Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Child abuse, not child’s play

One of the saddest aspects of this horrible campaign is the cynical use of children by Hamas.

Kites and balloons, of course, have always been associated with picnics, family outings and the playful, carefree life of children, who should be shielded from the ravages of war by decent, protective grown-ups, rather than deliberately and enthusiastically brought into the field of battle. But for Hamas, whose sole raison d’etre is killing Jews and destroying the Land of Israel, there are simply no redlines, no limits to their hate-filled and obscene acts of violence. On the ground, under the ground and, now, in the air, the Palestinians will turn any object – even the harmless toys and balloons of an innocent child – into an instrument of death and destruction.
  • Palestinians: Jihadi-Style Child Abuse
    Children in this world do not dream about becoming doctors, pilots or engineers; an entire generation of Palestinians, particularly those in the Gaza Strip, has been raised on the glorification of suicide bombers and anyone who kills a Jew.

  • Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other radical groups see children as future "soldiers" in the war to eliminate Israel. They raise children to regard to suicide bombers and jihadis as role models.

  • This form of child abuse does not seem to bother human rights organizations or UNICEF, whose declared goal is to "work for a world in which every child has a fair chance in life and a right to survive, thrive and fulfill their potential..." UNICEF apparently does not believe its mandate extends to Palestinian children, who are exploited to serve the interests of Islamist groups.

Palestinian children compelled to participate in a Hamas military parade. Photo: Twitter
The downside to an Islamic Death Cult is that even non-Islamics and those on the periphery are exposed to the dangers of the Cult.

Submission to UN urges rights for Palestinian, Israeli children subjected to Hamas abuse

The report provides evidence that Palestinian groups have subjected children to “arbitrary detention and torture … inundating children with messages of hate and violence,” as well as “encouraging them to kill Israelis and become martyrs in the struggle to liberate all of Israel [from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea] for Palestine.”
The enterprise of the gee-had rolls on. A primitive ideology attempting to use modern day technology.

IDC identifies Hamas bitcoin front with Iran links - report

A website called “cash4ps” enables Hamas to send and receive money out of Gaza for operational terror purposes while simultaneously providing a measure of anonymity to either donors or beneficiaries.

IDC’s International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) has identified a bitcoin front for Hamas which has links to Iran in a report exclusively obtained by The Jerusalem Post.

According to the IDC-ICT Cyber desk report, the al-Nasr Brigades – Lawa al-Tawahid – serve as the military arm of the Popular Resistance Committees, was formed in 2001 by Jamal Abu Samhadna Abu Atayya and operates under the auspices of Hamas.
Islamism. 1,400 years.

UN report: Widespread child abuse in Palestinian Authority

UNICEF reports large number of Palestinian Arab girls forced into child marriages, rampant beatings of children, and forced labor.

UN report: Widespread child abuse in Palestinian Authority


A new report by the United Nations Children’s Fund revealed rampant child abuse in the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian Arab communities in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, including rape, forced marriages, and beatings.

According to the UNICEF report, "2% of all Palestinian women aged 15 to 49 years married before the age of 15." In addition, the report noted that nearly one quarter of Palestinian Arab women "marry" before the age of 18.

The Holocaust was not unique to Jews; Palestinians are also victims of genocide.

Palestinian propagandists sometimes accuse Israel of committing genocide and compare what has and is happening to the Palestinians to the Holocaust.

The British Labour Party’s John McDonnell, for example, accused Israel in 2012 of “an attempt at genocide against the Palestinians” (Harry Yorke, “John McDonnell condemned for claiming Israel was attempting to carry out ‘genocide’ against Palestinians,” The Telegraph, (August 8, 2018). Similarly, Haidar Eid called Israel’s policies in Gaza “genocidal” (Mondoweiss, August 3, 2018). Michael Hoffman and Moshe Lieberman authored a book, The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians, which purports to document “the horrendous atrocities which the Israelis visit upon the Palestinians.”

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as engaging in any of the following “with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.”

Israel has never engaged in any campaign to bring about the destruction of the Palestinian people. If you have any doubt consider that during the British Mandate, there were 1.3 million Arabs. According to CIA estimates, the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza today is nearly 5 million (The World Factbook, CIA). If Israel were engaged in genocide, it has been a dismal failure.

Israel welcomed all Palestinians who remained in the country after it declared independence as equal citizens. Since then, Israel has repeatedly made peace offers to the Palestinians in the disputed territories in hope of coexisting with them.

The Palestinians may suffer certain deprivations as a result of the conflict with Israel, and some have been killed, but there is no evidence Israel has engaged in any mass killing of Palestinians or has ever demonstrated any intent to “destroy” the Palestinians.

The treatment of the Palestinians, harsh as it may sometimes be, is nothing like what the Nazis did to the Jews. It is true that genocide has occurred in places such as Turkey, Cambodia and Rwanda; nevertheless, the Holocaust was unique.

The eminent Jewish philosopher Emil Fackenheim explained what made it distinctive:

Myths & Facts: Online Exclusives
Not sure what all the fuss is about.

An islamic totalitarian fear society carries with it a host of expectations for life inside an islamic hell hole.

What, people are surprised by that?

Hamas’s Brutal Oppression and the Hypocrisy of International Opinion

At the end of last week, Palestinians gathered in the Gaza Strip to protest the failing economy and the Hamas government’s onerous taxes, enacted as other sources of funding have dried up. Bassam Tawil comments:

The unprecedented protests . . . apparently caught the Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip by surprise. . . . That may explain Hamas’s response to the mass protests, which by all accounts was . . . extremely violent. Within 24 hours, Hamas militiamen and security officers had opened fire on hundreds of Palestinian protesters chanting: “We are hungry!” and “Save Gaza from starvation!” . . . It is also worth noting that many of the Palestinians who were brutally beaten by Hamas were children. . . .
This should go well for the Islamic terrorists. Ramp up the behavior that caused Israel to respond with high explosive retaliation.

Islam: lewd, rude and crude. Since 632 CE.

IDF said to strike Hamas border post after apparent balloon attack from Gaza

Reported shelling follows blast in Sderot suspected of being caused by explosives launched from the Strip

19 January 2020, 4:26 pm

[URL="https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-said-to-strike-hamas-border-post-after-apparent-balloon-attack-from-gaza/"]IDF said to strike Hamas border post after apparent balloon attack from Gaza[/URL]

  • Young Palestinian men prepare flammable objects to be launched toward Israel, near Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, January 18, 2020. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

    The Israeli military fired a shell at a Hamas observation post along the Gaza border Sunday afternoon, apparently in response to the launching of a balloon-borne explosive device from the Strip, Palestinian media reported Sunday.
In case you weren’t on the email list, get you party hats, the caliphate is coming.

Woo hoo.

"Al-Aqsa Mosque Address: We Will Soon Establish the Caliphate, Liberate Jerusalem and Conquer Rome"

On January 17, 2020, a video was uploaded to the Internet of an event at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on the anniversary of the 1453 AD capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire. The event was held by Hizb ut-Tahrir. Palestinian preacher Nidhal “Abu Ibrahim” Siam spoke before the crowd and said that the anniversary of the fall of Constantinople brings tidings that Rome will be conquered in the near future. He said that three prophecies will soon be fulfilled, and he expressed hope that his audience will be the ones to fulfil them.

Those poor, dears. They’re lamenting the bygone era of Islamic conquest and colonialism.

It seems odd to me that welfare recipients who can’t afford to pay their electric bill are making bellicose claims about another caliphate.
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