Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Helpless is as helpless does.

Leading Palestinian news site accounts suspended by Twitter

Quds News Network (QNN) said that three of its accounts, including its English-language account, were suspended without explanation.

Nisreen al-Khatib, co-director of QNN, tweeted that she was "helpless" following the ban.

"I am co-director of [QNN] & I find myself helpless as Twitter has today morning suspended 3 verified accounts of the network I work with, w/out offering reasons," she said.

"Quds News Network is an essential site for publishing the Palestinian content in Arabic & English to the world!"
This puts Hamas in quite a predicament. While Hamas may or may not have had a hand in the latest islamic terrorist rocket attacks, it will be their welfare funded infrastructure and operatives that will be first in line at the business end of Israeli retaliation.

There are reports that the latest rocket attacks were undertaken by Islamic terrorist franchises other than Hamas and without their knowledge. That would suggest that Hamas either can’t control the competing Islamic terrorist franchises in the “Country of Pal’istan”, (Gaza’istan caliphate), or that perhaps Iran is losing patience with their occupation forces and wants some action to justify their welfare contributions.

PM: Hamas to blame for all Gaza attacks, we’ll use all means to keep Israel safe

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said he holds Hamas responsible for any attacks emanating from the Gaza Strip but will not divulge his plans for dealing with the situation, after 10 rockets were launched from the coastal enclave over the weekend, one of which hit a home in the southern town of Sderot.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

All of them answer the question from a number of propaganda perspectives.

Indeed, which one answers the question?

There are different types of propaganda. I have given you a number of perspectives. Each one attempts to, in some way, either justify the actions of HAMAS, bring sympathy on HAMAS, or make it appear there is enormous support outside the normal sphere of foreign concern.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
The question was: "Do you have a link accusing Hamas of that?"

What part of all that answered that question?

• See Hollie's posting supra. I gave you nine (9) links. • Posting 14593

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, which one answers the question?

Indeed, which one doesn’t?
Your usual duck.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
The question was: "Do you have a link accusing Hamas of that?"

What part of all that answered that question?

• See Hollie's posting supra. I gave you nine (9) links. • Posting 14593

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, which one answers the question?

Indeed, which one doesn’t?
Your usual duck.

Why don't you just shut those Zionists up by educating them to all of the Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

All of them answer the question from a number of propaganda perspectives.

Indeed, which one answers the question?

There are different types of propaganda. I have given you a number of perspectives. Each one attempts to, in some way, either justify the actions of HAMAS, bring sympathy on HAMAS, or make it appear there is enormous support outside the normal sphere of foreign concern.

Most Respectfully,
There are different types of propaganda. I have given you a number of perspectives.
Israeli perspectives.
Both of the Islamic terrorist franchises in the Iranian zipcode of Little Tehran are making blustering threats about their intention to, you know, make more blustering threats.

It seems Hamas is anxious to sidestep accountability for the most recent islamo-rocket launches. They must know that they will be first beneficiaries of the IDF delivered beatdown for new attacks.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad warn Israel after Gaza strikes


But Hamas official claims to Israeli paper major groups not behind launches; hikers find bomb hidden inside book in riverbed near Gaza, possibly flown over border by balloon
2 November 2019, 1:57 pm 10
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

All of them answer the question from a number of propaganda perspectives.

Indeed, which one answers the question?

There are different types of propaganda. I have given you a number of perspectives. Each one attempts to, in some way, either justify the actions of HAMAS, bring sympathy on HAMAS, or make it appear there is enormous support outside the normal sphere of foreign concern.

Most Respectfully,
There are different types of propaganda. I have given you a number of perspectives.
Israeli perspectives.

Islamist talking point.
In the alternate reality of Islamic terrorist enclaves, LGBTQ people do not meet the highest ideals of the Islamic Death Cult met by suicide bombers, mass murderers and associated Islamic psychopaths.

Violence against LGBTQ people continued “with greater frequency and intensity” since PA police said gay activities “violate highest ideals,” says Palestinian LGBTQ organization

Violence against LGBTQ people "with greater frequency and intensity" since PA police said gay activities "violate highest ideals" | PMW Analysis

  • “Much of the violence and harassment perpetrated since August has been at the hands of police officers themselves”
  • LGBTQ activists have experienced “military-style investigations involving violence, blackmailing, and interrogations marked by coercive, offensive, and insulting questions regarding private lives”
Oh, my. Arabs-Moslems are up in arms. Among their most useful vehicles for incitement and promotion of violence has been shut down.

How can we help?

Can’t we give them more welfare money?

Palestinians up in arms over PA and Facebook censorship

“RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Magistrate Court in Ramallah on Oct. 24 reaffirmed its Oct. 17 decision to block 59 websites and social media pages in the West Bank and Gaza based on Article 39 of a 2018 cybercrime law.”

