Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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  • The foreign media and human rights organizations seem quite uninterested in Palestinians who are arrested or tortured to death by PA security forces. After all, they have not been arrested by Israel for security-related offences.

  • The European Union is said to be pressuring the Palestinians to hold long overdue presidential and parliamentary elections. It is not clear, however, how the Palestinians would hold new elections at a time when the PA and Hamas are busy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip locking up their political opponents.

  • The "political arrests" are yet another indication of human rights violations perpetrated by Palestinian leaders against their own people. Inexplicably, though, the EU appears unfazed by them. Instead of pressuring the PA and Hamas to hold elections -- that in any case neither side seeks, as it would almost certainly hand a further victory to the terrorist group Hamas -- it would be better for the EU to encourage Palestinian leaders, as a first step towards holding free elections, at least to cease and desist making political arrests.

  • Failing to hold Palestinian leaders accountable for their human rights violations casts serious doubt on the EU's desire to hold new elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and their deeper, seemingly malign desires for the region as a whole.

    (full article online)

    The Palestinians and Europe's Secret Agenda

  • The foreign media and human rights organizations seem quite uninterested in Palestinians who are arrested or tortured to death by PA security forces. After all, they have not been arrested by Israel for security-related offences.

  • The European Union is said to be pressuring the Palestinians to hold long overdue presidential and parliamentary elections. It is not clear, however, how the Palestinians would hold new elections at a time when the PA and Hamas are busy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip locking up their political opponents.

  • The "political arrests" are yet another indication of human rights violations perpetrated by Palestinian leaders against their own people. Inexplicably, though, the EU appears unfazed by them. Instead of pressuring the PA and Hamas to hold elections -- that in any case neither side seeks, as it would almost certainly hand a further victory to the terrorist group Hamas -- it would be better for the EU to encourage Palestinian leaders, as a first step towards holding free elections, at least to cease and desist making political arrests.

  • Failing to hold Palestinian leaders accountable for their human rights violations casts serious doubt on the EU's desire to hold new elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and their deeper, seemingly malign desires for the region as a whole.

    (full article online)

    The Palestinians and Europe's Secret Agenda

It’s remarkable how much the welfare dependent Arab-Moslem squatters spend on silly fashion parades.
Oh, my. The retrograde Arabs-Moslems have found another reason to hate each other. The Shia heretics in Hamas have managed to antagonize Egypt, other Sunni Arabs in the region and possibly re-start their civil war with Fatah.

It’s always some new disaster to witness with these idiots. They will never fail to invent some excuse to be outraged about something that offends their tender islamo-sensibilities.

Let’s see if they re-kindle their civil war and bodies begin littering the streets,

Good times.

Hamas-Fatah division deepens with Soleimani’s assassination

Hamas-Fatah division deepens with Soleimani’s assassination

Ahmad Melhem January 17, 2020

Palestinians express conflicting opinions over the US assassination of Iran's Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Iraq, while faction leaders praise him as a martyr.
  • The foreign media and human rights organizations seem quite uninterested in Palestinians who are arrested or tortured to death by PA security forces. After all, they have not been arrested by Israel for security-related offences.

  • The European Union is said to be pressuring the Palestinians to hold long overdue presidential and parliamentary elections. It is not clear, however, how the Palestinians would hold new elections at a time when the PA and Hamas are busy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip locking up their political opponents.

  • The "political arrests" are yet another indication of human rights violations perpetrated by Palestinian leaders against their own people. Inexplicably, though, the EU appears unfazed by them. Instead of pressuring the PA and Hamas to hold elections -- that in any case neither side seeks, as it would almost certainly hand a further victory to the terrorist group Hamas -- it would be better for the EU to encourage Palestinian leaders, as a first step towards holding free elections, at least to cease and desist making political arrests.

  • Failing to hold Palestinian leaders accountable for their human rights violations casts serious doubt on the EU's desire to hold new elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and their deeper, seemingly malign desires for the region as a whole.

    (full article online)

    The Palestinians and Europe's Secret Agenda

It’s remarkable how much the welfare dependent Arab-Moslem squatters spend on silly fashion parades.

