Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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There’s a parallel between what a glamour magazine does openly and what the Tamimi family is doing more insidiously. Both are constructing an unrealistic fantasy. The difference is that magazines like Vogue openly use showmanship because that’s what readers are looking for. But the Tamimi family, in a sense, creates its own fantasy in order to mislead audiences for political advantage.

What you don’t know from that single photo is that Tamimi has called for stabbings and suicide bombings against Israelis, that not all Arabs view her as a Palestinian icon, or that her recent European tour is really blondwashing terror.

It’s irritating enough that Vogue saw fit to publish Tamimi’s missive. At the end of her 987-word letter, she writes:

People ask me what life was like in prison, but I wish I didn’t have to talk about it. I just want to forget.

No she doesn’t. Prison is Tamimi’s stepping stone to all the trappings that come with being an icon: meeting world leaders, photo-ops with Real Madrid, billboards in London, etc. She has indicated she wants to study law and pursue political activism, so Tamimi’s fame will open doors for her.

Prison is Tamimi’s meal ticket.

But none of Vogue’s photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists and show-biz production can whitewash who Ahed Tamimi really is — an opportunistic and attention-grabbing young woman who isn’t really interested in peace.

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Vogue Can't Glamourize Terror | HonestReporting

From Ahed's letter in Vogue:

“If there was no occupation and Palestine was a normal country, I would move to Acre and live by the sea and go swimming. ..

Wait, what?! She wants to move to Acre? I thought the whole POINT was for her family to grow olive trees in their own village. Isn't that what they have been fighting for? Without those pesky, nasty Jews around. And she wants to move to a mixed town? Why doesn't she just give up the fight and all the bullshit and just work to become Israeli, then?
There’s a parallel between what a glamour magazine does openly and what the Tamimi family is doing more insidiously. Both are constructing an unrealistic fantasy. The difference is that magazines like Vogue openly use showmanship because that’s what readers are looking for. But the Tamimi family, in a sense, creates its own fantasy in order to mislead audiences for political advantage.

What you don’t know from that single photo is that Tamimi has called for stabbings and suicide bombings against Israelis, that not all Arabs view her as a Palestinian icon, or that her recent European tour is really blondwashing terror.

It’s irritating enough that Vogue saw fit to publish Tamimi’s missive. At the end of her 987-word letter, she writes:

People ask me what life was like in prison, but I wish I didn’t have to talk about it. I just want to forget.

No she doesn’t. Prison is Tamimi’s stepping stone to all the trappings that come with being an icon: meeting world leaders, photo-ops with Real Madrid, billboards in London, etc. She has indicated she wants to study law and pursue political activism, so Tamimi’s fame will open doors for her.

Prison is Tamimi’s meal ticket.

But none of Vogue’s photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists and show-biz production can whitewash who Ahed Tamimi really is — an opportunistic and attention-grabbing young woman who isn’t really interested in peace.

(full article online)

Vogue Can't Glamourize Terror | HonestReporting

From Ahed's letter in Vogue:

“If there was no occupation and Palestine was a normal country, I would move to Acre and live by the sea and go swimming. ..

Wait, what?! She wants to move to Acre? I thought the whole POINT was for her family to grow olive trees in their own village. Isn't that what they have been fighting for? Without those pesky, nasty Jews around. And she wants to move to a mixed town? Why doesn't she just give up the fight and all the bullshit and just work to become Israeli, then?
Because, like too many other "Palestinians" she is devoid of actual information about what is what, and who is who.

All of Israel is actually "Palestine", as the map Abbas holds demands. Therefore, Acre is occupied, and if it were not......she would move there.

Has she ever been there?
The fact that the status quo suits Sinwar

The status quo suits everyone involved at the moment. It won't shift until someone forces a shift. And neither Hamas, nor Fatah nor Israel will be the one to shift it. But there are some other players which might force it.
There’s a parallel between what a glamour magazine does openly and what the Tamimi family is doing more insidiously. Both are constructing an unrealistic fantasy. The difference is that magazines like Vogue openly use showmanship because that’s what readers are looking for. But the Tamimi family, in a sense, creates its own fantasy in order to mislead audiences for political advantage.

What you don’t know from that single photo is that Tamimi has called for stabbings and suicide bombings against Israelis, that not all Arabs view her as a Palestinian icon, or that her recent European tour is really blondwashing terror.

It’s irritating enough that Vogue saw fit to publish Tamimi’s missive. At the end of her 987-word letter, she writes:

People ask me what life was like in prison, but I wish I didn’t have to talk about it. I just want to forget.

No she doesn’t. Prison is Tamimi’s stepping stone to all the trappings that come with being an icon: meeting world leaders, photo-ops with Real Madrid, billboards in London, etc. She has indicated she wants to study law and pursue political activism, so Tamimi’s fame will open doors for her.

