Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It appears that Cairo is taking a firm hand with Hamas. Cairo has effectively thrown Haniyeh out of Gaza and is apparently taking a no nonsense approach to the islamic terrorist groups looking to start a shooting war with Israel.

Hamas to end IED balloon attacks on Israel

Arab-Israeli Conflict
00:45 | 01/24/20


A Palestinian incendiary balloon that landed in a field in Israel. (photo credit:" ESHKOL REGIONAL COUNCIL)
At Cairo’s request, Islamist movement to rein in balloon bomb attacks from Gaza
Hamas, the Islamist movement that rules the Gaza Strip, has, according to sources, accepted an Egyptian request to prevent the firing of balloons and kites carrying improvised explosive devices into Israel.

Cairo applied the pressure in an effort to prevent an escalation between Israel and Hamas, after Gazans on January 15 renewed their IED balloon attacks. Gunmen in the Strip first employed incendiary balloons in 2018, and they have burned thousands of acres of fields in southwestern Israel. In the winter, they generally attach bombs to balloons; in warmer months, they also use Molotov cocktails, sometimes tying them to kites rather than balloons.
Nope, this is Pallywood.

The photo came from an excellent photo essay I found on a Chinese language site, of many old people working and playing in rural Turkey. And a search of those photos confirmed that they were all from Turkey.

This is not an accident. Some Palestinians scour the web for photos that they can then claim comes from them. They then make up stories to fit the photos. Thousands of people believe them.

If the Palestinian narrative was so obviously righteous - why do they have to lie?

(full article online)

Just another #Pallywood moment - a fake "100 year old Palestinian grandpa" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Nope, this is Pallywood.

The photo came from an excellent photo essay I found on a Chinese language site, of many old people working and playing in rural Turkey. And a search of those photos confirmed that they were all from Turkey.

This is not an accident. Some Palestinians scour the web for photos that they can then claim comes from them. They then make up stories to fit the photos. Thousands of people believe them.

If the Palestinian narrative was so obviously righteous - why do they have to lie?

(full article online)

Just another #Pallywood moment - a fake "100 year old Palestinian grandpa" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
weird, they don't even look Palestinian.
Nope, this is Pallywood.

The photo came from an excellent photo essay I found on a Chinese language site, of many old people working and playing in rural Turkey. And a search of those photos confirmed that they were all from Turkey.

This is not an accident. Some Palestinians scour the web for photos that they can then claim comes from them. They then make up stories to fit the photos. Thousands of people believe them.

If the Palestinian narrative was so obviously righteous - why do they have to lie?

(full article online)

Just another #Pallywood moment - a fake "100 year old Palestinian grandpa" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
weird, they don't even look Palestinian.

What look is standard / required for Pal'istanians?
Macron said, "no one has the right to invoke (those killed by the Nazis) to justify division or contemporary hatred."

The PLO is choosing to interpret this as meaning that Israel cannot use the Holocaust to justify its "oppression" of Palestinians.

Here's something Macron said the previous day in a meeting with President Rivlin:

We also decided to very frankly discuss and raise the issue of anti-Zionism, which is currently very much bound up with the issue of anti-Semitism. Thank you also for speaking so clearly just now. As I’ve had the opportunity to say, anti-Zionism, when it means negating Israel’s existence as a state, is a form of anti-Semitism. Which doesn’t mean it becomes impossible to have disagreements, to criticize this or that action by the Israeli government, but negating its existence today is clearly a contemporary form of anti-Semitism. So yes, we’ve passed laws, taken initial decisions, and others in particular will follow that enable us to fight more effectively against hate speech, including anti-Semitism on the Internet. But beyond this, we must indeed resist, in a way, this erosion of conscience we too often witness, and laws are not enough to change the human soul. To do this we must remember, remind everyone what anti-Semitism led to in Europe – the Holocaust – and as well as remembering, continue to educate and train people.

(full article online)

Palestinians interpreting Macron's speech as a slap to Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Nope, this is Pallywood.

The photo came from an excellent photo essay I found on a Chinese language site, of many old people working and playing in rural Turkey. And a search of those photos confirmed that they were all from Turkey.

This is not an accident. Some Palestinians scour the web for photos that they can then claim comes from them. They then make up stories to fit the photos. Thousands of people believe them.

