Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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^ Räsänen used as source material a CNN report that the reason for the ban was Hezbollah's anti-Israel stance. But Hezbollah's terror activities are widely documented:

Hezbollah was behind a bombing in Istanbul in May 2011 that wounded eight Turkish civilians in an assassination attempt on the Israeli consul to Turkey, Moshe Kimchi.

In July 2012, a Lebanese man who admitted working for Hezbollah was detained by Cyprus police for planning attacks against Israeli tourists.

The 2012 Burgas bus bombing terrorist attack against Israeli citizens in Bulgaria, which killed six, was done by Hezbollah.

These are only the European attacks since 2010. Hezbollah has been involved in attacks and attempts in Singapore, Argentina and elsewhere. Denying that they are terrorists is the worst kind of pandering.

Oh, and Germany seems to have acted after the Mossad helpfully informed German authorities of the locations of warehouses in Germany where Hezbollah was storing explosives. But that's a minor detail to someone as big-brained as Syksy Räsänen.

But Räsänen, the human rights activist, has nothing bad to say about these attacks - because the intended target was Israeli civilians, and to him, Israelis are not human.
Israel rocks, dude.

Palestine In-depth: Why is Israel Afraid of Khalida Jarrar?

Sarsour’s book is filled with a mix of anecdotal stories from her life along with poorly sourced political observations.

In one instance, she proudly recounts how she threatened to dox a young Palestinian man because he was allegedly a spy for a law enforcement agency.

In another, she describes how she met fellow Women’s March organizers Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez, describing them as the “unbreakable social justice Voltron.”

She recounts that no one actually introduced Mallory and Perez to her, but rather the three of them just always ended up being at the same protests. Their relationship was solidified in 2014, when they organized a march from New York to Washington, D.C. following the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.

She evokes a lot of Martin Luther King, Jr./marching in Selma protest imagery, but doesn’t seem to see the disparity between her vivid imagination and the reality of her group of marchers spending one of their evenings in a mosque run by the Nation of Islam, an organization led by hate preacher Louis Farrakhan, who calls Jews “satanic” and compares them to termites.

Sarsour describes Michael Brown’s death as a “noonday execution” and the reiterates a witness report of Brown having his hands up and yelling “don’t shoot.”

Yet the notes at the end of the book only cite one source for information on the events surrounding Brown’s death. It has long been known that the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative of those events was a lie, yet she still uses this event to create her false narrative.

These false narratives run throughout her book. While serving as a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in 2015, she recounts that, unlike Sanders, other political candidates see Muslims as a political liability.

As proof, she cites Hillary Clinton returning $51,000 in contributions during her 2000 New York senate campaign from two Muslim groups. Yet, even the The New York Timesarticle Sarsour cites as the source for this information notes that the two groups — American Muslim Alliance and the American Muslim Council — had problematic histories of anti-Semitism and openly praised the terrorist group Hamas.

Sarsour either never read the article she cited, or she sees no reason to bring up these inconvenient facts.

Sarsour has long been accused of being an anti-Semite herself. Her blatant support of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement, as well as other incendiary comments certainly point this way.

Yet, Sarsour deflects these accusations as nothing more than a defamation campaign against her. “I was anti-Semitic because I advocated for the human rights of Palestinians,” she writes.

This is laughable considering her history of engaging in bigotry against Jews. Here are just a few examples. In the past, Sarsour has

  • Claimed “Israel is built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everyone else”
  • Playfully joked with anti-Semitic, Hezbollah supporter, Abbas Hamideh about the Jewish people’s connection to Israel

(full article online)


n this video, I (along with Mrs. Elder) fisk a two minute clip of Linda Sarsour, showing exactly how she uses propaganda methods to libel Israel (along with old fashioned lying.)

Framing a discussion is a major way to keep people from even thinking of bringing up facts you don't want to talk about, and Sarsour is good at it. I show how and when she does it.

Sarsour’s book is filled with a mix of anecdotal stories from her life along with poorly sourced political observations.

In one instance, she proudly recounts how she threatened to dox a young Palestinian man because he was allegedly a spy for a law enforcement agency.

In another, she describes how she met fellow Women’s March organizers Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez, describing them as the “unbreakable social justice Voltron.”

She recounts that no one actually introduced Mallory and Perez to her, but rather the three of them just always ended up being at the same protests. Their relationship was solidified in 2014, when they organized a march from New York to Washington, D.C. following the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.

She evokes a lot of Martin Luther King, Jr./marching in Selma protest imagery, but doesn’t seem to see the disparity between her vivid imagination and the reality of her group of marchers spending one of their evenings in a mosque run by the Nation of Islam, an organization led by hate preacher Louis Farrakhan, who calls Jews “satanic” and compares them to termites.

Sarsour describes Michael Brown’s death as a “noonday execution” and the reiterates a witness report of Brown having his hands up and yelling “don’t shoot.”

