Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Other huge amounts were given by China, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

These gifts aren't because these foreign countries love American universities. These are attempts to influence what the university teaches, and with that to influence the next generation of American leaders.

Even the Palestinian Authority, supposedly with no money to pay its own bills, manages to give a million dollars to Harvard University, in 2017.

(full article online)

"Cash strapped" Palestinian Authority has given $1 million to Harvard U ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Sheik Sinwar is reminding us that beside the wealth, luxury shopping malls and foreign bank accounts that result from a dedicated Islamic terrorist welfare endowment, UNRWA, welfare pays for war materials.

Hamas leader says terror group has ‘hundreds of kilometers’ of tunnels

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar threatens Israel, warning the Gaza terrorist group has cross-border tunnels that extend for “hundreds of kilometers” and an arsenal of thousands of rockets and mortars.

What a shame they can’t pay their electric bill.

PA 'stops paying for Gaza electricity'
The supposed "expert" then informed his audience that Hareidi communities in Israel do not allow ambulances or other emergency vehicles into their neighborhoods on Shabbat. This is absurd.

The Gaza audience was told that Haredim "denigrate women and tend to violence them in all forms, treating women as impure and only good for having babies."

The more religious women are required to wear a full body veil, according to Abu Shomer. (There is a tiny cult that forces women to wear a veil but their bizarre rules have nothing to do with Judaism, as they are denigrated as the "Taliban.")

Another new rule that no one has heard of before: "The ultra-Orthodox religion also forbids a man from sitting in a seat on which a woman was sitting, until 10 minutes after she left." I guess religious men can never sit on a bus or subway because they don't know who sat on the seat beforehand.

The speaker then went on to say that Israel imports haredim into the country and pays them to have lots of kids.

As for how the haredim make a living , well, they smuggle drugs!

This Hamas antisemitism under the guise of scholarship is about as explicit as it gets.

(full article online)

Hamas symposium describes religious Jews as "ugly and weird" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The report talks about Fatah thugs in a Christian-majority village called Jifna, north of Ramallah. These thugs fired shots at homes and businesses, threw Molotov cocktails and demanded the Christians to pay jizya (poll tax for non-Muslims to live in "peace.")

The one who was accused of being responsible for this was formerly the head of chamber of commerce in Ramallah and a former candidate for the revolutionary council of Fatah. He was not arrested nor called in for questioning by the PA.

In another incident, the PA security forces "stormed" the house of a Christian woman named Teresa Hajl in Bethlehem. They beat her daughter, and when she tried to protect her daughter, they killed her. Since the mother had Jordanian citizenship, the daughter appealed, apparently unsuccessfully, to the king of Jordan (the report does not say whether the king did anything). The PA didn't do anything.

The report ends with the question "in whose interest do the security forces of the PA harm social peace"? The implicit answer is, of course, the Jews.

Of course, nearly all of the Christians in Gaza have fled under Hamas rule, and a huge number of Christians in the West Bank have fled under PA rule. But it is November, meaning that the media will start publishing stories next month about how Israel is responsible for Christian flight from under Muslim rule, even though Christians are fleeing from every Muslim majority nation.

(full article online)

Hamas(!) accuses Fatah of persecuting Christians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It looks like the KSA is taking a hard line with Hamas. That's not surprising as the Kingdom is fighting a low level proxy war with Iran via "rebels" in Yemen. Hamas aligning closely with the Shia Mullocrats is an unforgivable sin from the Saudi perspective.


Saudi Arabia has announced it has severed all ties with the Hamas terror organization, according to a source in the Palestinian Authority (PA).

The Saudis reportedly made the announcement in a meeting with the United Nations’ Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nickolay Mladenov.

The Saudis also announced they will not release the senior Hamas officials, who are being held on charges of financing terrorism.

Saudi authorities are holding Hamas official Mohammed al-Khoudari along with his son. Al-Khoudari oversaw Hamas’ relations with Saudi Arabia for over two decades.

They further warned that Hamas operatives who will enter their territory will be immediately arrested and charged with financing terrorism.
Mohammed Al Emadi told Hamas and other factions in the Gaza Strip that it would be difficult for Qatar to renew the $30 million it has been giving every month to help Gazans.

Al Akhbar said it received this information from Hamas officials. Palestine Today confirmed the story.

Qatar has been giving some 109,000 Gaza families $100 every month, along with paying for fuel, major building projects and other infrastructure. Qatar has been cooperating with Israel is providing this aid.

