Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Hamas on Saturday demanded that Israel transfer the Gaza-based terror group $15 million in cash from Qatar every month in order to prevent further escalation in the Palestinian enclave.

In a document handed to Egypt, the terror groupā€™s Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar added that the organization expects Israel to transfer the money by next Thursday, Hadashot TV reported.

(full article online)

Hamas demands $15 million per month in exchange for calm ā€” report
The wondrous Arab-Moslem social order. Itā€™s defined by crime, cruelty and welfare fraud.

When Plane Hijackings Were Palestinian Terrorists' Weapon of Choice

The hijacking of an EgyptAir aircraft to Cyprus recalls a previous era when hijackings were a regular occurrence.

When plane hijackings were Palestinian terrorists' weapon of choice

The 1960s and 1970s saw a large number of hijackings carried out by Palestinian terrorist groups. El Al Israel Airlines quickly developed a reputation for its stringent airline safety. The first and last successful hijacking of an El Al aircraft took place in 1968.
Netanyahu's visit to Oman: Palestinians are very concerned about normalization of Arab states with Israel

Palestinian sources said today that they are concerned about the growing growth of "Arab normalization" with Israel following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Oman and the participation of Israeli sports delegations in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. "

There is an unprecedented Arab flow of normalization of relations with Israel," Palestinian Legislative Council deputy chairman Hassan Kharisha said in a press release. "This influx is caused by Arab leaders who are afraid of their seats and know that relations with the occupation are the gateway to the Americans." Khreisha also said that Oman "wants to improve America's image in order to push President Mahmoud Abbas back to negotiations with Israel."


Fatah Central Committee member Muhammad Shathia issued a short statement saying that "the stage of public normalization has begun and the Arab peace initiative has ended, and the system of values and the Arab political and social contract have been broken."

There were also criticisms of the visit of an Israeli sports delegation to the gymnastics games in Qatar and the visit of Minister of Culture and Sports Miri Regev, in the United Arab Emirates.

(AlQuds Al'Arabi, AFP)


(Israeli Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev, with Mohamed Bin Tha'loob Al Derai, President of UAE Wrestling Judo & Kickboxing Federation - AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili)
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Am I wrong or is there a blanket of terrible silence in the Western media about the Human Rights Watch new unprecedented report about the Palestinian torture?

Human Rights Watch has shed light on how the Palestinian Arabs are slaughtering each other: ā€œTorture is the government policy of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority,ā€ says the report.

They reveal in detail what the Palestinian Arabs are doing to opponents and critics. ā€œIn the 25 years since Palestinians gained a degree of self-rule over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, their authorities have established machineries of repression to crush dissent, including through the use of tortureā€ the report continues chillingly.

This report is the result of a two-year investigation by Human Rights Watch and it draws on 86 cases in the West Bank and Gaza. ā€œThe report shows that Palestinian authorities routinely arrest people whose peaceful speech displeases them and torture those in their custody.ā€ In one case, ā€œthey slapped him (a prisoner, g.m.), slammed his body against the wall, and held him by the neck, threatening to hit him with a plastic hose, and putting him in painful stress positions and subjecting him to shabeh or positional tortureā€.

Where are the famous ā€œFriends of Palestineā€? Is this torture also the fault of Israel? Is it Israel that causes the Palestinian Arabs to torture each other?

(full article online)

A conspiracy of silence on Palestinian Arab torture

Consider this part of the Palestinian terrorist ā€œwork accidentā€ series.

A ā€œwork accidentā€ is a commonly used term to refer to Palestinian terrorists who die by their own hand when explosives or explosive devices they are handling detonate prematurely. We have covered many such incidents.

We appear to have another member of the club, during Hamas-led attempts to breach the Gaza border.

(full article online)

Hamas Commander killed at Gaza border when 'hand grenade' exploded prematurely
Attention: Fatwa Alert!

The Fatwa Capos are on alert, capisce?

Fatah supports Islamic edict prohibiting land sales to "enemies" - PMW Bulletins

Fatah supports Islamic edict
prohibiting land sales to "enemies"

  • Those who sell land to "the occupation" are "the occupation's contemptible agents" and "bats of the night"
  • PA's Fatwa Council: The land is "Islamic property," whoever sells it "has sold his soul to the devil," and "must be fought against at all levels"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Abbas' Fatah Movement endorses the PA's fatwa, or religious edict, prohibiting the transfer or selling of land to Israelis/Jews and encourages Palestinians not to violate it.

