Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?

The dignity of not being refugees. Of being treated as residents and hopefully eventually citizens of Israel with all of the full equality that comes with it.

That is obvious.
Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?
Are you saying that only the Palestinian Arabs should remain refugees for all times, or until peace happens, or should UNWRA extend its services to ALL refugees?
No, didn’t you read what I wrote?
Let me make myself clear then.

Israel IS NOT responsible for those who are under the PA.

Arabs who are residents or citizens of Israel are something else.

They are residents or citizens of Israel, they should be given an Israeli education, and they will get help as any other citizen and resident does. But for some reason, Israel used to allow the Arab schools in Jerusalem to be given the same education, anti Israel, all others are given in the PA and in Gaza.

We do not really have to worry about the US taking any aid from the Palestinians, since Qatar, Germany and many others are making up for it.

How long should the Arab Palestinians continue to be the needy people they have managed to con all people about?

Time the Billions of dollars given to the leaders up to now, to be used for the aid, infrastructure, etc they were designed to be used for, rather than sitting at some Swiss bank or any other place waiting for the leaders next generations to use them for planes, yatchs, etc, etc

Shall we give them a push?
I was asking a specific question related to a specific claim. I don’t see how all that is relevant since it Susha who made the statement, and I HER take on it, why she Israel would give them dignity.

But speaking of schools...shouldn’t Israeli schools likewise clean up THEIR textbooks?

Israeli and Palestinian textbooks erase the other side, report finds

How Do Israeli And Palestinian Textbooks Treat The Other Side?

Academic claims Israeli school textbooks contain bias

That last source is horribly biased and doesn't at all help your case, imo.
What dignity will Israel give them?
Are you saying that only the Palestinian Arabs should remain refugees for all times, or until peace happens, or should UNWRA extend its services to ALL refugees?
No, didn’t you read what I wrote?
Let me make myself clear then.

Israel IS NOT responsible for those who are under the PA.

Arabs who are residents or citizens of Israel are something else.

They are residents or citizens of Israel, they should be given an Israeli education, and they will get help as any other citizen and resident does. But for some reason, Israel used to allow the Arab schools in Jerusalem to be given the same education, anti Israel, all others are given in the PA and in Gaza.

We do not really have to worry about the US taking any aid from the Palestinians, since Qatar, Germany and many others are making up for it.

How long should the Arab Palestinians continue to be the needy people they have managed to con all people about?

Time the Billions of dollars given to the leaders up to now, to be used for the aid, infrastructure, etc they were designed to be used for, rather than sitting at some Swiss bank or any other place waiting for the leaders next generations to use them for planes, yatchs, etc, etc

Shall we give them a push?
I was asking a specific question related to a specific claim. I don’t see how all that is relevant since it Susha who made the statement, and I HER take on it, why she Israel would give them dignity.

But speaking of schools...shouldn’t Israeli schools likewise clean up THEIR textbooks?

Israeli and Palestinian textbooks erase the other side, report finds

How Do Israeli And Palestinian Textbooks Treat The Other Side?

Academic claims Israeli school textbooks contain bias

That last source is horribly biased and doesn't at all help your case, imo.
It does have a bias but the source is an Israeli. What about the other two sources?

Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?

The dignity of not being refugees. Of being treated as residents and hopefully eventually citizens of Israel with all of the full equality that comes with it.

That is obvious.

What makes you think Israel would give them that?
Are you saying that only the Palestinian Arabs should remain refugees for all times, or until peace happens, or should UNWRA extend its services to ALL refugees?
No, didn’t you read what I wrote?
Let me make myself clear then.

Israel IS NOT responsible for those who are under the PA.

Arabs who are residents or citizens of Israel are something else.

They are residents or citizens of Israel, they should be given an Israeli education, and they will get help as any other citizen and resident does. But for some reason, Israel used to allow the Arab schools in Jerusalem to be given the same education, anti Israel, all others are given in the PA and in Gaza.

We do not really have to worry about the US taking any aid from the Palestinians, since Qatar, Germany and many others are making up for it.

How long should the Arab Palestinians continue to be the needy people they have managed to con all people about?

Time the Billions of dollars given to the leaders up to now, to be used for the aid, infrastructure, etc they were designed to be used for, rather than sitting at some Swiss bank or any other place waiting for the leaders next generations to use them for planes, yatchs, etc, etc

Shall we give them a push?
I was asking a specific question related to a specific claim. I don’t see how all that is relevant since it Susha who made the statement, and I HER take on it, why she Israel would give them dignity.

But speaking of schools...shouldn’t Israeli schools likewise clean up THEIR textbooks?

Israeli and Palestinian textbooks erase the other side, report finds

How Do Israeli And Palestinian Textbooks Treat The Other Side?

Academic claims Israeli school textbooks contain bias

That last source is horribly biased and doesn't at all help your case, imo.
It does have a bias but the source is an Israeli. What about the other two sources?

The bias is enormous. Don't care who the author is with that kind of blatant bias.

The other two sources are long on opinions and short on facts.

Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?

The dignity of not being refugees. Of being treated as residents and hopefully eventually citizens of Israel with all of the full equality that comes with it.

