Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Only a few days before the law passed, Deputy Secretary of State George McGhee addressed the Senate and told legislators that the regional economic plan included three parts: direct aid to Arab countries, direct aid to Israel, and helping the U.N. coordinate the matter of refugees from Arab countries.

Barda says that this is exactly the idea Kenen was pushing for in the first place.

"UNRWA was established in 1949, started operating in 1950, and in 1960 declared that its work was done. But then, under pressure from Arab countries, it was decided to extend its mandate. It's a unique organization because there is a high commission in the U.N. that deals with refugees from all over the world, and a special authority established to handle only the Palestinian issue. On the other hand, no one established any agency for Jewish refugees in Israel.

"The American aid plan rebalances the historical narrative. The U.S. undertook to pay both sides to put an end to the refugee issue. Israel also played a part in the equation. There was drama the entire time it took to get the aid approved, which was the first U.S. foreign aid to Israel. They were always trying to cut down the amount. This story doesn't exist in history books. In contemporary journalism, it is mentioned offhand. Kenen's archive opened my eyes and let me see the full picture and understand what happened and why it provides us with a lot of armor," Barda says.

(full article online)

The deal that disappeared - Israel Hayom
A preacher on official PA TV taught that Hitler was one of a series of people sent by Allah throughout history to punish the Jews because of their evil behavior, and to teach them a lesson. However, the preacher taught in Friday's sermon, in spite of all these punishments the Jews "have not learned from the events of history," and continue their evil ways.

The Jews deserve their punishment, he assured his listeners. Their mentality is one of "arrogance... superiority over other people... seclusion." Jews are "planning and systematically working to incite wars and strife in the entire world." Because of this behavior the Jews have been punished. First Allah sent the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the First Temple, then he sent the Roman Titus to destroy the Second Temple, and then Hitler and the kings of Europe, and still the Jews did not learn their lesson:




"They didn't learn from what Hitler did to them, and the kings of Europe, and Spain - they didn't learn."
[Official PA TV, Oct. 19, 2018]

Seven times in this short excerpt (see below) the unidentified preacher repeated and emphasized his antisemitic message that Jews refuse to learn from Allah's punishments:

"They didn't learn. They have continued to behave the same way... Those [Jews] have not learned from the events of history."

The preacher opened his condemnation of the Jews citing a verse from the Quran to prove his point that the Jews' suffering is not coincidental but is a punishment from Allah because of their bad behavior. He quoted a verse saying that Allah's punishment can be seen "throughout the earth":

"Proceed throughout the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied." [Quran 3:137, Sahih International]

The sermon was preached at Khan Al-Ahmar, a site where Palestinian Bedouins have illegally erected dwellings and a school and which is slated for destruction. The preacher was filmed from behind and his face was not visible.

(full article online)

Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jews - PA TV sermon - PMW Bulletins


THIS HERE is an example of why there is no equivalence between the two sides.
There are many hateful preachers out there. For example we had Christian preachers calling 911 Gods vengeance on homosexuals. Among the Israeli Jews you had Rabbi Meir Kahabe who preached hate.

Or these...
Prominent Israeli rabbi faces criminal probe over anti-Arab remarks

Israeli police arrest 15 extremist 'anti-assimilation' Jewish activists

The only difference I see is that there is still an active conversation in Israel denouncing such extremes, and less among the Palestinians.

Thank you for proving my point. You really don't see a difference between claiming that the Jews haven't "learned their lesson" through thousands of years of genocide that reduced their numbers to tiny fractions of what they should be as a direct result of their evil Jewish ways AND some sort of vague 'anti-Arab" remarks which aren't even detailed in the article posted?

You don't see a difference between those ideals being ACCEPTED in society AND those concepts being loudly and consistently renounced, policed and criminalized internally?
An lets talk more about equivalence here:

Only Jews can pray or worship on the Temple Mount.
All mosques in Israel are destroyed.
All Arabs in Israel are removed.
No Arabs are considered refugees.
It is illegal to sell property to Arabs.
Arabs deserve thousands of years of genocide.
Al Aqsa is a Jewish heritage site.
Memri has a clip of some of the islams best and brightest doing what the islams best and brightest do; ranting about Jews.

If only these retrogrades spent one-tenth the time trying to improve themselves as they do obsessing over Jews......

"During an October 19 Friday sermon delivered at the village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank, the preacher said that the Israeli government had not learned the lessons from history, from "the two times that the Israelites spread corruption upon the land." "They have not learned from what was done to them by Nebuchadnezzar... by the great Roman leader Titus... by Hitler," he said, warning that "the logic of history will repeat itself once again." The sermon was broadcast by the Palestinian Autho..."

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"Friday Sermon at Khan Al-Ahmar on PA TV: Israeli Government Has Not Learned the Lessons from Nebuchadnezzar, Titus, and Hitler"
I find it interesting that they didn't quote one of their Middle East directors like Sarah Leah Whitson, but Tom Porteus, who works in Washington. It gives the impression that there was a push from the non-MENA sections of HRW to stop being so obviously and obsessively anti-Israel.

The head researcher, Omar Shakir, is indeed very anti-Israel but this report is generally not bad. Research that should be done by journalists is suppressed exactly because the PA and Hamas will arrest and beat journalists who don't toe the party line, so this is a rare case where HRW can actually do some good in the region.

The level of silencing by the Palestinian leaders is something that simply does not get reported enough, except that Hamas will report on PA abuses and vice versa. But it goes beyond that - ordinary people are silenced and threatened for complaining about their government, even to protest against electricity cuts or the like.

