Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The world was enraged when 8 Palestinian terrorists from Fatah's Black September took 11 Israeli athletes and coaches hostage at the Olympics in Munich on September 5, 1972, and later murdered them.

However, in Palestinian ideology the attack and the murders are presented as a "heroic" event to be proud of. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that both the PA and Fatah continuously glorify the terror attack, the terrorists themselves, and those who planned it.

On this year's anniversary of the murders of the Israeli athletes, Abbas' Fatah Movement posted a video that lauds the attack and praises Fatah's terror organization Black September that planned and carried out the attack. Fatah introduced the video of what it called the "heroic operation" with the following words:

Posted text: "The 46th anniversary of the heroic operation #Munich #The_symbols_of_the_Fatah_Movement_Lebanon #Be_strong_and_brave_homeland"


Text on screen:
"The time: Sept. 5-6, 1972
The place: Germany, Munich - the Olympic Village
The number: 8
Visual: The eight terrorists who murdered 11 Israeli athletes in the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre
Commander of the operation: Mahmoud Nazzal 'Che'
The goal: Capturing Israeli hostages to exchange them for Palestinian prisoners
Visual: Head of the terror organization Black September Salah Khalaf and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat
The plan: Breaking into the Israeli delegation's quarters in the Olympic Village
The self-sacrificing fighters demanded the release of 200 Arab prisoners in the Israeli prisons
Visual: Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir
Israel refused to comply with the demands of the self-sacrificing fighters
10:15 p.m.: Two helicopters with the self-sacrificing fighters and the hostages took off...
An ambush had been laid for them at the airport
Twelve German snipers... opened fire on the self-sacrificing fighters
Five of the self-sacrificing fighters became Martyrs and three were arrested
All the 11 members of the [Israeli] delegation were killed (sic., there were other members of the Israeli delegation who were housed in other locations and were not murdered)
The Black September group stunned the world and made it hold its breath for more than 12 hours in Munich
Visual: Mastermind of the Munich massacre Abu Daoud
Fatah TV production"
[Facebook page of Fatah TV, Sept. 5, 2018

(full article online)

Even after 46 years, Fatah still lauds its Olympics massacre - PMW Bulletins
Addressing the body’s regular meeting on the Middle East, Danon presented an official Palestinian Authority textbook that Abbas had authorized for the current school year.

“This textbook lists a number of so-called heroes — like Dalal Mughrabi — the terrorist responsible for a massacre that killed 38 people,” Danon declared. “This is Abbas’ culture of hate — right in front of you. This is the reason Palestinian schoolchildren learn that it is better to kill a Jew than keep a job.”

Danon commented that in “13 years of rule, Abbas has done nothing but inspire this rampant culture of hate…He preaches tolerance in English and terror in Arabic…He has led his people down a path of self-destruction and misery, stealing their chance at a good life. He is the obstacle to peace. If you hope to see a better future between Israelis and Palestinians, you will join us in indicting Abbas.”

(full article online)

Israeli UN Ambassador: Palestinian Authority Leader Abbas Has ‘Done Nothing but Inspire Rampant Culture of Hate’
Oh, my. Such a terrible thing: falafel theft!

And now hummus. Is there no shame!

I can’t help but be concerned with a Cult that makes such nonsensical claims.

An invented people in an invented “country” claiming an invented nationality, all of it invented by an Egyptian in the late 1960’s.

PA TV: Israel stole the Palestinian falafel and hummus
along with the rest of the Palestinian heritage

PA TV: Israel stole the Palestinian falafel and hummus along with the rest of the Palestinian heritage - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

One of the more flavorful accusations against Israel by the Palestinian Authority is that Israel has "stolen the falafel and the hummus." This "theft," according to official PA TV, is part of a "brutal attack" against the entire "Palestinian heritage":




Official PA TV reporter: "We are talking about a brutal attack against the Palestinian heritage in general, including Palestinian foods. There has been theft of the Palestinian falafel, the Palestinian hummus, and some popular foods by the occupation. Holding [food] festivals like these is essential in order to preserve the heritage and also the Palestinian foods."
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Oct. 3, 2018]
Funny how "falafel theft" is a brutal attack against the Palestinian heritage while the Temple Mount is a "shared holy place of three religions which can only be accessed and used by one religion".

