Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Sorry chuckles but the tactic of using / abusing a fair-haired, light skinned female as a means to appeal to Westerners was a fail. She managed to fill the role of the angry, violent Islamic.
Dr Ghada Karmi "Israels Policies Are Those Of Outlaws & Criminals. It's Not A Valid State!"

["International Law" according to a Palestinian ]

Ma'an publishes, with a straight face, an article by a self-described international law expert named Samir Dweikat describing exactly why Jews have no right to buy land in British Mandate Palestine under international law.

The "logic" is fairly bizarre, but the argument seems to go like this: After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)

The laws that governed the area of what became British Mandate Palestine were -Palestinian Arab laws!

(full article online)

Palestinian lawyer says all Jewish land purchases, ever, violate international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Interview with Palestinian Youth Activists Janna Jihad & Ahed Tamimi on ITV

Ahed Tamimi -the Palestinian poster child



Banu Tamim

The tribe of Banu Tamim (Arabic: بـنـو تـمـيـم‎‎) or Bani Tamim (Arabic: بـني تـمـيـم‎‎) is one of the main tribes of Arabia.

Today, descendants from the tribe live in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt,[1][2] Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine. The word Tamim in Arabic means strong and solid. It can also mean perfection.[3]

Before the advent of Wahhabism there was very little history of Islamic education amongst Banu Tamim


["International Law" according to a Palestinian ]

Ma'an publishes, with a straight face, an article by a self-described international law expert named Samir Dweikat describing exactly why Jews have no right to buy land in British Mandate Palestine under international law.

The "logic" is fairly bizarre, but the argument seems to go like this: After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)

The laws that governed the area of what became British Mandate Palestine were -Palestinian Arab laws!

(full article online)

Palestinian lawyer says all Jewish land purchases, ever, violate international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He may have a point.
After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)
That is true. Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

Those are the rules of state succession laid down in international law. The land was ceded to Palestine and the Palestinians became the citizens of that successor state. The Palestinians are the sovereigns of that territory.

As far as laws go, I am not too sure. Again, the rules of state succession say that the laws of the predecessor state rule until the people of the successor state change them. I don't know what the Turkish laws were in regard to immigration and land purchase. However, I do know that Turkey was opposed to the Zionist colonial project so there may be something there.

The British never would allow the Palestinians to pass their own laws so whatever Turkey had would be the laws he may be referring to.
["International Law" according to a Palestinian ]

Ma'an publishes, with a straight face, an article by a self-described international law expert named Samir Dweikat describing exactly why Jews have no right to buy land in British Mandate Palestine under international law.

The "logic" is fairly bizarre, but the argument seems to go like this: After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)

The laws that governed the area of what became British Mandate Palestine were -Palestinian Arab laws!

(full article online)

Palestinian lawyer says all Jewish land purchases, ever, violate international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He may have a point.
After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)
That is true. Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

Those are the rules of state succession laid down in international law. The land was ceded to Palestine and the Palestinians became the citizens of that successor state. The Palestinians are the sovereigns of that territory.

As far as laws go, I am not too sure. Again, the rules of state succession say that the laws of the predecessor state rule until the people of the successor state change them. I don't know what the Turkish laws were in regard to immigration and land purchase. However, I do know that Turkey was opposed to the Zionist colonial project so there may be something there.

The British never would allow the Palestinians to pass their own laws so whatever Turkey had would be the laws he may be referring to.

"As far as laws go, I am not too sure."

Obviously. That's why it's always worth a chuckle when you issue your legal briefs. They're briefly amusing.
["International Law" according to a Palestinian ]

Ma'an publishes, with a straight face, an article by a self-described international law expert named Samir Dweikat describing exactly why Jews have no right to buy land in British Mandate Palestine under international law.

The "logic" is fairly bizarre, but the argument seems to go like this: After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)

The laws that governed the area of what became British Mandate Palestine were -Palestinian Arab laws!

(full article online)

Palestinian lawyer says all Jewish land purchases, ever, violate international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He may have a point.
After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)
That is true. Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

Those are the rules of state succession laid down in international law. The land was ceded to Palestine and the Palestinians became the citizens of that successor state. The Palestinians are the sovereigns of that territory.

As far as laws go, I am not too sure. Again, the rules of state succession say that the laws of the predecessor state rule until the people of the successor state change them. I don't know what the Turkish laws were in regard to immigration and land purchase. However, I do know that Turkey was opposed to the Zionist colonial project so there may be something there.

The British never would allow the Palestinians to pass their own laws so whatever Turkey had would be the laws he may be referring to.

"As far as laws go, I am not too sure."

Obviously. That's why it's always worth a chuckle when you issue your legal briefs. They're briefly amusing.
And you don't know either. However, the Zionist settler colonial project is a violation of international law. Local laws? They were not even mentioned in the article.
Palestinian prisoner of conscience Bassem Tamimi speaks out

As always, it is Israel's military attacking Palestinian civilians.

["International Law" according to a Palestinian ]

Ma'an publishes, with a straight face, an article by a self-described international law expert named Samir Dweikat describing exactly why Jews have no right to buy land in British Mandate Palestine under international law.

The "logic" is fairly bizarre, but the argument seems to go like this: After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)

The laws that governed the area of what became British Mandate Palestine were -Palestinian Arab laws!

(full article online)

Palestinian lawyer says all Jewish land purchases, ever, violate international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
He may have a point.
After the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the Palestinian Arabs gained legal ownership of everything from the river to the sea (even though these boundaries were created by the British and French.)
That is true. Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

Those are the rules of state succession laid down in international law. The land was ceded to Palestine and the Palestinians became the citizens of that successor state. The Palestinians are the sovereigns of that territory.

As far as laws go, I am not too sure. Again, the rules of state succession say that the laws of the predecessor state rule until the people of the successor state change them. I don't know what the Turkish laws were in regard to immigration and land purchase. However, I do know that Turkey was opposed to the Zionist colonial project so there may be something there.

The British never would allow the Palestinians to pass their own laws so whatever Turkey had would be the laws he may be referring to.

"As far as laws go, I am not too sure."

Obviously. That's why it's always worth a chuckle when you issue your legal briefs. They're briefly amusing.
And you don't know either. However, the Zionist settler colonial project is a violation of international law. Local laws? They were not even mentioned in the article.

Your typical cut and paste slogans are a hoot.

Lecture us further with your in depth knowledge of International Law. Or, thrill us with more cliche's and slogans such as your Pom Pom flailing Zionist settler colonial project ™
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