Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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["International Law" according to a Palestinian ]

Ma'an publishes, with a straight face, an article by a self-described international law expert named Samir Dweikat describing exactly why Jews have no right to buy land in British Mandate Palestine under international law.

The "logic" is fairly bizarre, but the argument seems to go like this: After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)

The laws that governed the area of what became British Mandate Palestine were -Palestinian Arab laws!

(full article online)

Palestinian lawyer says all Jewish land purchases, ever, violate international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He may have a point.
After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)
That is true. Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

Those are the rules of state succession laid down in international law. The land was ceded to Palestine and the Palestinians became the citizens of that successor state. The Palestinians are the sovereigns of that territory.

As far as laws go, I am not too sure. Again, the rules of state succession say that the laws of the predecessor state rule until the people of the successor state change them. I don't know what the Turkish laws were in regard to immigration and land purchase. However, I do know that Turkey was opposed to the Zionist colonial project so there may be something there.

The British never would allow the Palestinians to pass their own laws so whatever Turkey had would be the laws he may be referring to.

"As far as laws go, I am not too sure."

Obviously. That's why it's always worth a chuckle when you issue your legal briefs. They're briefly amusing.
And you don't know either. However, the Zionist settler colonial project is a violation of international law. Local laws? They were not even mentioned in the article.

Your typical cut and paste slogans are a hoot.

Lecture us further with your in depth knowledge of International Law. Or, thrill us with more cliche's and slogans such as your Pom Pom flailing Zionist settler colonial project ™
Do you mean the colonial project that Britain and the Zionists talked openly about in their own documentation.

Now the lying sacks of shit in Israel try to rewrite their own history.
["International Law" according to a Palestinian ]

Ma'an publishes, with a straight face, an article by a self-described international law expert named Samir Dweikat describing exactly why Jews have no right to buy land in British Mandate Palestine under international law.

The "logic" is fairly bizarre, but the argument seems to go like this: After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)

The laws that governed the area of what became British Mandate Palestine were -Palestinian Arab laws!

(full article online)

Palestinian lawyer says all Jewish land purchases, ever, violate international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He may have a point.
After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)
That is true. Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

Those are the rules of state succession laid down in international law. The land was ceded to Palestine and the Palestinians became the citizens of that successor state. The Palestinians are the sovereigns of that territory.

As far as laws go, I am not too sure. Again, the rules of state succession say that the laws of the predecessor state rule until the people of the successor state change them. I don't know what the Turkish laws were in regard to immigration and land purchase. However, I do know that Turkey was opposed to the Zionist colonial project so there may be something there.

The British never would allow the Palestinians to pass their own laws so whatever Turkey had would be the laws he may be referring to.

"As far as laws go, I am not too sure."

Obviously. That's why it's always worth a chuckle when you issue your legal briefs. They're briefly amusing.
And you don't know either. However, the Zionist settler colonial project is a violation of international law. Local laws? They were not even mentioned in the article.

Your typical cut and paste slogans are a hoot.

Lecture us further with your in depth knowledge of International Law. Or, thrill us with more cliche's and slogans such as your Pom Pom flailing Zionist settler colonial project ™
Do you mean the colonial project that Britain and the Zionists talked openly about in their own documentation.

Now the lying sacks of shit in Israel try to rewrite their own history.

I think you mean the Islamist colonial / settler project undertaken by the Turks and detailed within the Hamas charter.
[The partners for Peace. From birth to death ]

Bang snaps are not dangerous, of course, but the idea that 2-year old kids are being taught from the cradle to throw explosive devices on Jews would be considered shocking in any context - except when the attackers are Palestinians.

(full article online)

Even two-year old Palestinians are taught to attack Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The settler colonialists are the attackers. People do not get colonized voluntarily. It requires aggression.
[Here is a new one, on the Palestinian way to "victory" ]

This means that these Arab youths are deliberately trying to be stopped and searched by Israeli police, slowing down their ability to visit their supposedly holy site - all because they think that it makes the Israeli police frustrated to search a bag and not find any weapons. And if they are traveling in groups then all of them must wait for every bag to be inspected.

This makes them happy.

While normally, being stopped and searched is considered humiliation for the Arabs, but now that they consider it humiliation for the police they want to be stopped and searched.

Even more insane is that metal detectors would allow them a much faster path to praying (and playing soccer) on the Haram al-Sharif - but that is too "humiliating" so they'd rather be inspected one by one.

