Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The apartheid against Palestinians in Lebanon is getting worse - but since Israel isn't involved, no one bothers to pretend to be in solidarity with them.

Yasser Ali, a member of the General Secretariat of the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad, warned of "the specter of famine" in Palestinian camps in Lebanon.

He stated that the unemployment rate in the camps that Palestinians are forced to live in worsened from 56% to 65% in 2019 and the poverty rate worsened from 65% to 80%.

Palestinians in Lebanon are barred from some 73 categories of jobs in Lebanon, which is why their unemployment and poverty rates are so high.

In addition, Ali said, Lebanese banks does not allow Palestinians to withdraw funds or even to have funds transferred from abroad.

A large number of refugees mainly depend on their children's remittances from abroad, estimated at about one hundred million dollars per year. Most UNRWA "registered refugees" in Lebanon have left Lebanon long ago; as of a couple of years ago there were only 174,000 actually in Lebanon out of some 470,000 listed. Now, the numbers are probably lower as young Palestinians in Lebanon have literally no future.

(full article online)

Palestinians are in danger of starving - in Lebanon. So you won't read about it in the media. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The nurses were taking part in a four-day medical simulation course that has been held for Palestinian health professionals at the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan a few times annually for the past ten years.

“I have learned many things during this experience, which I will bring back with me to my community,” said a 42-year-old nurse from Gaza City, who teaches clinical nursing at a hospital in the coastal enclave and asked to remain nameless. “It is important because it has enabled me to work on improving my skills without fear that a real patient will be harmed.”

The course took place from Monday to Thursday at Sheba’s Israel Center for Medical Simulation and included various exercises with mannequins related to trauma management and resuscitation.

The program also featured sessions on managerial skills, focusing on how to deal with tense situations. In one of those sessions, for example, the nurses were asked to speak to an individual posing as a relative of a patient who was frustrated about the treatment his family member received.

(full article online)

Palestinian nurses hone their skills at Israeli medical institution
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It is almost as if SOME families ares support by a bread-winner who's occupation is TERRORIST."

Islamic Terrorist Outrage Alert!
“....32 families of terrorists with Israeli citizenship.”
Shocking, that. Why would islamic terrorists want IsraelI citizenship?

I wonder what forensic psychology has to say about these families in which all the income is derived from criminal activity.

Most Respectfully,

Lots of data on the web about the sociopathic behavior and rates of suicide and depression among those in those territories controlled by the islamic terrorist franchises.

When a society is molded around a cradle to grave program of indoctrination glorifying self-destruction in the act of mass murder, maladjusted individuals reflecting a greater societal illness is expected.

I can't separate islamic ideology from the actions of Moslems. One of the strangest dynamics one encounters in dealing with folks embracing such an ideology is their refusal to acknowledge that their beliefs can be a wellspring of hate and derision. It really is a prescription for a maladjusted personality, and again, it's evident by the seething passions that are whipped up by religious / ideological fervor and a belief that carnal rewards await in the afterlife.
With Hamas bending and scraping before the Iranian Mullocrats and begging for welfare money, it’s inevitable that the Iranians will also supply Hamas with arms and ammunition. Iran has every intention of promoting Shia ideology in the region.

Shin Bet head: Don't allow Hamas to turn into Hezbollah

As Israel moves toward a ceasefire agreement with Hamas in Gaza, the head of Israel’s Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), Nadav Argaman, has warned the Security Cabinet against allowing Hamas to turn into the second Hezbollah by not limiting the terror group’s military buildup as part of the arrangement.

According to a report by Yediot Aharonot, during the security cabinet meeting on Wednesday that was attended by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Naftali Bennett and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, Argaman read an article that discussed Israel’s failure to stop Hezbollah’s intensive military buildup following the Second Lebanon War and warned of a similar possibility in Gaza.
The concept of a “moderate” Islamic terrorist / supremacist is an oxymoron.

Palestinian 'Moderates' Celebrate Terror

by Bassam Tawil
January 3, 2020 at 5:00 am

Palestinian 'Moderates' Celebrate Terror
  • It is worth noting that the published statements made in the past few days by the Fatah group in the Gaza Strip are almost entirely consistent with the Hamas ideology [of replacing Israel with an Islamic state through violent jihad (holy war)].

  • "We will continue the struggle until the liberation of the entire Palestine lands from the filth of the Zionist occupation." – Fatah, Kataeb Shuhada Al-Aqsa - Liwa' Al-Shaheed Nidal Al-Amoudi, November 13, 2019.

  • Those who continue to refer to Fatah as a "moderate" Palestinian faction need to take into account that it speaks in different voices in Arabic and English and sends conflicting messages as to its true intentions.
It will be interesting to see what this goes. I have to believe that the Iranian Mullocrats are going to pressure their flunkies in Hamas to retaliate against Israel.

Israel, of course, had no connection with the US strike in Iraq but why would that matter to islamic misfits?

Israel said to warn Gaza terror groups against responding to Soleimani killing

Report says warning relayed to Hamas, Islamic Jihad via Egypt; security cabinet to meet Sunday in wake of heightened threats
Resistance against islamic terrorism / colonialism is a right.

