Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The World Bank says that the “economy” of the Gaza Strip is collapsing.

This is or should be about as shocking as the discovery that there is gambling at Rick’s café. The word “economy,” which implies at least some productivity, barely fits. Gaza has survived on UNRWA stipends that have supported 1.3 million people with Palestinian refugee status (out of a total population of 1.8 million), on payments from the Palestinian Authority (PA) to its tens of thousands of “employees” (who either do nothing or work for Hamas), and on other donations from Europe, the US, and the Arab world.

The World Bank notes that 70% of young people in Gaza are unemployed, and 54% of the population live below the poverty line (but next door to them live hundreds of Hamas-connected millionaires).

Now the cash spigot is being turned off. Some blame US President Trump, who has cut funds for the special Palestinian-only refugee agency UNRWA, but the underlying reason is the Malthusian fact that the international community can no longer afford to support a geometrically-increasing population of beggars.

The crisis will be discussed at a meeting this week of the “Ad Hoc Liaison Committee” of international donors and other interested parties under UN auspices and chaired by the Norwegian Foreign Minister. The bank “blamed a number of factors, including Israeli restrictions on goods and movement into Gaza and Palestinian Authority sanctions against the Hamas ruled enclave in an attempt to force Hamas to relinquish its authority there.”

Could there be a more blatant and absurd substitution of cause and effect?

Let’s look at the real reasons for the crisis. First there is the structural problem inherent in the “Palestinian Refugee” system set up almost 70 years ago, which guarantees an ever-increasing population of dependents who are kept that way on the chimerical assumption that someday they will “return” to “their homes” in what is today the Jewish state of Israel. They are both paid and educated to this end, and only this end.

Second, there is the political situation in Gaza, ruled by the internationally recognized terrorist organization, Hamas. Of the billions that the US and EU pump into Gaza via UNRWA, the PA, or directly, Hamas officials steal some for their personal use, and divert as much as they can of the rest into preparations for war with Israel, including digging very expensive tunnels which are shored up with concrete and iron imported for civilian purposes, and building rockets to fire at Israeli communities. Instead of working at the jobs that don’t exist, young Gazans participate in riots at the border fence with Israel, try to provoke IDF soldiers into shooting them, and launch incendiary devices into Israel.

Every few years they succeed in provoking a big enough reaction from Israel that whatever infrastructure they have left is severely damaged. Then they are given international aid to rebuild it, which promptly goes into more rockets and tunnels. This is repeated over and over.

(full article online)

Puncturing the Palestinian Refugee Myth (Vic Rosenthal) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I just find it appalling that so many Arab Palestinians find some redeeming qualities in Dalal al-Maghribi. She "was" a psychopath, a mass murderer and yet honored by the Arab Palestinians.
Dalal al-Maghribi.png

She had - absolutely - no regard for life.

And then the Arab Palestinians want the rest of the world to be exposed to hundreds of thousands of these idolatrous psychopaths that venerate the heathen Dalal al-Maghribi.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I just find it appalling that so many Arab Palestinians find some redeeming qualities in Dalal al-Maghribi. She "was" a psychopath, a mass murderer and yet honored by the Arab Palestinians.

She had - absolutely - no regard for life.

And then the Arab Palestinians want the rest of the world to be exposed to hundreds of thousands of these idolatrous psychopaths that venerate the heathen Dalal al-Maghribi.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinian identity is that they value death, more than they value life.
That is what has been taught to them since they lost in 1948 and 1967. It is their curriculum.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I just find it appalling that so many Arab Palestinians find some redeeming qualities in Dalal al-Maghribi. She "was" a psychopath, a mass murderer and yet honored by the Arab Palestinians.

She had - absolutely - no regard for life.

And then the Arab Palestinians want the rest of the world to be exposed to hundreds of thousands of these idolatrous psychopaths that venerate the heathen Dalal al-Maghribi.

