Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I don't believe there is a unified idea as to the goals and objectives the Arab Palestinians universally understand and believe in as a culture. In fact, those that see Palestine (from the River to the Sea) do not see same Palestine (with the pre-1967 War boundaries).

The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine" - Yasser Arafat
Decades after the death of an Egyptian terrorist who invented the “Pal’istanians”, his blustering proclamation is an abject failure.

It is actually hard to say that the dream held by Yasser Arafat held is an abject failure when it is not the same as that of HAMAS or Fatah (today). (Did he actually have a dream and objective at all?)

I would like to know if the Arab Palestinians, excluding the many psychopaths (that just want to kill Jews for sport), actually have a consensus today as to what they want as to the fulfillment of the dream?

You can't be a failure at achieving an undefined goal and objective. One of the reasons that the Arab Palestinian Government (that which is beyond the Basic Law) do not want to talk about peace criteria is that they do not want an internal conflict to emerge between opposing objective.

And, there are simply some of the Arab Palestinians that simply do not see an advantage to folding their tents when they can still siphon off the Donor Contributions for the accumulation of personal wealth.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I don't believe there is a unified idea as to the goals and objectives the Arab Palestinians universally understand and believe in as a culture. In fact, those that see Palestine (from the River to the Sea) do not see same Palestine (with the pre-1967 War boundaries).

The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine" - Yasser Arafat
Decades after the death of an Egyptian terrorist who invented the “Pal’istanians”, his blustering proclamation is an abject failure.

It is actually hard to say that the dream held by Yasser Arafat held is an abject failure when it is not the same as that of HAMAS or Fatah (today). (Did he actually have a dream and objective at all?)

I would like to know if the Arab Palestinians, excluding the many psychopaths (that just want to kill Jews for sport), actually have a consensus today as to what they want as to the fulfillment of the dream?

You can't be a failure at achieving an undefined goal and objective. One of the reasons that the Arab Palestinian Government (that which is beyond the Basic Law) do not want to talk about peace criteria is that they do not want an internal conflict to emerge between opposing objective.

And, there are simply some of the Arab Palestinians that simply do not see an advantage to folding their tents when they can still siphon off the Donor Contributions for the accumulation of personal wealth.

Most Respectfully,
It is actually hard to say that the dream held by Yasser Arafat held is an abject failure when it is not the same as that of HAMAS or Fatah (today). (Did he actually have a dream and objective at all?)
Arafat's dream was a single, secular, democratic state with equal rights for all. Although this is an ideal for western democracies it went against the original concept of Israel. Then in the 1970s he started to buy into the two state solution. Solution for what? What problems are they attempting to resolve?

The Palestinians today view Fatah and Hamas as obstacles. They are rarely ever mentioned and then it is in contempt. Fatah is worse because they will give away the store and Hamas will not. That is why most of the slime and name calling goes to Hamas.

The Palestinian's vision for the future has been solidifying over the last couple of decades. Many would say since the popularity of the internet. Now they can counter the bullshit that Israel has been shoveling since its inception.

The three components of BDS are embraced by virtually every Palestinian everywhere.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I don't believe there is a unified idea as to the goals and objectives the Arab Palestinians universally understand and believe in as a culture. In fact, those that see Palestine (from the River to the Sea) do not see same Palestine (with the pre-1967 War boundaries).

The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine" - Yasser Arafat
Decades after the death of an Egyptian terrorist who invented the “Pal’istanians”, his blustering proclamation is an abject failure.

It is actually hard to say that the dream held by Yasser Arafat held is an abject failure when it is not the same as that of HAMAS or Fatah (today). (Did he actually have a dream and objective at all?)

I would like to know if the Arab Palestinians, excluding the many psychopaths (that just want to kill Jews for sport), actually have a consensus today as to what they want as to the fulfillment of the dream?

You can't be a failure at achieving an undefined goal and objective. One of the reasons that the Arab Palestinian Government (that which is beyond the Basic Law) do not want to talk about peace criteria is that they do not want an internal conflict to emerge between opposing objective.

And, there are simply some of the Arab Palestinians that simply do not see an advantage to folding their tents when they can still siphon off the Donor Contributions for the accumulation of personal wealth.

Most Respectfully,

I think a consistent theme or goal pressed by the various elements of Palestinian leadership has been the destruction of Israel. In that sense, the goal is a failure. I agree completely that apart from "the river to the sea" slogan, there doesnt appear to be any coherent plan for the Palestinians. I'm convinced that the various factions would be slamming away at each other if not for their focus on Israel. More so than not, it seems that Hamas, PIJ and Iran are waging a low level insurgency against Egypt and the KSA with Iran hoping for a Hezbollah-lite in Gaza.

