Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Gee whiz. Hamas and Islamic gee-had are a bit miffed that Israel responded to Islamic terrorist attacks with retaliatory strikes.

Apparently, Israel was “escalating” after delivering some high explosive Islamic terrorist behavior modification following Islamic terrorist attacks.

I think the Islamist Entity™️ could use some new slogans.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad warn Israel after Gaza strikes

The Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror organizations on Saturday warned Israel following airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire at southern Israeli communities.

Hamas spokesman called the airstrikes a “dangerous escalation” and said the “Zionist enemy bears responsibility for its consequences and ramifications.”
A year ago, the PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council - against Palestinian law - in his never ending effort to ensure his power is as complete and unquestioned as possible.

The PLC was an elected body, and in 2006 most Palestinians voted for Hamas members in the PLC.

The PLC, however, had not met since that election. Abbas made sure of that. So for 12 years it did literally nothing.

But when Abbas dissolved it, it triggered one other event: the salaries that the PLC members received were cut.

So now in Hamas media there is a sob story about how distinguished members of Hamas who have been spending the past decade plus getting full salaries for doing literally nothing are now forced to find work!

Mahmoud al-Khatib, a member of the Legislative Council from Bethlehem, had to open a falafel shop.

Al-Khatib revealed other sad stories of people who suddenly lost their incomes for watching TV all day. One was forced to sell some of his land. Another resorted to selling eggs.

(full article online)

A small anecdote of dysfunction from the Palestinian Authority ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What military advantage does Israel anticipate? Year after year Israel kills Palestinian civilians by the thousands. Yet they still get protests. They still get rockets. Nothing has changed.

Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem. :290968001256257790-final:

Holy missing the point(s), Batman.

Let me sum up, since apparently Rocco's post was too complicated for you.

1. The over-arching communal goal of the international community is to have peaceful relations between states.
2. Belligerent military actions are never permissible, as they oppose the goal of peaceful relations.
3. When responding to belligerent military actions, military advantage serves the purpose of physically preventing, or psychologically discouraging, further belligerent actions.
4. Proportionality is measured as achieving the military advantage but not exceeding losses necessary for that advantage.

So, to answer your post.

1. Israel anticipates the military advantage of ending the belligerent attacks and restoring peace. Israel has tended, for a variety of reasons, and morally admirably, imo, to limit the achievement of military advantage. Israel, thus far, with respect to Gaza, aims to do the absolute minimum necessary to achieve the cessation of rockets in the short term. Israel has shown astonishing restraint, given that the rockets continue and military advantage of ending the rockets on a more permanent basis is well within her rights to self defense.

2. Your second sentence is an outright lie, but is immaterial to the conversation, since number of civilian deaths is not relevant to military advantage or as a measurement of proportionality. It also fails to place responsibility for belligerent military actions where it properly belongs.

3. Yes, they still get rockets and protests. Thus demonstrating that Israel has not achieved a military advantage. Indeed, Israel has deliberately given up her military advantage in order to minimize civilian loss of life for Palestinians, even though she is in no way required to do so. It begs the question, should Israel increase her military advantage and achieve a decisive end to any further belligerent attacks from Gaza?

4. Nice reversal of reality (sarcasm). It is Gaza attempting to shoot itself out of a political problem, not Israel. What is the political problem? And how can it be achieved? Rockets and violent protests are not in any way either meant to or effective in solving the political problem.
These are the Palestinian children Israel killed in 2017

10 January 2018
These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2017.

Fourteen Palestinian boys and girls under the age of 18 were shot dead by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the year.

There were 21 fewer children killed than in 2016, which was the deadliest year for Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank in the past decade.

In addition to those 14 shot and killed during 2017, a child died of wounds sustained in an Israeli drone strike years earlier.

Another was killed by Israeli ordnance while grazing livestock. A baby living in temporary shelter, his family homeless as a result of Israeli bombing, died of cold exposure.

Palestinian children also died because they were unable to secure permits to leave via the Israeli-controlled Erez checkpoint for medical treatment unavailable in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Emergency room doctors were unable to resuscitate a seriously ill 9-year-old girl in the West Bank after Israeli soldiers denied her family passage at a checkpoint; a trip that normally would take 15 minutes took her family 90 minutes after they were forced to detour and go through a different checkpoint.

No Israeli children were killed by Palestinians during the year. An Israeli woman wounded during a bus stop bombing in 2011, when she was 14, and who had never regained consciousness, died of her injures in 2017.

These are the Palestinian children Israel killed in 2017

the truth will set you free
murdering children is what the IDF does best;
These are the Palestinian children Israel killed in 2017

10 January 2018
These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2017.

Fourteen Palestinian boys and girls under the age of 18 were shot dead by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the year.

