Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The alleged stabber is taken into custody on Thursday
night [Image Source]

UPDATE 12:05 am Friday October 12, 2018: Times of Israel says the attacker has been apprehended. He is un-named at this stage but reported to be a 19-year-old male from the Muslim village of Jamma’in (population about 7,000), about 16 km south of Nablus in Samaria. He is currently helping the Israeli security authorities with their enquiries. Hamas, according to Wikipedia, is the dominant political force in the town. A Hamas announcement [here in Arabic] says Thursday's stabbing attack at a bus stop is "a slap to the occupation and failure of its security system... the operation comes in the context of our people's response to the arrogance of the occupation and its continuous violations against our people and our holy sites".

UPDATE 12:30 pm Friday October 12, 2018: A Palestinian Arab source names the arrested suspect as Muaz Qassem Hussein, age 19. They publish his photo here.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 11-Oct-18: In Israel's Samaria district, an Arab-on-Israeli stabbing this afternoon
When police found out about this, they arrested the three women for "public indecency."

Police spokesman Col. Louai Arzieqat said that following the publication on social networking sites of three girls dancing "in naked clothes" and acting in a "general disgrace," Bethlehem police arrested one of them and the other two escaped. The Department of Public Investigation tracked them and arrested them in Jericho.

(full article online)

Palestinian police arrest three young women for public indecency. They were dancing with short skirts. (Video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

"Palestinian 'POLICE'"

Sixties Fan, et al,

Does anyone know what "in naked clothes" actually mean? I saw the attached video and it just seem like high teenagers having fun... Maybe it has some special meaning.

But it didn't look all that dangerous to the public health and safety to me.


When police found out about this, they arrested the three women for "public indecency."

Police spokesman Col. Louai Arzieqat said that following the publication on social networking sites of three girls dancing "in naked clothes" and acting in a "general disgrace," Bethlehem police arrested one of them and the other two escaped. The Department of Public Investigation tracked them and arrested them in Jericho.

(full article online)

Palestinian police arrest three young women for public indecency. They were dancing with short skirts. (Video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Sixties Fan, et al,

Does anyone know what "in naked clothes" actually mean? I saw the attached video and it just seem like high teenagers having fun... Maybe it has some special meaning.

But it didn't look all that dangerous to the public health and safety to me.


When police found out about this, they arrested the three women for "public indecency."

Police spokesman Col. Louai Arzieqat said that following the publication on social networking sites of three girls dancing "in naked clothes" and acting in a "general disgrace," Bethlehem police arrested one of them and the other two escaped. The Department of Public Investigation tracked them and arrested them in Jericho.

(full article online)

Palestinian police arrest three young women for public indecency. They were dancing with short skirts. (Video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It is Sharia Law that women cannot dress that way. It is a code of dressing they have. They find it to be a Western way of dressing and not conducive with Islam.

It basically meant that they were nearly naked, from the point of view of Islam.
[ Amazing. Their Genesis starts with the "Nakba" of 1948. These people truly show how they do not have a history or identity before that. Actually before 1964. ]


Dr. Hussam Abu 'Ajwa with the new booklets (image: palsawa.com, October 10, 2018)

According to the report on Dunya Al-Watan, the series includes four booklets. The first, titled "The Beginning," deals with "the tragedy of the Palestinian people, its Nakba and its expulsion to refugee camps in the homeland and abroad, and describes the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution and the heroic 'Elaboun operation.[3]

(full article online)

New Series Of Fatah Booklets For Children Glorifies Terrorists Such As Abu Jihad, Dalal Al-Mughrabi
[ Amazing. Their Genesis starts with the "Nakba" of 1948. These people truly show how they do not have a history or identity before that. Actually before 1964. ]


Dr. Hussam Abu 'Ajwa with the new booklets (image: palsawa.com, October 10, 2018)

According to the report on Dunya Al-Watan, the series includes four booklets. The first, titled "The Beginning," deals with "the tragedy of the Palestinian people, its Nakba and its expulsion to refugee camps in the homeland and abroad, and describes the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution and the heroic 'Elaboun operation.[3]

(full article online)

New Series Of Fatah Booklets For Children Glorifies Terrorists Such As Abu Jihad, Dalal Al-Mughrabi
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

OK, Bethlehem Police → You're talking about the West Bank Bethlehem???

It is Sharia Law that women cannot dress that way. It is a code of dressing they have. They find it to be a Western way of dressing and not conducive with Islam.

It basically meant that they were nearly naked, from the point of view of Islam.

That cannot be right. I must be thinking of something else. I cannot believe (or maybe I can) that all the pro-Palestinian women that have gone to school here in the US never wore a LBD (Little Black Dress) or a mini-skirt... And I wonder if all the women that support the Arab Palestinians agree with the Sharia dress code.

