Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The most important religious figure in the Palestinian Authority and the closest to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, continues to tell Palestinians that the conflict with Israel is an uncompromising religious war for Islam against Israel and Jews. Mahmoud Al-Habbash, who was appointed by Abbas as his personal advisor on Islam and the PA's Supreme Shari'ah Judge, recently stated that conflict today with Israel is "The Battle of History between Islam and the enemies of Islam." Israelis/Jews are the"enemies of Islam," "enemies of Muslims," have a "culture of Satan," and represent "evil." Worse yet, Al-Habbash explained that the current battle is not just another battle on behalf of Islam. It is the ultimate battle described in the Quran as the "final promise," leading to great destruction for the "Children of Israel." It should be noted that Al-Habbash teaches this message of epic religious war to a very religious Palestinian Muslim population. Polls consistently find that 95% of Palestinians saying that religion is "important" for them.



Al-Habbash: "Jerusalem is the arena of conflict between us and the colonialist project [Israel]... Jerusalem's [Al-Aqsa] Mosque apparently is the heading for the eruption of the conflict and The Battle of History between Islam and the enemies of Islam; between the Muslims and the enemies of Muslims; between the Islamic culture in all its splendor and human glory and the culture of Satan attempting to establish oppression and aggression at the expense of the culture of truth and goodness... This mosque is decreed to be the arena of the battle between good and evil. This mosque and this wonderful city - the city of history, religion, and culture, Jerusalem - are decreed to be the heading of the conflict... Jerusalem is the heading of this battle, this conflict, and this round, which I and many others see as the key, as the first step, as the spark of the battle of the 'final promise.'''
[Official PA TV, Quranic Horizons, June 30, 2018, emphasis added]

While depicting the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis not as a political conflict but as one between Islam and "the culture of Satan," Al-Habbash referred to "the final promise." "The final promise" is mentioned in the Quran in Sura 17 where Allah addresses the Jews, referred to as "the Children of Israel," and can be seen as referring to either a battle of the past or a battle in the future in which Jews experience "[total] destruction". (See below).

In his talk, Al-Habbash explicitly said that he and others interpret this as referring to a battle yet to come, and the battle with Israel today over Jerusalem is "the spark of the battle," meaning, the beginning of this war of destruction:

"Jerusalem is the heading of this battle, this conflict, and this round, which I and many others see as the key, as the first step, as the spark of the battle of the 'final promise.'''

As documented by Palestinian Media Watch, Al-Habbash has previously explained clearly that he views the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis as one between "good" and "evil, and that Israel represents "Satan's project":

(full article online)

Abbas’ advisor: Islam’s religious war to destroy Israel has started - PMW Bulletins
Yesterday and today, Qatar sent tanker trucks of fuel to Gaza through Egypt to get the power plant going again and ease the electricity crisis there. Israel and the UN cooperated in order to get this to happen, bypassing the Palestinian Authority which is against any ease in the humanitarian crisis in Gaza that it is largely responsible for.

Fatah issued a statement today saying that this deal was a step towards Gaza becoming a separate political entity run by Hamas, and saying that this was all part of the Trump/Kushner "Deal of the Century".

Apparently, Fatah now believes that Hamas, Israel, Egypt, the UN and Qatar are all colluding to push the still-unannounced deal. (Maybe also Morocco, which is sending 2 tons of medical supplies to Gaza today while the PA restricts medicines.)

The truth, of course, is that while Israel restricts goods to Gaza that can be used to create weapons, there are no other restrictions from Israel and no desire to punish Gazans for the actions of Hamas, despite the lies that the Palestinians (and Western haters of Israel) try to push.

The PA, on the other hand, has been explicitly engaging in collective punishment of Gaza for 18 months, deliberately trying to hurt the people of Gaza in order to get them to pressure Hamas to unify with Fatah.

