Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Islamic savages. The eternal victims. Victims of their own incompetence.

PA: North Korea and Palestinians are victims of US - PMW Bulletins

PA: North Korea and Palestinians are victims of US
  • PA expresses identification and solidarity with North Korea and its human rights violating leader Kim Jong-un
  • Korean official said the connection between North Korean leaders and Palestinian leaders is one of "comrades in arms, who have shared experience over the years"
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
According to the Palestinian Authority, both the Palestinian people and North Korea are victims of the United States. PA Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad Al-Malki brought a letter of greetings for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un from PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, when he held high level meetings recently with North Korean leaders. Al-Malki said the letter expressed:
"A message of solidarity with the North Korean people in similar circumstances, in which international pressure is being applied to our two peoples by the US."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 9, 2018]

Here’s something the Arabs-Moslems might want to consider. They need to be treated like children.

How to Stop Victim Mentality and Thinking in Kids and Teens
As you might expect, conspiracy theories and "the blame game" are
tactics used by islamics to sidestep accountability for the misfits they create.

A recent Al-Manar TV report on the drug problem in the Gaza Strip claimed that the quantities of narcotic pills and bricks of hashish recently destroyed indicate "that the youth of Gaza are being targeted from several directions." Ashraf Abu Sido, Head of Legal Affairs in the Anti-Drug Unit, said that "global intelligence agencies, like the Israeli occupation, are operating behind the scenes," and General Nasser Sleiman, Head of the Military Courts, said that "the occupation benefits greatly when our youth become addicted." The report aired on October 22, 2018.

"Gaza Authorities Burn Drugs, Point Finger at Israel"
As you might expect, conspiracy theories and "the blame game" are
tactics used by islamics to sidestep accountability for the misfits they create.

A recent Al-Manar TV report on the drug problem in the Gaza Strip claimed that the quantities of narcotic pills and bricks of hashish recently destroyed indicate "that the youth of Gaza are being targeted from several directions." Ashraf Abu Sido, Head of Legal Affairs in the Anti-Drug Unit, said that "global intelligence agencies, like the Israeli occupation, are operating behind the scenes," and General Nasser Sleiman, Head of the Military Courts, said that "the occupation benefits greatly when our youth become addicted." The report aired on October 22, 2018.

"Gaza Authorities Burn Drugs, Point Finger at Israel"

Do you know what China does with its Islamics?
His story reveals how disconnected from reality the Arab world is.

In his story, the Israeli Foreign Ministry would organize an international tour for the victim's family family, launched from the UN headquarters in New York. They would visit to international and human rights NGOs.

The fantasy continues where (Jewish) Hollywood will produce a movie about her, and the Zionist lobby will push the movie to become a megahit. The film would receive an Oscar, and so the world will know who about the Israeli woman killed by the Palestinians.

Of course, in reality quite a few Jews have been killed by Palestinian stones. These include Esther Ohana, 21.

Ohana was going to be married a week later.

No Hollywood movies were produced about Ohana's life.

Nor were movies made about Adele Biton or Yonatan Palmer or Yehuda Shoham, all of them killed when they were babies.

But Arabs seem to know that Hollywood creates films at the pleasure of the Israeli government.

(full article online)

Bizarre Arab op-ed says if Israeli Jews are killed by stones, they get Hollywood movies about them ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Imitating Jordan is the sincerest form of...... ]

A top Palestine Liberation Organization body will be reviewing agreements that the Palestinians had concluded with Israel, and could decide to abrogate many of them, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said in a television interview.

Abbas made the comments days before the Palestinian Central Council, a PLO decision-making body, is expected to convene in Ramallah on October 28 and 29.

(full article online)

Abbas: PLO to review agreements with Israel, could abrogate many of them
Because she is as dumb as a rock, she's the perfect spokes-burqa to babble incoherently on behalf of Ummah'istan.

"Speaking during a panel titled "Unapologetically Muslim" at an event held by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), British journalist and Al-Jazeera TV host Mehdi Hasan said that complicated political issues require different strategies and that "we will need Linda [Sarsour] in the corridors of Congress, maybe being pulled out by Capitol police." Linda Sarsour said that American Muslims are complicit in the murder of Palestinian protestors and questioned the faith of Muslims who debate the issue of Palestine and try to defend or "humanize the oppressor." Speaking about police violence, Linda said: "I don't want to get into debates with Muslims about what Mike Brown did before he got shot, or what [any] young black person did before he got shot."