There were 21 fewer children killed than in 2016, which was the deadliest year for Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank in the past decade.

In addition to those 14 shot and killed during 2017, a child died of wounds sustained in an Israeli drone strike years earlier.

Another was killed by Israeli ordnance while grazing livestock. A baby living in temporary shelter, his family homeless as a result of Israeli bombing, died of cold exposure.

Palestinian children also died because they were unable to secure permits to leave via the Israeli-controlled Erez checkpoint for medical treatment unavailable in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Emergency room doctors were unable to resuscitate a seriously ill 9-year-old girl in the West Bank after Israeli soldiers denied her family passage at a checkpoint; a trip that normally would take 15 minutes took her family 90 minutes after they were forced to detour and go through a different checkpoint.

No Israeli children were killed by Palestinians during the year. An Israeli woman wounded during a bus stop bombing in 2011, when she was 14, and who had never regained consciousness, died of her injures in 2017.

These are the Palestinian children Israel killed in 2017

the truth will set you free
murdering children is what the IDF does best;

From your link to the “Propaganda gee-had”:

“Most, but certainly not all, of those children were killed during the course of what Israel alleges were attacks or attempted attacks, mainly on soldiers at checkpoints in the West Bank.”

“Children” raised from childhood to believe they are to be a disposable commodity for the Islamic obsession with Jew hatred.
“Most, but certainly not all, of those children were killed during the course of what Israel alleges were attacks or attempted attacks, mainly on soldiers at checkpoints in the West Bank.”
You can find an excuse for almost anything. As you know, Trump is the alfa-expert on this.

The child in this link was shot by a sniper just moments after this photo was taken.

Hollie, was the murder of this child justified or not; please explain.

Hollie, states that nor “all” those children were murdered for no reason, some were a true threat.

How about those children who were murdered who were not a threat?

Did the killers get charged with a crime, demoted or were they given a medal of honor for their gallantry under the onslaught of that child.

Just asking

The child in this link was shot by a sniper just moments after this photo was taken.

You've been corrected on this blatant lie so many times, its pathological that you continue to bring it up.

Faris Odeh was NOT shot by a sniper just moments after this photo was taken. Faris Odeh was shot and killed ten days later in what was, to all appearances, an unintended fatal shot while Faris was engaging AGAIN in violent riots against Israel's citizens and LEOs.

Faris Odeh routinely attended violent riots. He engaged on a daily basis. He skipped school to do so. It got so bad that his parents TIED HIM TO THE ROOF OF HIS HOUSE in an unsuccessful attempt to keep him from engaging in violence. (Not that I am condoning such behaviour on his parent's part -- just pointing out their desperation.)

The fact that you feel the need to DELIBERATELY LIE in order to present your case is evidence that you have no case and are simply and blatantly attempting to paint the Jewish people as evil.
These are the Palestinian children Israel killed in 2017

10 January 2018
These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2017.

Fourteen Palestinian boys and girls under the age of 18 were shot dead by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the year.

There were 21 fewer children killed than in 2016, which was the deadliest year for Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank in the past decade.

In addition to those 14 shot and killed during 2017, a child died of wounds sustained in an Israeli drone strike years earlier.

Another was killed by Israeli ordnance while grazing livestock. A baby living in temporary shelter, his family homeless as a result of Israeli bombing, died of cold exposure.

Palestinian children also died because they were unable to secure permits to leave via the Israeli-controlled Erez checkpoint for medical treatment unavailable in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Emergency room doctors were unable to resuscitate a seriously ill 9-year-old girl in the West Bank after Israeli soldiers denied her family passage at a checkpoint; a trip that normally would take 15 minutes took her family 90 minutes after they were forced to detour and go through a different checkpoint.

No Israeli children were killed by Palestinians during the year. An Israeli woman wounded during a bus stop bombing in 2011, when she was 14, and who had never regained consciousness, died of her injures in 2017.

These are the Palestinian children Israel killed in 2017

the truth will set you free
murdering children is what the IDF does best;

How about those children who were murdered who were not a threat?

Did you not read your own post? Every. Single. One. of the 13 described on that post was posing an immediate and legitimate threat to Israel and her citizens. Every. Single. One. Seven had attempted or successfully completed a stabbing or vehicular or fire bombing attack. Four were killed in "confrontations" (violent riots). Two were killed because they approached the border fence with Gaza with suspicious activity (ie planting bombs).

The other three specific instances are more nuanced:

One was an infant child who died THREE YEARS AFTER the 2014 Gaza war, largely because the government of Gaza failed to provide adequate shelter, preferring instead to put its resources towards building tunnels and importing weapons.

One was a child who was walking in a military zone, and honestly, I'd have to look into it further to see fault here.

