Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Latest Gaza rocket fire shows Hamas trying to follow the Hezbollah precedent

After Nasrallah vowed to retaliate for deaths of his operatives in Syria, Hamas also hopes to establish a new formula vis-a-vis Israel in response to casualties in border clashes.

While the linked article might imply that the Hamas Islamic terrorists are trying to follow the hezbollah model, ultimately, Islamic terrorists attacks from Hezbollah are Iranian funded and directed.

I have to think that the IDF will, at some point, need to respond to Islamic terrorist attacks from Gaza with a much wider and much more intense aerial campaign to remove the ability of Hamas to wage war.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are just hilarious today!

In the case of the All Palestine Government, they tried to claim a territory already declared independent by the National Council for the Jewish State
One of Israel's biggest lies.

Israel never claimed any territory nor did it define any borders. That holds true for today.

On the other hand, the Palestinians declared independence on their own territory inside their own international borders. Land and borders that were still valid in 1949 according to the Armistice Agreements.

There is no validity at all to this argument. Absolutely none.

It is neither sound nor valid.

........View attachment 278085
Most Respectfully,
The learned professor talks about Israel’s “border”. He should have known that Israel never had a border neither by its own admission nor in international law. He was probably referring to the line of the Armistice Agreement February 24, 1949. But the second article of this Agreement states that it does not grant rights to Israel, neither to its sovereignty nor to ownership of occupied land.

When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are just hilarious today!

In the case of the All Palestine Government, they tried to claim a territory already declared independent by the National Council for the Jewish State
One of Israel's biggest lies.

Israel never claimed any territory nor did it define any borders. That holds true for today.

On the other hand, the Palestinians declared independence on their own territory inside their own international borders. Land and borders that were still valid in 1949 according to the Armistice Agreements.

There is no validity at all to this argument. Absolutely none.

It is neither sound nor valid.

........View attachment 278085
Most Respectfully,
The learned professor talks about Israel’s “border”. He should have known that Israel never had a border neither by its own admission nor in international law. He was probably referring to the line of the Armistice Agreement February 24, 1949. But the second article of this Agreement states that it does not grant rights to Israel, neither to its sovereignty nor to ownership of occupied land.

When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba

You seem to be one of the few people who can’t find the Israeli border.

Send an email to Hamas. They know where it is.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are just hilarious today!

In the case of the All Palestine Government, they tried to claim a territory already declared independent by the National Council for the Jewish State
One of Israel's biggest lies.

Israel never claimed any territory nor did it define any borders. That holds true for today.

On the other hand, the Palestinians declared independence on their own territory inside their own international borders. Land and borders that were still valid in 1949 according to the Armistice Agreements.

There is no validity at all to this argument. Absolutely none.

It is neither sound nor valid.

........View attachment 278085
Most Respectfully,
The learned professor talks about Israel’s “border”. He should have known that Israel never had a border neither by its own admission nor in international law. He was probably referring to the line of the Armistice Agreement February 24, 1949. But the second article of this Agreement states that it does not grant rights to Israel, neither to its sovereignty nor to ownership of occupied land.

When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba

The demented troll, after 9 years of daily Jihadi love songs, knowing he has no real argument, deflects every conversation resorting to the same set of vulgar straw man fallacies.

Talking about Israel's borders he conveniently goes over the fact that the Jewish Nation had borders set by both their own admission and international law decades prior to 1949, as much as he hides the fact that first time Palestine's borders were defined, was in direct reference specifically to the Jewish Nation aka Israel.

Ironically, knowing nothing about the basics of history or language of the region,
he refers to an article that categorizes Jews solely as foreigners,
by an author who's a member of the largest African nomad tribe, that hold their history of invasion into the land as highest honor...

In modern times, in 1915, the Nijmat leader Hammad Pasha al-Sufi led a force of 1,500 bedouin under Turkish command in their attack on the Suez Canal. He was head of the Turkish administration in Beersheba and died in 1924. The Ghawali had nine sub-sections. The most prominent was the Satut, who in 1873, under Sheikh Saqr ibn Dahshan Abu Sitta, had to leave their traditional land following a blood feud and sided with the Tiyaha in the war between them and the Tarabin."

Tarabin Bedouin - Wikipedia


The flag of the 4 invading Caliphates:
Pan-Arab colors - Wikipedia
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The boundaries of the Territory subject to the Mandate were NOT borders for any Arab Palestinian claim. Arab Palestinian borders.

You are just hilarious today!
Do you have any proof for that allegation?
Of course not.

I cannot give proof of something that did not exist to begin with. Your demand is flawed.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, your claim is flawed.

