Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Truly shocking that Arab-Moslem nations aren't willing to accept those "Poor, Oppressed Pal'istanians".

Maybe that little dalliance called "Black September" has something to do with it. Or, maybe the financial and political burden of people who are black hole of want and entitlement.

Canada denies Arab media report it will take in 100,000 Palestinians

According to report, Canada would receive 100,000 Palestinians from Lebanon and Syria and Spain would receive 16,000 Palestinians from Lebanon, alongside similar agreements with Belgium and France.
Canada denied a report in the Lebanon-based newspaper Al Akhbar on Wednesday according to which the country has reached an understanding with the United States that it will receive 100,000 Palestinians (40,000 from Lebanon and another 60,000 from Syria).
There’s really no way to confirm if Hamas actually arrested anyone of if any arrests are anything but part of a propaganda ploy to avoid looking like Islamic terrorist bumpkins on the receiving end of the gee-had.

Hamas arrests 'mastermind' of Gaza suicide bombings

The Hamas terrorist organization announced on Tuesday that it had arrested the "mastermind" of the suicide bombings in the Gaza Strip that targeted two police checkpoints last Tuesday, resulting in the deaths of three policemen, according to the Palestinian Sawa news agency.
It's a shame that uppity women don't understand their place in the wondrous Islamist social order.

Palestinian PM vows to release probe result over woman's death

Though the exact circumstances surrounding Israa Gharib's death last month remain unknown, rights activists have alleged she died after being beaten by family members in a so-called "honour killing" - an accusation the family rejects.
[ Who are the Palestinians? Arabs used to complete the destruction of Israel, at their own cost. Their lives, their happiness, their futures. All must stay prisoners of the Muslim nightmare of hatred and control of Jews, at any cost ]

Unlike UNHCR, UNRWA does not help Palestinians who desire to become citizens of their host countries nor does it facilitate immigration to other countries that might accept them. UNRWA only allows them and their descendants to be considered "Palestine refugees" forever, in a permanent stateless existence until Israel is destroyed.

Palestinians almost never qualify for asylum in Western countries, since (except for those from Syria) they are not fleeing persecution or war.

Self-proclaimed Palestinian leaders have, since the 1950s, pushed the fantasy that their people have no desire to become citizens anywhere else but Israel, and any moves to naturalize them in Syria, Lebanon or Egypt have been opposed bitterly in the name of "Palestinian unity." Notably, when Palestinians fled Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein, thousands were stranded on the Iraqi/Syrian border with no Arab country willing to accept them. When UNHCR found Western nations willing to accept them, Palestinian "leaders" complained bitterly, worried that Palestinians who find citizenship elsewhere will no longer be cannon fodder against Israel, which is their primary purpose according to Arab leaders and UNRWA.

(full article online)

Palestinians in Lebanon protest against @UNRWA, demand to be allowed to immigrate to Western countries ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ I have lost count on how many times the PA representatives, ha, say that something Israel does means "WAR".
They keep forgetting they, the Arabs, have not stopped being at war with Israel since 1920. And with all Jews, since the 7th century
Or maybe they have not forgotten, and are simply playing games???
Oh, no....that could not be.....could it? ]

The Palestinian Authority continues to incite violence. Following yesterday's visit by Israeli leaders to Hebron, the PA is now saying that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's presence there was an act of "obvious war" and that he "defiled" the city:

"The [PA] Ministry of Religious Affairs emphasized that [Israeli] occupation Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu]'s defilement of Hebron and the Ibrahimi Mosque (i.e., Cave of the Patriarchs) is nothing but obvious war, in which he has declared his blatant hatred towards the Palestinian presence in Hebron and the Ibrahimi Mosque, which is a purely Islamic mosque."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 5, 2019]

Palestinian Media Watch reported yesterday that the PA might want to launch a new wave of terror since the PA ministry, prior to Netanyahu's visit, compared it to then opposition leader Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount in 2000, which Arafat exploited to ignite the PA's 5-year terror campaign - the Intifada - in which more than 1,100 Israelis were murdered in terror attacks.

This hate speech and these messages of incitement to violence from the PA are continuing. The Palestinian Arab Front, which is a member of the PLO, called Netanyahu's visit to the Cave of the Patriarchs a "defilement" and "a clear declaration of war." The organization further incited violence, calling for "a popular response," promising that its "fighting people will not sit idly by":

"The Palestinian Arab Front said that Netanyahu's invasion of the Ibrahimi Mosque and defilement of it constitute a clear declaration of war and contempt for the Muslims' sensibilities... It called for a popular response that will be at the level of the crime the occupation forces are committing. The front added: 'Our fighting people will not sit idly by before the defilement of its holy sites. The occupation bears full responsibility for this crime. [Our people] will defend its holy sites with all its strength.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 5, 2019]

(full article online)

Palestinians in Lebanon protest against @UNRWA, demand to be allowed to immigrate to Western countries ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I know you will find this as shocking as I did but the cradle to grave indoctrination into the Arab-Moslem Death Cult has become more zealous.

