Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It seems that women are the main targets of angry, socially inept Moslem men.

Women in Gaza: how life has changed

Violence against women has reached alarming levels. A December 2011 study by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, PCBS, revealed that 51% of all married women in Gaza had experienced violence from their husbands in the previous 12 months.

Two thirds (65%) of women surveyed by the PCBS said they preferred to keep silent about violence in the home. Less than 1% said they would seek help. Mona, my 22-year-old interpreter, is astonished when I later ask what support there is for women such as Eman. "If her husband, or in fact anyone in the family, knew she had talked about this, she'd be beaten or killed. As for places for a woman to run to safety, I don't know of any."
From Joe Truzman:

Fatah gunmen in the streets of Ramallah today celebrating the 55th anniversary of Fatah’s first attack against #Israel. #WestBankpic.twitter.com/0WCBpxPDrf
— Joe Truzman (@Jtruzmah) January 1, 2020

Nothing says "peace on Earth, goodwill to all men" like shooting automatic weapons in the air towards a Christmas tree.

It has now been 12 years since Mahmoud Abbas has claimed that he dismantled all Fatah armed groups - and here they still are, wearing masks, in Ramallah, shooting guns in the air.

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah shooting automatic weapons next to Ramallah Christmas Tree (video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
One might think it odd that Arabs-Moslems would celebrate the very Islamic terrorists who manipulated them and made them the poster children for ineptitude and, well, just plain stupidity.

Pal’istanian Mentality™️

Hamas allows rival Fatah to mark anniversary in Gaza rally

Associated Press January 1, 2020

A Palestinian carries a picture of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, during a rally marking the 55th anniversary of the Fatah movement founding, in Gaza City, Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020. Fatah is a secular Palestinian party and former guerrilla movement founded by Arafat, in Gaza City, Wednesday
It’s a bit hypocritical for the UN to condemn the use of child soldiers while that same, corrupt agency maintains an exclusive welfare fraud program that maintains the dysfunctional mini-caliphate promoting the use of child soldiers.

These uppity women need to learn their place in the wondrous Islamist social order.

Hamas bans Palestinian women’s TV channel in Gaza

Hamas on Sunday banned the launching of a new television station specializing in Palestinian women’s affairs in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Information said that the station, the first of its kind in the Gaza Strip, had failed to obtain a proper license from the relevant authorities.
These uppity women need to learn their place in the wondrous Islamist social order.

Hamas bans Palestinian women’s TV channel in Gaza

Hamas on Sunday banned the launching of a new television station specializing in Palestinian women’s affairs in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Information said that the station, the first of its kind in the Gaza Strip, had failed to obtain a proper license from the relevant authorities.
That is two years old. Do you have an update?
These uppity women need to learn their place in the wondrous Islamist social order.

Hamas bans Palestinian women’s TV channel in Gaza

Hamas on Sunday banned the launching of a new television station specializing in Palestinian women’s affairs in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Information said that the station, the first of its kind in the Gaza Strip, had failed to obtain a proper license from the relevant authorities.
That is two years old. Do you have an update?

What has changed in two years?
These uppity women need to learn their place in the wondrous Islamist social order.

Hamas bans Palestinian women’s TV channel in Gaza

Hamas on Sunday banned the launching of a new television station specializing in Palestinian women’s affairs in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Information said that the station, the first of its kind in the Gaza Strip, had failed to obtain a proper license from the relevant authorities.
That is two years old. Do you have an update?

I noticed that too, but I'm pretty sure things haven't changed. After all, Gazans are mostly Muslims.
I can’t imagine an agency more useless than the ICC when it comes to addressing Islamic terrorists and their use of children as cannon fodder.

The Case Against the Hamas Children’s Army Mastermind - Israel Today

A senior Hamas leader is being accused of recruiting 17,000 children of Gaza to partake in hostilities against Israel.

The Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) has opened a formal complaint at the International Criminal Court against Ismail Haniyeh, the highest ranking official in the Hamas terror organization. The 71-page accusation against Haniyeh contains evidence of his direct responsibility for “war crimes through the recruitment, enlistment and use of children below the age of 15 to participate directly in hostilities in an armed conflict.”
These uppity women need to learn their place in the wondrous Islamist social order.

Hamas bans Palestinian women’s TV channel in Gaza

Hamas on Sunday banned the launching of a new television station specializing in Palestinian women’s affairs in the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Information said that the station, the first of its kind in the Gaza Strip, had failed to obtain a proper license from the relevant authorities.
That is two years old. Do you have an update?

I have this, from a source you litter the board with.

Palestinian Women March against Gender Violence (VIDEO)
I can’t imagine an agency more useless than the ICC when it comes to addressing Islamic terrorists and their use of children as cannon fodder.