Fatah has announced that selling land to Israelis/Jews constitutes "high treason against the religion, the homeland, and the people." Thereby the movement repeats the PA Mufti's ban on selling land documented by Palestinian Media Watch. Fatah, which is supposedly a secular movement, also used religious language, warning that violating this prohibition would even have implications after death, in "the world to come":

"The Fatah Movement emphasized that the sale of properties and lands to the occupation or their illegal transfer to dubious sources constitutes high treason against the religion, the homeland, and the people, and that 'whoever does this decrees upon himself shame and disgrace in this world and in the world to come.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 14, 2018]
The PLO Central Council in Ramallah earlier on Monday decided to cancel recognition of Israel until it recognized a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders with eastern Jerusalem as its capital.

The Council, which is headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, stated that "this decision was made in light of Israel's continued denial of the signed agreements." It was also decided to revoke the validity of the Oslo Accords.

While the PLO never upheld its pledge to remove the clauses from its national covenant which delegitimize the Jewish state and endorse an armed struggle against it, the 1993 Letters of Mutual Recognition exchanged between Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chief Yasser Arafat formed the basis for Israelā€™s acceptance of the PA establishment and operation in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

(full article online)

Bennett: The charade has ended
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
ā€»ā†’ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yeah, no one really expected the word of an Arab Palestinian to be its own bond for any length of time.

Convention on Rights and Duties of States 1933 said:
The recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable.

The recognition of a state may be express or tacit. The latter results from any act which implies the intention of recognizing the new state.

The PLO Central Council in Ramallah earlier on Monday decided to cancel recognition of Israel until it recognized a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders with eastern Jerusalem as its capital.

The Council, which is headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, stated that "this decision was made in light of Israel's continued denial of the signed agreements." It was also decided to revoke the validity of the Oslo Accords.

While the PLO never upheld its pledge to remove the clauses from its national covenant which delegitimize the Jewish state and endorse an armed struggle against it, the 1993 Letters of Mutual Recognition exchanged between Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chief Yasser Arafat formed the basis for Israelā€™s acceptance of the PA establishment and operation in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

(full article online)

Bennett: The charade has ended

IF the recognition or the agreement was legally adopted in compliance with the law THEN what is the point of withdrawal?

Exactly what is the point of the exercise? The intent of the action and the consequences are not clear.

The move does not really wipe-out the history of the establishment of Areas "A, B, and C."

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
ā€»ā†’ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yeah, no one really expected the word of an Arab Palestinian to be its own bond for any length of time.

Convention on Rights and Duties of States 1933 said:
The recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable.

The recognition of a state may be express or tacit. The latter results from any act which implies the intention of recognizing the new state.

The PLO Central Council in Ramallah earlier on Monday decided to cancel recognition of Israel until it recognized a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders with eastern Jerusalem as its capital.

The Council, which is headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, stated that "this decision was made in light of Israel's continued denial of the signed agreements." It was also decided to revoke the validity of the Oslo Accords.

While the PLO never upheld its pledge to remove the clauses from its national covenant which delegitimize the Jewish state and endorse an armed struggle against it, the 1993 Letters of Mutual Recognition exchanged between Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chief Yasser Arafat formed the basis for Israelā€™s acceptance of the PA establishment and operation in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

(full article online)

Bennett: The charade has ended

IF the recognition or the agreement was legally adopted in compliance with the law THEN what is the point of withdrawal?

Exactly what is the point of the exercise? The intent of the action and the consequences are not clear.

The move does not really wipe-out the history of the establishment of Areas "A, B, and C."

Most Respectfully,
The recognition was a part of the defunct Oslo accords.
The Fatah Platform of 2009 says this explicitly:

Fatah launched armed struggle, and other methods of legitimate resistance to liberate the homeland. Such a right is recognized by international law as long as the occupation of our land remains.