If the Palestinian narrative was so obviously righteous - why do they have to lie?

(full article online)

Just another #Pallywood moment - a fake "100 year old Palestinian grandpa" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
weird, they don't even look Palestinian.

Oh, the irony from the guy who posts photos every day with no corroborating evidence. Why do you need to make things up or lie?
The current truce with the Islamic terrorists is ended, until the next truce.

IAF attacks Hamas targets in Gaza in response to incendiary balloons

Dozens of incendiary devices have been launched from the Hamas-controlled coastal enclave in the past two weeks.

The Israeli Air Force attacked multiple sites belonging to the Hamas terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip on Saturday night in response to a large number of incendiary and explosive balloons that have been launched from the Strip in the past two weeks, according to an IDF spokesperson.
Heroes of the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.


Young women carry poster of terrorist Dalal Mughrabi in Bethlehem
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It seems that for more than four decades, Dalal Mughrabi has been the darling of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and those many terrorist supporting Arab Palestinians that think they are fit to join the greater community of friendly people. She was responsible for the machine-gunning of a busload of unarmed men and women; and another dozen children. She murdered the niece of US Senator Abraham Ribicoff.

Heroes of the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

What is peculiar is that the Arab Palestinian believe it is perfectly fine to march around and support the exploitation of sophisticated technology, communications, and resources to intimidate other populations that further the criminal objective.

Of course, they know, absolutely, that not only are these criminal acts of terrorism in and of themselves, violations on multiple International laws, but that the incitement of terrorist acts motivated by Arab Palestinian extremism and Islamic Resistance intolerance are acts that have become a growing danger to the enjoyment of human rights, threatens the social and economic development of all States, undermines global stability, and prosperity of the entire region.

With so many examples of these parades for terrorism, it is hard for any of the nations, that the HoAP claim that supports their violence, to argue that there is some justification for the initiation of such acts.


It is near impossible to believe that the majority of the true refuses that might remain and wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors, should be permitted to do so given their demonstrated propensity for the support of violence.

Most Respectfully,
Back in 2009, I wrote a post that noted that Palestinian Arabs - including people the media calls "eyewitnesses" - lie. All the time.

It was after B'Tselem, admitting it could not verify the story, parroted an absurd claim that Israeli soldiers forced women in Gaza to line up to enter a house, and then shot the first one in the head.

I noted others:

(full article online)

Palestinian Arabs lie. All the time. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There's always the if argument:

There is no silence to break. What must be broken is the double standard of those who elevate the Palestinian claims over those of the Kurds, the Syrians, the Iranians, the Chechens, the Tibetans, the Ukrainians, and many other more deserving groups who truly suffer from the silence of the academia, the media, and the international community. The United Nations devotes more of its time, money, and votes to the Palestinian issue than to the claims of all of these other oppressed groups combined.
Had the early Palestinian leadership, with the surrounding Arab states, not attacked Israel the moment it declared statehood, it would have a viable state with no refugees.

Had Hamas used the resources it received when Israel ended its occupation of the Gaza Strip in 2005 to build schools and hospitals instead of using these resources to construct rocket launchers and terror tunnels, it could have become a “Singapore on the Sea” instead of the poverty stricken enclave the Palestinian leadership turned it into.

The suffering of Palestinians, which does not compare to the suffering of many other groups, has been largely inflicted by themselves. They could have had a state, with no occupation, if they had accepted the Peel Commission Report of 1938, the United Nations Partition of 1947, the Camp David Summit deal of 2000, or the Ehud Olmert offer of 2008. They rejected all these offers, responding with violence and terrorism, because doing so would have required them to accept Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, something they are unwilling to do even today.

Alan Dershowitz: Time to tell the truth about the Palestinian issue
This week’s World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem on the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp by world leaders from 50 countries was a moving commemoration of the past but must now be translated into action for the future. If the victims are remembered and the survivors honored, but the world doesn’t implement the lessons that must be learned, we are inviting a recurrence of history’s worst horrors.

