Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Yesterday, Islamic Jihad held a parade in Gaza City.

Thousands of Gazans came to participate and cheer them on, bringing their children.

We don't see too many articles about these Palestinians. Because talking about them does not further the narrative that the media wants people to think about Gazans.

Terror isn't tolerated by Palestinians. It is celebrated. And it is taught to their kids.

(full article online)

Just another terror parade in Gaza City encouraging kids to become martyrs ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems like, at the same time that gang that formed "The Project for the New American Century" rose to power, the latent concept for Nation Building --- which had been around since the era of the "Marshall Plan" --- became even more prominent. Except that we didn't have a George C Marshall (Former General of the Army and Secretary of State) to implement it.

Great Leaders like George C Marshal, Winston Churchill, Franklin D Roosevelt,
only come around so often and rise to the need when the Sun and the Moon and
the Stars are in the proper alignment.

The relief agency does less with more than other UN refugee programs, and has good reason to undermine its own mission

Why didn’t we stop funding UNRWA years ago?

• 1 January 1942 History •
The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was first used in the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942, released by Rosevelt and Winston Churchill, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers.


Oddly enough, it was the US, more often than not, finds itself standing alone in the UN.

Most Respectfully,
What was that about genocide?

The answer is in the numbers:

Germany committed genocide against the Jews from 1933–1945

Jewish population worldwide in 1933: 19 million

Jewish population worldwide in 1945: 13.2 million

Jewish population worldwide in 2017: 13.2 million

over 70 years later we are still barely recovering.

Turkey committed genocide against the Armenian population throughout the 1920s:

Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire 1915: 1.5 million

Armenian population in Turkey 1935: 77,000

Armenian population in Turkey 2017: 61,000

That is the rawest and most evil form of genocide.

Since the establishment of Israel, Palestinians have waged war against us countless times:

Palestinian population 1947: 600,000

Palestinian population 1949 (after the State of Israel was established): 600,000

Palestinian population 2017: 3.5 million

Nations that suffer genocide see a tragic and steep drop in their population. Since 1967 the Palestinians have seen their income levels increase by 500%. Their life expectancy has increased by 20 years. Their infant mortality rate has dropped by 80%.

Israeli rule has brought them modernization and prosperity. It may not be reported in the media, but it is reported in the numbers.

Listen up, infidels. In today’s episode of “Mahmoud says...”, we’re treated to a sense of that enlightenment which has escaped the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

Surah 4:34
Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme. (Dawood)

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, an advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, was interviewed on Palestine TV on September 8, 2018. Al-Habbash said that in some cases, a woman's legal testimony might not be enough because her "mental nature cannot yield an authentic testimony." He said that men are naturally inclined to intervene in crimes such as murder, but that women are inclined to cover their eyes to avoid seeing the terrible sight. Al-Habbash also said that men's psychological and physical nature inclines them to take a "long hard look and check things out" when witnessing acts of fornication, while women are likely to avert their gaze due to their modesty and chastity.

Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?
Are you saying that only the Palestinian Arabs should remain refugees for all times, or until peace happens, or should UNWRA extend its services to ALL refugees?

Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?
Are you saying that only the Palestinian Arabs should remain refugees for all times, or until peace happens, or should UNWRA extend its services to ALL refugees?
No, didn’t you read what I wrote?

Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?
Are you saying that only the Palestinian Arabs should remain refugees for all times, or until peace happens, or should UNWRA extend its services to ALL refugees?
No, didn’t you read what I wrote?
Let me make myself clear then.

Israel IS NOT responsible for those who are under the PA.

Arabs who are residents or citizens of Israel are something else.

They are residents or citizens of Israel, they should be given an Israeli education, and they will get help as any other citizen and resident does. But for some reason, Israel used to allow the Arab schools in Jerusalem to be given the same education, anti Israel, all others are given in the PA and in Gaza.

We do not really have to worry about the US taking any aid from the Palestinians, since Qatar, Germany and many others are making up for it.

How long should the Arab Palestinians continue to be the needy people they have managed to con all people about?

Time the Billions of dollars given to the leaders up to now, to be used for the aid, infrastructure, etc they were designed to be used for, rather than sitting at some Swiss bank or any other place waiting for the leaders next generations to use them for planes, yatchs, etc, etc

Shall we give them a push?

Yes. This.

This is ensuring the dignity of people so they are not viewed as perpetual refugees. If the Arab Palestinians won't step up and do it -- Israel will. And should.
What dignity will Israel give them?
Are you saying that only the Palestinian Arabs should remain refugees for all times, or until peace happens, or should UNWRA extend its services to ALL refugees?
No, didn’t you read what I wrote?
Let me make myself clear then.

Israel IS NOT responsible for those who are under the PA.

Arabs who are residents or citizens of Israel are something else.

They are residents or citizens of Israel, they should be given an Israeli education, and they will get help as any other citizen and resident does. But for some reason, Israel used to allow the Arab schools in Jerusalem to be given the same education, anti Israel, all others are given in the PA and in Gaza.

We do not really have to worry about the US taking any aid from the Palestinians, since Qatar, Germany and many others are making up for it.

How long should the Arab Palestinians continue to be the needy people they have managed to con all people about?

Time the Billions of dollars given to the leaders up to now, to be used for the aid, infrastructure, etc they were designed to be used for, rather than sitting at some Swiss bank or any other place waiting for the leaders next generations to use them for planes, yatchs, etc, etc

Shall we give them a push?
I was asking a specific question related to a specific claim. I don’t see how all that is relevant since it Susha who made the statement, and I HER take on it, why she Israel would give them dignity.

But speaking of schools...shouldn’t Israeli schools likewise clean up THEIR textbooks?

Israeli and Palestinian textbooks erase the other side, report finds

How Do Israeli And Palestinian Textbooks Treat The Other Side?

Academic claims Israeli school textbooks contain bias
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