Hamas is hoping that either Qatar reverses the decision or that some of the tax revenues that the PA is refusing to accept from Israel will go directly to Gaza. This seems like wishful thinking.

Qatar has been the only Arab country that has seemed to actually care about Gazans beyond lip service. It has coordinated countless shipments of aid to Gaza with Israel. It has given hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid while most Arab countries attend anti-Israel conferences and issue statements.

Yet even though only Qatar has walked the walk, the article says that Gazans resent the Qatari aid because Israel supports it. In the words of the writer, "Gazans know that what Doha offers is an Israeli interest before it is Palestinian."

That zero-sum thinking represents a lot of the problems of the Middle East in a nutshell.

(full article online)

Qatar may cut aid to Gaza at end of year ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Egyptians have a method for keeping their Islamic Terrorism problem under control.

Hamas official: Egypt has barred Haniyeh from traveling abroad for past 3 years

Musa Abu Marzouk tells Arabic-language news site that Egyptian authorities restrict terror group chief’s movement to prevent him from meeting their political rivals.

“The Egyptians are not permitting the head of the politburo to travel abroad because they do no want him to meet their political rivals,” Musa Abu Marzouk, a senior official in the terror group, told Dar al-Hayat, an Arabic-language news site. “This ban [has been in place] for about the last three years.”

It’s hard to believe that Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib haven’t been organizing protests... or maybe a flotilla.
A little islamo-extortion for your Wednesday morning.

Hamas is announcing that a cut in their Qatari welfare payments could result in “an escalation in violence with Israel,”


We’re not told why it is that Qatari welfare money buys a certain amount of non-escalation of violence. I suppose that’s just a reality of living next to an Islamic terrorist enclave.

Maybe 30 million dollars a month in welfare payments limits Islamic terrorist attacks to a dozen or less rockets per month fired at Israel.

Hamas threatens cut in financial aid to Gaza will lead to escalation in violence

Qatari envoy to Gaza Strip informs enclave's headship during last visit, that Qatar will struggle to continue transferring monthly $ 30 million financial aid to the Strip

Hamas announced that a potential cut in monetary aid transferred to the Gaza Strip from Qatar may lead to an escalation in violence with Israel, that could even turn into a military confrontation, Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar reported on Tuesday.
A little islamo-extortion for your Wednesday morning.

Hamas is announcing that a cut in their Qatari welfare payments could result in “an escalation in violence with Israel,”


We’re not told why it is that Qatari welfare money buys a certain amount of non-escalation of violence. I suppose that’s just a reality of living next to an Islamic terrorist enclave.

Maybe 30 million dollars a month in welfare payments limits Islamic terrorist attacks to a dozen or less rockets per month fired at Israel.

Hamas threatens cut in financial aid to Gaza will lead to escalation in violence

Qatari envoy to Gaza Strip informs enclave's headship during last visit, that Qatar will struggle to continue transferring monthly $ 30 million financial aid to the Strip

Hamas announced that a potential cut in monetary aid transferred to the Gaza Strip from Qatar may lead to an escalation in violence with Israel, that could even turn into a military confrontation, Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar reported on Tuesday.

“Gifts to US Universities from Selected Foreign Countries Since 2012.”

“Palestinian Authority”

The “Palestnian Authority” is a “Selected COUNTRY?”


Where is it on the globe, this country, the “Palestinian Authority?”

I find it….bizarre. why didn’t this country, ‘the PA’ use this $$$$
towards fixing up:

the Ramallah refugee camp....

.....and the refugee camps in Lebanon ?

Why are they forking over all this dough to an “American College?”

it’s weird.

.....And why would “WE” accept this $$$ in the first place from the likes of them ?

“Hamas is announcing that a cut in their Qatari welfare payments could result in “an escalation in violence with Israel,”

“...........an escalation in violence with Israel,”

same ole, same ole....
A Palestinian official told the agency that the Palestinian authorities have been working on this, saying that a solution is on its way.

Yet it is Wednesday and nothing has been reported about this being resolved yet.

The UAE has been frosty with the PLO for a while now, partially due to its support of Abbas rival Mohammed Dahlan.

Palestinian media is bitter, pointing out that Israelis have been welcomed with open arms to the UAE in recent months, even to the point of the deputy tourism minister of one of the emirates welcoming Israelis visiting a high tech expo without a visa, telling Ynet, "Bruchim Habaim" - "Welcome" in Hebrew. And it is possible that the lift on limitations of Israeli visitors to the UAE may become permanent.

