Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Where ARE those people, anyway? Why don't any of them post on message boards like this?
Maysoon Zayid

All those speaking about how religions can get along should get their asses up to the Temple Mount and start insisting that the Jewish people have equal rights to prayer and worship.

One wonders why they don't.

And the Muslims and Christians should flood Synagogues and call it freedom of religion.

Christians and Muslims have been flooding Synagogues for 1700 years and calling it their right to discriminate and destroy those Synagogues if they so wanted.

Jordan alone destroyed 58 Synagogues in Jerusalem once it took over the Jewish Quarter of that city in 1948.

Yes, Habib.....THAT is what "freedom of religion" means to some Muslims....and some Christians alike.

Chai :)
Salfit City Profile

Location and Physical Characteristics
Salfit city, which includes Khirbet Qeis (Qeis ruins) within its borders, is the only city in Salfit Governorate. It is bordered by Al Lubban ash Sharqiya (in Ramallah Governorate) and Iskaka to its east, Bani Zeid ash Sharqiya and „Ammuriyya (in Ramallah Governorate) to the south, Farkha and Bruqin villages to its west, and Haris, Kifl Haris and Marda villages to its north (ARIJ-GIS, 2013) (See Map 1).

Salfit city is known for its cultivation of grape and fig vines and its ancient wine presses which are used in the present day. The word “Salfit” consists of two syllables; “Sal” meaning baskets and “Fit” meaning grapes. The city was established in the Canaanite era (15th century AD), with its residents descending from the Bani Nimra family, originating from East Jordan. The city is also home to members of the Al Hawatra family descending from the prophet Al Abbas. They left Al Hijaz in Saudi Arabia, travelled through to East Jordan, then moved to the neighboring village of Farkha before residing in Salfit city, which includes Khirbet Qeis locality (Salfit Municipality, 2012).

Mahmoud Abbas -
the PA leader

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  • Palestinian leaders claim that the Palestinians are descended from the Canaanite people who lived in the Land of Canaan before the Israelite tribes settled in it.
  • What is the source of the name “Palestine?” It is not Arab; it is derived from the name “Palestina,” by which the Roman Emperor Hadrian chose to call the land after the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. His aim was to erase “Judea.”

  • According to Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih, during the entire 400 year period of Ottoman rule (1517-1918), before the British set up the 30-year-long Palestine Mandate, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” In Arabic, the area was known as al-Ard al-Muqadassa(the holy land), or Surya al-Janubiyya (southern Syria), but not Palestine.

  • Not a single Palestinian tribe identifies its roots in Canaan; instead, they all see themselves as proud Arabs descended from the most notable Arab tribes of the Hejaz, today’s Iraq, or Yemen. Even the Kanaan family of Nablus locates its origins in Syria. Some Palestinian clans are Kurdish or Egyptian in origin, and in Mount Hebron, there are traditions of Jewish origins.

  • This study does not deny the right of the Palestinian clans as a whole to define themselves as a Palestinian people. It would be better, however, if the Palestinian leadership were to choose a positive and constructive narrative and not a baseless one that is intended to negate that of the Jews of Israel.
(full article online)

Who Are the Palestinians?
  • Palestinian leaders claim that the Palestinians are descended from the Canaanite people who lived in the Land of Canaan before the Israelite tribes settled in it.
  • What is the source of the name “Palestine?” It is not Arab; it is derived from the name “Palestina,” by which the Roman Emperor Hadrian chose to call the land after the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. His aim was to erase “Judea.”

  • According to Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih, during the entire 400 year period of Ottoman rule (1517-1918), before the British set up the 30-year-long Palestine Mandate, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” In Arabic, the area was known as al-Ard al-Muqadassa(the holy land), or Surya al-Janubiyya (southern Syria), but not Palestine.

  • Not a single Palestinian tribe identifies its roots in Canaan; instead, they all see themselves as proud Arabs descended from the most notable Arab tribes of the Hejaz, today’s Iraq, or Yemen. Even the Kanaan family of Nablus locates its origins in Syria. Some Palestinian clans are Kurdish or Egyptian in origin, and in Mount Hebron, there are traditions of Jewish origins.

  • This study does not deny the right of the Palestinian clans as a whole to define themselves as a Palestinian people. It would be better, however, if the Palestinian leadership were to choose a positive and constructive narrative and not a baseless one that is intended to negate that of the Jews of Israel.
(full article online)

Who Are the Palestinians?
The Palestinians have had legal status since the Treaty of Lausanne.

So, what is all this other crap about?
Not to mention the fact that Herodotus called it Palestine a few centuries before Rome was established. What ignorant asses these Zionists are.
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