Prison is Tamimi’s meal ticket.

But none of Vogue’s photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists and show-biz production can whitewash who Ahed Tamimi really is — an opportunistic and attention-grabbing young woman who isn’t really interested in peace.

(full article online)

Vogue Can't Glamourize Terror | HonestReporting

From Ahed's letter in Vogue:

“If there was no occupation and Palestine was a normal country, I would move to Acre and live by the sea and go swimming. ..

Wait, what?! She wants to move to Acre? I thought the whole POINT was for her family to grow olive trees in their own village. Isn't that what they have been fighting for? Without those pesky, nasty Jews around. And she wants to move to a mixed town? Why doesn't she just give up the fight and all the bullshit and just work to become Israeli, then?
Because, like too many other "Palestinians" she is devoid of actual information about what is what, and who is who.

All of Israel is actually "Palestine", as the map Abbas holds demands. Therefore, Acre is occupied, and if it were not......she would move there.

Has she ever been there?

Apparently she has. Dad took her there illegally after they applied for and obtained a permit to visit Jerusalem.

The point is not to live in a mixed society of Jews and Arabs with freedom and equality -- she could have that now in Nabi Saleh or in Acre. The point is to put an end to "Jew rule".
"The European Union insists on supporting such initiatives in East Jerusalem to strengthen the steadfastness of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and to preserve the Palestinian character of the city. Furthermore, through this initiative, the European Union supports the residents of East Jerusalem in expressing their right to clean streets and green areas."
Can you imagine a similar EU initiative in a poor Haredi section of Jerusalem? For that matter, could you imagine a Jewish section of Jerusalem where schoolteachers, of all people, simply throw garbage on the streets?

Even if the Jerusalem municipality doesn't provide adequate sanitation services for parts of the city, the question must be asked:

If Palestinians love Jerusalem so much and regard it as their capital and as the third holiest city in Islam - why do they allow it to become a garbage dump to begin with? Why do they need Christian Europeans to help them clean up where they live?

Where is their own sense of pride of living in Jerusalem?

The last paragraph is quite accurate. The EU allocated €14.9 million this year for activities in East Jerusalem with a few goals in mind, the first of which is "to preserve the Palestinian character of the city." But again, if Arabs loved the city as much as they tell the world they do, then where are the Arab initiatives to do the same thing? I've seen only rare examples - and the most prominent Palestinian I ever saw who tirelessly tried to improve Jerusalem was murdered for his efforts and his death ignored by the Palestinian media and government.

But this isn't the PLO or a Palestinian NGO or the Arab League or Saudi Arabia putting money into cleaning up Jerusalem. It is the EU. And this shows that Arabs and Muslims, despite their rhetoric, don't care about Jerusalem - except to take it away from non-Muslims.

Which has been the Muslim attitude towards Jerusalem since the dawn of Islam.

(full article online)

EU initiative to get Palestinians to clean up their Jerusalem neighborhoods. Why do they need Europeans to help do that? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"There are many international and human rights organizations in the West that can play the role of mediator to break the barrier of suspicion and enter into a line of communication with the Jews of the world," Yousef writes.

Hamas literally plans to use "human rights groups" to help destroy Israel. After all, they are already so antagonistic towards the Jewish state while their criticisms of Palestinian terror are muted at best. Of course Hamas sees them as allies. And he knows that liberal American Jews are ignorant enough to listen to these anti-Israel NGOs as a step towards pushing for a Palestinian state that would treat Jews exactly as well as every other Arab state has treated its Jews.

Notice also that Hamas' stated goal of dividing Jews in America exactly mirrors that of J-Street.

(full article online)

Hamas' plan to use NGOs - and liberal Jews - to help destroy Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
These Palestinian schools (in the PA-controlled West Bank, Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, private schools belonging to the various Christian churches and Islamic charity foundations, as well as UNRWA schools) all receive their books from the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education’s Curricula Center in Ramallah. As concluded by Dr. Arnon Groiss, whose research on the subject spans 18 years, the most recent set of books published in 2016/2018 are even more radical than their predecessors.

A curriculum of hatred permeates all subject matter, from elementary arithmetic to high school social studies and science. Martyrdom is glorified, any historical connection of Jews to their biblical homeland is fictionalized, contemporary maps of the region omit the existence of the UN member state of Israel, Jews are demonized, and terrorist/jihad concepts are woven into songs, plays, and academia. “The Right of Return” for over 5 million Palestinians is taught as a birthright — clearly an attempt to destroy the State of Israel. Summer camps for UNRWA school children in Gaza are essentially Hamas paramilitary training camps. It is nothing short of hair-raising to see an adorable schoolgirl demonstrate the best way to stab a Jew, or to hear a young schoolboy say that he dreams of one day becoming a martyr.

