Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian teenager jailed for assaulting an Israeli soldier, says she supports violence against Jews and seeks the destruction of Israel.

And I believe that groups such as J Street, which have defended Tamimi and claimed that she is nonviolently resisting “the Israeli occupation of the West Bank,” owe the Jewish community an apology for refusing to believe her.
She specifically refused to say that she supports “peaceful” actions. She specifically said she supports assaulting Israeli soldiers and “throwing stones”—meaning, trying to stone Jews to death. She also specifically said that she “respects every type of resistance”—obviously including the other kinds of “resistance” in which Palestinians engage: knives, guns, bombs.

Tamimi has never explicitly condemned stabbing, shooting or bombing Jews. And she never will. Because she believes in stabbing, shooting and bombing Jews. Her words: “Every type of resistance.” I believe she means it.

And what is “this occupation” to which Tamimi refers? Again, she made it very clear to the France24 interviewer. He asked her how she can justify slapping an Israeli soldier. She replied: “These soldiers are occupying my country—Jaffa, Haifa, Akko.”

(full article online)

I believe this Palestinian teenager
That synopsis does not inform BBC audiences that the pre-planned violence it euphemistically describes as “protests” has increased (rather than “resumed”) because in early September Hamas decided to up the pace of rioting along the border fence with a “nighttime deployment unit“. Neither are BBC audiences informed of the tensions between Hamas and the Palestinian Authoritywhich have to date thwarted a cease-fire agreement.

Viewers of the filmed report saw context-free statements from one female interviewee – who was only identified late in the report using the epithet ‘Um Mustafa’ and is apparently the same person who appeared in a radio report by Yolande Knell in August – alongside equally uninformative BBC commentary.

As we see, viewers of this report get an entirely context-free portrayal of water, power and medicines shortages in the Gaza Strip. They are not informed that all three of those issues are linked to the infighting between the terror organisation Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

(full article online)

Banal BBC News report from the Gaza Strip fails to inform
But when Jordan controlled the West Bank, it was against any sort of Palestinian Arab state on the territory it claimed. Even the Palestinian Arabs didn't talk at all about creating a state in the territories - only in Israel.

And when Palestinians tried to turn Jordan into a Palestinian state in 1970, they were brutally attacked and their leaders forced out. Thousands were killed in the fighting.

It is always amusing to see how Jordan now is talking about how the UN wanted a Palestinian Arab state in 1947 and not a single Arab nation, including Transjordan at the time, supported the idea.

The desire for a Palestinian state is directly proportional to how much it will negatively affect Israel. Otherwise, no Arab is interested in such a state at all.

(full article online)

It's always funny when Jordan says there should be a Palestinian state ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian teenager jailed for assaulting an Israeli soldier, says she supports violence against Jews and seeks the destruction of Israel.

And I believe that groups such as J Street, which have defended Tamimi and claimed that she is nonviolently resisting “the Israeli occupation of the West Bank,” owe the Jewish community an apology for refusing to believe her.
She specifically refused to say that she supports “peaceful” actions. She specifically said she supports assaulting Israeli soldiers and “throwing stones”—meaning, trying to stone Jews to death. She also specifically said that she “respects every type of resistance”—obviously including the other kinds of “resistance” in which Palestinians engage: knives, guns, bombs.

Tamimi has never explicitly condemned stabbing, shooting or bombing Jews. And she never will. Because she believes in stabbing, shooting and bombing Jews. Her words: “Every type of resistance.” I believe she means it.

And what is “this occupation” to which Tamimi refers? Again, she made it very clear to the France24 interviewer. He asked her how she can justify slapping an Israeli soldier. She replied: “These soldiers are occupying my country—Jaffa, Haifa, Akko.”

(full article online)

I believe this Palestinian teenager
But when Jordan controlled the West Bank, it was against any sort of Palestinian Arab state on the territory it claimed. Even the Palestinian Arabs didn't talk at all about creating a state in the territories - only in Israel.

And when Palestinians tried to turn Jordan into a Palestinian state in 1970, they were brutally attacked and their leaders forced out. Thousands were killed in the fighting.