Most Respectfully,
I just find it appalling that so many Arab Palestinians find some redeeming qualities in Dalal al-Maghribi. She "was" a psychopath, a mass murderer and yet honored by the Arab Palestinians.
Still much better than the assholes who kicked her out of her country.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I just find it appalling that so many Arab Palestinians find some redeeming qualities in Dalal al-Maghribi. She "was" a psychopath, a mass murderer and yet honored by the Arab Palestinians.

She had - absolutely - no regard for life.

And then the Arab Palestinians want the rest of the world to be exposed to hundreds of thousands of these idolatrous psychopaths that venerate the heathen Dalal al-Maghribi.

Most Respectfully,
I just find it appalling that so many Arab Palestinians find some redeeming qualities in Dalal al-Maghribi. She "was" a psychopath, a mass murderer and yet honored by the Arab Palestinians.
Still much better than the assholes who kicked her out of her country.
She was merely a remnant of Islamic colonizers, like the rest of Your Jihadi filth.
You know where Maghreb is on the map?
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Oh, this is so unreal. I don't suppose you realize that Dalal al-Maghribi had to leave her home country (Lebanon) to illegally enter Israel to perpetrate a series of terrorist acts.

I just find it appalling that so many Arab Palestinians find some redeeming qualities in Dalal al-Maghribi. She "was" a psychopath, a mass murderer and yet honored by the Arab Palestinians.
Still much better than the assholes who kicked her out of her country.

Dalal al-Maghribi never lived in Israel. And she was never kicked out "of her country." Neither the Israel or Lebanese authorities prevented her from living in the country of birth; Sabra Refugee Camp outside of Beirut, Lebanon.

I know that the UNRWA CERI (Consolidated Eligibility and Registration Instructions) allows their accompanying relatives (descendants) to receive social and protective services.

But make no mistake. The psychopath al-Maghribi never lived in Israel, the West Bank (including Jerusalem) or the Gaza Strip.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

Sixties Fan, I just realized that I should have addressed this comment to P F Tinmore.

I apologize.


RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Oh, this is so unreal. I don't suppose you realize that Dalal al-Maghribi had to leave her home country (Lebanon) to illegally enter Israel to perpetrate a series of terrorist acts.

I just find it appalling that so many Arab Palestinians find some redeeming qualities in Dalal al-Maghribi. She "was" a psychopath, a mass murderer and yet honored by the Arab Palestinians.
Still much better than the assholes who kicked her out of her country.

Dalal al-Maghribi never lived in Israel. And she was never kicked out "of her country." Neither the Israel or Lebanese authorities prevented her from living in the country of birth; Sabra Refugee Camp outside of Beirut, Lebanon.

I know that the UNRWA CERI (Consolidated Eligibility and Registration Instructions) allows their accompanying relatives (descendants) to receive social and protective services.

But make no mistake. The psychopath al-Maghribi never lived in Israel, the West Bank (including Jerusalem) or the Gaza Strip.

Most Respectfully,
Wars for Israel's existence displaced 5 million Palestinians?

Even if for some reason one can say that refugee's descendants will be considered refugees forever no matter what - even then the basic facts are wrong. About half of the Arabs who did flee in 1947-48 left before Israel was established.

This is the sort of false reporting that leads to anti-Israel sentiment worldwide. If only the media would note every time they mention 5 million "Palestinian refugees" that the number uniquely includes all of their descendants as well, no matter where they live, even if they become citizens elsewhere, people would start to realize that "Palestine refugees" are not refugees at all.

(full article online)

MSN lists Palestinians among worst refugee crises in history - by lying ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
So, a brief fisking of Abbas' speech (as written, not as delivered,), that the media refuse to do because it would make him look bad:

" I have come to ask for the freedom, independence and justice of my oppressed people, who have been under the yoke of the Israeli occupation for 51 years."

You could have had freedom if you had accepted any of a number of peace plans.

" I return to you today. This colonial occupation continues to undermine our efforts to build the institutions of our future State."

Funny - Jews managed to build the institutions of their future state under British rule, with British soldiers right outside the door. Israeli soldiers aren't in Ramallah.

" We note, ladies and gentlemen, that Israeli settlers and even the Israeli army every day trample the sanctity of our holy sites, especially the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Resurrection."

