Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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‘Experts’ Perpetuate Mideast and Palestinian Myths

Myth #2: ‘Moderate’ Hamas and ‘extremist’ Islamic Jihad.

Hamas will “move toward medium-term ‘understandings’ with Israel,” JISS asserts. “However, the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad will try to continue to derail such understandings.”

Before Hamas was created, we were told that Yasser Arafat was “moderate,” while other PLO leaders were the “rejectionists.” After Hamas came along, we were told that the Palestinian Authority was moderate, while Hamas were the rejectionists. Now in this latest version Good Terrorist/Bad Terrorist, we are supposed to believe that the suddenly reasonable, flexible, rational Hamas is ready to make an agreement with Israel, and Islamic Jihad are the extremists.
Gee, whiz. How much more welfare money will it take to support the Islamic terrorists in Hamas?

Gaza 'unliveable' ten years after Hamas seized power: U.N.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A decade after the Islamist group Hamas seized Gaza, the Palestinian enclave is effectively unliveable for its 2 million people, with declining incomes, healthcare, education, electricity and fresh water, the United Nations said.
Gaza: Where Terrorists Are ‘Victims’ and Terrorism Is ‘Resistance’
But, you already knew this.

Special Report The ties between NGOs promoting BDS and terror organizations | Prime Minister's Office

In a special report, the deep link between designated Palestinian terror organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and anti-Israel NGOs promoting boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) of Israel is exposed.
More Israeli terrorist propaganda crap.


Just another bit of silly cut and paste you spam various threads with.
The myth of “calm” with the Arab-Moslems pretending to be “Pal’istanians” means nothing more than a Hudna (temporary pause in hostilities), as the Arabs-Moslems re-arm. This has been a demonstrated pattern of behavior as the Arabs-Moslems have suffered humiliating losses only to pursue the goals of the Hamas Charter.

Myth #3: You can buy peace with Gaza.

‘Experts’ Perpetuate Mideast and Palestinian Myths

JISS recommends: “In Gaza, Israel must be prepared both for tougher-than-ever military action to deter Hamas and for more-generous-than-ever economic arrangements that might secure calm with Hamas.”
This seems a bit misguided in that the complaint alleges the PA “failed to protect both Palestinian and Israeli children in armed conflict.” The reality is that both Hamas and the PA regularly exploit children with a program of indoctrination that produces legions of mentally defective islamo-bots.

Report to U.N. urges rights for Palestinian, Israeli children subjected to Hamas abuse

In a legal brief filed with the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child shortly before the one-year anniversary of the Palestinian “March of Return” on March 30, the independent human-rights group U.N. Watch urged that the Palestinian Authority be held to account for violating children’s rights, alleging that it has “failed to protect both Palestinian and Israeli children in armed conflict.”
But, you already knew this.

Special Report The ties between NGOs promoting BDS and terror organizations | Prime Minister's Office

In a special report, the deep link between designated Palestinian terror organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and anti-Israel NGOs promoting boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) of Israel is exposed.
More Israeli terrorist propaganda crap.


Concerning the cartoon here: If the ppl of Gaza know that the retribution will be that harsh, maybe they should wise up and stop throwing rockets into Israel.
I’ll bet you didn’t know that Native American Indians were Moslems.

This is why it’s important that you don’t get your US history from Islamic terrorist knuckleheads.


“George Washington killed Indians because they were Muslims," says Hamas legislator according to a clip shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
While conspiracy theories floated by Islamics can be entertaining, let’s look st the over/under on this.

The Emir of Gaza’istan can spend can spend the UNRWA welfare fraud money on public works projects,


The welfare fraud money can be stolen and used to further personal fortunes.

Decisions, decisions.

Hamas: Israeli Army ‘Makes Large Amounts of Rainwater to Flood Gaza Crops’

Gaza children try to cross a flooded street following a heavy rain storm in Gaza City, on January 10, 2020.

Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization has accused the Israel Defense Forces of directing flood waters to invade the enclave from the Jewish State.
The PA wants Israel to stand idly by and permit the PA to pay financial rewards to Israeli Arab terrorist prisoners who murdered other Israelis or otherwise participated in terrorism against Israel, and all under the pretext that the payments “provide their families with a living, a place to live, health, education, and so on.”

Needless to say, the PA’s claim is manifestly false as the payments of monthly salaries to the Israeli Arab terrorist prisoners fulfil none of the argued goals.

Firstly, the salaries are paid simply because the terrorists are in prison for what the PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners euphemistically refers to as “struggling against the occupation.” This definition includes the entire spectrum of Palestinian terrorists, including those charged and convicted with mere membership in terrorist organizations to those convicted of mass murders. A wealthy terrorist receives the same payment as a destitute terrorist. There are no needs-based requirements such as the family of the terrorist being homeless or not being able to make ends meet. Moreover, unmarried terrorists with no families to support receive the same base salary as do married terrorists, only these receive an insignificant supplement per spouse and child.