(full article online)

UAE doesn't issue a visa for the Mufti of Palestine - but may allow Israelis to enter freely ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Not sure what the protesting is about. If Hamas needed to “martyr” someone, I’m sure it was necessary for the gee-had.

Rare protest against 'Hamas murderers' erupts in Gaza

The mysterious death of a 28-year-old university graduate, whom his family say was thrown out the window of his home by Hamas police, prompted many to turn up to his funeral with signs and banners, accusing Gaza's rulers of 'cold-blooded murder'
More of the really disturbing goings-on in the PA Death Cult.

Nature has preprogrammed successful animals with a survival instinct. Once you add our ability to have a sentient perception of death, you have a formula for a more deep seated fear of dying.

The Death Cult has turned millions of years of evolution upside down and has made the infliction of death and destruction via mass murder / suicide into a glorious undertaking.

Here we have psychopaths, off-handedly chattering about the "uniqueness" that defines Pal Arab society.

Why is Martyrdom-death “unique in Palestine”?

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Nov 7, 2019
"Martyrdom in Palestine is unique. We are the only ones who celebrate the news of a Martyr's wedding," says host on official PA TV

Death as a "Martyr" for Allah and for "Palestine" - during terror attacks and other violent confrontations with Israel - has been promoted as an ideal by the Palestinian Authority for years, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch.
A Tamimi cultist may eventually be delivered to the Great Satan™️ to face infidel justice.

It’s all fun and gee-had games when these low-lifes can celebrate their murders on YouTube. Life changes when you have the Great Satan’s state department pressuring the government shielding you, OR, when SEAL teams come for you under cover of darkness.

U.S. Rejects Jordan's Refusal to Extradite Hamas Terrorist Wanted for Trial

U.S. rejects Jordan's refusal to extradite Hamas terrorist wanted for trial

Development could lead to further American pressure on Amman to extradite Ahlam Tamimi, who played a major role in organizing the 'Sbarro attack' in Jerusalem in 2001
Hamas is performing some world class sucking up before the Iranian Mullocrats.

With the millions of dollars of Qatari welfare money seemingly coming to an end, Hamas has no choice but to bend and scrape before the Shia Iranians for welfare money.

Iran ‘Deserves Credit’ for ‘Building Our Strength,’ Says Hamas Chief

A Hamas military drill in the Gaza Strip in March 2018. Photo: Reuters/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa.

JNS.org – Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar admitted on Monday that the Islamic Republic of Iran was responsible for “building the strength” of the Palestinian terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip by supplying it with both weapons and funding.

The Ummah’s girls as a part of the rock throwing gee-had.

And who says that ummah’istan discriminates against women?
More of the really disturbing goings-on in the PA Death Cult.

Nature has preprogrammed successful animals with a survival instinct. Once you add our ability to have a sentient perception of death, you have a formula for a more deep seated fear of dying.

The Death Cult has turned millions of years of evolution upside down and has made the infliction of death and destruction via mass murder / suicide into a glorious undertaking.

Here we have psychopaths, off-handedly chattering about the "uniqueness" that defines Pal Arab society.

little boys are VERY IMPRESSIONABLE------when I was a kid -----bubble gum
baseball cards had every little boy in my town convinced that MICKEY MANTLE was a MESSENGER FROM HEAVEN

Why is Martyrdom-death “unique in Palestine”?

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Nov 7, 2019
"Martyrdom in Palestine is unique. We are the only ones who celebrate the news of a Martyr's wedding," says host on official PA TV

Death as a "Martyr" for Allah and for "Palestine" - during terror attacks and other violent confrontations with Israel - has been promoted as an ideal by the Palestinian Authority for years, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch.
The Arab-Moslem terrorists spend the entirety of their lives in trembling fear of the conspiracy theories that consume their very existence.

Dead ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi was a US “pawn” and Israel and ISIS are “twins” - according to the PA

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Nov 6, 2019

Dead ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi was a US “pawn” and Israel and ISIS are “twins” - according to the PA | PMW Analysis
  • "[The US] killed their pawn [Al-Baghdadi], who they planted in the open borderless territories of Iraq and Syria after they created an organization-state of barbarity, terror, and racism, for which they chose the name 'the Islamic State'"
  • "[The elimination of Al-Baghdadi] was tantamount to a strong blow that has cut off the tail of the monster of terror. However, this monster has a head [Israel], and in it is a brain that is capable of growing a different tail and wings"
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