Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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So if the Mexicans in the US got the world on their side they could claim self determination in the US?

Yes? No?

If they developed, over time, a separate and distinct national identity (separate from both USA and Mexico), yes. Why not?
It must be a humiliation to the majority Sunni Arab world that the wannabe Emir of Gaza’istan is performing some world class sucking up before the apostate Shia.

Lest anyone forget, the forerunner of justice and freedom™️ arrests women for going to soccer matches and just sentenced a woman to 20 years in prison for removing her islamic protective outerwear.


TEHRAN - Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has said that Iran is “forerunner of justice and freedom”.
Sooo, they just can’t decide.


Hamas on Sunday morning accused the Palestinian Authority's intelligence service of being behind the suicide bombings in Gaza last Tuesday in which three Hamas policemen were killed and six others were wounded, London based Arabic newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported.
The families are saying, "That sucks! If only they had been killed by Israel they would be called martyrs to the cause and we would have been paid more money by the PA than we had ever seen before."

The lesson the Palestinians will draw from this incident is that they should hurry up and be killed by Israel before one of their brother Palestinians does them in.

The bombing in Gaza were carried out by Iraqi members of ISIS, and not Palestinians.
lol So many different parties have been accused that no one can for certain who was responsible. I have also read one of the police who died was carrying the IED that went off.
It’s quite a budding bromance. Haniyeh should just announce his conversion to Shia Islamism and further announce he’s carrying Khamenei‘s baby.

Hamas chief pens letter to Iranian supreme leader, praising administration


Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh penned a letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praising the Iranian government for their "extensive" support of the Hamas-ruled Gaza coastal enclave, according to Khamenei's official website.
There is no victory when theocratic totalitarianism is imposed.

The embracing of the scientific method, combined with the academic and intellectual freedoms of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment is what shaped Western culture and allowed the advances we see today.

I’m afraid those advances are non-existent when Islamic fascism is imposed upon a society,

Hamas thanks Iran for support 'for the victory of the Palestinians'

Need a fatwa?

In this episode of “Mr. Mufti says”....

Top PA religious leaders incite violence, call on Palestinians to “not stand idly by in the face of this colonialist cancer” - PMW Bulletins

Top PA religious leaders incite violence,
call on Palestinians to "not stand idly by
in the face of this colonialist cancer"

  • Fatwa Council incites religious hatred claiming "danger of attacks against the religious and national symbols in occupied Jerusalem"
By Nan Jacques Zilberdik
The Palestinian Authority Grand Mufti continues to incite hatred and attempt to spark unrest in Jerusalem.
Is there anything the least but incorrect in this?

However, when the PLO is looking for "incitement" they are doing it through the lens of their own honor/shame dynamic.

The Israeli monitor groups are looking through the lens of honesty. They mean to expose the hate that the Palestinians still say to each other in Arabic.

To the PLO, exposing its own hate is considered "incitement" because these are things that should remain hidden - they are shameful, and the exposure itself is considered hate and incitement!

The PLO is complaining not that the Israeli media is wrong, but that it is showing the truth that they want to remain hidden. Under honor/shame, such exposures do not prompt them to examine their own actions but to lash out at the people who expose them. Self-reflection and the desire to improve themselves have a low priority when the first and often only instinct is to hide their indefensible actions from the rest of the world.

(full article online)

PLO calls those who note that they don't teach coexistence with Israel to be "racists" and "inciters" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
With both Iranian and Qatar welfare dollars coming to the Hamas welfare fraud syndicate, pretty clearly, the Hamas leadership has every incentive to maintain the status quo. A part of that arrangement will mean Arabs-Moslems will be sacrificed as “martyrs” when the Mullocrats demand Hamas wage gee-had attacks against Israel. That’s the cost Hamas will pay to earn their welfare money. That’s just the cost of doing gee-had and dead arabs-Moslems are a small price to pay for fabulous wealth hoarded by the primary welfare fraud thieves at the top of the Hamas Islamic terrorist franchise.

Hamas: 'Deal of the Century' has no chance


Hamas leader argues that Israel and the US understand that the Palestinian position does not allow the US peace plan to be implemented.
Gaza explosions leave Hamas exposed

Gaza explosions leave Hamas exposed

Article Summary:The two terrorist explosions that rocked the Gaza Strip despite Hamas’ tight security measures triggered questions about the movement’s capacity to stand up to the Islamic State.
The Islamic terrorists representing the Fatah franchise are threatening a religious war in response to some perceived slight.

I'm curious to know if this is to suggest that the islamic terrorists will take child graduates from their schools of hate and push them into the so-called religious war.

Lovely, lovely folks those pious Arab-Moslems.

Is the PA trying to ignite a new terror campaign?