They want to look good when they lose.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

In the Timeline and Chronology of what is relevant and important over the establishment of the Jewish State, too many panelist and discussions get bogged-down in historical complications that had a philosophical impact on why the leaders at the San Remo Convention thought the way they did ⟴ and why the post-World War II leaders thought the way they did. These were • The Causal Effects • of discrete and indivisible manifestation of political and impartial adjudications of long-overdue wrongs the Jewish People faced over an extended period of history. And in the aftermath of The Great War (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45) leaders of great renown emerged and made such decisions that reshaped parts of the world and corrected injustices they recognized from the past as they saw it. One such issue addressed by these leaders was the issue of the Jews. It was recognized by both the post-War leaders of the two World Wars. And these leaders made decisions of such political and diplomatic momentum that we still grapple with them today.

No nation is perfect and no system of government is perfect. These are two assumptions that we have to keep in mind.
While interesting, and somewhat explanatory, historical facts are not really once a decision has been actually implemented. I know we read where people have argued that A/RES/181 (II) was never implemented. That is a philosophical expression and interpretation of fancy. It is NOT relevant to reality. Why? (RHETORICAL) Because an actual physical examination on the ground discloses that a real country exists. It has people who control the area bounded by actual physical boundary markers. The reality of it cannot be denied.

Another very odd feature observable in the discussion is the forced imposition of views. Relative to this discussion, we find that one side makes the claim: "The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and everything that has been based on them, are deemed null and void." And while today, The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate may be considered historical documents, "everything that has been based on them" is as real as ever; not "null and void." It is an invalid and unsound claim → valid IF and ONLY IF all the premises are true; assuming that we are all in the same reality.

One other flight of fantasy needs to be brushed up against reality. In the argument of the "Right of Return" how many actual Arab Palestinians today once lived in Israel to claim a "Right to Return?" Given that life expectancy before 1970 was less than 70 years old, how many Arab Palestinians are still alive, assuming such a "Right" actually exist?


As the San Remo Convention remarked about the historical connection, the reality is, that over 8 Million People are living in Israel. Israel has a permanent population; a defined territory; government; and a demonstrated capacity to enter into relations with the other states. That is the "physical" reality. You can go there, count the people, walk the perimeter of the nation, and reflect on all the foreign agreements Israel has signed. Anyone can readily observe that the territory formerly administered under the Mandate of Palestine is NOT an indivisible territorial unit, as some Arab Palestinians would claim.

Finally, to claim that "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine;" or that "there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad" is simply NOT a part of reality.

IF one would wish to remain both sound and valid in the contributions towards peace, THEN one would have to avoid unrealistic ideas or fantastic notions, a pipe dreams such as these.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

In the Timeline and Chronology of what is relevant and important over the establishment of the Jewish State, too many panelist and discussions get bogged-down in historical complications that had a philosophical impact on why the leaders at the San Remo Convention thought the way they did ⟴ and why the post-World War II leaders thought the way they did. These were • The Causal Effects • of discrete and indivisible manifestation of political and impartial adjudications of long-overdue wrongs the Jewish People faced over an extended period of history. And in the aftermath of The Great War (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45) leaders of great renown emerged and made such decisions that reshaped parts of the world and corrected injustices they recognized from the past as they saw it. One such issue addressed by these leaders was the issue of the Jews. It was recognized by both the post-War leaders of the two World Wars. And these leaders made decisions of such political and diplomatic momentum that we still grapple with them today.

No nation is perfect and no system of government is perfect. These are two assumptions that we have to keep in mind.
While interesting, and somewhat explanatory, historical facts are not really once a decision has been actually implemented. I know we read where people have argued that A/RES/181 (II) was never implemented. That is a philosophical expression and interpretation of fancy. It is NOT relevant to reality. Why? (RHETORICAL) Because an actual physical examination on the ground discloses that a real country exists. It has people who control the area bounded by actual physical boundary markers. The reality of it cannot be denied.