I am not aware of any Jews hanging around any churches - since they are not built on Jewish holy spots. To say that no Jew can visit a Jewish holy spot that pre-dates the Muslim claim to it by a thousand years, and to claim that such a visit is "trampling its sanctity," is nothing short of antisemitism.

(full article online)

Fisking Abbas' UN speech ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) reportedly received a tip from a foreign security service about the man, who arrived some time ago from Libya using a false passport.

The German newspaper Welt reported that the man intended to use chemical weapons for his planned terror attack in Israel, and in a phone call intercepted by security officials stated that he had already acquired the necessary materials.

(full article online)

Palestinian in Germany caught planning chemical terror attack in Israel
[ What endless world aid to Palestinians continues to tell them they can get away with ]

A Jewish family from Nazareth Illit was attacked on Friday afternoon by Arabs in the village of Yafia in the Galilee region in northern Israel.

The incident occurred when the villagers identified Jews were sitting in a vehicle that was stuck in a traffic jam in the village. and then began to attack the vehicle. The Honenu legal aid organization reported that the Arabs then attacked the car with rocks and clubs.

The family members said that one of the assailants began to hit the car with an iron pipe, broke the windows and hit the family members. Some of the family members were injured and were evacuated for medical treatment at the Italian Hospital in Nazareth.

The driver eventually managed to maneuver among the vehicles around him and escape from the village. The Israel Police are taking testimonies from the family at the emergency room.

(full article online)

Lynch attempt in northern Israel
Who said that they do not follow our calendar? The despicable murders by the Palestinian Arab terrorists of innocent Israeli people, children, teenagers, rabbis, teachers, housewives are often committed on or close to Shabbat or our holidays.

Our New Year 5779 started that way. Two days before Yom Kippur, Ari Fuld, dear friend of so many people, the real lion of Judah, one of the best of us, was murdered in another vicious attack by a Palestinian Arab terrorist, a 17-year old barbarian trained and indoctrinated by the bestial system that is run and executed by criminals.

Ari Fuld, 45-years old, father of four, courageous, motivated, articulated, devoted, a great Jewish man who loved his country, his land and his people. An enormous loss for Israel and Jewish world. And it is just absolutely surreal for anyone who knew Ari.

And the terrorist? Slightly wounded, he was rushed to the Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem and treated in the Israeli hospital by the Israeli doctors.

Wrong. Utterly wrong.

The primary value of Judaism is human life. Human, not the lives of the creatures who are bred to commit barbaric crimes, with criminal psychology and modes of behaviour.

They are cold-blood terrorists, would they be seventeen or seventy. The value of human life is not valid by definition if those who murder people for business are treated equally with their victims. This is absurd.
Terrorists do not have human rights. When the state of Israel implemented this logical policy, Israel was perceived and treated in the world substantially differently. And Israeli people were not slaughtered so casually in their own country.

But it is not about how anybody treats us. It is about how we treat our people - and our enemies. Sworn enemies who kill Jews for both business and pleasure receiving those abominable ‘stipends’ for years, turning terror into profitable business. In the Jewish state. On Jewish soil. This is wrong. Absolutely wrong. And it must not be tolerated, not just the ongoing terror against the Jewish people on Jewish soil, but the attitude and policy towards it.

(full article online)

Terrorists do not have human rights
Who are (the dwindling), Arabs-Moslems masquerading as “Pal’istanians”

It seems “Al” is a bit confused. The absorption of Arab-Moslem “refugees” by neighboring Islamist nations is actually the function of those people returning to their nations of origin.
[ Hurray!!!! Gaza is NOT OCCUPIED !!!!]

A senior Hamas official claimed that Gaza freed itself of the "Israeli occupation" in 2005.

Speaking on Friday at one of the violent Gaza border riots, Ahmad Bahar said the Al-Aqsa Intifada (also known as the Second Intifada - ed.) which began in September 2000 brought about the "redemption of Gaza and the removal of the Israeli occupation."

(full article online)

Hamas: Gaza is free of the Israeli 'occupation'
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