WoW So I take it that this would be a NO-GO in Bethlehem!

4th of July Party Washington DC.png

Yeah, we can't have this!

What would they say about New Orleans Mardi Gras?
Or, Venice Beach during Spring Break!

Most Respectfully,
“Let us be clear. These are tragedies and not an act of youthful follies. Those are minors of vicious manipulation of incitement encouraged by the Palestinian Authority. Throwing stones at passing cars—kills. Stabbing people in the back—kills,” she stated.

“Addressing this challenge is not as simple as this resolution would lead you to believe. Before you rush to criticize Israel, consider that Palestinian media routinely displays examples of encouraging hatred for Jews among children—by both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. They glorify child martyrdom, name schools after terrorists, urge children to stab Israelis, and use minors as human shields—to cite just a few examples. Likewise, the textbooks used in the Palestinian Authority schools promote hatred against Israel, anti-Semitism and cite to martyrdom,” the Israeli lawmaker charged.

Lavie further stated that “administrative detention and other legal tools—for adults and minors alike—are widely used around the world, including by many member states of this body, to prevent terrorism and threats to society. Those who lead the resolution have tended to ignore this, of course.”

The IDF does arrest Palestinian minors because a significant number of Palestinian minors engage in terrorism. In the past few years, there have been dozens of terrorist attacks carried out by Palestinians from the ages of 8-17.

(full article online)

Israel Blasts Europeans for ‘Distorted and Selective’ Report on Palestinian Teen Terrorism
[ "All Lands of Palestine" means ALL OF ISRAEL ]

Ismail Haniyeh says ‘blood of martyrs brings us closer to victory over Zionist enemy,’ vows ongoing fight until ‘siege on Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and all lands of Palestine is lifted’

(full article online)

Hamas leader: We won’t halt Gaza marches for ‘diesel fuel and dollars’


On one of these threads, you claimed that the hate each side has for the other is the same. i disagree. And this is why.

There is all the difference in the world between, "We are going to keep killing you (and ourselves and our children) because you are enemies and you have no rights to, well, anything." AND "Please, would you just stop trying to kill us? And acknowledge our history? And if you can't we are forced to defend ourselves."

Now, I'll admit, that defense sometimes looks ugly, and sometimes it IS ugly. But Israel is not trying to use the blood of her children to take Gaza.
[ "All Lands of Palestine" means ALL OF ISRAEL ]

Ismail Haniyeh says ‘blood of martyrs brings us closer to victory over Zionist enemy,’ vows ongoing fight until ‘siege on Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and all lands of Palestine is lifted’

(full article online)

Hamas leader: We won’t halt Gaza marches for ‘diesel fuel and dollars’


On one of these threads, you claimed that the hate each side has for the other is the same. i disagree. And this is why.

There is all the difference in the world between, "We are going to keep killing you (and ourselves and our children) because you are enemies and you have no rights to, well, anything." AND "Please, would you just stop trying to kill us? And acknowledge our history? And if you can't we are forced to defend ourselves."

Now, I'll admit, that defense sometimes looks ugly, and sometimes it IS ugly. But Israel is not trying to use the blood of her children to take Gaza.
Hamas isn’t all Palestinians or even most however....

And why can’t israeli’s Also acknowledge the Palestinian’s history.
[ "All Lands of Palestine" means ALL OF ISRAEL ]

Ismail Haniyeh says ‘blood of martyrs brings us closer to victory over Zionist enemy,’ vows ongoing fight until ‘siege on Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and all lands of Palestine is lifted’

(full article online)

Hamas leader: We won’t halt Gaza marches for ‘diesel fuel and dollars’


On one of these threads, you claimed that the hate each side has for the other is the same. i disagree. And this is why.

There is all the difference in the world between, "We are going to keep killing you (and ourselves and our children) because you are enemies and you have no rights to, well, anything." AND "Please, would you just stop trying to kill us? And acknowledge our history? And if you can't we are forced to defend ourselves."

Now, I'll admit, that defense sometimes looks ugly, and sometimes it IS ugly. But Israel is not trying to use the blood of her children to take Gaza.
Hamas isn’t all Palestinians or even most however....

And why can’t israeli’s Also acknowledge the Palestinian’s history.

What an utterly nonsense analogy. Hamas is enough Arabs-Moslems to cause significant damage and pose a genuine threat. I suppose the Israelis then are to dismiss the motivations that compel the tiny minority of violent extremists who have hijacked Islam™ and who want to push them into the sea by machinegun fire.

Individuals may act one way, and groups of them act another. This statistic doesn't take into consideration what the larger group approves of. Not all people have to actually commit a particular act to approve of it.