"Political Activist Linda Sarsour Calls to Vote against Ted Cruz, Questions the Faith of Muslims who Defend the Police, Says: I Don't Care What Any Black Person Did Before Getting Shot"

Just stunningly ignorant.
Because she is as dumb as a rock, she's the perfect spokes-burqa to babble incoherently on behalf of Ummah'istan.

"Speaking during a panel titled "Unapologetically Muslim" at an event held by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), British journalist and Al-Jazeera TV host Mehdi Hasan said that complicated political issues require different strategies and that "we will need Linda [Sarsour] in the corridors of Congress, maybe being pulled out by Capitol police." Linda Sarsour said that American Muslims are complicit in the murder of Palestinian protestors and questioned the faith of Muslims who debate the issue of Palestine and try to defend or "humanize the oppressor." Speaking about police violence, Linda said: "I don't want to get into debates with Muslims about what Mike Brown did before he got shot, or what [any] young black person did before he got shot."

"Political Activist Linda Sarsour Calls to Vote against Ted Cruz, Questions the Faith of Muslims who Defend the Police, Says: I Don't Care What Any Black Person Did Before Getting Shot"

Just stunningly ignorant.

she's a detriment to the united states of america. she's very radicalized + she's got that swag talk from the hood. like she's a black rapper. ...if she's so upset about the palestinians - she would be living there,

instead of in the good ole usa where she can wear as much makeup as she likes [obviously]....

her and her (shroud-headed) bed-sty brother talk............disturbing......hilarious (and phony), nonetheless...... disturbing.
Memri has a clip of some of the islams best and brightest doing what the islams best and brightest do; ranting about Jews.

If only these retrogrades spent one-tenth the time trying to improve themselves as they do obsessing over Jews......

"During an October 19 Friday sermon delivered at the village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank, the preacher said that the Israeli government had not learned the lessons from history, from "the two times that the Israelites spread corruption upon the land." "They have not learned from what was done to them by Nebuchadnezzar... by the great Roman leader Titus... by Hitler," he said, warning that "the logic of history will repeat itself once again." The sermon was broadcast by the Palestinian Autho..."

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"Friday Sermon at Khan Al-Ahmar on PA TV: Israeli Government Has Not Learned the Lessons from Nebuchadnezzar, Titus, and Hitler"

Using past genocides to justify new ones. It's a whole other level of evil.

And we are supposed to make peace with these people? How? How do you make peace with a people who believe that Jews deserve to be wiped out?

For Israel - Tshuva and firm standing.

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More evidence of the debilitating disease called
Pal’istanian Mentality™️.

Symptoms also associated with the disease
of The Stupid™️ are frequently second indicators.

In an October 2 interview with the Tunisian Musaique FM radio channel, Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi said that people should slap Israeli soldiers, "regardless of whether they did anything or not" and that it should become a "regular thing." She pledged "to continue on the path of the martyrs" and "to continue to make sacrifices, even sacrificing my life, for the sake of liberating Palestine." A day later, speaking on the Tunisian Nessma TV channel, she rejected the two-state solution, saying: "We, as a generation, will fight for the liberation of Palestine in its entirety."

"Palestinian Activist Ahed Tamimi: We Should Always Slap Israeli Soldiers Whether They Did Anything or Not"
So, you need to again prepare yourselves for that queasy, upset stomach that accompanies activities related to the islamic Death Cult.

The need to breed children, generation after generation of them, only to indoctrinate them with a pathology of hate and a wish to seek glorification with the fascistic infliction of pain and suffering is just despicable.

One of the worst chapters in
Palestinian schoolbooks

The worst chapter in Palestinian schoolbooks - PMW op-ed in JPost - PMW Bulletins

So if it weren't scary enough for the children
to be told they have to go out and kill, PA educators teach
them that "heroes" are willing to fearlessly die as martyrs.

