Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Palestinian Authority reacted to the news of Israel allowing Jews to live in a couple of buildings in Hebron a "declaration of war."

That would sound serious, except that they say that all the time.

Israel temporarily closes the Temple Mount? Declaration of war!
Israel cuts payments to the PA that go to terrorists? Declaration of war!
The US recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital? Declaration of war!
Australia cutting funds to the PA? Declaration of war!
US closing PLO office in Washington? Declaration of war!

I guess they think that the rhetoric works.

For the 87th time, Palestinians call something they don't like "a declaration of war" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
One of the faster ways to put yourself on the “hate list” in the Sunni Arab world is to be seen as sucking up to the Shiite version of Islamism. Like other minority groups (ahmadiyya, for example), the Shiite are often viewed as a heretical sect by the majority Sunni.

Nasrallah is a bought-and-paid-for lackey of the Iranian Mullocrats. Ahed being viewed as bending and scraping before the Iranian Shiite heretics won’t play well in the Sunni Arab world.

"Palestinian Activist Ahed Tamimi: I Do Not Regret Supporting Nasrallah, I Agree with His Positions against U.S. and Israel"
Palestinian Media Watch has reported in the past on this cult-like behavior towards "Martyrs", which the Palestinian Authority promotes and glorifies.

Not only does the "Martyr's" "glory" rub off on you if you touch him, but the Martyr is also believed to be "a groom" on his way to his wedding to the 72 Virgins in Paradise:

"When the body of the Martyr reached his home, his closest friend Ata looked for the Martyr's mother and shouted: 'We have brought you the groom; we have brought you the groom.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 2, 2018]

According to Islamic belief, a "Martyr" marries 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise. Therefore a "Martyr's" funeral is considered a "wedding." Palestinian religious leaders have repeatedly explained that becoming a "Martyr" represents the highest achievement that can be attained by a Muslim.

This cult-like Martyr worship by the PA has been going on for years. Palestinian children were taught to glorify Martyrs (Shahids) during the PA's 5-year terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005). The PA reported at the time that the children would play "the Shahid Game" and argue over who gets to play the best part and die as a "Martyr":

"A seven year old girl says to her friends: 'Let's play the Shahid (Martyr) Game!' The children... argue who will play the Shahid. Fa'iz, 6 years old, says: 'You were the Shahid yesterday, today it's my turn! I'm younger than you. I'll be the one to die!'"
[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 26, 2001]

Palestinian children: "In spirit and blood, we'll redeem you, oh Martyr! Allah Akbar!"
PA TV narrator: "That's the Shahid (Martyr) Game."
[Official PA TV, July 1, 2002

(full article online)

Touch the dead "Martyr" and brag to your friends - PMW Bulletins
Palestinian Media Watch has reported in the past on this cult-like behavior towards "Martyrs", which the Palestinian Authority promotes and glorifies.

Not only does the "Martyr's" "glory" rub off on you if you touch him, but the Martyr is also believed to be "a groom" on his way to his wedding to the 72 Virgins in Paradise:

"When the body of the Martyr reached his home, his closest friend Ata looked for the Martyr's mother and shouted: 'We have brought you the groom; we have brought you the groom.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 2, 2018]

According to Islamic belief, a "Martyr" marries 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise. Therefore a "Martyr's" funeral is considered a "wedding." Palestinian religious leaders have repeatedly explained that becoming a "Martyr" represents the highest achievement that can be attained by a Muslim.

This cult-like Martyr worship by the PA has been going on for years. Palestinian children were taught to glorify Martyrs (Shahids) during the PA's 5-year terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005). The PA reported at the time that the children would play "the Shahid Game" and argue over who gets to play the best part and die as a "Martyr":

"A seven year old girl says to her friends: 'Let's play the Shahid (Martyr) Game!' The children... argue who will play the Shahid. Fa'iz, 6 years old, says: 'You were the Shahid yesterday, today it's my turn! I'm younger than you. I'll be the one to die!'"
[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 26, 2001]

Palestinian children: "In spirit and blood, we'll redeem you, oh Martyr! Allah Akbar!"
PA TV narrator: "That's the Shahid (Martyr) Game."
[Official PA TV, July 1, 2002

(full article online)

Touch the dead "Martyr" and brag to your friends - PMW Bulletins

I tend to get the dry heaves when I read about the sickness that engenders such behavior.

Ugh. I'm embarrassed that this is happening in Canada. And would point out the sharp contrast between these sermons and the sermons giving in Jewish synagogues.
I would say that this could be happening in France, Sweden, Australia, the UK, and other places.

They do feel very emboldened with how many Muslims are moving into these countries and how they feel they have the upper hand against "The Jews".
[ It will be very hard for Palestinian Arabs to prove their 20,000 years presence on the land of Canaan if they keep destroying every antiquity they find, right? Do they not have any respect for the ancestors' villages, etc? Do they do the same thing to their antiquities in the Arabian Peninsula? ]

Arab antiquities robbers caught red-handed destroying ancient Jewish village in northern Israel with a bulldozer. 'The sights are shocking.'