(full article online)

Fatah effectively accuses UN, Qatar, Egypt, Hamas of supporting Trump's "Deal of the Century" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Fatah lost the last election. How did they end up running the West Bank?
This past spring I attended the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference (CATC), a biennial event organized by Bethlehem Bible College, an outpost of Christian anti-Zionism located in Beit Jala. The conference gives Palestinian Christians in the West Bank an opportunity to demonstrate their value to the corrupt tyrants who control Palestinian society (and protect Christians from jihadist violence) by demonizing Israel to Evangelicals from North America and Europe. The message offered at these conferences, which have taken place every even-numbered year since 2010, is that Evangelical support for Israel hinders the ability of Christians in the Middle East to live in peace and share their faith in Muslim-majority countries in the region. Speakers also seek to elicit feelings of guilt from the Western Christians while downplaying the problem of Arab and Muslim supremacism and Jew-hatred. With this narrative, Westerners are encouraged to expiate their guilt over Western colonialism by embracing a narrative that portrays Jews and their homeland as an obstacle to all that is good in the Muslim and Arab Middle East.

(full article online)

Fomenting Evangelical Hostility Toward Israel – Jewish Policy Center
This past spring I attended the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference (CATC), a biennial event organized by Bethlehem Bible College, an outpost of Christian anti-Zionism located in Beit Jala. The conference gives Palestinian Christians in the West Bank an opportunity to demonstrate their value to the corrupt tyrants who control Palestinian society (and protect Christians from jihadist violence) by demonizing Israel to Evangelicals from North America and Europe. The message offered at these conferences, which have taken place every even-numbered year since 2010, is that Evangelical support for Israel hinders the ability of Christians in the Middle East to live in peace and share their faith in Muslim-majority countries in the region. Speakers also seek to elicit feelings of guilt from the Western Christians while downplaying the problem of Arab and Muslim supremacism and Jew-hatred. With this narrative, Westerners are encouraged to expiate their guilt over Western colonialism by embracing a narrative that portrays Jews and their homeland as an obstacle to all that is good in the Muslim and Arab Middle East.

(full article online)

Fomenting Evangelical Hostility Toward Israel – Jewish Policy Center
Christ At The Checkpoint Day 2 - Palestinian Faith, Zionism Debate

This past spring I attended the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference (CATC), a biennial event organized by Bethlehem Bible College, an outpost of Christian anti-Zionism located in Beit Jala. The conference gives Palestinian Christians in the West Bank an opportunity to demonstrate their value to the corrupt tyrants who control Palestinian society (and protect Christians from jihadist violence) by demonizing Israel to Evangelicals from North America and Europe. The message offered at these conferences, which have taken place every even-numbered year since 2010, is that Evangelical support for Israel hinders the ability of Christians in the Middle East to live in peace and share their faith in Muslim-majority countries in the region. Speakers also seek to elicit feelings of guilt from the Western Christians while downplaying the problem of Arab and Muslim supremacism and Jew-hatred. With this narrative, Westerners are encouraged to expiate their guilt over Western colonialism by embracing a narrative that portrays Jews and their homeland as an obstacle to all that is good in the Muslim and Arab Middle East.

(full article online)

Fomenting Evangelical Hostility Toward Israel – Jewish Policy Center
Christ At The Checkpoint Day 2 - Palestinian Faith, Zionism Debate

The City of Bethlehem which was officially considered part of Jordan and the founder of Judaism( King David) was born belongs exclusively to the Palestinians? Keep dreaming !!

Hadas Malka's father, David, spoke to the Media Thursday while family members of a terrorist who helped her murderer were hollering and gesturing at him behind his back.

On Thursday morning, the Be’er Sheva District Court accepted the state’s appeal and canceled the decision of the parole board to shorten Hani Darri’s sentence. Darri was convicted of driving the terrorist who murdered border policewoman Hadas Malka on June 16, 2017.

Malka, 23, was on patrol outside the Old City walls in Jerusalem when she was attacked near Damascus Gate. She was stabbed in the upper torso and died in Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus.

(full article online)

Terrorist’s Relatives Yell, Mark Victory Sign, at Murdered Policewoman’s Father in Court


Warns Muslims face 'major crisis' from social media, TV

Read more at Imam: We’ll kill our women if they dishonor us - WND.

