Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Another mouthpiece for the Hamas mini-caliphate is reading their Charter on the internet. Its the expected politburo slogans, something about "stolen land" but as usual, there's no indication of what land was stolen.

Abdel Latif al-Qanoa, a spokesman for the Hamas terrorist organization, on Wednesday denied the right of the Jewish people to establish a state on the territory of Israel.

In a series of Twitter posts as Israel marked its 72nd Independence Day, Qanoa said the independence celebrations do not change the historical fact that Israel was established as an entity that “stole Palestinian land on the bodies of the Palestinian people” and could never achieve legitimacy for its existence.
Advanced, high tech weapons to defend against a backward, low tech aggressor.

The solution? Light Blade, a laser weapon system designed to intercept kites, drones, balloons (and flying condoms).

“The laser is capable of engaging targets day or night with an effective range of two kilometers (1.6 miles),” according to the Times of Israel. “It can be moved around on a small trailer or installed on a truck.”

“The portable system which can be installed on a moving vehicle can be operated both during the day and at night.” The system, which reportedly costs around a million dollars apiece, was developed by commercial companies, Ben Gurion University, the Israel Police and the Israel Defense Forces.
The Abbas mini-caliphate still holds to those values that propelled the islamist armies off the peninsula 1,400 years ago.

Palestinian Authority Antisemitism: Jews must be fought for Allah on behalf of all humanity

Itamar Marcus | Jan 26, 2020
Palestinian Authority Antisemitism:
Jews must be fought for Allah on behalf of all humanity
Special Report for International Holocaust Remembrance Day Jan. 27, 2020.

Fatah officials:
“We won’t relinquish a grain of soil from the land of historical Palestine
from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River”
“We are at the beginning of an ongoing confrontation,”

Israel will leave as other “invaders” have.

And then there’s this:

Another product of the Palestinian Arab Death Cult.

A Palestinian man drove his car into a West Bank checkpoint a day after a Palestinian teen stabbed an Israeli woman in central Israel.

The young man from the West Bank Palestinian village of Barta’a reportedly told investigators that he wanted to die, the Defense Ministry reported.
More of the really dangerous results of identity politics.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., has proposed the Automatic BOOST to Communities Act, which would give debit cards preloaded with $2,000 to “every person in America.” That would include “non-citizens, including undocumented people, permanent residents, and temporary visitors whose stay exceeds three months.”
It looks like it may be a time of decision-making for those banks In the Abbas mini-caliphate which participate in the promotion and funding of PA sponsored Islamic terrorism.

PA afraid of coming crisis following PMW letter to Palestinian banks

Itamar Marcus | May 3, 2020

The Palestinian Authority is showing great anxiety in response to Palestinian Media Watch’s letter of April 20, 2020, to Palestinian banks. PMW warned Palestinian banks that on May 9 a new Israeli law goes into effect and the banks will be violating Israel's criminal law should they host bank accounts in which terrorist prisoners or their designated representatives receive money from the PA.
The Palestinian Authority is showing great anxiety in response to Palestinian Media Watch’s letter of April 20, 2020, to Palestinian banks. PMW warned Palestinian banks that on May 9 a new Israeli law goes into effect and the banks will be violating Israel's criminal law should they host bank accounts in which terrorist prisoners or their designated representatives receive money from the PA.

Numerous articles and news stories have appeared in the PA as well as Arab media across the Middle East from Al-Akhbar in Lebanon to Al-Jazeera in Qatar, in addition to the many responses from the PA itself, reacting to PMW’s warning to the banks. And there is good reason for the PA to be panicking. Should the Palestinian banks heed PMW’s warning and close the terrorists’ accounts the pipeline through which the PA disseminates hundreds of millions of dollars to financially reward terrorist prisoners will be closed.
Should the banks decide to ignore PMW’s warning, the Israeli government could seize the accounts, and initiate criminal proceedings against the banks and the bank officials for serving as a conduit for rewarding terror.