Another very odd feature observable in the discussion is the forced imposition of views. Relative to this discussion, we find that one side makes the claim: "The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and everything that has been based on them, are deemed null and void." And while today, The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate may be considered historical documents, "everything that has been based on them" is as real as ever; not "null and void." It is an invalid and unsound claim → valid IF and ONLY IF all the premises are true; assuming that we are all in the same reality.

One other flight of fantasy needs to be brushed up against reality. In the argument of the "Right of Return" how many actual Arab Palestinians today once lived in Israel to claim a "Right to Return?" Given that life expectancy before 1970 was less than 70 years old, how many Arab Palestinians are still alive, assuming such a "Right" actually exist?


As the San Remo Convention remarked about the historical connection, the reality is, that over 8 Million People are living in Israel. Israel has a permanent population; a defined territory; government; and a demonstrated capacity to enter into relations with the other states. That is the "physical" reality. You can go there, count the people, walk the perimeter of the nation, and reflect on all the foreign agreements Israel has signed. Anyone can readily observe that the territory formerly administered under the Mandate of Palestine is NOT an indivisible territorial unit, as some Arab Palestinians would claim.

Finally, to claim that "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine;" or that "there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad" is simply NOT a part of reality.

IF one would wish to remain both sound and valid in the contributions towards peace, THEN one would have to avoid unrealistic ideas or fantastic notions, a pipe dreams such as these.

Most Respectfully,

Rocco. I thought it worthwhile to address the last part of your post in detail. In addition to the above, there are other statements that express an ideology rooted in supremacism. When Khalifah Omar took Jerusalem in 638 CE, he made Israel an Islamic waqf. In their charter, Hamas demonstrates how their right to destroy Israel is simply an Islamic obligation through the principle of waqf:

"...Israel will rise and will remain erect until eliminated by Islam... [Introduction]

"... Palestine is an Islamic waqf throughout all generations and to the Day of Resurrection. [Article 11]

"... …the liberation of Palestine is an individual duty binding on all Muslims everywhere. [Article 13]

"... In order to face the theft of Palestine by the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. [Article 15]

"... When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty binding on all Muslims. [Article 15]

These are not the aberrant words of extremists. They are the prescriptions of mainstream Islamism, derived from the koran and sunnah. In the supremacist ideology of Islam, the concerns of the rest of the world are secondary to the Moslems' mission of conquest and settlement. This includes any land upon which a nation was legitimately established by an indigenous people. Once it's taken by war in the conquest of gee-had, It's "Moslem" forever.. The original inhabitants may live there if they are monotheists, but only in submission to Islamic law. Land which was once part of the greater Moslemah may once again fall back into the hands of the original population, but eventually the mujahedeen must rise again to reclaim it. We are reminded of this more recently in the Balkans. Islamism plays for keeps.

When the holy warriors of the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades killed scores of unarmed and unsuspecting Spanish mothers, sons, kids, and the elderly in cold blood on 3/11, it was a legitimate response—as per Sharia—to Spain's involvement in a war against Islam. It was made all the more satisfying to Moslems because of the humiliating, burning memory of la reconquista. That the ummah can be subject to the same fate as any one without faith in being expelled from a colonized land is a painful blow to the arrogant, yet fragile, Moslem psyche. And Islam provides ample recourse for punishing retribution in Muhammud's name.

The Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades stated explicitly that their attacks on Spain were revenge for the loss of al-Andalus in 1492. Their statement read, in part: "This is part of settling old accounts with Spain, the crusader, and America's ally in its war against Islam.”
Al-Qaida Group Takes Credit for Train Blasts in Madrid

According to an older article in the Saudi Gazette, the supposed descendants of the expelled Morisco invaders still observe the event with melodrama each year. And they were also demanding an apology from Spain's King Juan Carlos.

"Today, up to four million grandsons of the Moriscos are living in North African countries like Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia."

They used to commemorate every year these painful memories to keep the agonies of their forebears vivid, Moroccan historian Bin Azouz Hakim, a specialist in the history of the Moriscos, told IslamOnline.net Sunday.

Morsicos's descendants in Morocco, who are concentrated in cities like Tangier, Fes, Marrakesh and Rabat, mark every year the fall of Granada and Al-Andalus, which was regained in 1492 by Spanish troops in the long process known as the Reconquista under the Catholic monarchs Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon."