Yet the notes at the end of the book only cite one source for information on the events surrounding Brown’s death. It has long been known that the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative of those events was a lie, yet she still uses this event to create her false narrative.

These false narratives run throughout her book. While serving as a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in 2015, she recounts that, unlike Sanders, other political candidates see Muslims as a political liability.

As proof, she cites Hillary Clinton returning $51,000 in contributions during her 2000 New York senate campaign from two Muslim groups. Yet, even the The New York Timesarticle Sarsour cites as the source for this information notes that the two groups — American Muslim Alliance and the American Muslim Council — had problematic histories of anti-Semitism and openly praised the terrorist group Hamas.

Sarsour either never read the article she cited, or she sees no reason to bring up these inconvenient facts.

Sarsour has long been accused of being an anti-Semite herself. Her blatant support of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement, as well as other incendiary comments certainly point this way.

Yet, Sarsour deflects these accusations as nothing more than a defamation campaign against her. “I was anti-Semitic because I advocated for the human rights of Palestinians,” she writes.

This is laughable considering her history of engaging in bigotry against Jews. Here are just a few examples. In the past, Sarsour has

  • Claimed “Israel is built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everyone else”
  • Playfully joked with anti-Semitic, Hezbollah supporter, Abbas Hamideh about the Jewish people’s connection to Israel

(full article online)

Don't forget that the Clarion Project is an Israeli propaganda organization.
This successful American businessman is considered, according to UNRWA's definition, to be a "Palestine refugee" - today.

And so are any of his children and grandchildren, born and raised in the US.

If Salameh would decide to move back to Lebanon, he would be eligible for UNRWA services as a refugee. His American citizenship is not a factor in determining what UNRWA considers refugee status.

This is just one of the absurd stories about UNRWA's definition of "refugee" that the media does not cover. If UNRWA's definition would be in line with that of the Refugee Convention, then the number of "Palestine refugees" would plummet from millions to thousands. And places like Lebanon and Saudi Arabia would feel more obligated to actually give these people a path to citizenship instead of pretending that they will one day go "back to Palestine."

(full article online)

Sarsour’s book is filled with a mix of anecdotal stories from her life along with poorly sourced political observations.

In one instance, she proudly recounts how she threatened to dox a young Palestinian man because he was allegedly a spy for a law enforcement agency.

In another, she describes how she met fellow Women’s March organizers Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez, describing them as the “unbreakable social justice Voltron.”

She recounts that no one actually introduced Mallory and Perez to her, but rather the three of them just always ended up being at the same protests. Their relationship was solidified in 2014, when they organized a march from New York to Washington, D.C. following the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.

She evokes a lot of Martin Luther King, Jr./marching in Selma protest imagery, but doesn’t seem to see the disparity between her vivid imagination and the reality of her group of marchers spending one of their evenings in a mosque run by the Nation of Islam, an organization led by hate preacher Louis Farrakhan, who calls Jews “satanic” and compares them to termites.

Sarsour describes Michael Brown’s death as a “noonday execution” and the reiterates a witness report of Brown having his hands up and yelling “don’t shoot.”

Yet the notes at the end of the book only cite one source for information on the events surrounding Brown’s death. It has long been known that the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative of those events was a lie, yet she still uses this event to create her false narrative.

These false narratives run throughout her book. While serving as a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in 2015, she recounts that, unlike Sanders, other political candidates see Muslims as a political liability.

As proof, she cites Hillary Clinton returning $51,000 in contributions during her 2000 New York senate campaign from two Muslim groups. Yet, even the The New York Timesarticle Sarsour cites as the source for this information notes that the two groups — American Muslim Alliance and the American Muslim Council — had problematic histories of anti-Semitism and openly praised the terrorist group Hamas.

Sarsour either never read the article she cited, or she sees no reason to bring up these inconvenient facts.

Sarsour has long been accused of being an anti-Semite herself. Her blatant support of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement, as well as other incendiary comments certainly point this way.

Yet, Sarsour deflects these accusations as nothing more than a defamation campaign against her. “I was anti-Semitic because I advocated for the human rights of Palestinians,” she writes.

This is laughable considering her history of engaging in bigotry against Jews. Here are just a few examples. In the past, Sarsour has

  • Claimed “Israel is built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everyone else”
  • Playfully joked with anti-Semitic, Hezbollah supporter, Abbas Hamideh about the Jewish people’s connection to Israel

(full article online)

Don't forget that the Clarion Project is an Israeli propaganda organization.

Only Palestinian propaganda is allowed!!!
Sarsour’s book is filled with a mix of anecdotal stories from her life along with poorly sourced political observations.

In one instance, she proudly recounts how she threatened to dox a young Palestinian man because he was allegedly a spy for a law enforcement agency.

In another, she describes how she met fellow Women’s March organizers Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez, describing them as the “unbreakable social justice Voltron.”