The learned professor talks about Israel’s “border”. He should have known that Israel never had a border neither by its own admission nor in international law. He was probably referring to the line of the Armistice Agreement February 24, 1949. But the second article of this Agreement states that it does not grant rights to Israel, neither to its sovereignty nor to ownership of occupied land.

When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba

The Israeli borders have, since the Declaration of Independence, extended to the limits of which Israel claimed sovereignty and has successfully defended that sovereignty. It is the same → as it is for any country.

In fact, Israel has defended their sovereign territorial boundaries more times than most countries. The legitimacy of those boundaries is NOT dependent on your (or the Arab Paestinian) recognition (Montevideo Convention 1933).

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, your claim is flawed.

The learned professor talks about Israel’s “border”. He should have known that Israel never had a border neither by its own admission nor in international law. He was probably referring to the line of the Armistice Agreement February 24, 1949. But the second article of this Agreement states that it does not grant rights to Israel, neither to its sovereignty nor to ownership of occupied land.

When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba

The Israeli borders have, since the Declaration of Independence, extended to the limits of which Israel claimed sovereignty and has successfully defended that sovereignty. It is the same → as it is for any country.

In fact, Israel has defended their sovereign territorial boundaries more times than most countries. The legitimacy of those boundaries is NOT dependent on your (or the Arab Paestinian) recognition (Montevideo Convention 1933).

Most Respectfully,
The Israeli borders have, since the Declaration of Independence, extended to the limits of which Israel claimed sovereignty and has successfully defended that sovereignty.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, your claim is flawed.

The learned professor talks about Israel’s “border”. He should have known that Israel never had a border neither by its own admission nor in international law. He was probably referring to the line of the Armistice Agreement February 24, 1949. But the second article of this Agreement states that it does not grant rights to Israel, neither to its sovereignty nor to ownership of occupied land.

When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba

The Israeli borders have, since the Declaration of Independence, extended to the limits of which Israel claimed sovereignty and has successfully defended that sovereignty. It is the same → as it is for any country.

In fact, Israel has defended their sovereign territorial boundaries more times than most countries. The legitimacy of those boundaries is NOT dependent on your (or the Arab Paestinian) recognition (Montevideo Convention 1933).

Most Respectfully,
The Israeli borders have, since the Declaration of Independence, extended to the limits of which Israel claimed sovereignty and has successfully defended that sovereignty.


You need another link to what has been provided to you countless times?
[ Is this something Muslims also learned from Christianity?
Exorcism? Another proof that Islam is still rooted in paganism ]

But then then author, Sohalia Omar, who has written for Palestinian media like Ma'an, goes on to defend jinn as a real thing, as evil spirits that possess many women. She has witnessed Islamic exorcisms and is friends with a sheikh who has done hundreds of such procedures, which she describes.

I attended a treatment session by Sheikh Ahmed Nimr for my neighbor in 1998. The patient does not know what is happening because she is in a complete altered state and the jinn is uttered on her tongue. ...The Sheikh goes to each patient and interviews the jinn and reads the Qurans and beats the woman with a stick to get the jinn to leave. The women here don't feel the beatings but the jinn feels it. Most of the jinn were Jews and I was amazed that even the jinn among the Jews persecuted our women. Of course, the jinn is not exorcised from women immediately and comes out only after advanced sessions of treatment and not from the first session or two. There were women who were possessed for many months until the jinn came out of them...

Yes, even jinn are Jewish - and they are irresistibly attracted to Arab women, especially Palestinian women!

Jews are that evil that even their spirits attack poor Palestinian women!

(full article online)

"Evil spirits who possess Arab women are usually Jewish" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ An ideology which borrows from another ideology where they are never at fault, it is always the fault, the doing of those they have learned to consider lesser than them ]

I've looked at the statistics of Palestinian prisoner deaths recently and showed that the number is significantly lower than what one would expect from the usual death rates among the Palestinian population outside of prison. In other words, the medical care that Palestinians receive in prison is far superior to that of Palestinians in general.

The PLO, and Hanan Ashrawi, are lying.

The fact that she is tweeting this to the UN Human Rights chief and the International Criminal Court shows that, to Palestinians, everything must be politicized and weaponized against Israel.

And look who she is defending: Bassam al-Sayeh was convicted for his involvement of the murders of Eitam and Na'ama Henkin, shot by Hamas while driving with their children.

Moreover, al-Sayeh was suffering from leukemia, bone cancer and heart problems for years before the murder of the Henkins. During his illness - his first diagnosis of cancer was in 2011 - his priority was not to keep himself alive but to kill Jews.

Not only did Israel no mistreat him, but Israel transferred him to a civilian hospital last month as his condition worsened.

(full article online)

PLO blames Israel for a prisoner with leukemia, bone cancer and heart problems dying in Israeli prison ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are just hilarious today!

