Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The talking heads in Fatah'istan have launched themselves into another saliva-slinging rant.

This one has somethng to do with Islam's claimed 8,443rd "most holy site".

It's all a little comical when we read about Sunni and Shia Death Cultists routinely as'plodin each other's mosques.

"The Muslims have the absolute right" to the Western Wall - PA denial of Jewish history persists

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 21, 2020

  • Fatah spokesman: “We will defend our Al-Aqsa Mosque and our holy sites, and we will not allow them to violate them … whatever the cost may be.’"
Hamas is threatening a continued balloon gee-had.

So much for Shia Iranian welfare money.

Hamas official threatens more explosive balloons into Israel

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Incendiary balloons Palestinians launched from the Gaza Strip recently were a signal to Israel to accelerate unofficial “understandings” meant to ease the crippling blockade on the Hamas-ruled territory, a senior official from the terror group said Tuesday.
Hamas is threatening a continued balloon gee-had.

So much for Shia Iranian welfare money.

Hamas official threatens more explosive balloons into Israel

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Incendiary balloons Palestinians launched from the Gaza Strip recently were a signal to Israel to accelerate unofficial “understandings” meant to ease the crippling blockade on the Hamas-ruled territory, a senior official from the terror group said Tuesday.
The ball is in Israel's court.
Hamas is threatening a continued balloon gee-had.

So much for Shia Iranian welfare money.

Hamas official threatens more explosive balloons into Israel

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Incendiary balloons Palestinians launched from the Gaza Strip recently were a signal to Israel to accelerate unofficial “understandings” meant to ease the crippling blockade on the Hamas-ruled territory, a senior official from the terror group said Tuesday.
The ball is in Israel's court.

Remove the blockade stopping terror weapons from entering the Gaza Strip, or we'll use terror weapons on you.
Hamas is threatening a continued balloon gee-had.

So much for Shia Iranian welfare money.

Hamas official threatens more explosive balloons into Israel

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Incendiary balloons Palestinians launched from the Gaza Strip recently were a signal to Israel to accelerate unofficial “understandings” meant to ease the crippling blockade on the Hamas-ruled territory, a senior official from the terror group said Tuesday.
The ball is in Israel's court.

“Fitness for Survival”. A scientific principle.

Israeli army kills 3 Palestinians after attack at Gaza fence

Associated PressJanuary 21, 2020

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — The Israeli military said its soldiers killed three Palestinians who crossed the Gaza border fence and threw an explosive device at troops on Tuesday.
It looks like Egypt has had enough humiliation at the hand of their Shia’fied neighbor.

Haniyeh appears to have been told by Egypt to disappear or suffer the debilitating disease of Soleimani Syndrome.

Hamas chief to remain outside Gaza for months, his deputy says

Ismail Haniyeh’s visit to Iran after the killing of Qassem Soleimani sparked tensions with Egypt, which controls Gaza’s only non-Israeli border.

The leader of Hamas won’t be returning to the Gaza Strip for up to a year, a senior official from the terror group said Tuesday.

  • In this photo, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh speaks at the funeral of Qassem Soleimani, in Tehran, Iran, January 6, 2020. (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader)

It’s time for Israel to reverse the misguided Dayan doctrine and send a clear message that Palestinian “liberation” of the Temple Mount and the Tomb of the Patriarchs will utterly fail.

(full article online)

The ‘Prayer Intifada’
This laundry list of lies is the official Palestinian narrative about Jews, Israel and the Holocaust.

Ten years ago Palestinians and Arabs routinely denied the Holocaust in their media. The publicity was bad and they mostly abandoned this argument. Now they are just claiming to be the major victims of the Holocaust, that Jews aren't really Jews, and that they were more supportive of Jews in Europe than Zionists were.

When one lie stops getting traction, there are always ten more that can take its place.

This article was also published in other Arabic newspapers. As always, there is not a single Arab in official media who is publicly disagreeing with the lies.

See also:
"Arabs should use Holocaust as a political weapon" (2010)

Pal newspaper: Balfour Declaration worse than Holocaust (which is fake anyway)

Review and excerpts of Mahmoud Abbas' Holocaust denial book

Arabs consider the Holocaust a myth - until it becomes convenient for them to say Jews are worse than Nazis

(full article online)

How many lies can you count in this Holocaust article in the Palestinian Authority's official newspaper? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Some ill will in the mini-caliphate of Gaza’istan. Haniyeh is being kicked out of the caliphate, at least temporarily. It seems that his best option is to get out of town before Egypt or the KSA decide to “do an islam” and he disappears in the night.