The very dead ''Osama "Papa gee-had" bin Laden has spoken of the "tragedy of al-Andalus" and the obligation of Muslims to reconquer the erstwhile Islamic colony on the Iberian Peninsula.

Lets remember that after September 11, Moslems proposed the “Cordoba House” just blocks from the WTC site.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

In the Timeline and Chronology of what is relevant and important over the establishment of the Jewish State, too many panelist and discussions get bogged-down in historical complications that had a philosophical impact on why the leaders at the San Remo Convention thought the way they did ⟴ and why the post-World War II leaders thought the way they did. These were • The Causal Effects • of discrete and indivisible manifestation of political and impartial adjudications of long-overdue wrongs the Jewish People faced over an extended period of history. And in the aftermath of The Great War (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45) leaders of great renown emerged and made such decisions that reshaped parts of the world and corrected injustices they recognized from the past as they saw it. One such issue addressed by these leaders was the issue of the Jews. It was recognized by both the post-War leaders of the two World Wars. And these leaders made decisions of such political and diplomatic momentum that we still grapple with them today.

No nation is perfect and no system of government is perfect. These are two assumptions that we have to keep in mind.
While interesting, and somewhat explanatory, historical facts are not really once a decision has been actually implemented. I know we read where people have argued that A/RES/181 (II) was never implemented. That is a philosophical expression and interpretation of fancy. It is NOT relevant to reality. Why? (RHETORICAL) Because an actual physical examination on the ground discloses that a real country exists. It has people who control the area bounded by actual physical boundary markers. The reality of it cannot be denied.

Another very odd feature observable in the discussion is the forced imposition of views. Relative to this discussion, we find that one side makes the claim: "The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and everything that has been based on them, are deemed null and void." And while today, The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate may be considered historical documents, "everything that has been based on them" is as real as ever; not "null and void." It is an invalid and unsound claim → valid IF and ONLY IF all the premises are true; assuming that we are all in the same reality.

One other flight of fantasy needs to be brushed up against reality. In the argument of the "Right of Return" how many actual Arab Palestinians today once lived in Israel to claim a "Right to Return?" Given that life expectancy before 1970 was less than 70 years old, how many Arab Palestinians are still alive, assuming such a "Right" actually exist?


As the San Remo Convention remarked about the historical connection, the reality is, that over 8 Million People are living in Israel. Israel has a permanent population; a defined territory; government; and a demonstrated capacity to enter into relations with the other states. That is the "physical" reality. You can go there, count the people, walk the perimeter of the nation, and reflect on all the foreign agreements Israel has signed. Anyone can readily observe that the territory formerly administered under the Mandate of Palestine is NOT an indivisible territorial unit, as some Arab Palestinians would claim.

Finally, to claim that "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine;" or that "there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad" is simply NOT a part of reality.

IF one would wish to remain both sound and valid in the contributions towards peace, THEN one would have to avoid unrealistic ideas or fantastic notions, a pipe dreams such as these.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, so much foreign interference!

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine - A keynote lecture by Rashid Khalidi

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

In the Timeline and Chronology of what is relevant and important over the establishment of the Jewish State, too many panelist and discussions get bogged-down in historical complications that had a philosophical impact on why the leaders at the San Remo Convention thought the way they did ⟴ and why the post-World War II leaders thought the way they did. These were • The Causal Effects • of discrete and indivisible manifestation of political and impartial adjudications of long-overdue wrongs the Jewish People faced over an extended period of history. And in the aftermath of The Great War (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45) leaders of great renown emerged and made such decisions that reshaped parts of the world and corrected injustices they recognized from the past as they saw it. One such issue addressed by these leaders was the issue of the Jews. It was recognized by both the post-War leaders of the two World Wars. And these leaders made decisions of such political and diplomatic momentum that we still grapple with them today.

