Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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These schools are all new, within the past couple of years. Up until now, somehow the students managed to get educated at other schools. But the major reason to build these illegal schools is to make a stink when Israel tears them down, and then go to the media and whine, "Israel is confiscating the right of dozens of students from the area to receive public education."

As documented by the Regavim NGO, many times these communities themselves are built up from scratch as well, also illegally. I saw dozens of them in Area C, where they steal water from Israeli villages and build willy-nilly on hills chosen specifically to place Arabs between Jewish settlements. I once made an animation of satellite imagery showing several such Arab villages being created over only a few years.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit they build schools as a land grab, knowingly putting students at risk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Teaching in a Village Under Demolition Orders

Anywhere in the world, build anything without a permit and it is an illegal building which will in time be demolished.

These illegal builders only have themselves to blame for wanting to build without a permit as if the whole land belonged to them, and to the EU which continues to fund these illegal buildings instead of forcing the Arabs to seat down and negotiate and follow the Oslo Accords those Arabs signed in the first place.

Pfffft! Stupid post.

Jews can get permits.

Palestinians can't.

Its called apartheid.

I never knew that was the definition of apartheid.

These schools are all new, within the past couple of years. Up until now, somehow the students managed to get educated at other schools. But the major reason to build these illegal schools is to make a stink when Israel tears them down, and then go to the media and whine, "Israel is confiscating the right of dozens of students from the area to receive public education."

As documented by the Regavim NGO, many times these communities themselves are built up from scratch as well, also illegally. I saw dozens of them in Area C, where they steal water from Israeli villages and build willy-nilly on hills chosen specifically to place Arabs between Jewish settlements. I once made an animation of satellite imagery showing several such Arab villages being created over only a few years.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit they build schools as a land grab, knowingly putting students at risk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Teaching in a Village Under Demolition Orders

Anywhere in the world, build anything without a permit and it is an illegal building which will in time be demolished.

These illegal builders only have themselves to blame for wanting to build without a permit as if the whole land belonged to them, and to the EU which continues to fund these illegal buildings instead of forcing the Arabs to seat down and negotiate and follow the Oslo Accords those Arabs signed in the first place.

Pfffft! Stupid post.

Jews can get permits.

Palestinians can't.

Its called apartheid.

I never knew that was the definition of apartheid.


Of course you didn't.
One rule for the Jews.
Different rule for the Palestinians.
What really happened is that in January 2017 the two youths both had knives and were trying to enter the Karnei Shomron settlement. The security guard was suspicious and saw the knives, drew his gun and demanded that they drop the knives, asking "Do you want to die?" Eventually the pair did give up without being hurt at all.


(full article online)

Latest Arab lie: "Innocent students being threatened by settlers" Truth: They had knives and were about to attack. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
These schools are all new, within the past couple of years. Up until now, somehow the students managed to get educated at other schools. But the major reason to build these illegal schools is to make a stink when Israel tears them down, and then go to the media and whine, "Israel is confiscating the right of dozens of students from the area to receive public education."

As documented by the Regavim NGO, many times these communities themselves are built up from scratch as well, also illegally. I saw dozens of them in Area C, where they steal water from Israeli villages and build willy-nilly on hills chosen specifically to place Arabs between Jewish settlements. I once made an animation of satellite imagery showing several such Arab villages being created over only a few years.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit they build schools as a land grab, knowingly putting students at risk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Teaching in a Village Under Demolition Orders

Anywhere in the world, build anything without a permit and it is an illegal building which will in time be demolished.

These illegal builders only have themselves to blame for wanting to build without a permit as if the whole land belonged to them, and to the EU which continues to fund these illegal buildings instead of forcing the Arabs to seat down and negotiate and follow the Oslo Accords those Arabs signed in the first place.

Pfffft! Stupid post.

Jews can get permits.

Palestinians can't.

Its called apartheid.

I never knew that was the definition of apartheid.


Of course you didn't.
One rule for the Jews.
Different rule for the Palestinians.

So, no link.

As usual, you tend to change the subject when your claims are unsupportable.