Secondly, because the terrorists are Israeli Arabs, their children (if they have any) are covered by the Israeli health system and can attend Israeli schools.

Thirdly, when proven necessary and if they meet the income standards set by Israeli law, the families of Israeli Arab terrorists are even entitled to Israeli social welfare payments.

In truth, as PMW has already demonstrated, despite the claims of the PA, the “Pay-for-Slay” payments have nothing whatsoever to do with welfare.

(full article online)

PA condemns Israel's seizure of "Pay-for-Slay" funds from Israeli Arab terrorists, repeats lie that rewards are welfare | PMW Analysis
It seems odd to suggest that an islamic terrorist enclave operating under the viciously anti-human / retrograde islamic sharia would be expected to conform to norms of international law.

Human rights group documents Hamas abuses

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Al Mezan Center for Human Rights released April 23 a "fact sheet" on violations of the people’s rights to assemble peacefully, express opinions and not be subject to arbitrary detention in the Gaza Strip.

The information presented was gathered between March 1, 2018, and March 1, 2019, as part of an EU-funded project to document rights abuses and promote compliance with international law.
As you might have anticipated, the competing mini-caliphates are not playing well together. The sham of islamic terrorist elections is playing out with both factions understanding that control and exploitation of the UNRWA welfare fraud endowment is the prize of the winning tribe.

This can only get uglier with possibly a return to those lovely days of open, street warfare.

Palestinian Authority crackdown on Hamas 'jeopardizes elections'

Middle East
16:31 | 01/13/20


Hamas: Abbas looking for excuse to avoid elections

The Palestinian Authority security forces have arrested 195 Hamas members in the West Bank during the last week of December 2019, Hamas said on Monday.

The arrests, which are seen as another sign of the continued tensions between the PA and Hamas, are likely to hamper efforts to hold new presidential and parliamentary elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
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As you might have anticipated, the competing mini-caliphates are not playing well together. The sham of islamic terrorist elections is playing out with both factions understanding that control and exploitation of the UNRWA welfare fraud endowment is the prize of the winning tribe.

This can only get uglier with possibly a return to those lovely days of open, street warfare.

Palestinian Authority crackdown on Hamas 'jeopardizes elections'

Middle East
16:31 | 01/13/20


Hamas: Abbas looking for excuse to avoid elections

The Palestinian Authority security forces have arrested 195 Hamas members in the West Bank during the last week of December 2019, Hamas said on Monday.

The arrests, which are seen as another sign of the continued tensions between the PA and Hamas, are likely to hamper efforts to hold new presidential and parliamentary elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
No surprise. The PA is a bantustan government.
As you might have anticipated, the competing mini-caliphates are not playing well together. The sham of islamic terrorist elections is playing out with both factions understanding that control and exploitation of the UNRWA welfare fraud endowment is the prize of the winning tribe.

This can only get uglier with possibly a return to those lovely days of open, street warfare.

Palestinian Authority crackdown on Hamas 'jeopardizes elections'

Middle East
16:31 | 01/13/20


Hamas: Abbas looking for excuse to avoid elections

The Palestinian Authority security forces have arrested 195 Hamas members in the West Bank during the last week of December 2019, Hamas said on Monday.

The arrests, which are seen as another sign of the continued tensions between the PA and Hamas, are likely to hamper efforts to hold new presidential and parliamentary elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
No surprise. The PA is a bantustan government.

No surprise. More silly slogans.
I thought this was interesting. In the world of islamic terrorists and their UNRWA welfare fraud endowment, I wouldn't be surprised to read that Mahmoud had an unfortunate accident. The successor dictator might announce that Mahmoud had unfortunately fallen down a flight of stairs (repeatedly). Mahmoud is no more.

Fatah officials jockeying for power as Abbas’s tenure enters 15th year

Middle East
18:35 | 01/11/20


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas gestures beneath a poster of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. (photo credit:" FINBARR O'REILLY / REUTERS)
Numerous leaders in the Palestinian Authority have been vying for a change of leadership under the radar.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas enters the 15th year of his four-year term of office amid reports of a behind-the-scenes war of succession in Ramallah.

According to the reports, Hussein Al-Sheikh, head of the PA’s General Authority for Civil Affairs and member of the Fatah Central Committee; and Majed Faraj, head of the PA General Intelligence Service, have been working to prepare for the post-Abbas era.

The reports said that Al-Sheikh and Faraj have been trying to convince PLO and Fatah officials to support PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh as Abbas’s successor.
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