Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Yep. The 1,400 year old blood feud that divides the Sunni and Shia tribes burns as hot today as it did in the 7th century.

For most of the Sunni Arab world, Hamas is viewed to be sleeping with the enemy.


Hamas politburo leader Ismail Haniyeh’s presence at last rites for former Quds Force commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani was an "attack on Egypt’s national honor," says Egyptian intelligence official.

The official went on to attack Haniyeh’s conduct and stress that "Haniyeh and Hamas have chosen to side with Iran while blatantly ignoring the unmistakable messages from Cairo and other Sunni Arab nations. Qassem Soleimani is responsible for the murder of thousands of Sunni Muslims, including many Palestinians."
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With Haniyeh taking sides against the Sunni tribes, this can't go well.

Pay your respects, everybody tells you
You pay for what you get” -Dave Matthews

Egypt reportedly simmers over Hamas chief’s trip to Iran. The last thing the Sunni want is another Shia encampment in their neighborhood.

Egypt reportedly simmers over Hamas chief’s trip to Iran

Cairo said to have allowed Ismail Haniyeh to travel beyond Gaza and Egypt on condition that he not visit the Islamic Republic; sources predict move will cause a ‘major crisis’.
You didn't get an invitation to the fatah fashion show?

There was even a display of the fem gee-had.

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Flaunting terror, Abbas' Fatah strides into 2020
Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Jan 6, 2020
  • Dozens of masked fighters with automatic rifles and pistols together with posters of terrorist murderers displayed at parades


Abbas’ Fatah Movement intends to continue using violence and terror against Israel in 2020. That is the clear message Fatah chose to proclaim through its 55th anniversary celebrations. In Bethlehem and Salfit, for example, numerous Palestinian men and women participated in anniversary marches and demonstrations carrying assault rifles and handguns, and wearing military uniforms and masks.

With Hamas getting all those sweet Iranian hugs, kisses and welfare money, I suspect Fatah is feeling a bit like the first, teenage bride being sidelined in favor of the new, pre-teen bride.
Prime minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said, "The government adheres to Palestinian values and principles, and does not violate the Sharia. ...Our religious and national values are above everything else, and this is in keeping with the decision of the Constitutional Court's decision, and as a protection of our (women's) honor, the unity of our society and the rule of law."

What did the Constitutional Court rule?

Al-Monitor reports, quoting an Abbas aide: "There is also a decision by the Constitutional Court whereby international agreements prevail over local laws, provided these are consistent with the Palestinian religious and cultural legacy."

They did not tell the UN this little fact that they follow Sharia over international agreement when they signed CEDAW. There were no reservations included in their agreement.

(full article online)

Palestinian prime minister admits they won't honor signed agreements that contradict Sharia. (Spoiler: This includes peace with Israel.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Shed a treat, won’t you?

PA condemns Israel's seizure of "Pay-for-Slay" funds from Israeli Arab terrorists, repeats lie that rewards are welfare

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Jan 7, 2020
PA condemns Israel's seizure of "Pay-for-Slay" funds from Israeli Arab terrorists, repeats lie that rewards are welfare | PMW Analysis

The reaction of the Palestinian Authority to the order of Israel’s Minister of Defense Naftali Bennett to seize the monies paid by the PA in salaries to Israeli Arab terrorist prisoners highlighted the false nature of the PA’s claims regarding its “Pay-for-Slay” policy. The decision of Minister Bennett to seize the funds followed the recommendation of Palestinian Media Watch days prior.
It's so cute that a cabal of Sunni islamic terrorists from Hamas were supposed.moned to meet their new boss in Tehran.

More Sunni Islamist bending and scraping before their Shia masters. This will go swimmingly with Egypt and the KSA.

Hamas delegation meets Soleimani's successor in Iran

Breaking News
17:36 | 01/06/20
A delegation of Hamas officials met assassinated IRGC Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani's successor, Ismail Qaani in Iran, Ynet reported on Monday.

According to Ynet, the participants, among which were Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh and Saleh alArouri, visited the country to participate in Soleimani's funeral.
Thanks, Jibril.

Pompous, Islamic terrorist misfits making demands is old news.

Jibril Rajoub demands boycott of Israel in sports

Jibril Rajoub demands boycott of Israel in sports | PMW Analysis

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 8, 2020
  • Jibril Rajoub “conveyed blessings to all the Arab athletes who have refused to compete with Israeli athletes”
  • Rajoub demands implementation of boycott defined by Council of Arab Ministers for Youth and Sports:
“To refuse to participate in any event that the occupation state hosts; To refuse to host any event in which Israeli groups participate; and for every Arab athlete to refuse to compete against an Israeli athlete."
It truly is a shame that contributions to a corrupt welfare endowment for islamic terrorists is allowed to continue.

Growing calls to defund UNRWA, after scathing report

The demands from the Jewish organizations came on the heels of a leaked internal report that revealed, according to media accounts, “credible and corroborated” allegations of “serious ethical abuses.”