And the things that the West accuses Israel of are all things done routinely by the PA and Hamas - without any outrage. Here's only a tiny example of how the PA and Hamas routinely monitor and arrest students:

(full article online)

New HRW report about PA and Hamas abuses not bad - but still attacks Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Memri has a clip of some of the islams best and brightest doing what the islams best and brightest do; ranting about Jews.

If only these retrogrades spent one-tenth the time trying to improve themselves as they do obsessing over Jews......

"During an October 19 Friday sermon delivered at the village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank, the preacher said that the Israeli government had not learned the lessons from history, from "the two times that the Israelites spread corruption upon the land." "They have not learned from what was done to them by Nebuchadnezzar... by the great Roman leader Titus... by Hitler," he said, warning that "the logic of history will repeat itself once again." The sermon was broadcast by the Palestinian Autho..."

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"Friday Sermon at Khan Al-Ahmar on PA TV: Israeli Government Has Not Learned the Lessons from Nebuchadnezzar, Titus, and Hitler"
Amazing how all of a sudden they recognize Israel's long history in the land.

The Saudi government says they have given the Palestinians $6 billion in aid since the year 2000. So Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has good reason publicly to declare his support for Saudi Arabia in the standoff with the rest of the world over the Jamal Khashoggi affair. Pictured: Abbas presents Saudi King Salman bin Abdel Aziz with a gift on December 30, 2015 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Photo by Thaer Ghanaim/Palestinian Press Office via Getty Images)

They could use some of that money to construct a desalination plant in Gaza.
Memri has a clip of some of the islams best and brightest doing what the islams best and brightest do; ranting about Jews.

If only these retrogrades spent one-tenth the time trying to improve themselves as they do obsessing over Jews......

"During an October 19 Friday sermon delivered at the village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank, the preacher said that the Israeli government had not learned the lessons from history, from "the two times that the Israelites spread corruption upon the land." "They have not learned from what was done to them by Nebuchadnezzar... by the great Roman leader Titus... by Hitler," he said, warning that "the logic of history will repeat itself once again." The sermon was broadcast by the Palestinian Autho..."

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"Friday Sermon at Khan Al-Ahmar on PA TV: Israeli Government Has Not Learned the Lessons from Nebuchadnezzar, Titus, and Hitler"

Using past genocides to justify new ones. It's a whole other level of evil.

And we are supposed to make peace with these people? How? How do you make peace with a people who believe that Jews deserve to be wiped out?

The Saudi government says they have given the Palestinians $6 billion in aid since the year 2000. So Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has good reason publicly to declare his support for Saudi Arabia in the standoff with the rest of the world over the Jamal Khashoggi affair. Pictured: Abbas presents Saudi King Salman bin Abdel Aziz with a gift on December 30, 2015 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Photo by Thaer Ghanaim/Palestinian Press Office via Getty Images)

They could use some of that money to construct a desalination plant in Gaza.

“Who are the Palestinians:”

Yo, ova here:

6 beelllion my goood man?

Mo’money, mo’ money, MO’money

here ya go.....

Money, Money, money, money - free Moneyyyyyy

“Who are the Palestinians:”

  • As Mahmoud Abbas was busy praising the Saudis for their "justice, values and principles," the London-based Action Group for Palestinians of Syria issued a statement in which it accused the Saudi authorities of preventing Palestinian refugees from entering the kingdom.

  • Many Arabs and Muslims can hardly afford to alienate a country as rich as Saudi Arabia. This is a good example of "money talks." However, this does not mean that the Saudi money will ever change the hearts and minds of Palestinians, especially regarding a peace agreement with Israel.

  • The mistreatment of Palestinians at the hands of their Arab brethren has never been of concern to Abbas and his leadership. They are silent when Palestinians are killed and expelled from their homes in Syria. They are silent when Palestinians face discrimination and apartheid laws in Lebanon.

(full article online)

Palestinian 'Support' for Saudi Arabia
The suspect also admitted bringing the knife into Israel from Gaza and tossing it aside before his capture.

The military said it intended to return the man to the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

In recent years, as the humanitarian conditions in the coastal enclave have worsened, Israeli security forces have arrested a number of Palestinians who have fled Gaza in favor of Israeli prisons.

(full article online)

IDF: Gazan tried to get arrested by entering Israel with knife to escape Strip
As we see this video fails to provide viewers with any significant background information concerning the violent rioting deliberately initiated, facilitated and executed by Palestinian terror factions in the Gaza Strip which is now in its seventh month. BBC audiences hear nothing of the attacks on Israeli security personnel using real grenades, guns and IEDs, the breaches of the border fence or the arson attacks that have destroyed thousands of acres of farmland and nature reserves in Israel. Neither are they told that the aim of the so-called ‘right of return’ touted by the organisers of this violence is to eradicate the Jewish state.

(full article online)

More context-free ‘Great Return March’ publicity from the BBC
How does anyone or any nation even begin to negotiate peace with a people who prefer death over life?

Well, it seems that Zionists threaten with the death of our entire planet, if their regime is in danger:

Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's The Gun and the Olive Branch(2003) as saying:

We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan:

'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.'

I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third.

We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.[30]

Samson Option - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

How can you negotiate with people who have chosen to behave like "mad dogs"?
How can you negotiate with people who threaten to destroy the entire planet?

By leaving them the hell alone.
They have been able to launch those warheads for decades. And have not. They can however read. If it was my country I would aim them at every nation that threatens to destroy my country.
That would be ALL nations:
On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations

It would help if the terrorist Palestinians went back to Egypt and Syria, from whence they came...

I gotta admit, there is a part of me that is thinking, "Come on, do it. Lets make another Gaza." Its the worst possible thing for the Arab Palestinian people, but they are literally asking for it. Not figuratively, as in "they deserve it", but literally demanding that terrorism should be supported and that co-operation with Israel concerning terrorism should be ended. Lets give them what they ask for.
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