Is the PA trying to ignite a new terror campaign? - PMW Bulletins

  • The PA Ministry of Religious Affairs compares Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to Hebron today to then opposition leader Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount in 2000, which Arafat exploited to ignite the Intifada in which over 1,100 Israelis were murdered in terror attacks
  • The PA Ministry of Religious Affairs further threatened: "It will drag the region into a religious war"
IMPACT-se has been looking at Palestinian textbooks for years, and this year they find the same sort of incitement and antisemitism they have in the past. It encourages second graders to sacrifice themselves for Palestine in poetry, it makes terrorists into heroes, it uses slingshots against Israeli soldiers as physics examples and counts numbers of "martyrs" in math lessons.

But this school year the texts are more notable for what they omit.
In previous years, the textbooks at least mentioned the previous peace agreements and conferences between Israel and the PLO - the Oslo Accords, Wye River Agreement, Annapolis Conference of 2007 and so forth.

They are all erased.

Jordan's peace treaty with Israel - erased.

The textbooks have also removed examples of Jewish history in the land that were in previous editions:

 Recognition and acknowledgement of Israel and its establishment in 1948.
 Yasser Arafat’s call for a new era of coexistence, peace, and non-violence.
 Negotiations with Israel as the ultimate goal to live side-by-side in peace and security.
 The name "Israel" on two maps of a history textbook for eleventh grade.
 Meetings between Israelis and PLO leading to peace negotiations.
 Jewish historical presence and connection to Jerusalem as the Jews’ capital for that period.
 Ancient Jewish kingdoms in Palestine such as "The Jews' David's Kingdom," "the Northern
Kingdom of Israel," "the Kingdom of Judea."
 A map titled "Palestine in the Reign of Prophet David" with an accompanying passage about
the "Children of Israel."
 The Jewish revolt of Bar Kokhba in Jerusalem.

All erased.

Jewish history is whitewashed and eliminated from the curriculum.

These aren't textbooks - they are propaganda and incitement.

(full article online)

Newest Palestinian textbooks eliminate any mention of Jewish history and peace agreements with Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
So far, so good. Who could be against peace, whether de facto or de jure, between Israel and the Arab world?

Palestinians, that's who.

Shehada explains how peace is a bad thing because it is "humiliating."

This [normalization] paradigm embraces the humiliating, defeatist path of normalizing relations with Israel regardless of, and untethered from, any progress on the Palestinian front, because: Iran.
What a victory for Benjamin Netanyahu: he can present himself as the pioneer who broke the normalization game and exposed its fragility, while offering a vision of another new Middle East which doesn’t require any practical or ideological retreat vis-a-vis the Palestinians. Along the way, he accumulates domestic political capital by framing himself as a King who can twist Arab leaders’ arms, humiliating - if not forcing - them into submission. Indeed, it’s a common belief in the Arab world that Netanyahu deliberately humiliates Arab officials engaged in normalization, whether this is grounded in fact or not. Is there a better example of how the honor/shame dynamic is an enemy of finding a win-win solution?

Notice how Shahada ignores the other benefits of relations with Israel - cooperation in intelligence, science, technology, education. He places it in terms only of opposing Iran - and yet, even on that factor alone, Arab nations are still acting in their self-interest in allying with Israel, a fact that Gazans like Shehada want to disappear.

(full article online)

Gazan accidentally proves Palestinians are the obstacles to peace in Haaretz ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Habbash is lying - UNESCO never declared Hebron or the Tomb of the Patriarchs to be "Islamic," let alone exclusively Islamic. It recognizes that that main frame of the site was built in Herodian times, under Jewish self-rule. It also recognizes that it was a holy Jewish (and Christian) site way before Islam.

UNESCO simply declared it Palestinian based on the world believing that it is part of a mythical nation that never existed. But it never said a word about it being exclusively Muslim.

Given that under international law, people have the right to visit their holy sites, Palestinians are lying when they try to ban Jews from worship in sites that were holy 2000 years before Mohammed ever soiled his first diaper.

I also will note that already in 2009, when "Palestine" first bid to join UNESCO, they made it clear that the primary purpose of them joining that organization was to ban Jews from holy sites.

(full article online)

Did UNESCO say that the Tomb of the Patriarchs was purely Muslim? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
First visual in U.N. Visitors area: the “State of Palestine.”

Funny thing, though: when they were reviewed last month by the U.N. committee against racial discrimination, the Palestinian reps argued they should not really be held to account because they’re not really a state.


No joke: U.N.'s "Human Rights Council" to hold panel event on Sept. 12 to condemn human rights sanctions by U.S. & Europe against dictatorships.

Venezuela FM J. Arreaza, Chair of NAM
Venezuela's UNHRC rep
UNHRC expert Jean Ziegler, founder of the Qaddafi Prize

Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) | Twitter
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