The report, which was sent to the UN secretary general in December and obtained by Al Jazeera and Agence France-Presse (AFP) late last month, alleged that senior UNRWA management engaged in “sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation, discrimination and other abuses of authority, for personal gain, to suppress legitimate dissent and to otherwise achieve their personal objectives,” AFP reported.
‘Experts’ Perpetuate Mideast and Palestinian Myths

Myth #1: Palestinian Arab terrorism is caused by poverty.

Many of the modern-day Zionist pioneers involved in rebuilding the Land of Israel in the late 1800s and early 1900s likewise believed that the Palestinian Arabs would drop their opposition to the Jews once they saw how much they would benefit from Jewish immigration.

Jobs. Running water. Electricity. Trains. They were followed by refrigerators, telephones, mail service, and automobiles. Arabs from Syria, Egypt, and across the Jordan River poured into the country and enjoyed better jobs, better homes, and better food. But it didn’t stop them from hating Jews. In 1920, 1921, 1929, and continuously from 1936 to 1939, Palestinian Arabs shot, stabbed, and bombed Jews throughout the country, even when it undermined their own economic well-being.
He wore a T-shirt that says "New York."

And a Superman baseball cap.

Superman, of course, traditionally stood for "Truth, Justice and the American Way" - and was created by two Jewish guys.

For wanting to see America destroyed, they sure seem to love America.

(full article online)

Gazan with "New York" T-Shirt and Superman cap participates in "Death To America" event ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestinians like Americans. They just hate the assholes in our government.
He wore a T-shirt that says "New York."

And a Superman baseball cap.

Superman, of course, traditionally stood for "Truth, Justice and the American Way" - and was created by two Jewish guys.

For wanting to see America destroyed, they sure seem to love America.

(full article online)

Gazan with "New York" T-Shirt and Superman cap participates in "Death To America" event ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestinians like Americans. They just hate the assholes in our government.

Actually, your specious banter is hardly true.

Pew Survey: Palestinian Arabs Dislike America More Than Any Other Group

Palestinian Blackmail: US Is Our Enemy
It's actually refreshing to read the statements of Gulf area Arabs-Moslems as it relates to those posing as "Pal'istanians". The Pals have always been "useful idiots" to be manipulated as necessary for the benefit of Arabs.

Now, the Iranians have taken the reins as primary manipulators which has enraged the Arabs.

The Palestinians' Real Enemies

"The Palestinians are useful to the Arab states as they are," President Gamal Abdel Nasser candidly responded to an enquiring Western reporter. "We will always see that they do not become too powerful. Can you imagine yet another nation on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean!"[5] Had these territories not come under Israel's control during the June 1967 war, their populations would have lost whatever vestiges of Palestinian identity they retained since 1948. For the second time in two decades, Israel unwittingly salvaged the Palestinian national cause.
He wore a T-shirt that says "New York."

And a Superman baseball cap.

Superman, of course, traditionally stood for "Truth, Justice and the American Way" - and was created by two Jewish guys.

For wanting to see America destroyed, they sure seem to love America.

(full article online)

Gazan with "New York" T-Shirt and Superman cap participates in "Death To America" event ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestinians like Americans. They just hate the assholes in our government.

Actually, your specious banter is hardly true.

Pew Survey: Palestinian Arabs Dislike America More Than Any Other Group

Palestinian Blackmail: US Is Our Enemy
Last weekend, the Palestinians' anti-American campaign reached a peak, when activists in a refugee camp near Bethlehem held a mock trial for Trump and Pence.​

Indeed, those are the government assholes I was talking about.
He wore a T-shirt that says "New York."

And a Superman baseball cap.

Superman, of course, traditionally stood for "Truth, Justice and the American Way" - and was created by two Jewish guys.

For wanting to see America destroyed, they sure seem to love America.

(full article online)

Gazan with "New York" T-Shirt and Superman cap participates in "Death To America" event ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestinians like Americans. They just hate the assholes in our government.

Actually, your specious banter is hardly true.

Pew Survey: Palestinian Arabs Dislike America More Than Any Other Group

Palestinian Blackmail: US Is Our Enemy
Last weekend, the Palestinians' anti-American campaign reached a peak, when activists in a refugee camp near Bethlehem held a mock trial for Trump and Pence.​

Indeed, those are the government assholes I was talking about.

Indeed, you’re not paying attention.

Is deflection all you got?
Whomever contributes to the Hamas welfare fraud fund is going to be Ismail Haniyeh’s new best friend. I suppose he is willing to bear the wrath of the Sunni Arab street in exchange for Shia welfare.

Haniyeh’s visit signals Hamas seeks stronger Iranian alliance

The US assassination Jan. 3 of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani has been a bombshell in the news. Yet Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh’s visit Jan. 6 to Iran for Soleimani's funeral is creating quite a stir itself in the Middle East.

Haniyeh, who hadn't visited Iran since 2012, was accompanied this time by a Hamas leadership delegation. He was the only non-Iranian figure to speak at the funeral, and Soleimani's daughter mentioned Haniyeh, along with other Iranian allies, as figures who will avenge her father’s killing.
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