When you instill a pathology, when you teach your children that their mental disorder is a normative part of growing up to die in gee-had, you accomplish nothing but breeding for the purpose of destroying your children.

What a truly sick, depraved Cult.

New Study: Palestinian Educational Materials Even More Radical Than Before, Celebrate Jihad and Terrorism, Delegitimize Israel


Palestinian schoolchildren sit inside a classroom at an UNRWA-run school, on the first day of a new school year, in Gaza City, Aug. 29, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Mohammed Salem.

A study has found that new Palestinian educational materials to be used during the 2019-2020 school year have, despite considerable international criticism, become even more ridden with anti-Israel and sometimes antisemitic propaganda.

According to the group IMPACT-se, which evaluated the materials according to the standards of the UN cultural body UNESCO, the materials contain “a systematic insertion of violence, martyrdom and jihad across all grades and subjects.”
[ Who are the Palestinians? Arabs used to complete the destruction of Israel, at their own cost. Their lives, their happiness, their futures. All must stay prisoners of the Muslim nightmare of hatred and control of Jews, at any cost ]

Unlike UNHCR, UNRWA does not help Palestinians who desire to become citizens of their host countries nor does it facilitate immigration to other countries that might accept them. UNRWA only allows them and their descendants to be considered "Palestine refugees" forever, in a permanent stateless existence until Israel is destroyed.

Palestinians almost never qualify for asylum in Western countries, since (except for those from Syria) they are not fleeing persecution or war.

Self-proclaimed Palestinian leaders have, since the 1950s, pushed the fantasy that their people have no desire to become citizens anywhere else but Israel, and any moves to naturalize them in Syria, Lebanon or Egypt have been opposed bitterly in the name of "Palestinian unity." Notably, when Palestinians fled Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein, thousands were stranded on the Iraqi/Syrian border with no Arab country willing to accept them. When UNHCR found Western nations willing to accept them, Palestinian "leaders" complained bitterly, worried that Palestinians who find citizenship elsewhere will no longer be cannon fodder against Israel, which is their primary purpose according to Arab leaders and UNRWA.

(full article online)

Palestinians in Lebanon protest against @UNRWA, demand to be allowed to immigrate to Western countries ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Unlike UNHCR, UNRWA does not help Palestinians who desire to become citizens of their host countries nor does it facilitate immigration to other countries that might accept them.

[Radio show]

"They taught me from a young age that Jews have no connection this land, and that Israel is a racist colonial project set up by Western imperialists and supported by America - the Great Satan - to divide the Ottoman Caliphate so that there would never be a Muslim empire again."

He described his mixed Muslim and Jewish heritage and how his father, a Palestinian Arab born in Beit Shean in 1945, told him "how Arab radio broadcasts urged all the Arabs of British Palestine to clear out immediately to make room for the great slaughter that would be carried out, promising them they would come back and seize the properties of slaughtered Jews in a matter of days. So they left and became refugees in camps in Jordan, in Syria, and in Lebanon."

But a decade later, when Mark moved to Canada to study at university, an unexpected encounter changed his life forever. This is the story of how Mark became Mordechai.

(full article and radio show online)

The 'Palestinian refugee' who became a Yeshiva boy
I’m not sure what protections women can expect in a part of the world where the politico-religious ideology establishes women as inferior to men.

Palestinian women demand legal protection after suspected ‘honor killing’

RAMALLAH: Hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated in the West Bank on Wednesday to demand legal protection for women after a 21-year-old woman died last month in what rights groups say was a so-called honor killing.

A Palestinian Authority investigation is underway into the death of Isra’a Ghrayeb, a make-up artist who activists say was beaten by male relatives after a video posted on Instagram allegedly showed a meeting between her and a man who had proposed to her.

According to Palestinian media reports, Ghrayeb sustained serious spinal injuries after falling from a balcony in her home in Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem, while trying to escape an assault by her brothers. She died on Aug. 22.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

This is just so sad.

RAMALLAH: Hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated in the West Bank on Wednesday to demand legal protection for women after a 21-year-old woman died last month in what rights groups say was a so-called honor killing.

While no country is perfect, who in their right mind would have guessed this to be a problem in the Middle East?

......... •  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

This is just so sad.

RAMALLAH: Hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated in the West Bank on Wednesday to demand legal protection for women after a 21-year-old woman died last month in what rights groups say was a so-called honor killing.

While no country is perfect, who in their right mind would have guessed this to be a problem in the Middle East?

......... View attachment 277754
Most Respectfully,

Yes, a 21 year old woman "falling off" a balcony. I have these nightmare images of people in Iraq and Gaza being thrown from rooftops.

I agree, no system is perfect. But we have seen in the West, within the last 100 years and here in the Great Satan within the last 50 years that great societal changes are possible. Women's rights for one example, shaped around the principles of equal rights, personal freedoms and personal responsibility.

Sadly, in so much of the Arab/Moslem world, theocratic totalitarianism is presumed to be the alternative to secular institutions and in many ways, societal norms of the 7th century are still commonplace.
These schools are all new, within the past couple of years. Up until now, somehow the students managed to get educated at other schools. But the major reason to build these illegal schools is to make a stink when Israel tears them down, and then go to the media and whine, "Israel is confiscating the right of dozens of students from the area to receive public education."