There are Pal’istanian Arabs in Israel with equal rights so there goes your bogus, invented definition of apartheid.

What are the rules for Arabs-Moslems and Jews in Gaza? Wait, want?

What was the term used by the Nazi regime for “no Jews”?
To their credit, the IDF is responding promptly to attacks at their border and to Islamic terrorist rocket fire.

Israel Strikes Hamas Targets in Gaza After Five Rockets Launched

Israel strikes Hamas targets in Gaza after five rockets launched

One rocket fell in an open area, no casualties reported ■ Two Palestinian teens, Khaled Abu Bakr al-Rubaie, 14, and Ali al-Ashqar, 17, were killed by live Israeli fire during weekly demonstrations at the border
Gee whiz. The Islamic terrorists are upset that the Israeli military takes offense to Islamic terrorists “hurling explosive devices, grenades, firebombs and rocks”.

What could go wrong?

Hamas Vows Revenge Against Israel for Deaths of Rioters on ‘Especially Violent’ Day on Gaza Border

More than 6,000 Palestinians rioted on the Israel-Gaza Strip border on Friday in an “especially violent” manner, the IDF said.

The rioters — hurling explosive devices, grenades, firebombs and rocks — damaged the border fence in several locations, according to the Israeli military.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a staged protest to gain sympathy through the manipulation of the media.

These schools are all new, within the past couple of years. Up until now, somehow the students managed to get educated at other schools. But the major reason to build these illegal schools is to make a stink when Israel tears them down, and then go to the media and whine, "Israel is confiscating the right of dozens of students from the area to receive public education."

As documented by the Regavim NGO, many times these communities themselves are built up from scratch as well, also illegally. I saw dozens of them in Area C, where they steal water from Israeli villages and build willy-nilly on hills chosen specifically to place Arabs between Jewish settlements. I once made an animation of satellite imagery showing several such Arab villages being created over only a few years.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit they build schools as a land grab, knowingly putting students at risk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Teaching in a Village Under Demolition Orders

This is based on the twin concepts that Sympathy is always a good foundation in which to gain support; and, that media workers are hounds → always looking for the next Big Story on which to build and boost their reputation (even at the expense of the truth).

.......... SMALL Small small.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF "A" → This is NOT "apartheid" or even associated with "apartheid."

BLUF "B" → This is a false accusation. Palestinians can NOT get building permits in Area "C" - any more than - Jews are allowed to buy land in Areas "A" and "B."

Pfffft! Stupid post.

Jews can get permits.

Palestinians can't.

Its called apartheid.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has increased the penalties for land purchases or transactions that (under sale) transferred by sale land into the hand of Israeli.

While this may be a violation of Artice 5(v) → International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), it is NOT "apartheid" under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

"The crime of apartheid means" inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in • Paragraph 1, Article 7 • Crimes against Humanity • committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;​

Again, the term "apartheid" is being used for sensational sympathy purposes and propaganda tool. It is not being used in a realistic sense.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
Pfffft! Stupid post.

Jews can get permits.

Palestinians can't.

Its called apartheid.

Wait, Arab Palestinians are giving out building permits to Israelis (Jews) in Arab-controlled areas? Link?

Oh, Tinmore. You marked this post "funny" but let's talk for a minute, why don't we?

In Israel (under Israeli government authority):
  • building permits can legally be obtained by both Arabs and Jews (Israeli citizens)
  • building permits are granted in proportionate numbers to both Arabs and Jews
In "Palestine" (under PA or Hamas authority);
  • Jews are NEVER granted building permits
  • Jews can NOT legally obtain building permits
  • It is illegal to sell property to Jews (under penalty of death or life work camps)
  • entrance of Jews to any territory under PA or Hamas authority carries the dire threat of death
  • there are NO JEWS in "Palestine" or Gaza

If there is any apartheid, (and I don't think there is), the guilty party is obvious.

So when you say, "Jews can get permits, Arabs can't", you are specifically discussing ONLY Area C.
P F Tinmore

We've heard recently that 'Palestine' intends to annex Area C (that is, to apply Palestinian sovereignty over the territory of Area C).

