hamas-affiliated media repeatedly call on the Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem to carry out terrorist attacks. Hamas supporters call for attacks in the name of Muhammed Deif, the commander of Hamas’ military-terrorist wing and regarded as a symbol of the violent struggle against Israel. Moreover, many of the attacks recently carried out in Judea and Samaria, and especially east Jerusalem, were praised, as were the attackers. In some of the attacks the terrorist was specifically referred to as a Hamas operative, but in no case did Hamas issue an official claim of responsibility for an attack.
Pally Islamic terrorism continues apace because they are showered with money as a means of financing. Cutting off funding for terrorists is an important step (obviously), to limiting the damage done by islamic terrorists.

Oh, such melodrama.

I suppose the Pallys will equip their pre-teens with korans and knives and point them toward their demise.

“Prepare the rifles… We’ll declare war… This is a threat” - Fatah threatens terror if terrorist prisoner dies of cancer​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 20, 2022

Nasser Abu Hmeid is Palestinian terrorist prisoner serving 7 life sentences for his part in the murder of 7 Israelis during the PA’s 5-year terror campaign, the second Intifada. He was a commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (Fatah's military wing).

Nasser Abu Hmeid is now sick with lung cancer and although he is being treated in an Israeli hospital, the PA and Fatah are demanding that Israel grant him an early release from prison.
If Israel doesn’t give in, Fatah is threatening Israel with “war” and terror. Fatah uploaded the following “warning” and “threat” given in the name of Fatah’s military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – which is an internationally designated terror organization. Fatah promises to “burn the world” and “redeem” Nasser Abu Hmeid “with their blood” if he dies. It “declares war” and calls on Palestinians to “prepare the rifles”:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

You should get extra points for the comic relief.
It's on!

Hamas - men in rowboats vs. Dolphins.

What does it say about your 'commandos' when they're chased away by Flipper?

That is just too funny.

Flipper always seemed to save the day!


Most Respectfully,
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