Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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In case you didnt know:

Fatah on Trump's peace plan: Palestine must be defended 'with blood'

Fatah has told Palestinians to reject Trump's peace plan, claiming that the whole of Israel is part of the Quran which must be defended with their lives.

That's odd because we're told "this is not a religious conflict" .

Be sure to check the spring sales section of your newspapers. Rakes and pitchforks should be on sale soon at your nearby home and garden center.
Gee-had denied.

I suspect that Iran is going to be rather upset with their paid Hamas lackeys.

Revealed: Israel thwarted Hamas bid to smuggle weapons into Gaza by sea

The vessel used in the smuggling attempt was spotted by naval troops of a unit tasked with protecting military and civilian ports, in conjucntion with the Shin Bet security service.
IDF troops intercept a smuggling vessel headed for Hamas in Gaza.

The troops intercepted the vessel, arresting two suspected terrorists and uncovering weapons believed to be destined for Hamas naval commandos.
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Israel has responded to more Islamic terrorist attacks.

IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza in response to Netivot rockets

A spokesperson for the IDF said among the military sites struck in southern Gaza, was a weapons manufacturing facility belonging to the terrorist organization's military wing. "This attack undermines Hamas’s ability to reinforce," said the army in a statement.


Fire from IDF strikes in Gaza overnight
Brought to you by psychopaths.

Animated video of real murder of Israelis - on social network popular among children

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 5, 2020

An animated video that encourages murdering Israelis by showing graphic recreated scenes of real terror attacks has appeared on TikTok – a social network popular among children, where users can create and share short videos.
The gee-had will not end well for the islamic terrorist and calls for attacks.

I suppose that Hamas must do as they're told by the Shia mullocrats or the welfare payments from Iran will be in jeapordy.

Hamas calls for more confrontations with Israel and settlers

Hamas calls for more confrontations with Israel and settlers

Terror group urges violence after Israeli security forces shoot dead a Palestinian teen, who IDF says threw Molotov cocktail at troops during clashes in Hebron
Lovely, lovely people.

They refuse to participate in a plan that could improve their lives and would shower them with additional billions of dollars in welfare payments.

Hamas Cheers Jerusalem Terrorist Attack as 'Response' to Trump Peace Plan

(AFP) — Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas hailed a car-ramming in Jerusalem that wounded 12 Israeli troops on Thursday as a “practical response” to US President Donald Trump’s controversial Middle East peace plan.
Both islamic terrorist franchises (Hamas and Fatah), are stepping into panic mode. They both see the status quo (their dedicated UN funded welfare entitlement), as an endangered species. Very likely, Iran is demanding Hamas ramp up its terrorist attacks for continued Iranian welfare money.

Abbas blames rash of attacks on Trump peace plan; Hamas praises ‘revolution’

Statement from office of PA president says Palestinian people will ‘stand strong’ against proposal, ‘regardless of the sacrifices’; Hamas lauds ‘decision to expel the occupation’

The islamic terrorist syndicate known as Fatah haz taken on an even broader role of participation in islamic terrorist attacks.

Fatah instructs PA Security Forces not to pursue Palestinian terrorists

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 6, 2020

Palestinian terrorists committed 2 shooting attacks and 1 car ramming attack in the last 24 hours, just 3 days after the former head of Palestinian Authority security services, Tawfiq Tirawi, called on the security services not to “pursue any fighter.” In other words, Tirawi called for the Palestinian police not to notify Israel about terrorists or terrorist acts that they are about to commit.
I’m thinking this is going to get very ugly for the Islamic terrorists. Egypt has been able to intermittently put a throttle on Hamas. It seems now that Cairo has decided not to step in. Tehran will have the upper hand and demand that Hamas earn their welfare checks.

Egypt stays out of renewed Israel-Gaza escalations

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A series of military skirmishes broke out between Israel and the Gaza Strip this past week, the latest taking place Feb. 5 at dawn. Israeli aircraft launched raids on a Hamas position in the southern Gaza Strip after the Israeli army said three rockets were launched from the enclave toward Israel. The rockets fell on open spaces in the Gaza Strip.
Oh, my. The angry Islamic terrorists are at each other’s throats again.... I mean still at each other’s throats. Maybe if they were given their own states they would learn to co-exist with the thinking humans.

Hamas, Fatah Cancel Unity Meeting in Gaza

A Fatah and Hamas meeting in the Gaza Strip that was supposed to take place Wednesday and which was intended to coordinate opposition to the US ‘Deal of the Century’ peace plan has been postponed and may be canceled.

The feuding factions are exchanging accusations about the reasons for the cancellation of the meeting, which was decided upon during a phone call from Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh to Palestinian Authority and Fatah faction leader Mahmoud Abbas. At that time, Haniyeh invited Abbas to visit Gaza.
Israel has responded to more Islamic terrorist attacks. It was a rather tepid response in view of the many recent attacks.

I’m not sure why the IsraelI government doesn’t respond with a more sweeping array of targeting as a way to send a message.

Gaza rocket strikes field in south; IDF tanks respond, striking 2 Hamas posts

Projectile causes neither injury nor damage; earlier on Saturday, suspected explosive device lands in border community

Today, 7:54 pmUpdated at 9:04 pm 3
Lovely, lovely people.

They refuse to participate in a plan that could improve their lives and would shower them with additional billions of dollars in welfare payments.

Hamas Cheers Jerusalem Terrorist Attack as 'Response' to Trump Peace Plan

(AFP) — Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas hailed a car-ramming in Jerusalem that wounded 12 Israeli troops on Thursday as a “practical response” to US President Donald Trump’s controversial Middle East peace plan.
Attacks on invading foreign troops is not terrorism. They are legitimate targets.

Who wrote this crock of crap?
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