Do you think they are going to give citizenship to all of the Jews in that territory? Do you think they are legally or morally obligated to do so?
P F Tinmore

We've heard recently that 'Palestine' intends to annex Area C (that is, to apply Palestinian sovereignty over the territory of Area C).

Do you think they are going to give citizenship to all of the Jews in that territory? Do you think they are legally or morally obligated to do so?
The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.
P F Tinmore

We've heard recently that 'Palestine' intends to annex Area C (that is, to apply Palestinian sovereignty over the territory of Area C).

Do you think they are going to give citizenship to all of the Jews in that territory? Do you think they are legally or morally obligated to do so?
The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.
The idea has been floated by many Palestinians that the settlers in the West Bank become Palestinian citizens. That way nobody would have to move. It sounds like the most reasonable idea.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ toomuchtime_, et al,

Yes, these are good questions.

The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.


Q: The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA?

A: At the moment, the two organizations (the PLO and The PA) are essentially the same. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is sole legitimate representative of the Arab people of Palestine. But as it happens, President Abbas of the State of Palestine and The Palestinian National Authority (PNA/PA), is connected to the PLO because President Abbas is also the Chairman of the PLO.

Historically, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is an organization that was implemented by the Israeli-Palestine Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Oslo II). But the Palestine in the "Israeli-Palestine Interim Agreement" is the PLO (ie the agreement was between Israel and the PLO). Thus, unless speciffically dissolved, the PA is an action arm that can (at the PLO's discretion) have an existance beyond that invisioned by the Agreement. Since its creation, the PA has never actually exercised any of the Dispute Resolution avenues open to the Palestinians on the many questions unted the Permanent Status Negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.).
Q: [T]he PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty?

A: Part One → Political

◈ The political existence of any state is independent of recognition by the other states.

◈ Since the Oslo Accords, which was recognized internationally by a third parties:

✦ The United States of America

✦ The Russian Federation

✦ The Kingdom of Norway​

B: Part Two: → Exsitence of Sovereignty​

◈ The international community the recognition of the right to independence is predicated on the establishment through self-determination:

✦ It is the creation of a deliniated sovereign state.

✦ The state is soley ruled by the entity that created.​

◈ The international community must recognition the creator as an entity that can perform the normal functions of government.

◈ The tacit recognition implies the intention of accepting new state as legitimate.​

◈ The limits of the deliniated sovereign territory extends to all inhabitants within the limits.

✦ Affiliation is drawn with a particular sovereign state. Nationality infers a citizenship.

✦ A relationship between an individual and a sovereign state in which the individual owes allegiance to the sovereign state which, in turn, extends an entitled protection.
Just my two cents worth.

.........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ toomuchtime_, et al,

Yes, these are good questions.

The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.


Q: The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA?

A: At the moment, the two organizations (the PLO and The PA) are essentially the same. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is sole legitimate representative of the Arab people of Palestine. But as it happens, President Abbas of the State of Palestine and The Palestinian National Authority (PNA/PA), is connected to the PLO because President Abbas is also the Chairman of the PLO.

Historically, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is an organization that was implemented by the Israeli-Palestine Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Oslo II). But the Palestine in the "Israeli-Palestine Interim Agreement" is the PLO (ie the agreement was between Israel and the PLO). Thus, unless speciffically dissolved, the PA is an action arm that can (at the PLO's discretion) have an existance beyond that invisioned by the Agreement. Since its creation, the PA has never actually exercised any of the Dispute Resolution avenues open to the Palestinians on the many questions unted the Permanent Status Negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.).
Q: [T]he PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty?

A: Part One → Political

◈ The political existence of any state is independent of recognition by the other states.

◈ Since the Oslo Accords, which was recognized internationally by a third parties:

✦ The United States of America

✦ The Russian Federation

✦ The Kingdom of Norway​

B: Part Two: → Exsitence of Sovereignty​

◈ The international community the recognition of the right to independence is predicated on the establishment through self-determination:

✦ It is the creation of a deliniated sovereign state.