It seems that Iran has a clear plan for the Palestinians where Haniyeh and Abbas do not. Haniyeh has effectively been banished from Gaza by Cairo and Sinwar has been bunkered for fear of catching Hellfire Missile disease.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I don't believe there is a unified idea as to the goals and objectives the Arab Palestinians universally understand and believe in as a culture. In fact, those that see Palestine (from the River to the Sea) do not see same Palestine (with the pre-1967 War boundaries).

The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine" - Yasser Arafat
Decades after the death of an Egyptian terrorist who invented the “Pal’istanians”, his blustering proclamation is an abject failure.

It is actually hard to say that the dream held by Yasser Arafat held is an abject failure when it is not the same as that of HAMAS or Fatah (today). (Did he actually have a dream and objective at all?)

I would like to know if the Arab Palestinians, excluding the many psychopaths (that just want to kill Jews for sport), actually have a consensus today as to what they want as to the fulfillment of the dream?

You can't be a failure at achieving an undefined goal and objective. One of the reasons that the Arab Palestinian Government (that which is beyond the Basic Law) do not want to talk about peace criteria is that they do not want an internal conflict to emerge between opposing objective.

And, there are simply some of the Arab Palestinians that simply do not see an advantage to folding their tents when they can still siphon off the Donor Contributions for the accumulation of personal wealth.

Most Respectfully,
It is actually hard to say that the dream held by Yasser Arafat held is an abject failure when it is not the same as that of HAMAS or Fatah (today). (Did he actually have a dream and objective at all?)
Arafat's dream was a single, secular, democratic state with equal rights for all. Although this is an ideal for western democracies it went against the original concept of Israel. Then in the 1970s he started to buy into the two state solution. Solution for what? What problems are they attempting to resolve?

The Palestinians today view Fatah and Hamas as obstacles. They are rarely ever mentioned and then it is in contempt. Fatah is worse because they will give away the store and Hamas will not. That is why most of the slime and name calling goes to Hamas.

The Palestinian's vision for the future has been solidifying over the last couple of decades. Many would say since the popularity of the internet. Now they can counter the bullshit that Israel has been shoveling since its inception.

The three components of BDS are embraced by virtually every Palestinian everywhere.

"Arafat's dream was a single, secular, democratic state with equal rights for all. Although this is an ideal for western democracies it went against the original concept of Israel."

Simply delusional
Yesterday, eve of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Palestinian Media Watch released a special report on Palestinian Authority Antisemitism, detailing the different components of PA antisemitic ideology:

  • The PA teaches that Jews think they are superior to others, but are in fact are inferior.
  • The PA teaches that Jews are Satan’s partner spreading evil in the world and that evil is inherent in Jewish genes.
  • PA Antisemitism blames Jews for all bad in the world;
  • PA conclusion: It is natural that the Jews be hated and in fact, Jews brought Antisemitism on themselves throughout history, including the Holocaust.
  • Ultimately, the PA teaches, the killing of Jews is Allah’s will and their extermination is necessary so all of humanity can live in peace.
The following is a compilation of the antisemitic statements in the short video, that were all broadcast on either official PA TV or Fatah’s official Facebook page:

(full article online)

Here's what hate looks like: PA Antisemitism on PA TV | PMW Analysis
The "State of Palestine" signed on to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on April 1, 2014, with very little intention of actually implementing any of its provisions. Instead, as its initial report to the UN Human Rights Council shows, the main reason for signing the Convention was to slam Israel:

The State of Palestine is under a colonialist, military occupation on the part of Israel and this report will throw some light on the colonialist policies of that occupation and the serious, systematic and widespread violations that infringe the provisions of the Convention. In fact, the Israeli occupation authorities deliberately and systematically target Palestinian children on a wide scale including through extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention, displacement and forced migration with the aim of terrorizing an entire generation.Still, acceding to the Convention involves describing what the signers are doing with their own children. The UN gave the Palestinians a long list of questions asking what they are doing to adhere to the Convention, and the Palestinians just published their responses.

Many of their responses are provable lies, and others (about teaching birth control in schools, for example) are almost certainly untrue as well.

(full article online)

Blatant lies in Palestinian report to UNHRC on children's rights ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, that may be true, but I don't know how reliable that might be. The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) mantra of → "freedom, justice, and equality" is a "politically correct" bumper sticker that is acceptable to any hostile and volatile activist and leader.