When you “ruffle Salafist feathers” by sucking up to the Shia heretics, it’s only a matter of time before you experience the business end of the gee-had.

Islamic terrorists eating their own.


Hamas leadership is at odds over leader Ismail Haniyeh's decision to travel to Tehran earlier this month to attend the furfural of Quds Force Commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani, killed in a US drone strike in Iraq Jan. 3.

The trip was defied Egyptian officials' advice to Haniyeh and also ruffled the feathers of several Salafist terrorist organizations in Gaza, which are now threatening retaliation against Hamas over the visit.
[Mohammad's method to perfection . The Hudna will go on, and on....until the enemy is defeated ]

An article in Fatah's website says

[ Europeans victorious in the European war called the Second World War meet to announce remorse for their heinous colonial actions against the Jews, but at the same time they put their hands in the new terrorist monster they made, which is the state of the Zionist aggression, ....to atone for their sins where the persecution took place, but they were established on our land, with a loose religious cover.
They wrote history and lied in their racial greed, just as the priests of the Torah lied. Instead of respecting them in their countries in Europe and Russia, they considered them garbage that must be disposed of.]

....The Holocaust of Palestine has been happening since the entry of General Allenby to Palestine.Again, Holocaust denial seems to be out of fashion. Now it is Holocaust revisionism where the main victims are Palestinian.

(full article online)

Palestinian reaction to Holocaust forum: "Palestinians have lived with a Holocaust every day for 70 years" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hamas must be busy forming lines of children who graduated from their version of the Hitler Youth Camps.

Sacrificial splodeydopes.

Hamas official threatens more explosive balloons into Israel


Hamas official threatens more explosive balloons into Israel
Terror group's representative lauds act of aggression on Gaza border, says calm contingent upon Israel further abiding by Hamas conditions
Every year the terror group Fatah, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, celebrates the anniversary of its first terror attack against Israel, a failed attempt to attack Israel's water carrier on January 1, 1965.

Fatah holds these events for weeks, including in other countries. This year they held them in Turkey, Syria, Tunisia, Malaysia, Egypt and Cyprus.

And Britain.

Hundreds gathered in London this past Saturday night to celebrate the terrorists of Fatah.

(full article online)

Hundreds gather to celebrate 55th anniversary of Fatah's first terror attack against Israel - in London ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To a Young Poet
To a Young Poet by Mahmoud Darwish | Poetry Magazine

Don’t believe our outlines, forget them
and begin from your own words.
As if you are the first to write poetry
or the last poet.

If you read our work, let it not be an extension of our airs,
but to correct our errs
in the book of agony.

Don’t ask anyone: Who am I?
You know who your mother is.
As for your father, be your own.

Truth is white, write over it
with a crow’s ink.
Truth is black, write over it
with a mirage’s light.

If you want to duel with a falcon
soar with the falcon.

If you fall in love with a woman,
be the one, not she,
who desires his end.

Life is less alive than we think but we don’t think
of the matter too much lest we hurt emotions’ health.

If you ponder a rose for too long
you won’t budge in a storm.

You are like me, but my abyss is clear.
And you have roads whose secrets never end.
They descend and ascend, descend and ascend.

You might call the end of youth
the maturity of talent
or wisdom. No doubt, it is wisdom,
the wisdom of a cool non-lyric.

One thousand birds in the hand
don’t equal one bird that wears a tree.

A poem in a difficult time
is beautiful flowers in a cemetery.

Example is not easy to attain
so be yourself and other than yourself
behind the borders of echo.

Ardor has an expiration date with extended range.
So fill up with fervor for your heart’s sake,
follow it before you reach your path.

Don’t tell the beloved, you are I
and I am you, say
the opposite of that: we are two guests
of an excess, fugitive cloud.

Deviate, with all your might, deviate from the rule.

Don’t place two stars in one utterance
and place the marginal next to the essential
to complete the rising rapture.

Don’t believe the accuracy of our instructions.
Believe only the caravan’s trace.