✦ The state is soley ruled by the entity that created.​

◈ The international community must recognition the creator as an entity that can perform the normal functions of government.

◈ The tacit recognition implies the intention of accepting new state as legitimate.​

◈ The limits of the deliniated sovereign territory extends to all inhabitants within the limits.

✦ Affiliation is drawn with a particular sovereign state. Nationality infers a citizenship.

✦ A relationship between an individual and a sovereign state in which the individual owes allegiance to the sovereign state which, in turn, extends an entitled protection.
Just my two cents worth.

.........View attachment 277869
Most Respectfully,
You are glossing over several important parts of history. Palestine was established as a state in 1924.

All during the Mandate period, the Palestinians attempted to form an independent government. After the Mandate left, the Palestinians declared independence and wrote a constitution. This covered all Palestinians and all territory inside its international borders.

A new constitution defined a new independent government in 2003. A legitimate government was established in 2006. Another legitimate government was established in 2007.

All of this was illegally taken down by foreign military intervention.

The Palestinians need to back out of these violations.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ toomuchtime_, et al,

Yes, these are good questions.

The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.


Q: The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA?

A: At the moment, the two organizations (the PLO and The PA) are essentially the same. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is sole legitimate representative of the Arab people of Palestine. But as it happens, President Abbas of the State of Palestine and The Palestinian National Authority (PNA/PA), is connected to the PLO because President Abbas is also the Chairman of the PLO.

Historically, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is an organization that was implemented by the Israeli-Palestine Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Oslo II). But the Palestine in the "Israeli-Palestine Interim Agreement" is the PLO (ie the agreement was between Israel and the PLO). Thus, unless speciffically dissolved, the PA is an action arm that can (at the PLO's discretion) have an existance beyond that invisioned by the Agreement. Since its creation, the PA has never actually exercised any of the Dispute Resolution avenues open to the Palestinians on the many questions unted the Permanent Status Negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.).
Q: [T]he PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty?

A: Part One → Political

◈ The political existence of any state is independent of recognition by the other states.

◈ Since the Oslo Accords, which was recognized internationally by a third parties:

✦ The United States of America

✦ The Russian Federation

✦ The Kingdom of Norway​

B: Part Two: → Exsitence of Sovereignty​

◈ The international community the recognition of the right to independence is predicated on the establishment through self-determination:

✦ It is the creation of a deliniated sovereign state.

✦ The state is soley ruled by the entity that created.​

◈ The international community must recognition the creator as an entity that can perform the normal functions of government.

◈ The tacit recognition implies the intention of accepting new state as legitimate.​

◈ The limits of the deliniated sovereign territory extends to all inhabitants within the limits.

✦ Affiliation is drawn with a particular sovereign state. Nationality infers a citizenship.

✦ A relationship between an individual and a sovereign state in which the individual owes allegiance to the sovereign state which, in turn, extends an entitled protection.
Just my two cents worth.

.........View attachment 277869
Most Respectfully,
You are glossing over several important parts of history. Palestine was established as a state in 1924.

All during the Mandate period, the Palestinians attempted to form an independent government. After the Mandate left, the Palestinians declared independence and wrote a constitution. This covered all Palestinians and all territory inside its international borders.

A new constitution defined a new independent government in 2003. A legitimate government was established in 2006. Another legitimate government was established in 2007.

All of this was illegally taken down by foreign military intervention.

The Palestinians need to back out of these violations.

Oh, my. Here we are, as usual, with PF Tinmore’s “The Treaty of Lausanne created the Magical Kingdom of Pal’istan”.

Why is it that the Treaty of Lausanne makes not a single mention of such a place?
P F Tinmore

We've heard recently that 'Palestine' intends to annex Area C (that is, to apply Palestinian sovereignty over the territory of Area C).

Do you think they are going to give citizenship to all of the Jews in that territory? Do you think they are legally or morally obligated to do so?
The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.
The idea has been floated by many Palestinians that the settlers in the West Bank become Palestinian citizens. That way nobody would have to move. It sounds like the most reasonable idea.