What's yours is ours(mine) but what's mine is mine.
A preacher on official PA TV taught that Hitler was one of a series of people sent by Allah throughout history to punish the Jews because of their evil behavior, and to teach them a lesson. However, the preacher taught in Friday's sermon, in spite of all these punishments the Jews "have not learned from the events of history," and continue their evil ways.

The Jews deserve their punishment, he assured his listeners. Their mentality is one of "arrogance... superiority over other people... seclusion." Jews are "planning and systematically working to incite wars and strife in the entire world." Because of this behavior the Jews have been punished. First Allah sent the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the First Temple, then he sent the Roman Titus to destroy the Second Temple, and then Hitler and the kings of Europe, and still the Jews did not learn their lesson:




"They didn't learn from what Hitler did to them, and the kings of Europe, and Spain - they didn't learn."
[Official PA TV, Oct. 19, 2018]

Seven times in this short excerpt (see below) the unidentified preacher repeated and emphasized his antisemitic message that Jews refuse to learn from Allah's punishments:

"They didn't learn. They have continued to behave the same way... Those [Jews] have not learned from the events of history."

The preacher opened his condemnation of the Jews citing a verse from the Quran to prove his point that the Jews' suffering is not coincidental but is a punishment from Allah because of their bad behavior. He quoted a verse saying that Allah's punishment can be seen "throughout the earth":

"Proceed throughout the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied." [Quran 3:137, Sahih International]

The sermon was preached at Khan Al-Ahmar, a site where Palestinian Bedouins have illegally erected dwellings and a school and which is slated for destruction. The preacher was filmed from behind and his face was not visible.

(full article online)

Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jews - PA TV sermon - PMW Bulletins
So, in a bizarre search for despair and disappointment I started to read the linked article. It describes, somewhat, the alternate reality that is the many islamic terrorist front groups that collectively form an entire network of welfare fraud sub-groups.

A Legislature Where Palestinian Lawmakers Go to Hide

A Legislature Where Palestinian Lawmakers Go to Hide

Among The alphabet soup of names that are, or were, used to describe various islamic terrorist welfare fraud recipient agencies, there is something called a "Pal'istanian legislature". The description of this utter embarrassment and the oxygen wasting islamic terrorist thieves who steal from this welfare fraud monstrosity makes my head spin.

"The 132-member legislature has been defunct since a 2007 split between Fatah, which dominates the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization, and Hamas, the Islamist faction that rules the Gaza Strip. Yet there are not one but three legislative buildings: one here in Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian Authority; one in the Gaza Strip, where Hamas lawmakers occasionally make decisions whose legality is dubious; and a half-built one in Abu Dis, outside Jerusalem, once imagined as the capital of a future independent Palestinian State."
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A preacher on official PA TV taught that Hitler was one of a series of people sent by Allah throughout history to punish the Jews because of their evil behavior, and to teach them a lesson. However, the preacher taught in Friday's sermon, in spite of all these punishments the Jews "have not learned from the events of history," and continue their evil ways.

The Jews deserve their punishment, he assured his listeners. Their mentality is one of "arrogance... superiority over other people... seclusion." Jews are "planning and systematically working to incite wars and strife in the entire world." Because of this behavior the Jews have been punished. First Allah sent the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the First Temple, then he sent the Roman Titus to destroy the Second Temple, and then Hitler and the kings of Europe, and still the Jews did not learn their lesson:




"They didn't learn from what Hitler did to them, and the kings of Europe, and Spain - they didn't learn."
[Official PA TV, Oct. 19, 2018]

Seven times in this short excerpt (see below) the unidentified preacher repeated and emphasized his antisemitic message that Jews refuse to learn from Allah's punishments:

"They didn't learn. They have continued to behave the same way... Those [Jews] have not learned from the events of history."

The preacher opened his condemnation of the Jews citing a verse from the Quran to prove his point that the Jews' suffering is not coincidental but is a punishment from Allah because of their bad behavior. He quoted a verse saying that Allah's punishment can be seen "throughout the earth":

"Proceed throughout the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied." [Quran 3:137, Sahih International]

The sermon was preached at Khan Al-Ahmar, a site where Palestinian Bedouins have illegally erected dwellings and a school and which is slated for destruction. The preacher was filmed from behind and his face was not visible.

