Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Reports indicate that Mahmoud Abba has dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council.

(full article online)

Abbas continues his dictatorship, violating the PLO's own rules (again) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Good article, thanks.

The PLC was established by their constitution as an independent body. The president has no authority there. The PLC has not functioned since June of 2007. Israel arrested all of the Hamas members of the PLC in the West Bank along with some of the cabinet ministers. Abbas then locked the building. During Cast Lead, Israel bombed the PLC building in Gaza. Note that this creates a problem. The Prime minister and the cabinet must all be approved by the PLC before they can take office. This means that all of the governments in the West Bank since 2007 are not legal. None have had PLC approval.

As a matter of fact, as far as Ramallah is concerned, this body has already finished its life. It has not convened since Hamas captured Gaza, and Fatah “rogue” delegates are arrested despite the fact that they are immune from arrest.

Abbas seeks to terminate the council formally to avoid legal claims by Hamas’ “speaker,” Aziz Dweik, that he is the rightful successor to Mahmoud Abbas in an interim period. Fatah will not let that happen at all costs.​

I have brought this up before. There are specific procedures laid out in their constitution to replace a president. The speaker of the PLC (in this case it would be Dr, Aziz Dweik,) temporarily assumes the office of president and calls elections within 60 days.

That long copy and paste is funny. The article laments the fact that islamic terrorist dictators don't follow standards of governance or rules of law that apply in kuffar Western nations.

Theocratic totalitarianism is vastly different from western standards of governance.
Dumb post. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:
Reports indicate that Mahmoud Abba has dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council.

(full article online)

Abbas continues his dictatorship, violating the PLO's own rules (again) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Good article, thanks.

The PLC was established by their constitution as an independent body. The president has no authority there. The PLC has not functioned since June of 2007. Israel arrested all of the Hamas members of the PLC in the West Bank along with some of the cabinet ministers. Abbas then locked the building. During Cast Lead, Israel bombed the PLC building in Gaza. Note that this creates a problem. The Prime minister and the cabinet must all be approved by the PLC before they can take office. This means that all of the governments in the West Bank since 2007 are not legal. None have had PLC approval.

As a matter of fact, as far as Ramallah is concerned, this body has already finished its life. It has not convened since Hamas captured Gaza, and Fatah “rogue” delegates are arrested despite the fact that they are immune from arrest.

Abbas seeks to terminate the council formally to avoid legal claims by Hamas’ “speaker,” Aziz Dweik, that he is the rightful successor to Mahmoud Abbas in an interim period. Fatah will not let that happen at all costs.​

I have brought this up before. There are specific procedures laid out in their constitution to replace a president. The speaker of the PLC (in this case it would be Dr, Aziz Dweik,) temporarily assumes the office of president and calls elections within 60 days.

That long copy and paste is funny. The article laments the fact that islamic terrorist dictators don't follow standards of governance or rules of law that apply in kuffar Western nations.

Theocratic totalitarianism is vastly different from western standards of governance.
Dumb post. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

Dumb copy and paste without attribution.
Reports indicate that Mahmoud Abba has dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council.

(full article online)

Abbas continues his dictatorship, violating the PLO's own rules (again) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Good article, thanks.

The PLC was established by their constitution as an independent body. The president has no authority there. The PLC has not functioned since June of 2007. Israel arrested all of the Hamas members of the PLC in the West Bank along with some of the cabinet ministers. Abbas then locked the building. During Cast Lead, Israel bombed the PLC building in Gaza. Note that this creates a problem. The Prime minister and the cabinet must all be approved by the PLC before they can take office. This means that all of the governments in the West Bank since 2007 are not legal. None have had PLC approval.

As a matter of fact, as far as Ramallah is concerned, this body has already finished its life. It has not convened since Hamas captured Gaza, and Fatah “rogue” delegates are arrested despite the fact that they are immune from arrest.

Abbas seeks to terminate the council formally to avoid legal claims by Hamas’ “speaker,” Aziz Dweik, that he is the rightful successor to Mahmoud Abbas in an interim period. Fatah will not let that happen at all costs.​

I have brought this up before. There are specific procedures laid out in their constitution to replace a president. The speaker of the PLC (in this case it would be Dr, Aziz Dweik,) temporarily assumes the office of president and calls elections within 60 days.