That is obvious.

What makes you think Israel would give them that?

The million Arab Israeli citizens who have that.

Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?

The dignity of not being refugees. Of being treated as residents and hopefully eventually citizens of Israel with all of the full equality that comes with it.

That is obvious.

What makes you think Israel would give them that?

The million Arab Israeli citizens who have that.

I think you are overly optimistic. For one, Israel has been extremely cognizant of demographics...from adjusting Jerusalem’s borders to strictly controlling the ability of non-Jews to become citizens, etc.

Netanyahu backs expanding Jerusalem’s jurisdiction to include West Bank settlements

Israel almost entirely halts citizenship approvals for East Jerusalemites
@UNRWA keeps telling the world how necessary it is to provide services for Palestinian "refugees." But when a state says it will do all of those services - better - allowing UNRWA to use its money in other ways, it does not cooperate. On the contrary, UNRWA claims that its services of providing unlicensed medical and educational facilities are "important" and must remain even when they are completely redundant.

This episode reveals that UNRWA doesn't exist to help Palestinians. On the contrary, UNRWA wants as many Palestinians as possible to use it in order to maintain its own existence.

UNRWA's unique definition of "refugee" for Palestinians is self-serving. It is meant to ensure that it stays in existence forever.

What would happen if Jordan suddenly said that it is willing to take responsibility for its own citizens of Palestinian origin? Would UNRWA be happy or upset? This story tells you the answer. The Arab world, UNRWA and the Palestinians all have a vested interest in never solving the "refugee" problem - and in claiming that it is all Israel's fault.

(full article online)

Palestinians don't need @UNRWA. @UNRWA needs Palestinians. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
CB-D: Many of the specifics about the Trump administration policy of defunding UNRWA are unclear. For example, which institutions can replace UNRWA in the different areas in which it operates? You address this question and also examine how UNRWA’s calculation of refugee numbers should be reassessed. Can you explain your thinking on UNWRA?

EW: Rather than the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) alleviating a difficult situation, it has been one of its main creators and radicalising forces. Through its refugee camps, UNRWA became the incubator that nurtured and developed an angry, victimised, belligerent Palestinian nationalism, one trapped in its own millenarian visions of returning to a country where the Arabs are not a majority and without recognising the co-equal right of the majority group in that country to a state of its own. For example, the terrorists who carried out the Munich massacre and airplane hijackings were all children of UNRWA.

UNRWA operates in the West Bank, Gaza, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, administering a total of 5.3 million refugees, yet almost none would be considered refugees by international standards. For example, 2.2 million UNRWA ‘refugees’, 40 per cent of the total, are Jordanian citizens. They vote and hold significant positions of power in Jordan. Citizens are not considered refugees in any other situation. In addition, 82 per cent don’t even live in camps throughout Jordan. Many of them are middle class professionals and wealthy business people. There is no connection between the broad image associated with the word ‘refugee’ and who they actually are.

Another 40 per cent, approximately 2.1 million people, live in the West Bank and Gaza. They are not refugees either. Certainly, by their own accounting they live in the territory of Palestine. UNRWA counts another million refugees in Syria and Lebanon, but we know from recent official census that the numbers are at least four times inflated because most long ago left. For example, the father of supermodels Gigi and Bella Hadid, a multi-millionaire living in LA is still on UNRWA’s books in Syria as a refugee from Palestine. This means that already 95 per cent of those registered by UNRWA as ‘refugees’ would not be considered refugees by international standards and in any other conflict. But even among the 250,000 who actually still reside in Syria and Lebanon, only the original people who fled war, crossed a border to another country, and did not receive citizenship, would be considered refugees, and had they had been treated like other refugees in the world they would have long ago been resettled and taken off the books.

(full article online)

Why UNRWA is an obstacle to two states for two peoples: an interview with Einat Wilf
Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?

The dignity of not being refugees. Of being treated as residents and hopefully eventually citizens of Israel with all of the full equality that comes with it.

That is obvious.

What makes you think Israel would give them that?

The million Arab Israeli citizens who have that.

I think you are overly optimistic. For one, Israel has been extremely cognizant of demographics...from adjusting Jerusalem’s borders to strictly controlling the ability of non-Jews to become citizens, etc.

Netanyahu backs expanding Jerusalem’s jurisdiction to include West Bank settlements

Israel almost entirely halts citizenship approvals for East Jerusalemites

I don't understand you. Israel is stepping up. She is removing Arabs from their refugee status and agreeing to pay for all of the infrastructure needed to support them. So they don't have to receive aide. Why is this a problem for you?
The number of Palestinian Arabs who work in "settlements" has increased over the years, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics some 20,000 Palestinians now work in the "settlements" (despite threats to such people by the PA years ago) and over 105,000 more work for Israelis within the Green Line.

The number of Arab employees working for Israeli employers has been steadily increasing while the number of workers for Arab employees has been going down and the unemployment rate increasing.

The wage gap between Arab workers for Israelis compared to working in the West Bank for other Arabs has dramatically increased. The daily wage rate was 107.9 shekels in the West Bank and 62.6 shekels in the Gaza Strip in the second quarter of 2018 - but those working in Israel and the settlements make a daily average wage of 247.9 shekels.