[T]he Palestinian peopleā€™s right to practice armed resistance against the military occupation of their land remains a constant right confirmed by international law and international legality. Right to Resist:Fatah adheres to the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all legitimate means, including the right to use armed struggle. Such a right is guaranteed by international law as long as the occupation, settlement, and the denial of our inalienable rights continue.
Western pundits need to stop interpreting their words according to their own wishful thinking. Interpret them according to the Palestinian leaders' own thinking.

In this case the same people who run Fatah run the PLO.

It is clear that the PLO is now saying, officially, that terrorism is an option that they embrace.

(full article online)

The PLO just officially said it supports terror. No one noticed. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • While Hamas has been violating international laws by denying visits or any communication with the Israelis it holds captive, Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons continue to enjoy basic rights, including meeting with an attorney, receiving medical treatment, religious rights, basic living conditions (such as hot water, showers and sanitation), proper ventilation and electric infrastructure.

  • The families of the Palestinian terrorists held in Israeli prisons know where their sons are. They also know that their sons receive proper medical treatment and while away their days reading, exercising and watching TV. But the Israelis held by Hamas can only dream of seeing daylight as they languish in captivity.

  • The proposed Israeli law is a temporary measure, aimed at forcing Hamas to release information about the Israelis held in the Gaza Strip. There would be no need for the law were Hamas prepared to honor international and humanitarian conventions and allow visits by the Red Cross and other international agencies to the Israelis it is holding.
(full article online)

New Palestinian "Concern" for International Conventions
Reports indicate that Mahmoud Abba has dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council.

(full article online)

Abbas continues his dictatorship, violating the PLO's own rules (again) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Good article, thanks.

The PLC was established by their constitution as an independent body. The president has no authority there. The PLC has not functioned since June of 2007. Israel arrested all of the Hamas members of the PLC in the West Bank along with some of the cabinet ministers. Abbas then locked the building. During Cast Lead, Israel bombed the PLC building in Gaza. Note that this creates a problem. The Prime minister and the cabinet must all be approved by the PLC before they can take office. This means that all of the governments in the West Bank since 2007 are not legal. None have had PLC approval.

As a matter of fact, as far as Ramallah is concerned, this body has already finished its life. It has not convened since Hamas captured Gaza, and Fatah ā€œrogueā€ delegates are arrested despite the fact that they are immune from arrest.

Abbas seeks to terminate the council formally to avoid legal claims by Hamasā€™ ā€œspeaker,ā€ Aziz Dweik, that he is the rightful successor to Mahmoud Abbas in an interim period. Fatah will not let that happen at all costs.​

I have brought this up before. There are specific procedures laid out in their constitution to replace a president. The speaker of the PLC (in this case it would be Dr, Aziz Dweik,) temporarily assumes the office of president and calls elections within 60 days.
Reports indicate that Mahmoud Abba has dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council.

(full article online)

Abbas continues his dictatorship, violating the PLO's own rules (again) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Good article, thanks.

The PLC was established by their constitution as an independent body. The president has no authority there. The PLC has not functioned since June of 2007. Israel arrested all of the Hamas members of the PLC in the West Bank along with some of the cabinet ministers. Abbas then locked the building. During Cast Lead, Israel bombed the PLC building in Gaza. Note that this creates a problem. The Prime minister and the cabinet must all be approved by the PLC before they can take office. This means that all of the governments in the West Bank since 2007 are not legal. None have had PLC approval.

As a matter of fact, as far as Ramallah is concerned, this body has already finished its life. It has not convened since Hamas captured Gaza, and Fatah ā€œrogueā€ delegates are arrested despite the fact that they are immune from arrest.

Abbas seeks to terminate the council formally to avoid legal claims by Hamasā€™ ā€œspeaker,ā€ Aziz Dweik, that he is the rightful successor to Mahmoud Abbas in an interim period. Fatah will not let that happen at all costs.​

I have brought this up before. There are specific procedures laid out in their constitution to replace a president. The speaker of the PLC (in this case it would be Dr, Aziz Dweik,) temporarily assumes the office of president and calls elections within 60 days.

That long copy and paste is funny. The article laments the fact that islamic terrorist dictators don't follow standards of governance or rules of law that apply in kuffar Western nations.

Theocratic totalitarianism is vastly different from western standards of governance.
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