A moral is as a bullet in its poet’s heart
a deadly wisdom.
Be strong as a bull when you’re angry
weak as an almond blossom
when you love, and nothing, nothing
when you serenade yourself in a closed room.

The road is long like an ancient poet’s night:
plains and hills, rivers and valleys.
Walk according to your dream’s measure: either a lily
follows you or the gallows.

Your tasks are not what worry me about you.
I worry about you from those who dance
over their children’s graves,
and from the hidden cameras
in the singers’ navels.

You won’t disappoint me,
if you distance yourself from others, and from me.
What doesn’t resemble me is more beautiful.

From now on, your only guardian is a neglected future.

Don’t think, when you melt in sorrow
like candle tears, of who will see you
or follow your intuition’s light.
Think of yourself: is this all of myself?

The poem is always incomplete, the butterflies make it whole.

No advice in love. It’s experience.
No advice in poetry. It’s talent.

And last but not least, Salaam.
His paintings are striking - worth a look at the gallery :)

Nasr A. Aziz Eleyan
Nasr Abel Aziz Eleyan is a figurative painter whose individual style is concerned with cultural traditions. His paintings depict the rural life of the peasant, and the traditional Palestinian way of life. He simplifies his subjects with simple geometrical lines, creating both harmony and balance.



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The Palestinians have produced many good artists and poets - another one is Nabil Anani.

Woman power in the Arab world (a rare thing)! Palestinian woman make up a larger than average proportion of entrepeneurs in Palestine.

How the first Palestinian woman is disrupting the finance industry with her fintech start-up

Fuelled by a supportive ecosystem and a tech-savvy population, the fintech industry in the Middle East has been growing rapidly in the last few years, disrupting the financial landscape and attracting billions in investment globally.

In the future, it’s believed that the whole world will move to the digital space in terms of finance, and the idea of physical money will disappear completely. The catalyst of such a development will be the various fintech companies and start-ups that are starting to pop up all over the world.

Taking part in this monumental shift is the founder of Rumman, Shurouq Qawariq, together with her friends Nabil Parkar and Juan Manuel Balcazar, who met in Indiana whilst completing their undergraduate degrees.

Founded in 2018, Rumman is one of the first fintech companies in the region to offer personalised, digital wealth management and automatic ways and methods to save money effortlessly.

Shurouq said: “We hope to facilitate saving and investment for those who are having trouble saving and planning for their future, and increase financial literacy and inclusion in the region to go beyond owning a bank account.”

The system is simple – every transaction made is rounded up to the nearest dollar and the change is invested in a portfolio curated to the user’s own risk profile.

“After fiddling around with ideas for our start-up, me and my team liked the idea of creating a finance savings app that allows users to invest in a different range of financial products, and be available on the mobile,” explained Shurouq.

Rumman means pomegranate in Arabic inspired by the idea of it being made up from a lot of small precious seeds that are protected by a hard shell.
I suppose the Great Satan™️ will have to tip toe around the Islamic terrorist threat “ you’ve been warned”.

I’m not sure how threats of a new gee-had will change anything in terms of the current gee-had. Further, neither Hamas nor PIJ nor Fatah have shown any interest in a political solution aside from one that presumes the destruction of Israel and the competing islamic terrorist franchise.

To gee-had or not to gee-had. It’s the fifth pillar of Islamism.

Gee-had it is.

Hamas official warns of 'a new intifada' if Trump Middle East plan moves forward

A Hamas official warned that if the United States moves forward with its Middle East plan, it could lead to another intifada. Basem Naim, the head of Hamas’s International Relations Office, tweeted the notion on Thursday.

"If what is published in the media [about] #Trump deal correct, it means a new #Nakba 4 the Palestinians & the end of any opportunity 4 political solutions. Palestinians will hinder the implementation of the deal, whatever the price. It will trigger a new #Intifada. TO BE OR NOT TO BE," he said.
You’ve come a long way, baby.

Well, maybe not.

The Status of Women in Gaza


Women's rights encountered significant barriers to progress with Hamas' rise to power in 2007. Although women make up 50% of the population in Gaza, their influence in most fields is limited, and their basic rights are often systematically denied. The role of women in a Hamas-dominated society was laid out in its 1988 charter, which states that Muslim women are important in that they "manufacture men and play a great role in guiding and educating the [new] generation." While women have achieved some limited accomplishments since Hamas came to power, gender discrimination has intensified overall.
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