It is always amusing to see how Jordan now is talking about how the UN wanted a Palestinian Arab state in 1947 and not a single Arab nation, including Transjordan at the time, supported the idea.

The desire for a Palestinian state is directly proportional to how much it will negatively affect Israel. Otherwise, no Arab is interested in such a state at all.

(full article online)

It's always funny when Jordan says there should be a Palestinian state ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Second Intifada was a multiyear terror spree that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Israelis and Palestinians.

It killed the Oslo peace process.

It convinced countless leftist Israelis that there is no actual partner for peace on the Palestinian side.

And Fatah, the party headed by Mahmoud Abbas, is celebrating the beginning of the terror spree that began 19 years ago.

(full article online)

Fatah celebrates anniversary of beginning of Second Intifada ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The second Int
The Second Intifada was a multiyear terror spree that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Israelis and Palestinians.

It killed the Oslo peace process.

It convinced countless leftist Israelis that there is no actual partner for peace on the Palestinian side.

And Fatah, the party headed by Mahmoud Abbas, is celebrating the beginning of the terror spree that began 19 years ago.

(full article online)

Fatah celebrates anniversary of beginning of Second Intifada ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The Palestinianss initiated the Second Intifada after Sharon visited the Temple Mount; A Holy Site for ALL Religions . Just more proof they are Uncivilized Savages
International UNRWA officials in Gaza had to run away to safety in Israel. They received death threats from their fellow local Gaza UNRWA employees – due to cutbacks – and found themselves in mortal danger. This is the body that is in charge of handing out hundreds of millions of dollars every year to the eternal “Palestinian” refugees.

The Arab media reported extensively about this incident. On the other hand, the UNRWA has yet to officially announce that their employees escaped to Israel to save their lives. Forget about issuing a thank you to Israel for helping save their employees.

(full article and video online)

United Nations Officials Escape from Gaza into Israel Following Death Threats
Salaries rewarding terrorists won't be stopped,
says Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners

  • Abbas on terrorists: "Stars in the sky of the Palestinian people"
  • Abbas: "Even if we have only a penny left it will only be spent on the families of the Martyrs and the prisoners, and only afterwards will it be spent on the rest of the people"
(full article online)

Salaries rewarding terrorists won’t be stopped, says Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners - PMW Bulletins
I bet he didn't say that.
Salaries rewarding terrorists won't be stopped,
says Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners

  • Abbas on terrorists: "Stars in the sky of the Palestinian people"
  • Abbas: "Even if we have only a penny left it will only be spent on the families of the Martyrs and the prisoners, and only afterwards will it be spent on the rest of the people"
(full article online)

Salaries rewarding terrorists won’t be stopped, says Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners - PMW Bulletins
I bet he didn't say that.
You say that because you were there, weren't you?

And you do know Arabic, do you not?

The book also insists “the enemies of Islam never stop at any time and place to use all means and methods to fight Islam and the Muslims.”

Hmmmmm. “fight Islam and the Muslims” is a very curious phrase. I mean, you could’ve used “defend against,” or “get blown up byIslamists” or a number of other expressions, but instead you pick something that makes Israel seem like the aggressor. And don’t worry, you can get your dosage of Palestinian agitprop in other grades, as well.

Twelfth grade textbooks call the whole group of Jews “sinful and liars” and refer to parts of Israel as part of that mythical nation Palestine. Negev Plateau is apparently “in southern Palestine” and Nazareth is in the “Palestinian North.” One map labels Israel “Palestine after the 1948 War” and then breaks the territory down into “Arab lands” and “lands seized by the Jews after the war.” One 9th grade social studies textbook argues that “the solution to the problem of overcrowding in the Gaza Strip lies primarily in the return of the displaced population to their homes” in Israel.

I don’t know about you, but the historians I typically read in school would typically just give me the facts and then let me use those to make my own arguments and draw my own conclusions. But, then again, I didn’t have the luxury of going to a Palestinian school.

(full article online)

Palestinian Schoolbooks: ‘Tell A Story Of A Martyr,’ Insult Jews
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