She recounts that no one actually introduced Mallory and Perez to her, but rather the three of them just always ended up being at the same protests. Their relationship was solidified in 2014, when they organized a march from New York to Washington, D.C. following the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.

She evokes a lot of Martin Luther King, Jr./marching in Selma protest imagery, but doesn’t seem to see the disparity between her vivid imagination and the reality of her group of marchers spending one of their evenings in a mosque run by the Nation of Islam, an organization led by hate preacher Louis Farrakhan, who calls Jews “satanic” and compares them to termites.

Sarsour describes Michael Brown’s death as a “noonday execution” and the reiterates a witness report of Brown having his hands up and yelling “don’t shoot.”

Yet the notes at the end of the book only cite one source for information on the events surrounding Brown’s death. It has long been known that the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative of those events was a lie, yet she still uses this event to create her false narrative.

These false narratives run throughout her book. While serving as a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in 2015, she recounts that, unlike Sanders, other political candidates see Muslims as a political liability.

As proof, she cites Hillary Clinton returning $51,000 in contributions during her 2000 New York senate campaign from two Muslim groups. Yet, even the The New York Timesarticle Sarsour cites as the source for this information notes that the two groups — American Muslim Alliance and the American Muslim Council — had problematic histories of anti-Semitism and openly praised the terrorist group Hamas.

Sarsour either never read the article she cited, or she sees no reason to bring up these inconvenient facts.

Sarsour has long been accused of being an anti-Semite herself. Her blatant support of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement, as well as other incendiary comments certainly point this way.

Yet, Sarsour deflects these accusations as nothing more than a defamation campaign against her. “I was anti-Semitic because I advocated for the human rights of Palestinians,” she writes.

This is laughable considering her history of engaging in bigotry against Jews. Here are just a few examples. In the past, Sarsour has

  • Claimed “Israel is built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everyone else”
  • Playfully joked with anti-Semitic, Hezbollah supporter, Abbas Hamideh about the Jewish people’s connection to Israel

(full article online)

Don't forget that the Clarion Project is an Israeli propaganda organization.

Weren't you the one claiming this was a lame excuse,
for having nothing to refute the facts.
Israel rocks, dude.

Palestine In-depth: Why is Israel Afraid of Khalida Jarrar?

Q. Did the leader of these,
really expect life without arrest, to say the least?


You're too funny. You think like an Israeli. :cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo:

That is 2003, You need to keep up.

Of course suicide marches are "funny",
how would I think otherwise.

The one above in Bitzeit, is 5 months ago.
But let's play surprised and talk some rubbish about kitten nurseries.
Israel rocks, dude.

Palestine In-depth: Why is Israel Afraid of Khalida Jarrar?

Q. Did the leader of these,
really expect life without arrest, to say the least?


You're too funny. You think like an Israeli. :cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo:

That is 2003, You need to keep up.

Of course suicide marches are "funny",
how would I think otherwise.

The one above in Bitzeit, is 5 months ago.
But let's play surprised and talk some rubbish about kitten nurseries.

The Islamic terrorist interpretation of comedy includes songs about attacking Israel.

I suppose one could find a sense of humor in the beat down taken by the Islamic terrorists in 2014. It’s all fun and games in islam’istan until the retaliation starts.

“Strike Tel Aviv... terrify the Zionist” is actor's ringtone in PA TV comedy

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 5, 2020

  • Song was part of Hamas propaganda during 2014 Gaza War
  • Song was played at PA rally in 2013
It really is interesting to see (at least outwardly), the changing dynamic of the relationship between the KSA and Israel. The KSA has good reasons to align more with Israel as Hamas becomes something of a Hezbollah wannabe under the burqa of Shia Islamism.

JERUSALEM — A television series aired by a Saudi broadcaster during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan has sparked controversy by offering a positive depiction of a Jewish community in the Gulf at the time of Israel's creation.

n this video, I (along with Mrs. Elder) fisk a two minute clip of Linda Sarsour, showing exactly how she uses propaganda methods to libel Israel (along with old fashioned lying.)

Framing a discussion is a major way to keep people from even thinking of bringing up facts you don't want to talk about, and Sarsour is good at it. I show how and when she does it.

The complete interview.


n this video, I (along with Mrs. Elder) fisk a two minute clip of Linda Sarsour, showing exactly how she uses propaganda methods to libel Israel (along with old fashioned lying.)

Framing a discussion is a major way to keep people from even thinking of bringing up facts you don't want to talk about, and Sarsour is good at it. I show how and when she does it.

This guy is a hoot. Lies and misrepresentations.

n this video, I (along with Mrs. Elder) fisk a two minute clip of Linda Sarsour, showing exactly how she uses propaganda methods to libel Israel (along with old fashioned lying.)

Framing a discussion is a major way to keep people from even thinking of bringing up facts you don't want to talk about, and Sarsour is good at it. I show how and when she does it.

This guy is a hoot. Lies and misrepresentations.

I'm afraid we're left, as usual, with another of your unsupported claims.
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