“While an equality of rights under a limited government is possible and an essential condition of individual freedom, a claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers.”
......................................................................................................― Friedrich A. von Hayek
...........................................................................................................Law, Legislation and Liberty
..........................................................................................................Volume 2: The Mirage of Social Justice

It is actually hard to say that the dream held by Yasser Arafat held is an abject failure when it is not the same as that of HAMAS or Fatah (today). (Did he actually have a dream and objective at all?)
The three components of BDS are embraced by virtually every Palestinian everywhere.

Such lofty ideals ("freedom, justice and equality") make great campaign impact statements, but they are not unique at all [especially in terms of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP)]. They are slogans used across the entire political spectrum (from the Democratic Leaders through the Totalitarians). What separates a people like the Israeli (HDIª Ranking → 22) and a people like the Arab Palestians [of the West Bank & Gaza Strip State of Palestine (HDIª Ranking → 119)] is an actual belief in the ideals that are supported by positive deeds - not terrorist practices (Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence). The ideals expressed in slogans like these are all about building a future, and NOT about tearing another's future down. But again, the key phrase is Human Development or the lack thereof in the case of the HoAP.......

ª Human Development Index

Most Respectfully,
Middle East Monitor, an English-language site that is pro-Hamas and pro-Muslim Brotherhood, has an amusing article accusing Mohammad bin Salman, and the entire Saudi royal family, of being Zionist.

For decades, Arabs would accuse their political enemies of being Zionists in order to shut them down. That doesn't seem to work any more, but Hamas still tries, as this article by a Gaza writer shows.

It starts off with:

(full article online)

Frightened of deal, Hamas mouthpiece says Saudi royal family are "Zionists" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hamas can take “audacious” only so far before the IDF might choose to bring some sweepingly audacious airstrikes across the Gaza
mini-caliphate and make smoldering ruins out of Hamas targets.

Hamas raises stakes with weaponized drones

Alongside a diminishing number of riots along the Gaza border fence, there is a drop in the number of attempts by terror groups, to use weaponized drones to attack Israeli targets, and yet one incident marks a spike in both Hamas' capabilities and its audacity
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Well, let's set back for a minute.

Hamas can take “audacious” only so far before the IDF might choose to bring some sweepingly audacious airstrikes across the Gaza mini-caliphate and make smoldering ruins out of Hamas targets.

Well, that is an emotional response to the situation. But we all know that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a tool of the civilian leadership. And the Israeli civilian leadership has to deal with much, much larger problems than just a quasi-Armed Force (Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters). To the extent possible, the activities of the central government must attempt to color within the lines and use diplomatic solutions. And in that regard, the General Staff of the IDF will receive their guidance.


No, don't believe that for a minute. The cost of real weaponized Military Drones runs from anywhere between $25M (MQ-9 Reaper) and $100M+ (MQ-1 Predator through MQ-1C Gray Eagle - or - RQ-4 Global Hawk). The family of drones looks like this, in general

General Family of US Drones.png

Alongside a diminishing number of riots along the Gaza border fence, there is a drop in the number of attempts by terror groups, to use weaponized drones to attack Israeli targets, and yet one incident marks a spike in both Hamas' capabilities and its audacity

What HAMAS is experimenting with are toy drones that they are trying to adapt to terrorist use.

HAMAS Radio Controlled Drones.png

While they might have some application for reconnaissance purposes, to get a drone of this type costs less than a $1000/copy. A top of the line drone on the market day (Example - Dragon 12 RTF U11 or equivalent) may run up to $35K/copy. will be more expensive by much harder to maintain, as they too have payload limits and LPD/LPI issues. But then what kind of payload can it carry. Additionally HAMAS has an LPD/LPI (Low Probability of Detection and a Low Probability of Intercept) problem. What HAMAS has now is are very vulnerable both to Rifle Fire and intentional emission of RF signals to interfere with the operation of the drone.

I would suspect that HAMAS is having trouble regaining the advantages (if you could call any of it that) they had in 2014. As far as underground detection of tunneling goes, Israelis have some of the most sophisticate countermeasures detection capabilities in the world; as well as GSR (Ground Surveillance Radars). Their intelligence and security services are extremely capable. And the IDF Intelligence Officers (HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, MASINT) are all pound for pound better than our Military Intelligence Officers.