By Itamar Marcus, Oct. 24, 2018
If you want to know why Palestinian children believe that killing Israelis is model behavior, all you have to do is look at a chapter in one of their schoolbooks.

PA schoolbooks have been criticized ever since Palestinian Media Watch wrote the first report on them in 1998, and the newest books in some respects are the worst ever. However, one chapter stands out in its overt promotion of terrorism. This chapter, appearing in the fifth-grade Arabic Language book published in 2017, serves as a window to understanding the PA leadership's profoundly twisted values.
The chapter starts innocently by stressing the importance of heroes to national identity and national pride: "Heroes have an important position in every nation... the people - even if they are divided over many things - they all agree regarding the pride in their heroes..."

The schoolbook continues and teaches students that feeling pride is not enough. Society takes numerous active steps to honor its heroes: "[We] sing their praise, learn the history of their lives, name our children after them, and name streets, squares, and prominent cultural sites after them..."

In short, society assures that heroes are never forgotten. They might have lived in earlier times, but by naming streets and squares after them and singing their praise, these heroes remain in Palestinian consciousness.
At this point, we know a lot about Ahlam Tamimi. Here's how she herself details the central role she took in the 2001 Sbarro pizzeria massacre:

Interviewer: "Who chose Sbarro [restaurant, as the target of the attack]?"

Ahlam Tamimi: "I did. For nine days I examined the place very carefully and chose it after seeing the large number of patrons at the Sbarro restaurant. My mission was just to choose the place and to bring the martyrdom-seeker (i.e. the human bomb, a young man called Al-Masri). [I made] the general plan of the operation but carrying it out was entrusted to the martyrdom-seeker."

Ahlam Tamimi: "I told him to enter the restaurant, eat a meal, and then after 15 minutes carry out the martyrdom-seeking operation. My job was to realize, for this martyrdom-seeker, the happy life that he wanted."

: "Didn't you think about the people who were in the restaurant? The children? The families?" Ahlam Tamimi: "No."

: "Do you know how many children were killed in the restaurant?" Ahlam Tamimi: "Three children were killed in the operation, I think." Interviewer: "Eight."

Ahlam Tamimi (smiling): "Eight? Eight!"

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 23-Oct-18: She admits she planned the Sbarro massacre. But for parts of the media, Ahlam Tamimi remains 'an accomplice'

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As in many autocratic nations, there is an official Palestinian news agency, Wafa. The writers are anonymous but are certainly on the PA payroll - paid by the governments of the world.

They regularly write what they are paid to write, much of which are anti-Israel screeds.. They talk about "the occupation" and "Jewish extremists" and "Jewish fanatics" who want to visit holy sites and the articles fawn over the wonderful leadership of Mahmoud Abbas and his cronies.

There are no bylines. There is no way to write a letter to the editor. There are no means to correct errors.

No one would consider this to be journalism - it is pure naked propaganda.

To the tune of dozens of articles every day.

Palestinian newspapers and news sites regularly reprint Wafa articles verbatim. They treat the propaganda factory the way American newspapers treat Reuters. Everyone knows it is propaganda - except for the audience.

(full article online)

Wafa: The Palestinian propaganda factory ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Memri has a clip of some of the islams best and brightest doing what the islams best and brightest do; ranting about Jews.

If only these retrogrades spent one-tenth the time trying to improve themselves as they do obsessing over Jews......

"During an October 19 Friday sermon delivered at the village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank, the preacher said that the Israeli government had not learned the lessons from history, from "the two times that the Israelites spread corruption upon the land." "They have not learned from what was done to them by Nebuchadnezzar... by the great Roman leader Titus... by Hitler," he said, warning that "the logic of history will repeat itself once again." The sermon was broadcast by the Palestinian Autho..."

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"Friday Sermon at Khan Al-Ahmar on PA TV: Israeli Government Has Not Learned the Lessons from Nebuchadnezzar, Titus, and Hitler"

Using past genocides to justify new ones. It's a whole other level of evil.

And we are supposed to make peace with these people? How? How do you make peace with a people who believe that Jews deserve to be wiped out?

For Israel - Tshuva and firm standing.