Some 13.5% of all Palestinian workers now work for Israelis. If you include how much they make, that means that over 30% of all Palestinian incomes come from Israeli employers.

Given this information of how much better off Palestinians are economically when there is less terror and more opportunities to work in Israel, one would think that ordinary Palestinian Arabs would be incensed at a terror attack that could jeopardize such a huge portion of their economy.

I have yet to see any such reaction.

Hamas-oriented sites are filled with people are praising Allah for the attack, and Fatah is bragging that this is proof that settlements will never be secure from terrorism.

(full article online)

Terror murder of two Israelis by Arab coworker highlights how many Arabs work in "settlements" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Hamas terror movement has issued a statement welcoming the murder of two Israeli civilians and the wounding of a third in the Barkan industrial zone by a Palestinian terrorist living in the Samarian village of Shuweika, calling it an "heroic act" and a "natural reaction" to what it calls Israel's "crimes" against the "Palestinian people."

Following a listing of claims against Israel, the statement said that the so-called natural action heralding that the "Palestinian explosion is approaching the occupier's face."

Hamas: Palestinian explosion nearing - Israel National News
Education Minister Naftali Bennett stated: “While Israel endures terrible sadness, Hamas is handing out candies and Abbas is looking after salaries. We must stop this celebration. The State of Israel is obliged to ensure the security of its citizens. We must restore the deterrence.”





Ofir Gendelman on Twitter

(full article online)

Terror attack celebrated in Gaza
There’s a parallel between what a glamour magazine does openly and what the Tamimi family is doing more insidiously. Both are constructing an unrealistic fantasy. The difference is that magazines like Vogue openly use showmanship because that’s what readers are looking for. But the Tamimi family, in a sense, creates its own fantasy in order to mislead audiences for political advantage.

What you don’t know from that single photo is that Tamimi has called for stabbings and suicide bombings against Israelis, that not all Arabs view her as a Palestinian icon, or that her recent European tour is really blondwashing terror.

It’s irritating enough that Vogue saw fit to publish Tamimi’s missive. At the end of her 987-word letter, she writes:

People ask me what life was like in prison, but I wish I didn’t have to talk about it. I just want to forget.

No she doesn’t. Prison is Tamimi’s stepping stone to all the trappings that come with being an icon: meeting world leaders, photo-ops with Real Madrid, billboards in London, etc. She has indicated she wants to study law and pursue political activism, so Tamimi’s fame will open doors for her.

Prison is Tamimi’s meal ticket.

But none of Vogue’s photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists and show-biz production can whitewash who Ahed Tamimi really is — an opportunistic and attention-grabbing young woman who isn’t really interested in peace.

(full article online)

Vogue Can't Glamourize Terror | HonestReporting
Islamic Jihad showcases large female terrorist contingent
Images released by Gaza terrorist group show large group of women taking part in military drills aimed at attacking Israeli soldiers and civilians • They are shown shooting real weapons while surrounded by fellow terrorists in Israeli military uniforms.

Female Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists march in Gaza

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The value of the Sinwar interview is that it demonstrates in detail why Hamas has not been — and will never be — a party to any credible peace process between the Palestinians and Israel. Once the reader sees past Sinwar’s melodramatic assertion at the beginning that “now, not tomorrow, right now” there exists an opportunity to introduce what he calls “security and stability,” it becomes very clear that this involves not a meaningful overture to Israel, but a restatement of fundamental Hamas doctrine.

What, for example, does Sinwar think about the prospect of a renewed conflict with Israel? “We are a people under occupation and are being attacked daily,” he replied. Another war, he continued, was not in the interest of the Palestinians because they would be confronting a “nuclear power.” But, he went on, even if Hamas “cannot win, Netanyahu’s victory will be worse than defeat because it will be the fourth war [fought by Israel in Gaza since 2008] … The war will not bring them anything.”

For the last 10 years, Hamas has imposed its iron-fisted rule upon Gaza with three key assumptions: that Israel and Egypt will maintain their control of Gaza’s borders, that heavy fighting will periodically erupt with Israeli forces, and that Israel will not invade Gaza and overthrow the Hamas regime. That continuity enables Hamas leaders to retain political and security control over the Gaza Strip. In propaganda terms, as Sinwar demonstrated in his interview, the terrorist organization then emphasizes its shared goal with the other Palestinian factions in securing a state within the 1967 borders — with eastern Jerusalem as its capital, but without recognizing Israel and without renouncing violence. And then, every so often in the media, a report appears suggesting that Hamas might be willing to do one or both of those things, but it never does.

The fact that the status quo suits Sinwar — given the military vulnerabilities of Hamas and his unresolved conflict with the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Ramallah — is nothing new; it’s what his predecessors, who expelled Fatah and the PA in the ugly civil war of 2007, also favored. Simply put, Gaza’s situation has not really changed in that time, and neither has the ideology of its Islamist rulers.

(full article online)

Yahya Sinwar Explains How Hamas Hasn’t Changed
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