This sort of argumentation is merely an attempt to divest oneself of any responsibility from the consequences of the action of the ideology. Nonsense. Just because a "tiny minority of violent extremists who have hijacked Islam™ actually commit mass murder and other atrocities doesn't mean the refusal of the Moslem world to reign in the mass murderers in their midst is in anyway mitigated. The people who are committing calculated mass murder the world over are Moslem. They believed mohammed (swish) was a prophet and they based their laws on the koran. That makes them moslem even if you would prefer those heinous monstrosities of human ignorance are not. But they are. Just accept that islam, like anyother political ideology – is subject to interpretation and take responsibility that islam has spawned a lot of evil. Yes, islam. From the koran. The same one that Moslems on this board read.

I think it’s important to explicitly and consciously "take sides". I take a side opposite to a belligerent politico-religious ideology whose adherents are perpetually aggrieved members of humanity who see every exercise of personal or religious freedom as an insult to them. September 11, 2001, carved into the American mind a particular image of Islamist militancy: the moslem terrorist mass murder. Like the noisy, publicized, professional whiners and haters that we see who find any excuse to riot and cause mayhem, that image has obscured the many smaller, but in aggregate more dangerous, threats that Western societies face from Islamism. Moslems are cowed by their pious/fundamentalist brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.
[ "All Lands of Palestine" means ALL OF ISRAEL ]

Ismail Haniyeh says ‘blood of martyrs brings us closer to victory over Zionist enemy,’ vows ongoing fight until ‘siege on Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and all lands of Palestine is lifted’

(full article online)

Hamas leader: We won’t halt Gaza marches for ‘diesel fuel and dollars’


On one of these threads, you claimed that the hate each side has for the other is the same. i disagree. And this is why.

There is all the difference in the world between, "We are going to keep killing you (and ourselves and our children) because you are enemies and you have no rights to, well, anything." AND "Please, would you just stop trying to kill us? And acknowledge our history? And if you can't we are forced to defend ourselves."

Now, I'll admit, that defense sometimes looks ugly, and sometimes it IS ugly. But Israel is not trying to use the blood of her children to take Gaza.
Hamas isn’t all Palestinians or even most however....

And why can’t israeli’s Also acknowledge the Palestinian’s history.

What an utterly nonsense analogy. Hamas is enough Arabs-Moslems to cause significant damage and pose a genuine threat. I suppose the Israelis then are to dismiss the motivations that compel the tiny minority of violent extremists who have hijacked Islam™ and who want to push them into the sea by machinegun fire.

Individuals may act one way, and groups of them act another. This statistic doesn't take into consideration what the larger group approves of. Not all people have to actually commit a particular act to approve of it.

This sort of argumentation is merely an attempt to divest oneself of any responsibility from the consequences of the action of the ideology. Nonsense. Just because a "tiny minority of violent extremists who have hijacked Islam™ actually commit mass murder and other atrocities doesn't mean the refusal of the Moslem world to reign in the mass murderers in their midst is in anyway mitigated. The people who are committing calculated mass murder the world over are Moslem. They believed mohammed (swish) was a prophet and they based their laws on the koran. That makes them moslem even if you would prefer those heinous monstrosities of human ignorance are not. But they are. Just accept that islam, like anyother political ideology – is subject to interpretation and take responsibility that islam has spawned a lot of evil. Yes, islam. From the koran. The same one that Moslems on this board read.

I think it’s important to explicitly and consciously "take sides". I take a side opposite to a belligerent politico-religious ideology whose adherents are perpetually aggrieved members of humanity who see every exercise of personal or religious freedom as an insult to them. September 11, 2001, carved into the American mind a particular image of Islamist militancy: the moslem terrorist mass murder. Like the noisy, publicized, professional whiners and haters that we see who find any excuse to riot and cause mayhem, that image has obscured the many smaller, but in aggregate more dangerous, threats that Western societies face from Islamism. Moslems are cowed by their pious/fundamentalist brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.
The responsibility of the “Moslem world” to “rein in”?

That is what makes your argument ridiculous.

They are not one entity. They do not speak with one voice. Like Christians or an other diverse group.

And what in the hell does your multi paragraph tirade against Muslims have to do with Palestinians?
[ "All Lands of Palestine" means ALL OF ISRAEL ]

Ismail Haniyeh says ‘blood of martyrs brings us closer to victory over Zionist enemy,’ vows ongoing fight until ‘siege on Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and all lands of Palestine is lifted’

(full article online)

Hamas leader: We won’t halt Gaza marches for ‘diesel fuel and dollars’


On one of these threads, you claimed that the hate each side has for the other is the same. i disagree. And this is why.