That’s lovely.

Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state - Reuters

You can quibble over Israeli vs. Jew, (Arab-Moslem Israeli citizens are a conundrum), but let’s acknowledge some obvious issues with Jews attempting to exist in Abbas’istan.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ toomuchtime_, et al,

Yes, these are good questions.

The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.


Q: The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA?

A: At the moment, the two organizations (the PLO and The PA) are essentially the same. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is sole legitimate representative of the Arab people of Palestine. But as it happens, President Abbas of the State of Palestine and The Palestinian National Authority (PNA/PA), is connected to the PLO because President Abbas is also the Chairman of the PLO.

Historically, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is an organization that was implemented by the Israeli-Palestine Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Oslo II). But the Palestine in the "Israeli-Palestine Interim Agreement" is the PLO (ie the agreement was between Israel and the PLO). Thus, unless speciffically dissolved, the PA is an action arm that can (at the PLO's discretion) have an existance beyond that invisioned by the Agreement. Since its creation, the PA has never actually exercised any of the Dispute Resolution avenues open to the Palestinians on the many questions unted the Permanent Status Negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.).
Q: [T]he PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty?

A: Part One → Political

◈ The political existence of any state is independent of recognition by the other states.

◈ Since the Oslo Accords, which was recognized internationally by a third parties:

✦ The United States of America

✦ The Russian Federation

✦ The Kingdom of Norway​

B: Part Two: → Exsitence of Sovereignty​

◈ The international community the recognition of the right to independence is predicated on the establishment through self-determination:

✦ It is the creation of a deliniated sovereign state.

✦ The state is soley ruled by the entity that created.​

◈ The international community must recognition the creator as an entity that can perform the normal functions of government.

◈ The tacit recognition implies the intention of accepting new state as legitimate.​

◈ The limits of the deliniated sovereign territory extends to all inhabitants within the limits.

✦ Affiliation is drawn with a particular sovereign state. Nationality infers a citizenship.

✦ A relationship between an individual and a sovereign state in which the individual owes allegiance to the sovereign state which, in turn, extends an entitled protection.
Just my two cents worth.

.........View attachment 277869
Most Respectfully,

I suppose I see it, as a practical matter, that the West Bank is essentially a dictatorship with Abu Mazen as the dictator. The various bureaucracies that are a conglomeration of meaningless references to non-functioning agencies are a testament to waste and mismanagement.

Something called the “Palestinian National Council” assembled in April of 2018, the first time in ten years.
P F Tinmore

We've heard recently that 'Palestine' intends to annex Area C (that is, to apply Palestinian sovereignty over the territory of Area C).

Do you think they are going to give citizenship to all of the Jews in that territory? Do you think they are legally or morally obligated to do so?
The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.
The idea has been floated by many Palestinians that the settlers in the West Bank become Palestinian citizens. That way nobody would have to move. It sounds like the most reasonable idea.
lol No one wants to become a Palestinian citizen, not even the Palestinians who live in Israel. Regardless of what the UN and EU say, there is no effective Palestinian government, so the designation of "Palestinian citizen" means nothing. The heart of the problem is that there is no political entity among the Palestinians that can credibly offer peace to Israel, and until there is no proposal from any Palestinian entity can be considered "reasonable".
P F Tinmore

We've heard recently that 'Palestine' intends to annex Area C (that is, to apply Palestinian sovereignty over the territory of Area C).

Do you think they are going to give citizenship to all of the Jews in that territory? Do you think they are legally or morally obligated to do so?
The question that comes to mind is, who are "they"? Hamas? The PA? But the UNGA recognized the PLO, not the PA, as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, so it would have to be the PLO, but since the PLO is not recognized as a government how can it apply sovereignty? People talk about what the Palestinians might do, instead of what the Palestinian government might do because no one, not even the Palestinians have any idea what the Palestinian government is.
The idea has been floated by many Palestinians that the settlers in the West Bank become Palestinian citizens. That way nobody would have to move. It sounds like the most reasonable idea.

Sounds reasonable.

Two Israelis wounded in West Bank stabbing
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