Is that a legit children's show in Israel? The pink hat is a little ridiculous.
More evidence of the debilitating disease called
Pal’istanian Mentality™️.

Symptoms also associated with the disease
of The Stupid™️ are frequently second indicators.

In an October 2 interview with the Tunisian Musaique FM radio channel, Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi said that people should slap Israeli soldiers, "regardless of whether they did anything or not" and that it should become a "regular thing." She pledged "to continue on the path of the martyrs" and "to continue to make sacrifices, even sacrificing my life, for the sake of liberating Palestine." A day later, speaking on the Tunisian Nessma TV channel, she rejected the two-state solution, saying: "We, as a generation, will fight for the liberation of Palestine in its entirety."

"Palestinian Activist Ahed Tamimi: We Should Always Slap Israeli Soldiers Whether They Did Anything or Not"

"She [Tamimi] pledged "to continue on the path of the martyrs" and "to continue to make sacrifices, even sacrificing my life, for the sake of liberating Palestine"

has anybody seen her lately at the border ? hmm, the face was covered, but maybe it was her holding that tennis racket in tinmore's jihadi video clip?

well.....she sounds like linda sansour and:

Memri has a clip of some of the islams best and brightest doing what the islams best and brightest do; ranting about Jews.

If only these retrogrades spent one-tenth the time trying to improve themselves as they do obsessing over Jews......

"During an October 19 Friday sermon delivered at the village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank, the preacher said that the Israeli government had not learned the lessons from history, from "the two times that the Israelites spread corruption upon the land." "They have not learned from what was done to them by Nebuchadnezzar... by the great Roman leader Titus... by Hitler," he said, warning that "the logic of history will repeat itself once again." The sermon was broadcast by the Palestinian Autho..."

View Transcript Page
"Friday Sermon at Khan Al-Ahmar on PA TV: Israeli Government Has Not Learned the Lessons from Nebuchadnezzar, Titus, and Hitler"

Using past genocides to justify new ones. It's a whole other level of evil.

And we are supposed to make peace with these people? How? How do you make peace with a people who believe that Jews deserve to be wiped out?

For Israel - Tshuva and firm standing.

Is that a legit children's show in Israel? The pink hat is a little ridiculous.

It's in every Israeli house with a TV... Aren't ridiculous costumes a part of the show for kids under 5? What can I say, probably that huge hat fits well with her shoes from Purim.

We don't have a tv, but the channel looks nice, from a quick review Shabat songs and other Jewish themes appear at the top.

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After naming the 10 heroes, the PA schoolbook stresses that there is no one better than these fighters: “These heroes are the crown of their nation, they are a symbol of its glory, they are the best of the best, the best of the noble people.”

That’s not all that is horrific. Mughrabi was killed during her terrorist attack and others on the list were killed in battle. The PA schoolbook focuses on their deaths and glorifies their willingness to die: “They took their lives in their hands and threw them at the dangers, without losing their determination and without weakening and surrendering. Some of them died as martyrs, some of them died on the way to fulfilling their obligations, as heroes.”

So if it weren’t scary enough for the children to be told they have to go out and kill, PA educators teach them that “heroes” are willing to fearlessly die as martyrs. The final sentence of the chapter they are taught what this means for them if they don’t want to adopt this heroic behavior: “Bravo to the heroes, and scorn to the cowards!”

Tragically, presenting Dalal Mughrabi as a hero and role model is not accidental or in isolation but is part of a broad almost cult-like worship of Mughrabi directed by the Palestinian Authority. The PA Ministry of Education has named five schools as well as sporting events after Mughrabi. City squares and community centers bear her name. Videos with her picture and story are produced and appear regularly on Fatah and PA media channels. Every year on the dates surrounding her mass murder Fatah and the PA make sure her name and face appear regularly up in lights. There was a march in Bethlehem to celebrate the founding of Fatah and three giant posters led the parade. Two posters had pictures of Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas – internationally known and recognized leaders of Fatah and the PA. The third poster had the picture of Dalal Mughrabi. Dalal Mughrabi was not a leader. She was a terrorist murderer who did one thing in life to make her famous. And yet she completes the PA trinity with the PA leaders.

(full article online)

One of the worst chapters in Palestinian schoolbooks
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