Below are several examples sited from the 2016-2018 books currently being used that illustrate this disturbing trend:

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The path to peace begins in the classroom
  • Palestinian terrorist murdered 2 and injured 1 at factory where Palestinians and Israelis work together
  • Fatah: “The Israeli government... is incapable of protecting anyone that steals the Palestinian land,” implying Israeli guilt in the murder
  • Fatah: “Israel... uses terror and murder...”
  • 4 days before the murders, Fatah glorified another murderer, Muhannad Halabi, who killed 2 in Jerusalem, as “heroic Martyr”
  • Murderer grew up learning from the PA and its educational system that murdering Israelis is “heroic”
  • In Gaza, Palestinians celebrated the murders, handing out sweets in the streets
  • Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror organizations: “The heroic operation” is a “natural response to occupation’s crimes”

(full article online)

Fatah blames Israel for yesterday’s murder of 2 Israelis - PMW Bulletins
To give an idea of the reactions, Archbishop of Jerusalem Michael Sabah called the sale of a single building to Jews a "moral and national disaster."

The idea that Jews cannot buy houses in their own capital, in their holiest city, next to their holiest site, is not outrageous or antisemitic or even strange to the world.

The Joudeh family is yet another prominent Palestinian Muslim family who ar not indigenous. They come from the Hashemites and were in Mecca in Mohammed's time.

The Jews that bought the house for an exorbitant price are more indigenous to the area than the Arab colonizers they bought it from.

(I have yet to find a single Palestinian Muslim family who did not come to Palestine after the time of Mohammed. There are some Christian families who trace back to Roman times, but there seems to be a fair chance that they are Jewish converts from after the fall of Jerusalem.)

This story, of Arabs selling houses to Jews but trying to hide that fact, has been told many times over the past 90 years.

(full article online)

Palestinians absolutely freak out over Jews legally purchasing a house ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • The situation in the Gaza Strip is unlikely to witness any positive changes. Even if Hamas were to be removed from power, the Palestinians would continue to suffer under other radical groups such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

  • Even if Hamas were to wake up tomorrow morning and have an about-face, striking a genuine truce with Israel, there will always be other terrorist groups that are prepared to breach the agreement any time they wish.

  • These are crucial factors that need to be taken into account by any international party that seeks a solution to the catastrophe called Gaza. Alternatively, one might to wish to continue to inhabit some alternate reality in which all be would be well if Israel would only ease restrictions on the Gaza Strip.

(full article online)

How Iran Plans to Take Gaza
  • The situation in the Gaza Strip is unlikely to witness any positive changes. Even if Hamas were to be removed from power, the Palestinians would continue to suffer under other radical groups such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

  • Even if Hamas were to wake up tomorrow morning and have an about-face, striking a genuine truce with Israel, there will always be other terrorist groups that are prepared to breach the agreement any time they wish.

  • These are crucial factors that need to be taken into account by any international party that seeks a solution to the catastrophe called Gaza. Alternatively, one might to wish to continue to inhabit some alternate reality in which all be would be well if Israel would only ease restrictions on the Gaza Strip.
(full article online)

How Iran Plans to Take Gaza

The only hope for Gaza is time and the re-education of her young people. Maybe Israel should take her back and make her an independent province of Israel.
"May Allah Send the Message": Islamic Terrorist Posts Before Killing


Another reminder that Islamic terrorists are not driven primarily by grievances, but by the conviction that Allah wants them to conquer, destroy and enslave non-Muslims. That includes the so-called "Palestinians", whose nationalism is ultimately Islamic, and directed at the Jews as the great "Others" who must be destroyed to prove the truth of Allah.
Yesterday and today, Qatar sent tanker trucks of fuel to Gaza through Egypt to get the power plant going again and ease the electricity crisis there. Israel and the UN cooperated in order to get this to happen, bypassing the Palestinian Authority which is against any ease in the humanitarian crisis in Gaza that it is largely responsible for.

Fatah issued a statement today saying that this deal was a step towards Gaza becoming a separate political entity run by Hamas, and saying that this was all part of the Trump/Kushner "Deal of the Century".

Apparently, Fatah now believes that Hamas, Israel, Egypt, the UN and Qatar are all colluding to push the still-unannounced deal. (Maybe also Morocco, which is sending 2 tons of medical supplies to Gaza today while the PA restricts medicines.)

The truth, of course, is that while Israel restricts goods to Gaza that can be used to create weapons, there are no other restrictions from Israel and no desire to punish Gazans for the actions of Hamas, despite the lies that the Palestinians (and Western haters of Israel) try to push.

The PA, on the other hand, has been explicitly engaging in collective punishment of Gaza for 18 months, deliberately trying to hurt the people of Gaza in order to get them to pressure Hamas to unify with Fatah.

(full article online)

Fatah effectively accuses UN, Qatar, Egypt, Hamas of supporting Trump's "Deal of the Century" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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