In the case of the All Palestine Government, they tried to claim a territory already declared independent by the National Council for the Jewish State
One of Israel's biggest lies.

Israel never claimed any territory nor did it define any borders. That holds true for today.

On the other hand, the Palestinians declared independence on their own territory inside their own international borders. Land and borders that were still valid in 1949 according to the Armistice Agreements.

There is no validity at all to this argument. Absolutely none.

It is neither sound nor valid.

........View attachment 278085
Most Respectfully,
The learned professor talks about Israel’s “border”. He should have known that Israel never had a border neither by its own admission nor in international law. He was probably referring to the line of the Armistice Agreement February 24, 1949. But the second article of this Agreement states that it does not grant rights to Israel, neither to its sovereignty nor to ownership of occupied land.

When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba

You seem to be one of the few people who can’t find the Israeli border.

Send an email to Hamas. They know where it is.
Israel is a say so state with say so borders.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are just hilarious today!

In the case of the All Palestine Government, they tried to claim a territory already declared independent by the National Council for the Jewish State
One of Israel's biggest lies.

Israel never claimed any territory nor did it define any borders. That holds true for today.

On the other hand, the Palestinians declared independence on their own territory inside their own international borders. Land and borders that were still valid in 1949 according to the Armistice Agreements.

There is no validity at all to this argument. Absolutely none.

It is neither sound nor valid.

........View attachment 278085
Most Respectfully,
The learned professor talks about Israel’s “border”. He should have known that Israel never had a border neither by its own admission nor in international law. He was probably referring to the line of the Armistice Agreement February 24, 1949. But the second article of this Agreement states that it does not grant rights to Israel, neither to its sovereignty nor to ownership of occupied land.

When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba

You seem to be one of the few people who can’t find the Israeli border.

Send an email to Hamas. They know where it is.
Israel is a say so state with say so borders.
What do you hope to accomplish with these types of meaningless claims?
There's a good article, an opinion piece, that lays out a number of questions / scenarios for the Middle East with the eventual demise of the dictators of the West Bank and Iran. There are a number of similar articles around the web and most raise lots of alarms about the power struggles that will likely take place when the replacement dictators position for control. Especially with regard to the West Bank, it seems difficult to believe that anything less than a civil war will decide what group will eventually take a measure of control.

Dramatic changes ahead: US election, succession of Iranian, Palestinian leaders
There's a good article, an opinion piece, that lays out a number of questions / scenarios for the Middle East with the eventual demise of the dictators of the West Bank and Iran. There are a number of similar articles around the web and most raise lots of alarms about the power struggles that will likely take place when the replacement dictators position for control. Especially with regard to the West Bank, it seems difficult to believe that anything less than a civil war will decide what group will eventually take a measure of control.

Dramatic changes ahead: US election, succession of Iranian, Palestinian leaders
People who write this shit know so little

His death, however, when it happens will create a vacuum that will bring to the fore a power struggle within the PA, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and Fatah (formerly the Palestinian National Liberation Movement), as well as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.​

This is not true. The Palestinian constitution is written to avoid power vacuums. If Abbas leaves office for any reason, the speaker of parliament is to temporarily assume the office of president and call for elections within 60 days.

Of course the US will not allow this to happen, they will just go in and fuck it up like they always do.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I've heard you say this before. But I guess you do not actually understand what it means as applied to this question...

Israel is a say so state with say so borders.

My first thought was just to disregard what you said (abandon or leave someone behind in a rude way).

→ the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government...

→ "say so"
the power or act of deciding or allowing something.​

Now that I think about it, giving meaning to your idiom, I agree.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
On a program on official Palestinian Authority TV about young Palestinian women leaving the Gaza Strip due to the difficult financial situation, the TV host explained that young Palestinian women prefer marrying "wounded" men because they get a steady monthly salary from the PA, rather than marrying healthy university graduates who are unemployed:




Official PA TV host: "The young women have actually begun to prefer young men who, let's say, are wounded or have a wound, because in the end they have a monthly salary from the [PA] Ministry of Social Affairs, from the prisoners' institution, or from the institution for the wounded. For [the women], they [the wounded] are preferable to young men who have studied at university or have no kind of [physical] problems and therefore have no source of income."
[Official PA TV, Sea Breeze, July 20, 2019]

(full article online)

Palestinian women prefer to marry wounded terrorists who receive a PA salary, rather than jobless university grads - PMW Bulletins
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is just more of your anti-American rhetoric...

Of course, the US will not allow this to happen, they will just go in and fuck it up like they always do.

Just because America is responsible for every WRONG that happens in every Arab League government in the region (SARCASM) does NOT mean that the Arab Palestinians (such that they are) cannot follow their own Constitution.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
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