(full article online)


Mohammed Aref Massad, a former Palestinian security prisoner, has demanded that Israel stop transferring tax revenue funds to the Palestinian Authority on the pretext that the money is being used to fund terrorism and corruption.

Massad, who currently lives in Haifa, made his demand in an urgent petition he filed last week with the High Court of Justice against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and the Knesset Finance Committee.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I never understood what this tax transfer payment was --- in the first place.

Mohammed Aref Massad, a former Palestinian security prisoner, has demanded that Israel stop transferring tax revenue funds to the Palestinian Authority on the pretext that the money is being used to fund terrorism and corruption.

Massad, who currently lives in Haifa, made his demand in an urgent petition he filed last week with the High Court of Justice against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and the Knesset Finance Committee.

Is the Arab Palestinian Revenue Service so inept that the Israelis have to do that as well?


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I never understood what this tax transfer payment was --- in the first place.

Mohammed Aref Massad, a former Palestinian security prisoner, has demanded that Israel stop transferring tax revenue funds to the Palestinian Authority on the pretext that the money is being used to fund terrorism and corruption.

Massad, who currently lives in Haifa, made his demand in an urgent petition he filed last week with the High Court of Justice against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and the Knesset Finance Committee.

Is the Arab Palestinian Revenue Service so inept that the Israelis have to do that as well?


Most Respectfully,
The so called Palestinian leadership signed the Paris Protocol giving Israel the responsibility to collect the taxes on trade. Israel is to transfer these payments to Palestine. This is an obligation of the treaty. This is Palestine's money and Israel has no authority to withhold these funds.
It used to be that indoctrination into the Cult of Pal’istanians was a cradle to grave program that imposed upon all aspects of life. That wasn’t good enough. Now, it’s a fetus to grave program.

Your fetus will be a “Martyr for Palestine” – PA’s message to Palestinians 3 times in one day

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 4, 2020

“Repetition is the mother of learning, and the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment,” American motivational speaker and salesman Zig Ziglar has explained. And whether or not anyone in the Palestinian Authority leadership has ever heard one of his talks or come across this statement, they sure know to practice repetition to get their messages across to the Palestinian population.
Nothing about the corruption, greed and thievery that defines the PA and Hamas is unknown to international donors who finance the Palestinian welfare fraud. There are many credible reports of the immense wealth accumulated by the Pal leadership with the model for thievery established by Arafat.

Yet, for some reason unknown to me, the international community continues to shower these Islamic terrorists with money.

The missing billions of the Palestinian Authority

The missing billions of the Palestinian Authority:
Funding for terror organizations and funding for institutions
that have not functioned for over a decade
  • Since 2011, the PA has given the PLO over 7,000,000,000 (7 billion) shekels ($1.99 billion/€1.78 billion). Some of that money went directly to PLO member organizations, such as the PFLP, that the US, the EU, and Israel have designated as terrorist organizations
  • Even though the PA has not held elections for 15 years, from 2011 to 2018 the PA spent 104,566,000 shekels ($29.7 million/€26.6 million) on its “Central Election Committee”
  • While the PA’s “Legislative Council” - the PA Parliament - has not functioned since 2006, from 2011 to 2018 the PA spent no less than 336,746,000 shekels ($95.5 million/€85.5 million) on the “Legislative Council”
  • In total, these activities have cost the PA over 7,440,000,000 (7.44 billion) shekels ($2.12 billion/€1.89 billion)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I never understood what this tax transfer payment was --- in the first place.

Mohammed Aref Massad, a former Palestinian security prisoner, has demanded that Israel stop transferring tax revenue funds to the Palestinian Authority on the pretext that the money is being used to fund terrorism and corruption.

Massad, who currently lives in Haifa, made his demand in an urgent petition he filed last week with the High Court of Justice against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and the Knesset Finance Committee.

Is the Arab Palestinian Revenue Service so inept that the Israelis have to do that as well?


Most Respectfully,

Kingdom in Jewish Law - gov that oversees tax collection and declaration of war.