(full article online)

Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jews - PA TV sermon - PMW Bulletins

Arabs-Moslems seem to use their Allah god like some sort of coin operated vending machine.
Adnan's current hunger strike is so under the radar that no one has even updated his Wikipedia page. Islamic Jihad publications will put in an article about him pretty often but Palestinian media as a whole and Arab media altogether are all but ignoring this hunger strike.

The Arab world, and even Palestinians, are getting sick and tired of publicity stunts that give them nothing.

Maybe one day someone will have the bright idea that perhaps negotiating with Israel and being willing to give concessions for peace might be the best thing for Palestinian Arabs.

(full article online)

Even Palestinians now ignore prisoner hunger strikes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
A preacher on official PA TV taught that Hitler was one of a series of people sent by Allah throughout history to punish the Jews because of their evil behavior, and to teach them a lesson. However, the preacher taught in Friday's sermon, in spite of all these punishments the Jews "have not learned from the events of history," and continue their evil ways.

The Jews deserve their punishment, he assured his listeners. Their mentality is one of "arrogance... superiority over other people... seclusion." Jews are "planning and systematically working to incite wars and strife in the entire world." Because of this behavior the Jews have been punished. First Allah sent the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the First Temple, then he sent the Roman Titus to destroy the Second Temple, and then Hitler and the kings of Europe, and still the Jews did not learn their lesson:




"They didn't learn from what Hitler did to them, and the kings of Europe, and Spain - they didn't learn."
[Official PA TV, Oct. 19, 2018]

Seven times in this short excerpt (see below) the unidentified preacher repeated and emphasized his antisemitic message that Jews refuse to learn from Allah's punishments:

"They didn't learn. They have continued to behave the same way... Those [Jews] have not learned from the events of history."

The preacher opened his condemnation of the Jews citing a verse from the Quran to prove his point that the Jews' suffering is not coincidental but is a punishment from Allah because of their bad behavior. He quoted a verse saying that Allah's punishment can be seen "throughout the earth":

"Proceed throughout the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied." [Quran 3:137, Sahih International]

The sermon was preached at Khan Al-Ahmar, a site where Palestinian Bedouins have illegally erected dwellings and a school and which is slated for destruction. The preacher was filmed from behind and his face was not visible.

(full article online)

Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jews - PA TV sermon - PMW Bulletins


THIS HERE is an example of why there is no equivalence between the two sides.
A preacher on official PA TV taught that Hitler was one of a series of people sent by Allah throughout history to punish the Jews because of their evil behavior, and to teach them a lesson. However, the preacher taught in Friday's sermon, in spite of all these punishments the Jews "have not learned from the events of history," and continue their evil ways.

The Jews deserve their punishment, he assured his listeners. Their mentality is one of "arrogance... superiority over other people... seclusion." Jews are "planning and systematically working to incite wars and strife in the entire world." Because of this behavior the Jews have been punished. First Allah sent the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the First Temple, then he sent the Roman Titus to destroy the Second Temple, and then Hitler and the kings of Europe, and still the Jews did not learn their lesson:




"They didn't learn from what Hitler did to them, and the kings of Europe, and Spain - they didn't learn."
[Official PA TV, Oct. 19, 2018]

Seven times in this short excerpt (see below) the unidentified preacher repeated and emphasized his antisemitic message that Jews refuse to learn from Allah's punishments:

"They didn't learn. They have continued to behave the same way... Those [Jews] have not learned from the events of history."

The preacher opened his condemnation of the Jews citing a verse from the Quran to prove his point that the Jews' suffering is not coincidental but is a punishment from Allah because of their bad behavior. He quoted a verse saying that Allah's punishment can be seen "throughout the earth":

"Proceed throughout the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied." [Quran 3:137, Sahih International]

The sermon was preached at Khan Al-Ahmar, a site where Palestinian Bedouins have illegally erected dwellings and a school and which is slated for destruction. The preacher was filmed from behind and his face was not visible.

(full article online)

Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jews - PA TV sermon - PMW Bulletins


THIS HERE is an example of why there is no equivalence between the two sides.
There are many hateful preachers out there. For example we had Christian preachers calling 911 Gods vengeance on homosexuals. Among the Israeli Jews you had Rabbi Meir Kahabe who preached hate.

Or these...
Prominent Israeli rabbi faces criminal probe over anti-Arab remarks

Israeli police arrest 15 extremist 'anti-assimilation' Jewish activists

The only difference I see is that there is still an active conversation in Israel denouncing such extremes, and less among the Palestinians.
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