Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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While the exact details of the new U.S. peace plan—also known as the “deal of the century”—are unknown, it is already clear that the PLO and the Palestinian Authority will reject it.

Their rejection will not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with their approach, reflecting the consistently expressed demands of the PLO/PA regarding any future peace deal. Cumulatively, these demands require the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state. Any suggested peace deal that does not meet these demands will be rejected by the Palestinians.

The original Israeli-Palestinian peace accord was signed by Israel and the PLO. The P.A. was created as a function of the 1993 agreement, a later agreement in 1994 and finally the 1995 interim agreement. These agreements are together known as the “Oslo Accords.”

In those agreements a number of issues were left to “permanent status negotiations,” including “Jerusalem, settlements, specified military locations, Palestinian refugees, borders, foreign relations and Israelis.”

Despite having agreed to negotiate on these subjects, over the last 25 years, on repeated occasions, the PLO/PA have made clear that while they were happy to assume the control and jurisdiction afforded to them by the accords, they had no intention whatsoever to negotiate any settlement regarding the other issues.

(full article online)

PMW JNS op-ed: Why the Palestinians will reject the "deal of the century" | PMW Analysis
In the part of the world where hate / self-hate rules, it leads to generations of psychopaths.

Here's what hate looks like: PA Antisemitism on PA TV

Itamar Marcus | Jan 27, 2020

Click to view and hear how the PA disseminates Jew-hatred to adults and children through its official PA TV and Fatah Facebook. Children learn poems of hate and adults are taught Jews endanger humanity and therefore Allah must “kill them one by one - do not leave even one.”
Mahmoud is angry.

Palestinian Authority Boss Rejects Trump Peace Plan, Vows To Die As Martyr Or Take Jerusalem - Frontpagemag

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas commented on Monday regarding US President Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century" that "Trump is a dog and the son of a dog," Fatah officials confirmed.

See? I told you he was angry.

Abbas further claimed that "I was told I'll pay a heavy price for my foolish behavior. I do not have much longer to live and I will not go down as a traitor. It's either dying like martyrs or flying the Palestinian flag on the walls of Jerusalem."

"Mahmoud the martyr"

That has all the elements of a PA music video.
  1. Oh, my. Is Hamas throwing people from rooftops again? Somebody call the UN.

The US peace plan was met with an act of war by the Islamic terrorists.

Strange, that.

Gaza mortar shell strikes south, prompting IDF strikes on Hamas targets

Gaza mortar shell strikes south, prompting IDF strikes on Hamas targets

Projectile hits open field, causing no injuries or damage; resulting sirens send hundreds scrambling for cover, after IDF announces plans to send reinforcements to Gaza border

29 January 2020, 9:44 pm 3
The Islamic terrorists from the West Bank (Fatah franchise), have a snappy new music video.

Fatah threatens anyone supporting the deal of the century - in song on Fatah Facebook
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 29, 2020

“We are trampling the deal of the century...
[and] everyone who has signed it and everyone who adheres to it…
We have experienced men, who undergo training alongside death… Their weapons are in their hands, beware not to come near them…
You seem to have forgotten their actions
and even their terrifying deeds…
If talking does not help, we will erase it with cannons”

Arabs-Moslems doing what they do.

Hamas calls for mass demonstrations, West Bank clashes intensify

The Hamas terrorist group has called for mass demonstrations throughout the Gaza Strip on Thursday after evening prayers, in protest against the "Deal of the Century" Middle East peace plan, according to Palestinian reports. In the West Bank, clashes were sparked in multiple cities, with Palestinians reporting that 30 people were arrested within 24 hours.

Israeli security forces fired tear gas at protesters in Al-Bireh and Jericho. IDF soldiers opened fire and fired tear gas at student demonstrators along the Gaza border near Khan Younis on Thursday, according to Palestinian reports. The students left the area and no injuries were reported.
Until the international community chooses not to shower islamic terrorist psychopaths with money, this madness will continue.

There is simply no valid reason to provide welfare money to an islamic terrorist / criminal franchise.