No nation is perfect and no system of government is perfect. These are two assumptions that we have to keep in mind.
While interesting, and somewhat explanatory, historical facts are not really once a decision has been actually implemented. I know we read where people have argued that A/RES/181 (II) was never implemented. That is a philosophical expression and interpretation of fancy. It is NOT relevant to reality. Why? (RHETORICAL) Because an actual physical examination on the ground discloses that a real country exists. It has people who control the area bounded by actual physical boundary markers. The reality of it cannot be denied.

Another very odd feature observable in the discussion is the forced imposition of views. Relative to this discussion, we find that one side makes the claim: "The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and everything that has been based on them, are deemed null and void." And while today, The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate may be considered historical documents, "everything that has been based on them" is as real as ever; not "null and void." It is an invalid and unsound claim → valid IF and ONLY IF all the premises are true; assuming that we are all in the same reality.

One other flight of fantasy needs to be brushed up against reality. In the argument of the "Right of Return" how many actual Arab Palestinians today once lived in Israel to claim a "Right to Return?" Given that life expectancy before 1970 was less than 70 years old, how many Arab Palestinians are still alive, assuming such a "Right" actually exist?


As the San Remo Convention remarked about the historical connection, the reality is, that over 8 Million People are living in Israel. Israel has a permanent population; a defined territory; government; and a demonstrated capacity to enter into relations with the other states. That is the "physical" reality. You can go there, count the people, walk the perimeter of the nation, and reflect on all the foreign agreements Israel has signed. Anyone can readily observe that the territory formerly administered under the Mandate of Palestine is NOT an indivisible territorial unit, as some Arab Palestinians would claim.

Finally, to claim that "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine;" or that "there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad" is simply NOT a part of reality.

IF one would wish to remain both sound and valid in the contributions towards peace, THEN one would have to avoid unrealistic ideas or fantastic notions, a pipe dreams such as these.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, so much foreign interference!

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine - A keynote lecture by Rashid Khalidi

Wow, so much nonsense.
LBC: Maajid Nawaz takes down caller who said Hamas are not terrorists

When this caller claimed Hamas were "resistance fighters" against the terrorist state of Israel, Maajid Nawaz gave him a few facts.
Khalid from Swindon insisted that Hamas were simply trying to protect and free the Palestinians.

But when he claimed that they were peaceful and only "throw rockets here and there", Maajid decided to teach him a few things. Maajid told him: "Sheikh Qaradawi is an Egyptian Muslim brotherhood cleric, based in Qatar. That extremist gave a fatwa to Hamas, saying it's ok to kill Israeli civilians.

"The reason I'm explaining all this to you is because you said Israel does that.

"I asked you to point to the specific law where Israel does that and you said you can't. I then pointed to the specific fatwa - because for Hamas, a fatwa is law.

"So Hamas admits to killing Israeli citizens. Israel doesn't have a law that justifies killing Palestinian civilians.

"So therefore, Hamas is a terrorist group. Israel may be many things, but isn't targeting Palestinian civilians."

(f=vide video online)

Maajid Nawaz takes down caller who said Hamas are not terrorists
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

In the Timeline and Chronology of what is relevant and important over the establishment of the Jewish State, too many panelist and discussions get bogged-down in historical complications that had a philosophical impact on why the leaders at the San Remo Convention thought the way they did ⟴ and why the post-World War II leaders thought the way they did. These were • The Causal Effects • of discrete and indivisible manifestation of political and impartial adjudications of long-overdue wrongs the Jewish People faced over an extended period of history. And in the aftermath of The Great War (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45) leaders of great renown emerged and made such decisions that reshaped parts of the world and corrected injustices they recognized from the past as they saw it. One such issue addressed by these leaders was the issue of the Jews. It was recognized by both the post-War leaders of the two World Wars. And these leaders made decisions of such political and diplomatic momentum that we still grapple with them today.

No nation is perfect and no system of government is perfect. These are two assumptions that we have to keep in mind.
While interesting, and somewhat explanatory, historical facts are not really once a decision has been actually implemented. I know we read where people have argued that A/RES/181 (II) was never implemented. That is a philosophical expression and interpretation of fancy. It is NOT relevant to reality. Why? (RHETORICAL) Because an actual physical examination on the ground discloses that a real country exists. It has people who control the area bounded by actual physical boundary markers. The reality of it cannot be denied.