One fundamental lesson of the Holocaust is that the world must be vigilant to expose and eliminate all demonization that leads to justification of murder, whether directed against Jews or any other group. One of the great failures of the international community has been its tolerant attitude towards the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) systematic demonization of Jews, and Antisemitism is now endemic among Palestinians. According to an ADL Global 100 poll a few years ago the Palestinians are the most antisemitic people in the entire world. 93% of Palestinians believed that at least 6 of the 11 negative stereotypes tested were "probably true," higher than Iraq at 92% and Yemen at 88%. For example, 91% of Palestinians believe “Jews have too much power in the business world,” 72% believe “Jews think they are better than other people,” and 88% of Palestinians say “Jews have too much control over global affairs.”

The pervasive Palestinian Antisemitism is the direct result of the PA’s teachings. Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement recently produced a propaganda video purportedly about Jewish history in Europe that it publicized on Fatah’s official Facebook page. It teaches that Jews see themselves as superior: “We [Jews] are a nation that is above the [other] nations… only we are people, and all the others are our animals,” and others as inferior: “Non-Jews... according to their worldview are snakes." The Jews, Fatah explained, “led the project to enslave humanity,” and allied with Nazis to burn Jews "to accumulate wealth." The Jews themselves established "ghettos in order to separate from other people out of arrogance and disgust for non-Jews." It was in the ghettos, the documentary further lied that the Jews schemed against the non-Jews, leading to European Antisemitism: "[Jews] were hated because of their racism and their filthy behavior." (All sources appear below.)

(full article online)

PMW Special Report - PA Antisemitism: Jews must be fought for Allah on Behalf of All Humanity | PMW Analysis
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

It seems that for more than four decades, Dalal Mughrabi has been the darling of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and those many terrorist supporting Arab Palestinians that think they are fit to join the greater community of friendly people. She was responsible for the machine-gunning of a busload of unarmed men and women; and another dozen children. She murdered the niece of US Senator Abraham Ribicoff.

Heroes of the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

What is peculiar is that the Arab Palestinian believe it is perfectly fine to march around and support the exploitation of sophisticated technology, communications, and resources to intimidate other populations that further the criminal objective.

Of course, they know, absolutely, that not only are these criminal acts of terrorism in and of themselves, violations on multiple International laws, but that the incitement of terrorist acts motivated by Arab Palestinian extremism and Islamic Resistance intolerance are acts that have become a growing danger to the enjoyment of human rights, threatens the social and economic development of all States, undermines global stability, and prosperity of the entire region.

With so many examples of these parades for terrorism, it is hard for any of the nations, that the HoAP claim that supports their violence, to argue that there is some justification for the initiation of such acts.


It is near impossible to believe that the majority of the true refuses that might remain and wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors, should be permitted to do so given their demonstrated propensity for the support of violence.

Most Respectfully,

Agree, Rocco. I think there is a real failure on the part of the international community that makes allowances for such behavior.

Hero worship of murderous psychopaths is a common theme in Palestinian society. It’s even taken to a new low with the glorification of mass murder/suicide as a noble goal for the pious Arab-Moslem. There was a moment in time when things might have been different, particularly after Sadat's visit to Israel in 1976, and the peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan (GIVING BACK Sinai). But then when suicide bombing of schools, buses, restaurants, hotels, weddings, etc; the rejection of the Clinton peace plan by Arafat in 2000 and 2001; and the arming of south Lebanon (after Israel withdrew, giving back land) and especially Gaza after Israel unilaterally withdrew (again giving back land), the election of Hamas (whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel) and then the coup by Hamas and the rain of rockets upon Sderot...well, there’s no going back.

Generations of Palestinians, “educated” by Yasser Arafat, Hamas, the PA and UNRWA schools pressing Islamic ideology have been taught to believe the delusionary canard denying any historic Jewish continuity or legitimacy in the Holy Land. I’ll note how often Arabs/Moslems/Palestinians use "Jew" for "Israeli" or for "Zionist" as the outlet of their hatred and anger and prejudice--demonstrating they find these all the same.
Play that funky music, Mahmoud.

Just think, these fine, state worthy folks have a dedicated UN sponsored welfare entitlement.

Palestinian stabs Jew in Hamas music video

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 28, 2019
The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine" - Yasser Arafat


Decades after the death of an Egyptian terrorist who invented the “Pal’istanians”, his blustering proclamation is an abject failure.
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