PMW exclusive: PA gave 517.4 million shekels to terrorists as salaries in 2019 | PMW Analysis

PMW exclusive: PA gave 517.4 million shekels to terrorists as salaries in 2019

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Jan 30, 2020
  • As US President Trump demanded “halting the financial compensation to terrorists” PA documents just publicized show the PA admits to paying 517.4 million shekels in salaries to terrorists in 2019, a rise of 15 million shekels compared to 2018.
  • Israeli government stipulated that the PA spent 150 million shekels on the payments to wounded terrorists and the families of dead terrorist “Martyrs” in 2018
  • PMW has calculated that this figure has grown by at least 1.6 million shekels, in 2019
  • Accordingly, in 2020, the Israeli Government must deduct no less than 669 million shekels from the taxes Israel collects and transfer to the PA
It appears that the IDF is responding quickly to retaliate after the latest Islamic terrorist attacks.

IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza in response to rockets launched into Israel

IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza in response to rockets launched into Israel

An IDF spokesman said the strikes were conducted against 'a wide array of targets belonging to the Hamas terror group. … constituting a real blow to Hamas’s abilities to build up [its forces]'; no injuries were reported as a result of the strikes
It appears that Hamas will have to go begging to Iran to pay for the damages.

IDF Planes Hit Underground Hamas Weapons Facility | Hamodia.com

IDF planes struck Hamas targets in Gaza early Friday, in response to the firing of rockets at Israeli targets on Thursday night. The IDF said that it had hit several Hamas installations, including an underground site where weapons were manufactured. The statement said that the attack was also in response to several balloon terror attacks.
Following IsraelI retaliatory airstrikes, Hamas is spewing their usual slogans,

With Yahya Sinwar cowering in a tunnel somewhere and Haniyeh banished from Islamic terrorist occupied Gaza, it was time to roll out the standard, pompous script.


Hamas says Israeli ‘aggression’ won’t deter it from further attacks

After IDF strikes Gaza in response to rocket launches, spokesman for terror group vows it will continue efforts to ‘achieve liberty via expulsion of those who occupy it’
Today, 8:16 am 1

  • The Hamas terror group on Sunday reacted to overnight Israeli strikes in Gaza, which came in response to rockets being fired at Israeli cities, warning that the “aggression” would not deter it from further attacking the Jewish state.
Following IsraelI retaliatory airstrikes, Hamas is spewing their usual slogans,

With Yahya Sinwar cowering in a tunnel somewhere and Haniyeh banished from Islamic terrorist occupied Gaza, it was time to roll out the standard, pompous script.


Hamas says Israeli ‘aggression’ won’t deter it from further attacks

After IDF strikes Gaza in response to rocket launches, spokesman for terror group vows it will continue efforts to ‘achieve liberty via expulsion of those who occupy it’
Today, 8:16 am 1

  • The Hamas terror group on Sunday reacted to overnight Israeli strikes in Gaza, which came in response to rockets being fired at Israeli cities, warning that the “aggression” would not deter it from further attacking the Jewish state.

I like the way they twist the narrative. (Not)

Defensive retaliation becomes aggression.

Must be satire. :26:
Oh, my. It seems the Egyptians made Ismail the Islamo-version an offer he couldn’t refuse.

Hamas leader Haniyeh decides to settle in Qatar - report

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has decided to remain outside the Gaza Strip for a lengthy period of time, Hamas officials told the Saudi London-based Ashraq Al-Awsat newspaper.

The decision is related to internal arrangements in Hamas and complications connected to travel to and from the Gaza Strip,” the officials said.

They denied that Egypt has banned Haniyeh from returning to the Gaza Strip and said the Hamas leader has decided not to return home at this stage.
[ It is Hudna time for the eternal victims of Jewish "aggression" and audacity to be a free people ]

Following the airstrikes, Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qassem said the group would not be deterred by Israeli “aggression” but would “reinforce our people’s insistence on continuing the legitimate struggle against them and will not stop the Palestinians’ efforts to achieve liberty via expulsion of those who occupy the Palestinian people.”

(full article online)

After relative calm with Gaza, four days of rocket fire towards Israel
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