While some Islamic scholars have insisted that “honor killing” is cultural rather than inherently Islamic, a prominent Palestinian Muslim cleric made it clear in a sermon at the iconic Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem that Muslim men are prepared to kill to defend their family’s name.

Sheik Issam Amira explained that Muslims are “undergoing a major crisis regarding the honor of their womenfolk” amid the many temptations posed by modernity.

Social media, television and women leaving the house without male chaperones are just some examples of the “obliteration” of women’s honor in Palestine, he said.

I'm not sure why this even made the news. The simple solution is for Arab-Moslem men to treat their womenfolk with the same status as domesticated livestock.

That'll keep them-there bitches in line.
As Zachary J. Foster details in his 2011 Georgetown University MA thesis, "Arab Historiography in Mandatory Palestine, 1920--1948", many Arab historians

considered Palestine a constitutive part of Syria. Bahri, for instance, writes that Haifa is among the “mother cities of Syria broadly and Palestine specifically.” In his brief biography of Abid Baha’ Abbas, the founder of the Bahai faith, Bahri also lists all of the countries or regions with Bahai populations: Iran, Japan, China, India, Egypt, Syria (Suriyya), Europe and America. Insofar as there were many Bahai in “Palestine,” it only makes sense that Palestine was assumed as part of Syria in Bahri’s laundry list, or else it would have been an embarrassing oversight to neglect Palestine. Barghouthi and Totah add that Palestine “remained part of Syria, and a natural border did not separate it (Palestine) from it(Syria), and was not distant from it racially or historically, and therefore historians have not singled it [Palestine] out with a distinct name but rather they have related to it [i.e. naming, in terms of] the peoples and tribes living in it.”

(full article online)

My Right Word: Again, Is "Palestine" Really Part of Syria?
The number of actual refugees from 1948 is believed to be closer to 20,000.

As you saw in the clip, a Palestinian professor in Lebanon was interviewed who explained that Palestinian “refugees” in Lebanon – many of whom have lived in the country for generations – are truly second class citizens and are denied basic employment and property rights. Yet, note how Adams failed to draw the most intuitive conclusion from this fact: that the refugee issue – and the fact that so many Arabs of Palestinian descent identify as “refugees” – is perpetuated by Arab states (and UNRWA) who refuse to encourage the full integration of Palestinians into their countries. Nor, did Adams ask why such “refugee camps”, run by UNRWA, in Lebanon, Jordan, and within the Palestinian Authority have never been converted to ordinary cities.

Adams’ other Palestinian interviewee – a young woman also several generations removed from the actual refugees of ’48 – insisted on her inalienable “right of return” to Israel. But, BBC viewers were not reminded that such descendants of refugees don’t in fact have such a legal right to “return”, and that Israel would of course never engage in an act of national self-immolation by allowing millions of Palestinians to become citizens of the state.

Adams, in his final thoughts on the problem, opines that for such Palestinians, living in camps in Lebanon and Jordan, their refugee status is the only thing they possess. However, hope based on a right (of return) they don’t have, and on a future vision of life (in Israel) that will never be brought to fruition, is not a possession. It’s a handicap, and a cynical formula for perpetuating Palestinian victimhood that continues to be amplified and legitimized by media outlets like the BBC.

(full article online)

BBC perpetuates the narrative of perpetual Palestinian refugees

So you is your whining. There will be another Islamic terrorist dictator to fill any void.

Ruthless dictators help to maintain order in Islamist societies.

"There will be another Islamic terrorist dictator to fill any void. Ruthless dictators help to maintain order in Islamist societies."

no, really? LoL.

this represents what islam really is about.........all one has to do is look. (a.f.a.i.c)..............

When police found out about this, they arrested the three women for "public indecency."

Police spokesman Col. Louai Arzieqat said that following the publication on social networking sites of three girls dancing "in naked clothes" and acting in a "general disgrace," Bethlehem police arrested one of them and the other two escaped. The Department of Public Investigation tracked them and arrested them in Jericho.

(full article online)

Palestinian police arrest three young women for public indecency. They were dancing with short skirts. (Video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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