As documented by the Regavim NGO, many times these communities themselves are built up from scratch as well, also illegally. I saw dozens of them in Area C, where they steal water from Israeli villages and build willy-nilly on hills chosen specifically to place Arabs between Jewish settlements. I once made an animation of satellite imagery showing several such Arab villages being created over only a few years.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit they build schools as a land grab, knowingly putting students at risk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Sure enough, after yesterday's protest, a Palestinian group has criticized not Lebanon or UNRWA for keeping these protesters in miserable conditions with no way out, but the protesters themselves!

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) called for an urgent response to the "accelerated resettlement and displacement projects targeting Palestinian camps in Lebanon," which "threaten a new Nakba and liquidation of the refugee issue."

The group called to prepare an urgent field action plan "to address all suspicious schemes that are trying to push the Palestinian refugee to call for mass migration."

The group said that the desire to become citizens of EU countries or Canada "are to serve American attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause through the final cancellation of the issue of refugees and the right of return in line with the Zionist vision."

For over 70 years, self-proclaimed Palestinian leaders have done everything possible to keep their people in misery. Nothing has changed.

(full article online)

Palestinian group opposes Palestinians seeking better lives elsewhere ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Invasion Alert!

In proper drama queen fashion, (dresses and heels), folks in the Cult that is sometimes called the Pal Authority have declared "an act of war" has occurred.

PA: Netanyahu “invaded” and “defiled” Hebron - it’s an “obvious war” - PMW Bulletins

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus

The Palestinian Authority continues to incite violence. Following yesterday's visit by Israeli leaders to Hebron, the PA is now saying that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's presence there was an act of "obvious war" and that he "defiled" the city:

"The [PA] Ministry of Religious Affairs emphasized that [Israeli] occupation Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu]'s defilement of Hebron and the Ibrahimi Mosque (i.e., Cave of the Patriarchs) is nothing but obvious war, in which he has declared his blatant hatred towards the Palestinian presence in Hebron and the Ibrahimi Mosque, which is a purely Islamic mosque."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 5, 2019
These schools are all new, within the past couple of years. Up until now, somehow the students managed to get educated at other schools. But the major reason to build these illegal schools is to make a stink when Israel tears them down, and then go to the media and whine, "Israel is confiscating the right of dozens of students from the area to receive public education."

As documented by the Regavim NGO, many times these communities themselves are built up from scratch as well, also illegally. I saw dozens of them in Area C, where they steal water from Israeli villages and build willy-nilly on hills chosen specifically to place Arabs between Jewish settlements. I once made an animation of satellite imagery showing several such Arab villages being created over only a few years.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit they build schools as a land grab, knowingly putting students at risk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Teaching in a Village Under Demolition Orders

These schools are all new, within the past couple of years. Up until now, somehow the students managed to get educated at other schools. But the major reason to build these illegal schools is to make a stink when Israel tears them down, and then go to the media and whine, "Israel is confiscating the right of dozens of students from the area to receive public education."

As documented by the Regavim NGO, many times these communities themselves are built up from scratch as well, also illegally. I saw dozens of them in Area C, where they steal water from Israeli villages and build willy-nilly on hills chosen specifically to place Arabs between Jewish settlements. I once made an animation of satellite imagery showing several such Arab villages being created over only a few years.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit they build schools as a land grab, knowingly putting students at risk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Teaching in a Village Under Demolition Orders

Anywhere in the world, build anything without a permit and it is an illegal building which will in time be demolished.

These illegal builders only have themselves to blame for wanting to build without a permit as if the whole land belonged to them, and to the EU which continues to fund these illegal buildings instead of forcing the Arabs to seat down and negotiate and follow the Oslo Accords those Arabs signed in the first place.
These schools are all new, within the past couple of years. Up until now, somehow the students managed to get educated at other schools. But the major reason to build these illegal schools is to make a stink when Israel tears them down, and then go to the media and whine, "Israel is confiscating the right of dozens of students from the area to receive public education."

As documented by the Regavim NGO, many times these communities themselves are built up from scratch as well, also illegally. I saw dozens of them in Area C, where they steal water from Israeli villages and build willy-nilly on hills chosen specifically to place Arabs between Jewish settlements. I once made an animation of satellite imagery showing several such Arab villages being created over only a few years.

(full article online)

Palestinians admit they build schools as a land grab, knowingly putting students at risk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Teaching in a Village Under Demolition Orders

Anywhere in the world, build anything without a permit and it is an illegal building which will in time be demolished.

These illegal builders only have themselves to blame for wanting to build without a permit as if the whole land belonged to them, and to the EU which continues to fund these illegal buildings instead of forcing the Arabs to seat down and negotiate and follow the Oslo Accords those Arabs signed in the first place.

Pfffft! Stupid post.

Jews can get permits.

Palestinians can't.

Its called apartheid.
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