That long copy and paste is funny. The article laments the fact that islamic terrorist dictators don't follow standards of governance or rules of law that apply in kuffar Western nations.

Theocratic totalitarianism is vastly different from western standards of governance.
Dumb post. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

Dumb copy and paste without attribution.
The link is in the post I quoted.
Reports indicate that Mahmoud Abba has dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council.

(full article online)

Abbas continues his dictatorship, violating the PLO's own rules (again) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Good article, thanks.

The PLC was established by their constitution as an independent body. The president has no authority there. The PLC has not functioned since June of 2007. Israel arrested all of the Hamas members of the PLC in the West Bank along with some of the cabinet ministers. Abbas then locked the building. During Cast Lead, Israel bombed the PLC building in Gaza. Note that this creates a problem. The Prime minister and the cabinet must all be approved by the PLC before they can take office. This means that all of the governments in the West Bank since 2007 are not legal. None have had PLC approval.

As a matter of fact, as far as Ramallah is concerned, this body has already finished its life. It has not convened since Hamas captured Gaza, and Fatah “rogue” delegates are arrested despite the fact that they are immune from arrest.

Abbas seeks to terminate the council formally to avoid legal claims by Hamas’ “speaker,” Aziz Dweik, that he is the rightful successor to Mahmoud Abbas in an interim period. Fatah will not let that happen at all costs.​

I have brought this up before. There are specific procedures laid out in their constitution to replace a president. The speaker of the PLC (in this case it would be Dr, Aziz Dweik,) temporarily assumes the office of president and calls elections within 60 days.

That long copy and paste is funny. The article laments the fact that islamic terrorist dictators don't follow standards of governance or rules of law that apply in kuffar Western nations.

Theocratic totalitarianism is vastly different from western standards of governance.
Dumb post. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

Dumb copy and paste without attribution.
The link is in the post I quoted.

So, all you did was, well, copy and paste.

Dumb copy and paste.

I take it you're still flummoxed that islamic terrorist dictators behave like islamic terrorist dictators.

Shocking, I guess.
[ This is getting interesting......]

PA body passes motion suspending all agreements with Israel until it recognizes Palestinian state built on 1967 borders.

(full article online)

End of Oslo? | PA passes motion suspending Israel cooperation

Mahmoud is playing a dangerous game. I suspect his maneuvering is intended to gain some Islamo-street cred in the face of his humiliating welfare pay cut from the Great Satan. If he appears weak, the rats knawing at his heels may swarm. Abandoning the security arrangement with Israel is a mistake. That arrangement was a calming influence on the more excitable Islamists. It kept them on a short leash and helped to prevent the buffer zone with Egypt from becoming an islamic terrorist free-for-all. Mahmoud would be well served to keep some suitcases stuffed with money close by for a quick exit. Iranian money is likely pouring in to Hamas with the anticipation that they will be poised for a return to an unfinished civil war.
[ This is getting interesting......]

PA body passes motion suspending all agreements with Israel until it recognizes Palestinian state built on 1967 borders.

(full article online)

End of Oslo? | PA passes motion suspending Israel cooperation

What I don’t understand is do they HONESTLY believe Israel will give up ALL territory including Religious Jewish Sites PLUS “ Right of Return” ?????? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

A Cult that willingly raises its children as disposable commodities is not characterized by critical thinkers.
The UNRWA welfare fraud. Money for the next generation of the remodeled Hitler Youth.

A screenshot of a “Key Terms and Sources” worksheet from the session, titled “Palestine Without Borders,” has Zionism defined as “the ideology that advocates for the establishment of an exclusively Jewish state that necessitates the wiping out the native Palestinian people from their homeland.”

The worksheet goes on to define white supremacy as the “establishment of white dominant empires all over the world from the U.S. to Israel,” adding that Israel is trying to uphold a majority of “white Jewish people.” The worksheet also listed Israel as examples implementing apartheid and “settler colonialism”; the latter was defined as the “type of colonialism materializes through the occupation of a land by completely uprooting and displacing the native population.”