Another very odd feature observable in the discussion is the forced imposition of views. Relative to this discussion, we find that one side makes the claim: "The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and everything that has been based on them, are deemed null and void." And while today, The Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate may be considered historical documents, "everything that has been based on them" is as real as ever; not "null and void." It is an invalid and unsound claim → valid IF and ONLY IF all the premises are true; assuming that we are all in the same reality.

One other flight of fantasy needs to be brushed up against reality. In the argument of the "Right of Return" how many actual Arab Palestinians today once lived in Israel to claim a "Right to Return?" Given that life expectancy before 1970 was less than 70 years old, how many Arab Palestinians are still alive, assuming such a "Right" actually exist?


As the San Remo Convention remarked about the historical connection, the reality is, that over 8 Million People are living in Israel. Israel has a permanent population; a defined territory; government; and a demonstrated capacity to enter into relations with the other states. That is the "physical" reality. You can go there, count the people, walk the perimeter of the nation, and reflect on all the foreign agreements Israel has signed. Anyone can readily observe that the territory formerly administered under the Mandate of Palestine is NOT an indivisible territorial unit, as some Arab Palestinians would claim.

Finally, to claim that "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine;" or that "there is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad" is simply NOT a part of reality.

IF one would wish to remain both sound and valid in the contributions towards peace, THEN one would have to avoid unrealistic ideas or fantastic notions, a pipe dreams such as these.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, so much foreign interference!

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine - A keynote lecture by Rashid Khalidi

LOL !! As usual, instead of coming up with a rebuttal, you post a video.... How Tinmorish of you....
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There are different levels and aspects of "foreign interference." Of recent note, foreign interference has come to include actions taken by foreign actors designed to malign the host nation, to sow discord, manipulate public discourse, discredit the normal course of government, and spread bias the internal defense and security measures.

Foreign Interference does not normally mean to include International Armed Conflicts (IAC), especially IACs that are on the scale of the two World Wars.

WOW, so much foreign interference!

Foreign Interference does not include actions taken to bring under control former Occupied Enemy Territory under proper Administration after a defeated party, through a Peace Agreement, renounced and relinquished all rights and title to a territory as a concession.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There are different levels and aspects of "foreign interference." Of recent note, foreign interference has come to include actions taken by foreign actors designed to malign the host nation, to sow discord, manipulate public discourse, discredit the normal course of government, and spread bias the internal defense and security measures.

Foreign Interference does not normally mean to include International Armed Conflicts (IAC), especially IACs that are on the scale of the two World Wars.

WOW, so much foreign interference!

Foreign Interference does not include actions taken to bring under control former Occupied Enemy Territory under proper Administration after a defeated party, through a Peace Agreement, renounced and relinquished all rights and title to a territory as a concession.

Most Respectfully,
Foreign Interference does not include actions taken to bring under control former Occupied Enemy Territory under proper Administration after a defeated party, through a Peace Agreement, renounced and relinquished all rights and title to a territory as a concession.
Well that's not what happened.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There are different levels and aspects of "foreign interference." Of recent note, foreign interference has come to include actions taken by foreign actors designed to malign the host nation, to sow discord, manipulate public discourse, discredit the normal course of government, and spread bias the internal defense and security measures.

Foreign Interference does not normally mean to include International Armed Conflicts (IAC), especially IACs that are on the scale of the two World Wars.

WOW, so much foreign interference!

Foreign Interference does not include actions taken to bring under control former Occupied Enemy Territory under proper Administration after a defeated party, through a Peace Agreement, renounced and relinquished all rights and title to a territory as a concession.

Most Respectfully,
Foreign Interference does not include actions taken to bring under control former Occupied Enemy Territory under proper Administration after a defeated party, through a Peace Agreement, renounced and relinquished all rights and title to a territory as a concession.
Well that's not what happened.

Well, yes. That’s what happened. Your attempts to re-write history lead to some pretty comical inventions.
Report: the IDF will, at some point, announce the deaths of Islamic terrorist knuckleheads who are confused no more.