IDF: 54 targets struck in Syria, 900 in Gaza over past year


More “resistance”.

Remarkable how much time and energy Arabs-Moslems spend “resisting” the pratfalls and comedy of errors that defines their very existence.

Hamas calls for resistance against Israeli tax move - World News

Israel's security cabinet voted Dec. 29 to deduct $43 million from the tax funds the Israeli administration transfers each month to the Palestinian Authority.

Palestinians say the funds are needed to help families affected by violence and the Israeli occupation.

The cabinet also approved the withholding of $144 million of tax funds from Palestinians in Feb. 2019.

What a shame the Arabs-Moslems “resist” making any attempt at a functioning society.
It looks like Iran is rallying their flunkies into a “resistance” froth.

The threats aimed at Israel are little more than excuses for expressions of the expected Jew hatreds coming from Islamist ideology.

Just what one would expect from an ideology of hate and retrogression.

Hezbollah, Hamas and Assad Regime Praise Soleimani, Vow Revenge for Iranian General’s Death

Iranian demonstrators hold up mobile phones showing pictures of late Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, in front of the UN office in Tehran, Jan. 3, 2020. Photo: Nazanin Tabatabaee / WANA (West Asia News Agency) via Reuters.

Iran’s Shi’a terror proxy in Lebanon on Friday reacted furiously to the news of the killing of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani in a US airstrike in Baghdad, but stopped short of specifying exactly how it planned to respond.

Hailing Soleimani as a “master of resistance,” Hassan Nasrallah — the leader of Hezbollah, the Lebanese group backed by Iran for the past four decades — issued a vehement warning to the US and Israel.
Palestinians Exploiting Children to Fight Israel

The new Palestinian curriculum for grades 1 to 4 "is significantly more radical than previous curricula," concludes a new study by Hebrew University's Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se). It "teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies the existence of Israel, and focuses on a 'return' to an exclusively Palestinian homeland.
So, basically, social mores have changed very little since the 7th century.

UN report: Widespread child abuse in Palestinian Authority

A new report by the United Nations Children’s Fund revealed rampant child abuse in the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian Arab communities in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, including rape, forced marriages, and beatings.

According to the UNICEF report, "2% of all Palestinian women aged 15 to 49 years married before the age of 15." In addition, the report noted that nearly one quarter of Palestinian Arab women "marry" before the age of 18.

The percentage of forced child marriages was lower in communities outside the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza Strip. "In Lebanon, 5.9 per cent of Palestinian refugee girls and 13.4 of Syrian girls aged 15 to 19 years are married. In the Syrian Arab Republic, 13 per cent of Palestinian women aged 20 to 49 years were married before the age of 18."
The act of propping up a “mourning tent” for a Shia Moslem who is responsible for the deaths of uncounted numbers of Sunni Moslems of course will draw condemnation from the majority Sunni / Salafi Arabs.

The Hamas and PIJ wannabe Shia are only going to alienate the majority Sunni / Salafi Middle East.

I suppose that is the price Hamas and PIJ will pay for aligning with the Shia heretics for a welfare check.

Hamas, PIJ face criticism for mourning ‘murderer’ Soleimani

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leaders have been facing sharp criticism from several Palestinians and other Arabs for setting up a mourning tent in the Gaza Strip for Qassem Soleimani, commander of Al-Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), who was killed in a US assassination last week.

The critics took the two Iranian-backed Palestinian groups to task for expressing condolences over the death of Soleimani and accused them of seeking to appease Tehran in order to ensure continued financial and military support.
What a wonderful legacy. From Yasser Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas. An unbroken chain of islamic terrorist dictators, social misfits and welfare thieves who made personal fortunes through fraud and management of an Islamic terrorist franchise.

From Yasser “World's most Successful Islamic Terrorist” Arafat to Mahmoud “I Have a $50 million dollar Presidential Jet” Abbas, the planet has managed to shower welfare money on Arabs-Moslems who exist as an invented people with an invented national identity.

Palestinian Fatah marks 55 years with West Bank marches

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Hundreds of Palestinians marched through the West Bank city of Ramallah on Tuesday to mark the 55th anniversary of the Fatah movement led by President Mahmoud Abbas.
If Haniyeh and the lslamic terrorists in Hamas would simply announce their conversion to Shia Islam, the Ayatollahs might be willing to increase their welfare allowance.

Hamas leader praises Soleimani at Tehran funeral in show of support for Iran

Haniyeh tells mourners that Palestinian terror groups owe Quds Force general thanks for his backing; vows assassination will only strengthen drive ‘toward liberation of Palestine’
Hamas is performing some world-class sucking up in front of their Iranian masters.

It must be humiliating for Hamas mouthpieces to be summoned to Iran for photo-ops. However, Iranian welfare dollars come with conditions.

Hamas chief meets slain Iranian general’s successor in Tehran

Photo shows Haniyeh and new Quds Force commander Esmail Ghaani standing alongside each other; Hamas head also visits Qassem Soleimani’s family
By ADAM RASGON Today, 8:29 pm 10:47


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