Nofar Salman, an Israel fellow at the Houston Hillel, posted on Facebook, “SJP is targeting the Jewish students on campus and we will NOT be victims of anti-Semitism and twisted lies.”

Shabbat Shalom Y’all.
A lot of people have suggested to me not to post the anti-Semitic incidents that happen on our campus. They claim that sharing these events “gives them more publicity”. Yet to the people creating these anti-Semitic events, I’m saying: We are not scared of your lies and accusations. We will not be shut down. We will keep our head high with pride because truth and justice are on our side.

SJP is targeting the Jewish students on campus and we will NOT be victims of anti semitism and twisted lies.

We are choosing #LoveOVERHate

StandWithUs Condemns Anti-Semitic Session at United We Dream Conference

(full article online)

SJP Worksheet Accuses Zionists of ‘Wiping Out’ Palestinians
Rod: Sometimes I wonder if the PA would spend as much energy focusing its people on the prosperity of their local community, municipalities and governance there wouldn't be half the problems we have here. It seems their principal interest to keep people in a state of chaos. Do you agree or not?

I think that is true, Rod. One of the major misunderstandings in the international community has been that the Palestinian government is not interested in advancing what America understands as the traditional Democratic rights of its citizens. They are only interested as a non-Democratic terrorist kleptocracy in maintaining as much power and control at the top of the pyramid as they can. This corrupt ongoing policy of abrogation of human rights of Palestinians—never mind of Israelis—has been what has driven Palestinians away from its own leadership and towards much deeper cooperation with Israel.

Federated Palestine Sovereign Entity as a Pathway to Peace
Rod: Sometimes I wonder if the PA would spend as much energy focusing its people on the prosperity of their local community, municipalities and governance there wouldn't be half the problems we have here. It seems their principal interest to keep people in a state of chaos. Do you agree or not?

I think that is true, Rod. One of the major misunderstandings in the international community has been that the Palestinian government is not interested in advancing what America understands as the traditional Democratic rights of its citizens. They are only interested as a non-Democratic terrorist kleptocracy in maintaining as much power and control at the top of the pyramid as they can. This corrupt ongoing policy of abrogation of human rights of Palestinians—never mind of Israelis—has been what has driven Palestinians away from its own leadership and towards much deeper cooperation with Israel.

Federated Palestine Sovereign Entity as a Pathway to Peace
"Touching a Martyr" is worth street credit if you're a kid in the Palestinian Authority. Kids want to touch the dead body so they can "brag to their friends" about it, according to the official PA daily.

Referring to the "images that remain" when "parting from the Martyrs," the paper described:
"A boy is hanging out the window of a room and watching the parting from the Martyr... He comes out quickly and tries to touch the head of the Martyr. He wants to reach the glory in order to brag to his friends that he touched a Martyr..."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 2, 2018]

Palestinian Media Watch has reported in the past on this cult-like behavior towards "Martyrs", which the Palestinian Authority promotes and glorifies.

Not only does the "Martyr's" "glory" rub off on you if you touch him, but the Martyr is also believed to be "a groom" on his way to his wedding to the 72 Virgins in Paradise:

"When the body of the Martyr reached his home, his closest friend Ata looked for the Martyr's mother and shouted: 'We have brought you the groom; we have brought you the groom.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 2, 2018]

According to Islamic belief, a "Martyr" marries 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise. Therefore a "Martyr's" funeral is considered a "wedding." Palestinian religious leaders have repeatedly explained that becoming a "Martyr" represents the highest achievement that can be attained by a Muslim.

This cult-like Martyr worship by the PA has been going on for years. Palestinian children were taught to glorify Martyrs (Shahids) during the PA's 5-year terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005). The PA reported at the time that the children would play "the Shahid Game" and argue over who gets to play the best part and die as a "Martyr":

"A seven year old girl says to her friends: 'Let's play the Shahid (Martyr) Game!' The children... argue who will play the Shahid. Fa'iz, 6 years old, says: 'You were the Shahid yesterday, today it's my turn! I'm younger than you. I'll be the one to die!'"
[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 26, 2001

(full article online)

Touch the dead "Martyr" and brag to your friends - PMW Bulletins
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