The Case Against the Hamas Children’s Army Mastermind - Israel Today

A senior Hamas leader is being accused of recruiting 17,000 children of Gaza to partake in hostilities against Israel.

The Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) has opened a formal complaint at the International Criminal Court against Ismail Haniyeh, the highest ranking official in the Hamas terror organization. The 71-page accusation against Haniyeh contains evidence of his direct responsibility for “war crimes through the recruitment, enlistment and use of children below the age of 15 to participate directly in hostilities in an armed conflict.”
I thought Israel was not a member of the ICC.
I can’t imagine an agency more useless than the ICC when it comes to addressing Islamic terrorists and their use of children as cannon fodder.

The Case Against the Hamas Children’s Army Mastermind - Israel Today

A senior Hamas leader is being accused of recruiting 17,000 children of Gaza to partake in hostilities against Israel.

The Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) has opened a formal complaint at the International Criminal Court against Ismail Haniyeh, the highest ranking official in the Hamas terror organization. The 71-page accusation against Haniyeh contains evidence of his direct responsibility for “war crimes through the recruitment, enlistment and use of children below the age of 15 to participate directly in hostilities in an armed conflict.”
I thought Israel was not a member of the ICC.

Try paying attention. The article was not about Israel.

“The 71-page accusation against Haniyeh contains evidence of his direct responsibility for “war crimes through the recruitment, enlistment and use of children below the age of 15 to participate directly in hostilities in an armed conflict.”

Disposable Arabs-Moslems.
Islamic Terrorist Outrage Alert!

Hamas outraged after Bennett seizes terrorists' money

Hamas spokesman Hazim Qasim on Wednesday blasted Defense Minister Naftali Bennett’s decision to seize funds from 32 families of terrorists with Israeli citizenship, Kan News reported.

According to the report, the Hamas spokesman claimed that the move was a "continuation of the Zionist war on the prisoners," called Bennett's move "robbery" and urged the Palestinian Authority not to surrender to this "Zionist step," as he put it.

“....32 families of terrorists with Israeli citizenship.”

Shocking, that. Why would islamic terrorists want IsraelI citizenship?

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It is almost as if SOME families ares support by a bread-winner who's occupation is TERRORIST."

Islamic Terrorist Outrage Alert!
“....32 families of terrorists with Israeli citizenship.”
Shocking, that. Why would islamic terrorists want IsraelI citizenship?

I wonder what forensic psychology has to say about these families in which all the income is derived from criminal activity.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It is almost as if SOME families ares support by a bread-winner who's occupation is TERRORIST."

Islamic Terrorist Outrage Alert!
“....32 families of terrorists with Israeli citizenship.”
Shocking, that. Why would islamic terrorists want IsraelI citizenship?

I wonder what forensic psychology has to say about these families in which all the income is derived from criminal activity.

Most Respectfully,
Most every country takes care of their veterans and families. The Palestinians shouldn't change that just to satisfy some foreign name callers.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It is almost as if SOME families ares support by a bread-winner who's occupation is TERRORIST."

Islamic Terrorist Outrage Alert!
“....32 families of terrorists with Israeli citizenship.”
Shocking, that. Why would islamic terrorists want IsraelI citizenship?

I wonder what forensic psychology has to say about these families in which all the income is derived from criminal activity.

Most Respectfully,
Most every country takes care of their veterans and families. The Palestinians shouldn't change that just to satisfy some foreign name callers.

A man who enters a home, kills a mother, and then tries to kill her kids before escaping, is not a veteran.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It is almost as if SOME families ares support by a bread-winner who's occupation is TERRORIST."

Islamic Terrorist Outrage Alert!
“....32 families of terrorists with Israeli citizenship.”
Shocking, that. Why would islamic terrorists want IsraelI citizenship?

I wonder what forensic psychology has to say about these families in which all the income is derived from criminal activity.

Most Respectfully,
Most every country takes care of their veterans and families. The Palestinians shouldn't change that just to satisfy some foreign name callers.

Pretty much typifies everything that is twisted and immoral with the islamic terrorist mindset.
[ So many pants on fire ]

It uses as its only source the fully discredited 2009 article in Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that made the same claim and then admitted that it had no evidence but was just "raising questions." Even professional Israel hater Gideon Levy called the Aftonbladet report "cheap and harmful journalism" while his employer Haaretz wrote, "Donald Bostrom, a veteran Swedish journalist, wrote a despicable, utterly baseless article."

Al-Kidwa evidently feels that since it has been over a decade since the controversy, he can resurrect it without fear of anyone fact checking him and then add that this organ stealing is still happening today, again without even the pretense of evidence.

It is just another blood libel against Jews. And it is not only a single person, but the Palestinian Authority made that same claim in an official letter to the UN.

(full article online)

Palestinian and Jordanian media again accusing Israel of stealing Palestinian "martyr" organs ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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