But that isn't shameful when they believe that they are humiliating the police instead of being humiliated, which was what they considered being frisked a week ago.

This also illustrates the zero-sum game mentality - if we aren't humiliated, then the enemy must be feeling shamed. And vice versa.
The Palestinians don't need aid. They need an army of social workers and psychologists to help their self-esteem (=honor.) If they were half as confident in themselves as they pretend to be, they would be able to make concessions for real peace instead of symbolic victories like supposedly frustrating the police.

(full article online)

Now Arabs WANT to be frisked by police on way to Al Aqsa. You can't make this up. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[The partners for Peace. From birth to death ]

Bang snaps are not dangerous, of course, but the idea that 2-year old kids are being taught from the cradle to throw explosive devices on Jews would be considered shocking in any context - except when the attackers are Palestinians.

(full article online)

Even two-year old Palestinians are taught to attack Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The settler colonialists are the attackers. People do not get colonized voluntarily. It requires aggression.

Tell that to the followers of Mohammad and their Islamic military which invaded the land of Israel, as they did everywhere else from the 7th century CE on, and conquered and did nothing with what they had.

The Arab settler colonialists need to stop crying over spilled water. They have land from Arabia to North Africa. All invaded, conquered, and done nothing with.
Even the Turk Ottomans did nothing with it when they conquered all of the land the Arabs had conquered before, and more of it.
Nor did the Moors.

Arabs, Moors, Turk Ottomans are the settler colonialists and they are not going to change history by saying that the Jews are settler colonialists on their own ancient homeland.

Zero win for you Habib.
["Kill the Jews", but by all means have them save your life ]

A source of pride is the consistent headlines of Israel providing medical assistance to other countries, even those that are not friendly.

For instance, recently, a medical team from Israel was in Fiji providing medical assistance

Also, over the past few years, Israel has not only brought Syrians in need of medical attention into the country, Israel has also built clinics inside Syria and provided tons of food, medicine and clothes.

But what about closer to home? What kind of medical help does Israel provide to Palestinian Arabs?

The medical help that Palestinian leaders get from Israeli hospitals is an open secret, not the least because of the irony of these Arab leaders accusing the Jewish state of all manner of war crimes and apartheid -- all while availing themselves of those medical facilities.

(full article online )

It isn't only Saeb Erekat that uses Israeli hospitals (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[Hurting sick people to force another group to cave ]

World Health Organization says PA not letting sick people leave Gaza for treatment in order to pressure Hamas.

PA slashes permits for sick Gazans
The "PA" in the West Bank is not a legal government. It is a US/Israeli creation.

Floating conspiracy theories as a means to excuse Arab-Moslem ineptitude and incompetence is pretty standard fare for Islamic terrorist apologists.
[Hurting sick people to force another group to cave ]

World Health Organization says PA not letting sick people leave Gaza for treatment in order to pressure Hamas.

PA slashes permits for sick Gazans
The "PA" in the West Bank is not a legal government. It is a US/Israeli creation.

Floating conspiracy theories as a means to excuse Arab-Moslem ineptitude and incompetence is pretty standard fare for Islamic terrorist apologists.
It was in the news. Sorry you missed it.
[Hurting sick people to force another group to cave ]

World Health Organization says PA not letting sick people leave Gaza for treatment in order to pressure Hamas.

PA slashes permits for sick Gazans
The "PA" in the West Bank is not a legal government. It is a US/Israeli creation.

Floating conspiracy theories as a means to excuse Arab-Moslem ineptitude and incompetence is pretty standard fare for Islamic terrorist apologists.
It was in the news. Sorry you missed it.

Your legal opinion was in the news?

[Hurting sick people to force another group to cave ]

World Health Organization says PA not letting sick people leave Gaza for treatment in order to pressure Hamas.

PA slashes permits for sick Gazans
The "PA" in the West Bank is not a legal government. It is a US/Israeli creation.

Floating conspiracy theories as a means to excuse Arab-Moslem ineptitude and incompetence is pretty standard fare for Islamic terrorist apologists.
It was in the news. Sorry you missed it.

Your legal opinion was in the news?

The Palestinian constitution requires that the Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers be approved by parliament before they can be sworn in or assume office. The same as in the US where presidential appointments must have senate approval.

The "PA" that Abbas formed in the West Bank in 2007 never met this requirement. To my knowledge, none of the subsequent governments (The Prime Minister and his cabinet.) have met this requirement. It even states in Wikipedia that Salem Fayyed never met this requirement.

