Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The numbers are in and they take your breath away.

The amount of welfare money dumped on the islamic terrorists masquerading as "Pal'istanians" literally needs to be weighed on a truck scale to understand the amount.

What is unconscionable is that nations are still funding the islamic terrorist franchise in spite of fraud, theft and continued promotion of islamic terrorusm.

Palestinian Media Watch published a financial report of the Palestinian Authority based on its own financial records for the years 2011 – 2018.

The Palestinian Authority squandered at least NIS 7.5 billion between 2011 and 2018 on terror funding and non-functioning institutions, according to a new report by Palestinian Media Watch.

The Israeli watchdog this week published a financial report of the Palestinian Authority based on its own financial records for the years 2011 – 2018. The report shows that the PA transferred at least NIS 7 billion to the PLO, the umbrella organization for several Palestinian groups, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Palestinian Liberation Front. PFLP and PLP have been designated terrorist organizations by the United States and the European Union.

In addition, some 440 million shekels was invested in what PMW calls “non-functioning institutions,” such as the Central Elections Committee (NIS 104,566,000) and the parliament’s legislative council (336,746,000).

UNRWA welfare dollars at work.

Each summer, the various organizations in Gaza vie to attract the most applicants for their summer programs. The three most successful groups are Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).


Hamas Parades Children With Machine Guns in Celebration of 29th Anniversary

The pinnacle of Arab-Moslem aspiration.
Dahir Zidani, the owner of the Al Reda restaurant that has been in the news for not allowing patrons to speak Hebrew to his staff, is probably a bigot - but he is definitely a jerk.

He was interviewed by QudsN where he said that part of the reason that he bans Hebrew from being spoken is to push Arabic as a language of choice for Arabs like his workers, but the major reason is that Israelis are "barbaric:"
There is another issue, one that Israelis may understand better than others, because they know themselves, that they are insolent and messy,they are loud and boastful, they enter the restaurant arrogantly and in a condescending way, and we found that this way we could restrain them. The moment we speak to them in English, they become different people, they lower their voices, they speak politely, they behave nicer and they are more civilized, not as much as we would like them to be, but less barbaric than they were beforehand. He also makes it cler that he doesn't consider himself an Israeli:

Can an Israeli impose his conditions and mood on a restaurant in France or in Africa or ask them to bill the account in Hebrew ?! of course not. So I submit the invoice in Arabic, and if someone wants to explain the details of the invoice, I am of course ready, but I provide it in Arabic.
The striking thing about the interview though is that Zidani has a vision for the relationship between a restaurant owner and the customers that is not exactly how most businesses are run:

This place is open to all people, but it is my place. Another point of view is who should determine the conditions of hospitality, is it the guest or the host ?! Or is this guest expecting that he can impose his conditions elsewhere as he tries to do with us ?! Or is this a reflection of the balance of power ?! "The customer is always right" is not this guy's slogan. This is very clear when he or his manager respond to criticism on TripAdvisor:

(full article online)

Nazareth restaurant owner who bans Hebrew is really a jerk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It’s friday, so you know what that means. Yes.

Friday Fun-Day at the Border Riots™️

Thousands of Palestinians protest on Gaza border; 69 wounded in riots, clashes

8 November 2019, 7:38 pm 1
The Emir of Sinwar’istan seems pretty desperate to find someone, anyone, willing to listen to his islamo-bluster.

He was further alienating the Arab nations with his fawning praise of Iran. It appears that Shia Iran is a primary source of welfare money so heaping praise on the heretical sec5 of Islamism is the cost of doing gee-had.

Hamas political leader warns Israel of group's capabilities

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 A.M.) – The head of Hamas’ political bureau, Yahya Sinwar, told university students during a meeting earlier this month that his group has strengthened their forces and improved their military capabilities.

During the meeting, which was discussed in length in the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, Sinwar condemned Arab states that are normalizing relations with Israel. He would then go on to praise both Qatar and Iran, pointing out that both of these nations have provided humanitarian and military aid to the people of Gaza.
Gaza’s Mullah wannabe, the Emir of Sinwar’istan is talking tough.

The usual blustering threats are, I suspect, intended to placate his Iranian bosses who are likely getting anxious to see their welfare money result in dead Sunni holy warriors.

Hamas' Sinwar ramps up threats against Israel

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s Nov. 4 speech in Gaza raised red flags in Israel’s defense system. It was Sinwar's most militant speech in Gaza since the 2014 Operation Protective Edge. “We’ve had enough of this,” he yelled. “Prepare for something big.”

According to Sinwar, his organization has succeeded in digging tunnels several kilometers in length that will be able to stand up to a ground operation involving Israeli tanks. Sinwar also bragged that his organization has access to tens of thousands of rockets that can be fired at Tel Aviv for six months on end and leave the smaller localities in Israel “ghost towns.” He complained that the negotiations with Israel are stuck and that Hamas’ patience is running out. He emphasized, “What we cannot achieve with words, we will achieve with the language of the gun and Allah’s help.”

I’d rethink your strategy, tough guy. Allah is not going to help you if your masters in Tehran demand you earn your welfare payments.
Hamas apparently has some competition in the area of gee-had supremacy. Aligning with Shia Iran is going to put Hamas in the gee-had radar of the more excitable Sunni / Salafi holy warriors.

Hamas says it arrested three suspected jihadists at Gaza border

Terror group says the trio were nabbed after a gunfight while attempting to sneak into Egypt
8 November 2019, 2:10 pm 0

  • A Palestinian Hamas police cadet takes part in a graduation ceremony at the Arafat City police headquarters in Gaza City, on April 20, 2019. (Mahmud Hams/AFP)
    Hamas security forces in Gaza foiled an attempt by three suspected jihadists to sneak into Egypt and arrested them after an exchange of fire Friday, the terror group said.


Brought to you by those psychopaths who send their children to die in exchange for welfare payments.

Helm tells the story of Bilal Masoud, “shot in his legs and right arm by Israeli soldiers at the border fence separating Gaza from Israel. Now he was unable to do anything for himself or feed his birds.”

UPDATE: Shortly after the publication of this post, more information about Bilal Masoud was revealed. Read more: Exclusive: Gaza ‘Victim’ Exposed With His AK-47

Masoud, unable to live with his injuries and a lack of support from Palestinian authorities eventually commits suicide, setting himself ablaze with kerosene.

Poor Bilal. The gee-had didn’t go as planned.
This is all nice Mohammad but do you think you’re the first one to notice?

Deposed Fatah strongman slams ‘fascist, corrupt’ PA

Mohammad Dahlan says Palestinians should not blame Israel alone for their ‘disasters,’ criticizes Qatar for ‘politically motivated’ Gaza aid

He denounced the PA government as “corrupt and fascist” for “punishing” the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and called for the formation of a “national salvation leadership.”


It’s a new day in the pre-modern, most haten’est place on the planet.

Odd. Today seems like every other day in the Islamic terrorist enclave.
Referring to Israel as “the Zionist enemy,” a member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council has claimed that Israel seeks to “incite the world against the Muslims” in order to trigger a war between Jews and Arabs.

Fatah official Haj Rifat Shanaah also said that Israel is trying to conjure up an image of being “weak and surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims and Arabs” in order to get support from the world. In fact, the Fatah official explained, it is the other way around. The Arab world is under threat from the “biological bomb” that is the “Zionist entity”:

(full article online)

Is a Zionist biological bomb poisoning the Middle East? | PMW Analysis
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