Report: Hamas to Restart ‘Confusion Units’ Activity

By Dov Benovadia

Report: Hamas to Restart 'Confusion Units' Activity | Hamodia.com

Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 3:35 am | כ"ב טבת תש"פ
In another sign that tensions with Gaza are on the upswing, Hamas announced that beginning Sunday night it would redeploy its “confusion units,” groups that play loud music and shine lights along the Gaza border in order to interfere with the sleep of Israelis who live in the area. Hamas has used the groups before, but halted their activities after IDF action
As over 40 world leaders gather in Jerusalem this week to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz at the event Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism, the Palestinian Authority wants to disrupt the ceremony. The official PA daily published an op-ed yesterday literally calling for murder in order to ruin the ceremony:

One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one dead body will cancel the ceremony.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 18, 2020]

Before calling for murder, regular PA daily columnist Yahya Rabah criticized the international community for recognizing that the “Jews' Holocaust is terrible” while accepting as “insignificant, beautiful, [and] spectacular” what he called the “Palestinian holocaust by Israel that still continues.” Rabah warned: “It can be assumed that they [Palestinians] will resist the ceremony being held in Jerusalem itself, as Jerusalem is theirs.” His suggested solution to stopping the international ceremony from taking place – and which the official PA daily printed - is murder.

(full article online)

PA daily calls for murder to stop Holocaust ceremony in Jerusalem | PMW Analysis
Report: the IDF will, at some point, announce the deaths of Islamic terrorist knuckleheads who are confused no more.

Report: Hamas to Restart ‘Confusion Units’ Activity

By Dov Benovadia

Report: Hamas to Restart 'Confusion Units' Activity | Hamodia.com

Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 3:35 am | כ"ב טבת תש"פ
In another sign that tensions with Gaza are on the upswing, Hamas announced that beginning Sunday night it would redeploy its “confusion units,” groups that play loud music and shine lights along the Gaza border in order to interfere with the sleep of Israelis who live in the area. Hamas has used the groups before, but halted their activities after IDF action

Islamic desperation lol !
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Most of the general population of Arab Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (WB & GS) are affiliated or otherwise associated with one band or another of violent organizations (Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters). And they all advocate actions that will "incite" terrorist or other criminal acts that violate international law. There are three primary international instruments that deal with this issue:

[Article 20 • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Adopted: 1966 EIF: 1976)] Realizing that the individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the promotion and observance of the rights recognized in the present Covenant,

Agree upon the following articles:

1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.

2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.​

1. [S/RES/1624 (2005)] Calls upon all States to adopt such measures, as may be necessary and appropriate, in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;
[Article 7 • Crimes against humanity • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court] For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

(a) Murder;​

One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one dead body will cancel the ceremony.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 18, 2020]
(full article online)
PA daily calls for murder to stop Holocaust ceremony in Jerusalem | PMW Analysis

The short response is: The Arab Palestinians of the WB & GS do not believe that they have to act responsibly. The Arab Palestinians of the WB & GS believe that there is legitimacy in their armed struggle for what they consider → independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from Israel and foreign domination and occupation. The Arab Palestinians of the WB & GS believe they have a right to use all available means, particularly armed struggle. The Arab Palestinians of the WB & GS believe they have a right to direct attacks intended to harm Israel as the Occupying Power, and all allies of Israel (including civilians).

It will be interesting to see if any members of the international community or mainstream media notice this transgression.

Most Respectfully,
The Fatah franchise of the UNRWA welfare fraud is in a kerfuffle regarding a gathering of world leaders in Jerusalem.

As you might expect, the best they could offer was

PA daily calls for murder to stop Holocaust ceremony in Jerusalem

Itamar Marcus | Jan 19, 2020

PA daily calls for murder to stop Holocaust ceremony in Jerusalem | PMW Analysis

As over 40 world leaders gather in Jerusalem this week to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz at the event Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism, the Palestinian Authority wants to disrupt the ceremony. The official PA daily published an op-ed yesterday literally calling for murder in order to ruin the ceremony:

One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one dead body will cancel the ceremony.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 18, 2020]
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