Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Those Poor, oppressed islamic terrorists.

They get rather indignant when their perceived entitlement to murder and mayhem is challenged.

RAMALLAH, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- Palestine on Sunday slammed Israel's decision to freeze millions of dollars from Palestinian tax revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinians.

"The Israeli government's decision to withhold 150 million shekels (43.4 million U.S. dollars) from Palestine's tax revenues is a blatant act of theft and political extortion," said Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Ashrawi described the move as "a criminal act of collective punishment exacted for cynical domestic Israeli political reasons."

While the linked article addresses the theft and welfare fraud of the Abbas islamic terrorist / criminal enterprise, those in the competing mini-caliphate in Gaza are no less corrupt.

It's just unconscionable that the welfare fraud continue and the globe still finances islamic terrorists.

The Palestinian Authority and its money
A report on what happens to the funds that are collected through the Palestinian Authority Donor Machine.

The Palestinian Authority and its money


When it comes to humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority, transparency does not exist.

The result is a rich Palestinian elite which builds exclusive neighborhoods around Ramallah, leaving thousands of shoddily constructed apartments without services for the rest of Palestinian society.

Yasser Arafat set the tone for the PA when he arrived in Gaza in 1994. Arafat took control of every contract and investment, using donor money to build a secret $1 billion portfolio, including investments in Coca Cola, a Tunisian cellular phone company and venture capital funds in the US and Cayman Islands.

Arafat stole $1 billion in tax revenue relayed by Israel for Palestinian workers. The money went to Arafat’s personal account in Israel’s Bank Leumi in Tel Aviv.

$100,000 a month went to Arafat’s wife, Suha, living in Paris. Arafat was estimated by U.S. investigators to be worth between $1 billion and $3 billion. [1]

Within three years of the PA’s establishment, Palestinian auditors found that 40 percent of the PA budget, $326 million, was misappropriated, a figure that rose to $700 million a decade later. [2]

Not one Western government objected. This set the tone for theft at all levels in the PA. PA officials paid themselves high salaries and skimmed from others. [3]

Enter Abbas

Under Arafat’s successor, Mahmoud Abbas, nepotism reached every level of civil service. Officials, often related to Abbas, commanded salaries of $10,000 per month, more than 10 times that of ordinary civil servants, and opened secret accounts in Jordan with money received in bribes. [4]
Approximately 5% of the budget of the Palestinian Authority are paid to terrorist families.

By: Vladik Sandler
Yes, the angry, competing mini-caliphate’ists are hurling accusations at each other. It’s as though they are playing a game of one-upsmanship
with each side making bolder, angrier accusations aimed at their rival Islamic terrorist / welfare fraud syndicate.

At some point, one side or the other is going to “do an islam” and ramp up the war of words to war of largest caliber firearm.

May both sides enjoy their spiral into the abyss.

Fatah: Hamas leader 'promoting' Trump's 'Deal of the Century'

In yet another sign of mounting tensions between the two rival parties, the Palestinian ruling Fatah faction on Monday accused Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh of "promoting" US President Donald Trump’s yet-to-be-announced plan for peace in the Middle East, also known as the “Deal of the Century.”

The latest allegation came after Hamas announced that its security forces arrested a number of Palestinian Authority intelligence officers on suspicion of helping Israel kill Palestinian Islamic Jihad military commander Baha Abu al-Ata in the Gaza Strip in November.
With Ahed Tamimi past her young teen years and having a lot of hard miles put on, the islam is looking for a young gee-had virgin, as it were, to be the face of Islamic child abuse.

Exploitation of young girls is a 1,400 year old tradition in the islam.

Good enough for the 7th century, good enough for today, it seems.

Rewarding Palestinian Child Exploitation: Janna Jihad goes on the propaganda circuit.

Rewarding Palestinian Child Exploitation: Janna Jihad Goes to Congress [incl. Marc Lamont Hill, Omar Suleiman]
Why is it I’m not surprised that Rashida Tlaib took part in the exploitation of a child and added to the glorification of a truly vile aspect of Islamic ideology?

Rashida Tlaib's Disturbing Interview with Young Palestinian Terror Promoter Janna Jihad

As a member of the infamous Tamimi clan, Janna Jihad is the 13-year-old cousin of ‘Shirley Temper’ Ahed Tamimi, and is also related to terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, who planned and helped perpetrate the Sbarro bombing in 2001.