[Hurting sick people to force another group to cave ]

World Health Organization says PA not letting sick people leave Gaza for treatment in order to pressure Hamas.

PA slashes permits for sick Gazans
The "PA" in the West Bank is not a legal government. It is a US/Israeli creation.

Floating conspiracy theories as a means to excuse Arab-Moslem ineptitude and incompetence is pretty standard fare for Islamic terrorist apologists.
It was in the news. Sorry you missed it.

Your legal opinion was in the news?

The Palestinian constitution requires that the Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers be approved by parliament before they can be sworn in or assume office. The same as in the US where presidential appointments must have senate approval.

The "PA" that Abbas formed in the West Bank in 2007 never met this requirement. To my knowledge, none of the subsequent governments (The Prime Minister and his cabinet.) have met this requirement. It even states in Wikipedia that Salem Fayyed never met this requirement.

Oh my. Arab-Moslem terrorists don't obey the law. My world just turned upside down. I'm devastated... devastated I tell 'ya.

What's next, Arab-Moslem terrorists exploiting a UN funded welfare fraud?
The "PA" in the West Bank is not a legal government. It is a US/Israeli creation.

Floating conspiracy theories as a means to excuse Arab-Moslem ineptitude and incompetence is pretty standard fare for Islamic terrorist apologists.
It was in the news. Sorry you missed it.

Your legal opinion was in the news?

The Palestinian constitution requires that the Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers be approved by parliament before they can be sworn in or assume office. The same as in the US where presidential appointments must have senate approval.

The "PA" that Abbas formed in the West Bank in 2007 never met this requirement. To my knowledge, none of the subsequent governments (The Prime Minister and his cabinet.) have met this requirement. It even states in Wikipedia that Salem Fayyed never met this requirement.

Oh my. Arab-Moslem terrorists don't obey the law. My world just turned upside down. I'm devastated... devastated I tell 'ya.

What's next, Arab-Moslem terrorists exploiting a UN funded welfare fraud?

The US paid for that job. They installed that government like they do all over the place.
Floating conspiracy theories as a means to excuse Arab-Moslem ineptitude and incompetence is pretty standard fare for Islamic terrorist apologists.
It was in the news. Sorry you missed it.

Your legal opinion was in the news?

The Palestinian constitution requires that the Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers be approved by parliament before they can be sworn in or assume office. The same as in the US where presidential appointments must have senate approval.

The "PA" that Abbas formed in the West Bank in 2007 never met this requirement. To my knowledge, none of the subsequent governments (The Prime Minister and his cabinet.) have met this requirement. It even states in Wikipedia that Salem Fayyed never met this requirement.

Oh my. Arab-Moslem terrorists don't obey the law. My world just turned upside down. I'm devastated... devastated I tell 'ya.

What's next, Arab-Moslem terrorists exploiting a UN funded welfare fraud?

The US paid for that job. They installed that government like they do all over the place.

Another of your hysterical rants.
No, I do not know any country (except Israel) that has a "mad-dog-doctrine".

Most nuclear countries do not threaten with the destruction of the entire world, if their regime collapses.

For example, the soviet regime collapsed, but they did not take the entire world with them, like the Zionists are threatening.

Countries that signed the NPT agreed not to threaten other countries with their WMD.

What to Israel, this country did not sign the NPT, speak Israel is a nuclear rogue state.
But, but, but... hamas... yeah... and rockets, rockets everywhere...
No, I do not know any country (except Israel) that has a "mad-dog-doctrine".

Most nuclear countries do not threaten with the destruction of the entire world, if their regime collapses.

For example, the soviet regime collapsed, but they did not take the entire world with them, like the Zionists are threatening.

Countries that signed the NPT agreed not to threaten other countries with their WMD.

What to Israel, this country did not sign the NPT, speak Israel is a nuclear rogue state.
But, but, but... hamas... yeah... and rockets, rockets everywhere...

About 11,000 since 2005.

You feel stupider and stupider.... stupider...er, right?
I would if you could back that with actual proof instead of your usual pounding of your chest and declaring jewish lies to be true.
I would if you could back that with actual proof instead of your usual pounding of your chest and declaring jewish lies to be true.
I typically pound your vacant mind with facts and watch in amusement as you launch into your usual conspiracy theory addled tirade.

Use the search term: "number of rockets fired into israel". Tell us what you find.
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