You know there're moments when one just 'gets it',
this is so plain, I've listened to a lot of lessons on this subject,
but only just now got it, thanks to Your question.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I never understood what this tax transfer payment was --- in the first place.

Mohammed Aref Massad, a former Palestinian security prisoner, has demanded that Israel stop transferring tax revenue funds to the Palestinian Authority on the pretext that the money is being used to fund terrorism and corruption.

Massad, who currently lives in Haifa, made his demand in an urgent petition he filed last week with the High Court of Justice against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and the Knesset Finance Committee.

Is the Arab Palestinian Revenue Service so inept that the Israelis have to do that as well?


Most Respectfully,
The so called Palestinian leadership signed the Paris Protocol giving Israel the responsibility to collect the taxes on trade. Israel is to transfer these payments to Palestine. This is an obligation of the treaty. This is Palestine's money and Israel has no authority to withhold these funds.

So what Arabs now end Oslo?
They will hold to it with their teeth,
because that's the only source of their authority.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I agree with you. Any new excuse for a program to buy Arab Palestinians leaders new
Dormeuil Vanquish and Zoot Suits is just out of the question.

BLUF: The Arab Palestinians, no matter what education level they claim, are (more often than not) asking for something and then insisting we thank them for the trouble.

‘We did not get a cent’: Palestinian diplomat says US ‘lying’ about promised $5mn aid package to hospitals facing Covid-19

They must be brain dead - or - mentally retarded as a hereditary factor. America is not going to render voluntary aid for a penny
(let alone $5M) and then apologize for not giving a corrupt government the money sooner. The Arab Palestinians have squeezed more than enough money from America and other donor nations to take care of their needs --- and the graft and skimming besides.

Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America? Under what obligation is America to provide such assistance? Maybe the Arab Palestinians should make the same demand on their new best Persian buddies. If the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) can smuggle in weapons, they surely can smuggle in medical supplies and assistance.


Most Respectfully,
Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America?
America is funding the occupation.
What occupation? You can't identify any sovereign Arab-Moslem land that is occupied by Israel.

Indeed, you should learn to accurately use terms and definitions.

It’s a waste of time with him.

Either he doesn’t “get” it.

Or he’s being wilfully obtuse.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The US is not funding the occupation of any territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine.

The recurring theme in the objections made by the Arab Palestinians is that the US renders "X" number of millions
(or billions depending upon the timeline scale) of dollars to Israel --- while NOT providing any similar assistance (in fact $0) to various factions the Arab Palestinians purportedly administrating the Government. And while in certain respects this is true, the questions one must know the answer first are:

◈ Under what obligation does America have to provide anything to the Arab Palestinians?
◈ Under what obligation does America even have a requirement to answer the Arab Palestinian questions on matters of the US providing defense substance and aid to any foreign nations?

Under what right do the Arab Palestinians demand anything from America?
America is funding the occupation.

And while the international community refers to the Civil Administration of the West Bank and Jerusalem as → the Occupied Palestinian Territory, it is really bad political notation. In 1967, the Israelis assumed control of Sovereign Jordanian territory and NOT Sovereign Palestinian Territory. And when the Jordanians broke all political ties with the West Bank and Jerusalem, the Arab Palestinians had still not formed a government to assume control. It was abandoned to the Israels.


Most Respectfully,
:cuckoo: :cuckoo::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Jordan cannot "abandon" Palestinian land to Israel.
You have never identified the location of this mythical "Pal'istanian land". Where was this sovereign land? Where is it now?

Perhaps he means Iraq.

That was Mandate administered land too.
Little Muhammud has been groomed for this since the cradle.

Little boys and girls are the stuff that "martyrs" sacrificial lambs are made of, used to enrich Hamas leadership banks accounts

February 9, 2019

The students of “Hamad School” gathered on Saturday for the funeral of their friend killed by Israeli forces live ammunition at the Great March of Return protest near the perimeter fence on Friday.
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