There is all the difference in the world between, "We are going to keep killing you (and ourselves and our children) because you are enemies and you have no rights to, well, anything." AND "Please, would you just stop trying to kill us? And acknowledge our history? And if you can't we are forced to defend ourselves."

Now, I'll admit, that defense sometimes looks ugly, and sometimes it IS ugly. But Israel is not trying to use the blood of her children to take Gaza.
Hamas isn’t all Palestinians or even most however....

And why can’t israeli’s Also acknowledge the Palestinian’s history.

What an utterly nonsense analogy. Hamas is enough Arabs-Moslems to cause significant damage and pose a genuine threat. I suppose the Israelis then are to dismiss the motivations that compel the tiny minority of violent extremists who have hijacked Islam™ and who want to push them into the sea by machinegun fire.

Individuals may act one way, and groups of them act another. This statistic doesn't take into consideration what the larger group approves of. Not all people have to actually commit a particular act to approve of it.

This sort of argumentation is merely an attempt to divest oneself of any responsibility from the consequences of the action of the ideology. Nonsense. Just because a "tiny minority of violent extremists who have hijacked Islam™ actually commit mass murder and other atrocities doesn't mean the refusal of the Moslem world to reign in the mass murderers in their midst is in anyway mitigated. The people who are committing calculated mass murder the world over are Moslem. They believed mohammed (swish) was a prophet and they based their laws on the koran. That makes them moslem even if you would prefer those heinous monstrosities of human ignorance are not. But they are. Just accept that islam, like anyother political ideology – is subject to interpretation and take responsibility that islam has spawned a lot of evil. Yes, islam. From the koran. The same one that Moslems on this board read.

I think it’s important to explicitly and consciously "take sides". I take a side opposite to a belligerent politico-religious ideology whose adherents are perpetually aggrieved members of humanity who see every exercise of personal or religious freedom as an insult to them. September 11, 2001, carved into the American mind a particular image of Islamist militancy: the moslem terrorist mass murder. Like the noisy, publicized, professional whiners and haters that we see who find any excuse to riot and cause mayhem, that image has obscured the many smaller, but in aggregate more dangerous, threats that Western societies face from Islamism. Moslems are cowed by their pious/fundamentalist brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.
The responsibility of the “Moslem world” to “rein in”?

That is what makes your argument ridiculous.

They are not one entity. They do not speak with one voice. Like Christians or an other diverse group.

And what in the hell does your multi paragraph tirade against Muslims have to do with Palestinians?

I see. The Islamic terrorists in Gaza are operating and maintaining an Islamic terrorist syndicate but it's nobody's fault and no one is responsible. Acts of depravity committed by Arabs-Moslems and encouraged by Hamas are not subject to scrutiny.


I'm afraid that's just pointless.
[ "All Lands of Palestine" means ALL OF ISRAEL ]

Ismail Haniyeh says ‘blood of martyrs brings us closer to victory over Zionist enemy,’ vows ongoing fight until ‘siege on Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and all lands of Palestine is lifted’

(full article online)

Hamas leader: We won’t halt Gaza marches for ‘diesel fuel and dollars’


On one of these threads, you claimed that the hate each side has for the other is the same. i disagree. And this is why.

There is all the difference in the world between, "We are going to keep killing you (and ourselves and our children) because you are enemies and you have no rights to, well, anything." AND "Please, would you just stop trying to kill us? And acknowledge our history? And if you can't we are forced to defend ourselves."

Now, I'll admit, that defense sometimes looks ugly, and sometimes it IS ugly. But Israel is not trying to use the blood of her children to take Gaza.
Hamas isn’t all Palestinians or even most however....

And why can’t israeli’s Also acknowledge the Palestinian’s history.

That was a spectacular dodge.

It is NOT just Hamas which holds the broad view which I stated. It is widely accepted across Palestinians. The proof is in the "March" and in the stabbings and in the speeches made by Abbas and his advisors and in the polls. The only reason I use Gaza so often in this argument is because it is OBVIOUS with Gaza and YET obvious as it is, people (even more or less reasonable people like you) STILL give excuses, dodge or justify the murderous intent expressed by Gaza, its government and its people.

Again, Israel is not using the blood of her children to take Gaza. Israel is not attacking Gaza. Israel is not trying in her tens of thousands to cross the border into Gaza. Israel is not making public speeches calling to rip the hearts out of Gazans.

Stop excusing them.
The responsibility of the “Moslem world” to “rein in”?

That is what makes your argument ridiculous.

They are not one entity. They do not speak with one voice.

They don't? I'm not so sure about that. When was the last time a Jew walked on the Temple Mount and had any significant group of Muslims (or even a single one) SUPPORT the Jewish right to presence, prayer and worship in the Holiest Jewish Place?
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