Most Respectfully,


  • US Family of Drones.png
    US Family of Drones.png
    117.1 KB · Views: 30
Palestinian farmers benefit from Birmingham water technology project

University of Birmingham scientists have worked with international students to produce prototype desalination equipment that could help Palestinian farmers avoid water shortages and grow crops efficiently.

The equipment is built from off-the-shelf parts and could be deployed easily and relatively cheaply across the Middle East. The prototype system is currently being trialled in the UK and Israel, with field tests soon to begin in Palestine.

Groundwater resources around the world are becoming increasingly depleted and salinised, with many aquifers straddling political boundaries. Such resources in the Jordan Valley are shared among Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian residents.

The training and research programme has seen students construct desalination prototypes based on a simple but efficient batch-reverse osmosis (RO) technology that recovers up to 80% of the salinized water - making it useable for irrigation purposes.

Programme leader Professor Philip Davies from the University Of Birmingham has worked with academics and students in the UK, Israel, Jordan and Palestine - publishing the group's findings in the journal Desalination and Water Treatment.

It's not quite Kpop...but interesting none-the-less. Palipop? One thing for sure it can't be easy being being gay in that part of the world.

The rise of Palestinian pop

Growing up in East Jerusalem, Bashar Murad turned to music for comfort in a life blighted by fractious political realities and the emotional pressures of being a gay man battling the conservative elements of his society. It also became a way of transcending the borders imposed on his life by the Israeli occupation; a medium to connect with the world outside. He started with covers of western pop before releasing his own songs, some in Arabic and some in English – invariably with catchy hooks, bold, self-produced videos, and satirical lyrics addressing freedom of expression.

It's not quite Kpop...but interesting none-the-less. Palipop? One thing for sure it can't be easy being being gay in that part of the world.

The rise of Palestinian pop

Growing up in East Jerusalem, Bashar Murad turned to music for comfort in a life blighted by fractious political realities and the emotional pressures of being a gay man battling the conservative elements of his society. It also became a way of transcending the borders imposed on his life by the Israeli occupation; a medium to connect with the world outside. He started with covers of western pop before releasing his own songs, some in Arabic and some in English – invariably with catchy hooks, bold, self-produced videos, and satirical lyrics addressing freedom of expression.


It's such a cheap attempt at identity politics.
"Occupation" this or that.

Does it mention the recent LGBT demonstration in Ramallah ended with the PA police bats,
and moved to Israel?
Palestinian farmers benefit from Birmingham water technology project

University of Birmingham scientists have worked with international students to produce prototype desalination equipment that could help Palestinian farmers avoid water shortages and grow crops efficiently.

The equipment is built from off-the-shelf parts and could be deployed easily and relatively cheaply across the Middle East. The prototype system is currently being trialled in the UK and Israel, with field tests soon to begin in Palestine.

Groundwater resources around the world are becoming increasingly depleted and salinised, with many aquifers straddling political boundaries. Such resources in the Jordan Valley are shared among Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian residents.

The training and research programme has seen students construct desalination prototypes based on a simple but efficient batch-reverse osmosis (RO) technology that recovers up to 80% of the salinized water - making it useable for irrigation purposes.

Programme leader Professor Philip Davies from the University Of Birmingham has worked with academics and students in the UK, Israel, Jordan and Palestine - publishing the group's findings in the journal Desalination and Water Treatment.

Cisterns have been used for centuries to collect rain water.

Israel destroys them so that the Palestinians don't have water.
Al-Aqsa Mosque Address: We Will Soon Establish the Caliphate, Liberate Jerusalem and Conquer Rome

They forgot Spain as well...or didn't they?
What are those flags?

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Emergency Alert!

From the perspective of both islamic terrorist franchises (Hamas and Fatah), any change to the status quo is an emergency. There are personal fortunes at stake and both islamic terrorist franchises / criminal enterprises have those fortunes to lose.

Not surprising that power and greed serves to unite the angry islamic terrorists.

Hamas to join 'emergency' Palestinian talks in West Bank over Trump plan

Terror group that rules Gaza has long been at odds with Abbas's Fatah movement, but Ramallah says they are part of discussions on 'the position that must be taken' against the American proposal
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is not even half the story.

The Israelis were given the approval to build over 700 housing units for Palestinians in addition to 6,000 Israeli settlement housing units in the West Bank. Area C — West Bank, where Israel exercises full control, is the area that the demolishment of houses takes place.

Cisterns have been used for centuries to collect rain water.
Israel destroys them so that the Palestinians don't have water.

But no matter what reason the Israels had for such action, any explanation will fall on deaf ears.

Most Respectfully,
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