Oh, wait. I just assumed there was reason to blame the kuffar.

Never mind.

And cancel that offer of welfare money.
I can't imagine any Arab-Moslem choosing to be a burden and not willing to sacrifice their lives in furtherance of the Jew killing aspirations of Baha.

This elusive Jihadist commander in Gaza is challenging both Hamas and Israel

Baha Abu al-Ata (right) during a military parade.
This Elusive Jihadist Commander in Gaza Is Challenging Both Hamas and Israel

Unburdened from responsibility for Gaza civilians, Baha Abu al-Ata has more freedom than Hamas to take action against Israel

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Is this once of those examples that our friend "P F Tinmore" was looking for?

Oh, my. Arabs-Moslems are up in arms. Among their most useful vehicles for incitement and promotion of violence has been shut down.
Palestinians up in arms over PA and Facebook censorship
“RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Magistrate Court in Ramallah on Oct. 24 reaffirmed its Oct. 17 decision to block 59 websites and social media pages in the West Bank and Gaza based on Article 39 of a 2018 cybercrime law.”

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

Is this once of those examples that our friend "P F Tinmore" was looking for?

Oh, my. Arabs-Moslems are up in arms. Among their most useful vehicles for incitement and promotion of violence has been shut down.
Palestinians up in arms over PA and Facebook censorship
“RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Magistrate Court in Ramallah on Oct. 24 reaffirmed its Oct. 17 decision to block 59 websites and social media pages in the West Bank and Gaza based on Article 39 of a 2018 cybercrime law.”

Most Respectfully,

I would be curious to see if our friend P F Tinmore is in agreement that a key element in the maintenance of totalitarianism is control and censorship of all forms of news, media and information.

One of the hallmarks of western nations is a free press and protection of free speech / expression. Those values are typically squashed under totalitarian regimes that are so common across the Middle East.
There is a lot of shared responsibility for what amounts to funding an islamic terrorist / criminal enterprise. For decades, western donors showered islamic terrorists with billions of dollars in welfare money knowing that huge portions of that welfare was used to finance acts of islamic terrorism and to finance the fortunes of islamic terrorist leaders.

The scope of the fraud is just staggering.

The missing billions of the Palestinian Authority | PMW Analysis

The missing billions of the Palestinian Authority
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Nov 4, 2019
The missing billions of the Palestinian Authority:
Funding for terror organizations, and funding for institutions
that have not functioned for over a decade

  • Since 2011, the PA has given the PLO over 7,000,000,000 (7 billion) shekels ($1.99 billion/€1.78 billion). Some of that money went directly to PLO member organizations, such as the PFLP, that the US, the EU, and Israel have designated as terrorist organizations
  • Even though the PA has not held elections for 15 years, from 2011 to 2018 the PA spent 104,566,000 shekels ($29.7 million/€26.6 million on its “Central Election Committee”
  • While the PA’s “Legislative Council” - the PA Parliament - has not functioned since 2006, from 2011 to 2018 the PA spent no less than 336,746,000 shekels ($95.5 million/€85.5 million) on the “Legislative Council”
  • In total, these activities have cost the PA over 7,440,000,000 (7.44 billion) shekels ($2.12 billion/€1.89 billion)
With competition from Baha Abu al-Ata for the title of “Emir of the most Grandiose Threat”, Sinwar has seemingly decided that he needs to regain some Islamo-street creed with some Islamo-bluster of his own.

I’m not convinced that these two misfits understand the level of mayhem that Israel could unleash if another 700 rockets began launching from Gaza.

If it actually came to pass, it could be a very messy affair for Gaza. The Arabs-Moslems best friend, Baha, has seemingly decided that Arab-Moslem civilians are a disposable commodity to be used in furtherance in the gee-had. While he might hope to score propaganda points with dead civilians, It seems that more of the planet is finding less reason to accept the Islamic propensity for using civilians as intentional war material.

Hamas Leader in Gaza Threatens His Group Can Strike Tel Aviv 'For Six Consecutive Months'


Amid escalation on Gaza border, Yahya Sinwar also directly threatens Kahol Lavan leader Benny Gantz: 'We will get you to the point that you curse the day you were born'
Wafa is upset that this story was published. After quoting the entire part above, it said, "The aim is to shed light and create a stir that could end with a boycott of Arab restaurants in Nazareth."

Reporting that a Christian Arab restaurant owner is a bigot is of course newsworthy. But Wafa doesn't like it because it is embarrassing and shameful to Arabs. Instead of accepting that, the PA lashes out at the reporter and publisher for daring to publicize the truth that makes them look bad.

And this is what they call "incitement."

(full article online)

Palestinians: "Don't shame us by telling the truth!" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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