One was a child who died after prolonged medical trauma in the 2014 Gaza war.

Here's an idea. How about we see if we can convince the Arab Palestinians NOT TO USE THEIR CHILDREN AS COMBATANTS.
“Most, but certainly not all, of those children were killed during the course of what Israel alleges were attacks or attempted attacks, mainly on soldiers at checkpoints in the West Bank.”
You can find an excuse for almost anything. As you know, Trump is the alfa-expert on this.

The child in this link was shot by a sniper just moments after this photo was taken.

Hollie, was the murder of this child justified or not; please explain.
View attachment 287721

The child in this link was shot by a sniper just moments after this photo was taken.

Post the photos taken after he was shot...….
What military advantage does Israel anticipate? Year after year Israel kills Palestinian civilians by the thousands. Yet they still get protests. They still get rockets. Nothing has changed.

Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem. :290968001256257790-final:

Holy missing the point(s), Batman.

Let me sum up, since apparently Rocco's post was too complicated for you.

1. The over-arching communal goal of the international community is to have peaceful relations between states.
2. Belligerent military actions are never permissible, as they oppose the goal of peaceful relations.
3. When responding to belligerent military actions, military advantage serves the purpose of physically preventing, or psychologically discouraging, further belligerent actions.
4. Proportionality is measured as achieving the military advantage but not exceeding losses necessary for that advantage.

So, to answer your post.

1. Israel anticipates the military advantage of ending the belligerent attacks and restoring peace. Israel has tended, for a variety of reasons, and morally admirably, imo, to limit the achievement of military advantage. Israel, thus far, with respect to Gaza, aims to do the absolute minimum necessary to achieve the cessation of rockets in the short term. Israel has shown astonishing restraint, given that the rockets continue and military advantage of ending the rockets on a more permanent basis is well within her rights to self defense.

2. Your second sentence is an outright lie, but is immaterial to the conversation, since number of civilian deaths is not relevant to military advantage or as a measurement of proportionality. It also fails to place responsibility for belligerent military actions where it properly belongs.

3. Yes, they still get rockets and protests. Thus demonstrating that Israel has not achieved a military advantage. Indeed, Israel has deliberately given up her military advantage in order to minimize civilian loss of life for Palestinians, even though she is in no way required to do so. It begs the question, should Israel increase her military advantage and achieve a decisive end to any further belligerent attacks from Gaza?

4. Nice reversal of reality (sarcasm). It is Gaza attempting to shoot itself out of a political problem, not Israel. What is the political problem? And how can it be achieved? Rockets and violent protests are not in any way either meant to or effective in solving the political problem.
You keep forgetting that it is Israel that is the aggressor.
What military advantage does Israel anticipate? Year after year Israel kills Palestinian civilians by the thousands. Yet they still get protests. They still get rockets. Nothing has changed.

Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem. :290968001256257790-final:

Holy missing the point(s), Batman.

Let me sum up, since apparently Rocco's post was too complicated for you.

1. The over-arching communal goal of the international community is to have peaceful relations between states.
2. Belligerent military actions are never permissible, as they oppose the goal of peaceful relations.
3. When responding to belligerent military actions, military advantage serves the purpose of physically preventing, or psychologically discouraging, further belligerent actions.
4. Proportionality is measured as achieving the military advantage but not exceeding losses necessary for that advantage.

So, to answer your post.

1. Israel anticipates the military advantage of ending the belligerent attacks and restoring peace. Israel has tended, for a variety of reasons, and morally admirably, imo, to limit the achievement of military advantage. Israel, thus far, with respect to Gaza, aims to do the absolute minimum necessary to achieve the cessation of rockets in the short term. Israel has shown astonishing restraint, given that the rockets continue and military advantage of ending the rockets on a more permanent basis is well within her rights to self defense.

2. Your second sentence is an outright lie, but is immaterial to the conversation, since number of civilian deaths is not relevant to military advantage or as a measurement of proportionality. It also fails to place responsibility for belligerent military actions where it properly belongs.

3. Yes, they still get rockets and protests. Thus demonstrating that Israel has not achieved a military advantage. Indeed, Israel has deliberately given up her military advantage in order to minimize civilian loss of life for Palestinians, even though she is in no way required to do so. It begs the question, should Israel increase her military advantage and achieve a decisive end to any further belligerent attacks from Gaza?

4. Nice reversal of reality (sarcasm). It is Gaza attempting to shoot itself out of a political problem, not Israel. What is the political problem? And how can it be achieved? Rockets and violent protests are not in any way either meant to or effective in solving the political problem.
You keep forgetting that it is Israel that is the aggressor.

You keep forgetting you can’t make a defendable argument.

It was Islamic terrorists who fired rockets just a day ago at Israel.

Who is the aggressor?
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