Like big cousin Ahed, Janna has been groomed as a young palestinian propaganda star by serial child exploiters Bassem Tamimi and his wife.

Recently, Janna has been on a US speaking tour organized by anti-Israel organizations like Code Pink, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). You can read all about Janna and the tour here, but suffice to say, like other Tamimis before her, she promotes the idea of “liberating Palestine.” It is clear, this includes support for terrorism.
With Ahed Tamimi past her young teen years and having a lot of hard miles put on, the islam is looking for a young gee-had virgin, as it were, to be the face of Islamic child abuse.

Exploitation of young girls is a 1,400 year old tradition in the islam.

Good enough for the 7th century, good enough for today, it seems.

Rewarding Palestinian Child Exploitation: Janna Jihad goes on the propaganda circuit.

Rewarding Palestinian Child Exploitation: Janna Jihad Goes to Congress [incl. Marc Lamont Hill, Omar Suleiman]
Great article. (Except for the sour grapes and juvenile name calling.)
With Ahed Tamimi past her young teen years and having a lot of hard miles put on, the islam is looking for a young gee-had virgin, as it were, to be the face of Islamic child abuse.

Exploitation of young girls is a 1,400 year old tradition in the islam.

Good enough for the 7th century, good enough for today, it seems.

Rewarding Palestinian Child Exploitation: Janna Jihad goes on the propaganda circuit.

Rewarding Palestinian Child Exploitation: Janna Jihad Goes to Congress [incl. Marc Lamont Hill, Omar Suleiman]
Great article. (Except for the sour grapes and juvenile name calling.)

Yes. Rewarding child abuse seems to be a pathology among Arabs-Moslems.

What is especially interesting is that the PLO had to sign an agreement to eliminate discrimination against women, just in order to join the ICC, so that it could prosecute Israel, but this was too progressive for them. They now want to rescind this agreement about women. This is laughable for 2 reasons:
1) Foolish Tinmore keeps posting pics of female Palestinian race-car drivers to show how progressive the Palestinians are, not realizing they are only props for PR purposes.
2) Israel was the only country in the world taken to task for its treatment of women. Not Saudi Arabia, Iran or Yemen, where they are dressed in shame sacks. No, ONLY Israel.
Poor, Mahmoud, he’s in a bit of a conspiracy theory meltdown regarding a purported ceasefire between the Islamic terrorists in Gaza and Israel.

Firstly, past ceasefires between Hamas and Israel have shown that the Islamic terrorists adhere to the principle of a Hudna or temporary pause in fighting to re-equip and rearm. There’s no reason to believe that Hamas can control the Iranian backed PIJ stooges so attacks aimed at Israel are not going to magically end.

I’m waiting to see if Mahmoud will “do a gee-had” and step up his war of words (and maybe war of large caliber weapons) when he feels a greater threat to his mini-caliphate.

Israel is emboldening Hamas, Palestinians warn

The Palestinian Authority is finding it hard to control its fury in the wake of reports Israel and Hamas are close to finalizing a long-term ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian political analysts said sarcastically on Tuesday that the PA’s apoplectic reaction to the purported deal resembles that of a betrayed spouse. The Israeli government’s actions, they added, indicate that it prefers Hamas over the PA.

According to the analysts, PA President Mahmoud Abbas is convinced the Israeli government and US President Donald Trump’s administration are seeking to establish a Hamas-led mini Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip.
As you might expect in a largely lawless Islamic terrorist enclave, women face a pretty bleak existence.

The Status of Women in Gaza


Women's rights encountered significant barriers to progress with Hamas' rise to power in 2007. Although women make up 50% of the population in Gaza, their influence in most fields is limited, and their basic rights are often systematically denied. The role of women in a Hamas-dominated society was laid out in its 1988 charter, which states that Muslim women are important in that they "manufacture men and play a great role in guiding and educating the [new] generation." While women have achieved some limited accomplishments since Hamas came to power, gender discrimination has intensified overall
Some fun facts for Arabs-Moslems who haven’t yet been able to claw their way out of their 7th century worldviews.

Facts and Figures

  • Early marriage under 18 years old reached 20.5 per cent among females and 1 per cent among males out of the total married population in Palestine [1].
  • Approximately 15 per cent of married women in Gaza experienced incidents of sexual abuse by husbands over the previous year. More than half of these experienced it repeatedly (3+ times) [2].
  • 50 per cent of Palestinian women and 63 per cent of Palestinian men agreed that a woman should tolerate violence to keep the family together. [3].
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