According to Nir Distelfeld, the inspector of the Antiquities Authority's robbery prevention unit in the northern region, "The illegal and brutal excavations at the archeological sites are causing terrible destruction of heritage sites, and the history of all of us has been damaged forever. This excavation site, near the village of Daburiya from where the robbers came, gets hit time after time with attempts at illegal digging in searches for antiquities. The pursuit of money takes the sense out of people. The scenes at the site are shocking and cause one to shudder, and fortunately they were stopped and greater damage was prevented. It is important to know that digging at an antiquities site is a criminal offense, and that the maximum penalty prescribed for it in the law is up to five years in prison," he said.

The antiquity site known as Horvat Devorah is identified in research with the biblical Dovrat, and with Dvora, described as a Jewish village in the Zippori region in the Roman period. In the past, foundations of buildings, hewn water cisterns and ancient tombs have been found at the site.

(full article online)

Arabs destroy ancient Jewish village
The usual Arab channels are publicizing the attacker's name and portrait. His face can be seen here. One Arab source [here] names him as Elias Saleh Yassin from Biddya, and says he was 22 years old. It refers to him as "martyr".

Praise from Hamas was not long in coming:
"The martyrdom of Elias was a response to the crime of the settlers against the martyr Aisha Al-Rabi of the same town. It affirms the right of our people to defend themselves and resist the occupation that assaults humans and land with American support and international silence." Hamas tells "the resistance" to "continue this path that the enemy does not understand... the shortest way to liberate from occupation and to acquire the rights and the building of our Palestinian state." [Arabic source]The propaganda-centric Ma'an News Agency headlines the English-language edition of its report on today's failed stabbing attack with this: "Palestinian shot dead after alleged stabbing attack near Salfit". Its Arabic edition by contrast is more expansive and less shy: "A martyrtried to stab soldiers north of the West Bank". The use of the word "martyr" in Arabic-language reporting is a core element in the ongoing Arab incitement to more and worse Arab-on-Israeli terrorist violence.

It is unconscionable that Ma'an's work is funded by European governments [see "09-Jul-15: When incitement to murder is financed by foreign aid, where will the accounting come from?"]

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 15-Oct-18: Monday noon: Another Arab-on-Israeli stabbing attack in Samaria
I read a fair amount of Zionist literature and I don't recall seeing anything that linked Arab women's bodies with the "native land" - since Zionism defines Israel as the Jewish native land and Jews as the natives of the land!

Therefore, Zionist settler colonialism must be considered a not only racialised but also gendered process.

If one could find these fictional proofs that Zionists care so much about Arab women and treat them differently than Arab men, sure.

Palestinian women’s stories are complex and contradictory and cast the body as the key medium through which they experience citizenship in Israel as a continuation of settler colonialism by other means.

So they are citizens. They can vote and create Internet startups. They can drive, become Knesset members and news anchors and reality TV stars. But somehow their citizenship is a continuation of the equally nonexistent settler colonialism.

This paper claims that it is, in fact, via citizenship that the Palestinian women’s forced exclusion from the Israeli body politic is realised, thereby debunking prevailing Zionist myths of citizenship in Israel and the Nakba as a one-off event.

So by giving them full rights of citizenship, Israel is really taking away their rights! How insidious these Jews are!

Please, please, someone send me the full text so we can see how the author debunks obviously verifiable facts about Arab women citizens of Israel.

(full article online)

Crazy academic paper of the day: "Palestinian women in Israel: embodied citizen strangers" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Reminder, this was before the 1967 War and the loss of Gaza and Judea, Samaria to Israel, when the "Palestinian Arabs" had just started calling themselves "Palestinians" ]

From the New York Times, April 4, 1966:

JERUSALEM (Jordanian Sector), March 30 -“The Arab states will not integrate the Palestine refugees because integration would be a slow process of liquidating the Palestine problem." Ahmed Shukairy. chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization. declared in an interview today.

“Consequently. the refugees don’t want to be integrated.” he continued. “If there are no Palestinian people. there is no Palestinian cause. We can't conceive of a Babylonian cause today because there are no Babylonians. But we start from the premise that we will achieve the liberation of Palestine soon."
The then-PLO leader is explicitly saying that he doesn't want the Arab nations to integrate the refugees because the "Palestinian cause"is more important then their human rights.

(The claim that the refugees didn't want to be integrated is a lie. Every time they had the chance to gain citizenship, in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon or the West, they eagerly took that opportunity.)

The very end of the article makes this even more explicit. The reporter interviews a Palestinian who is about to go to Sweden for training as a mechanic. Even so, he insists that he would return - but there is a PLO official in the room during the interview.

(full article online)

The PLO in 1966 said it: We will force our people to remain refugees against their will - or else there is no Palestinian cause ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The IDF Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) – the Israeli military liaison with business and political leaders in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza – said in a statement Monday that the date industry is “growing at an exceptional rate.

And dates comprise an “important part of the Palestinian economy,” according to the COGAT.

[ Come again? It is about Israel and the Palestinians???? ]

Jews "dance and live on the body parts of others...
There is no global corruption that they are not behind"
says PA Shari'ah Judge on official PA TV

  • The Jews are "the people of falsehood"
  • "Among the Jews we find nothing but corruption and depravity"
(full article online)

Jews "dance and live on the body parts of others" and are behind "global corruption," says PA Islamic Judge on PA TV - PMW Bulletins

Nope. Nothing to do with Jews. No antisemitism around here. Certainly not a religious conflict at all. /sarcasm
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